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Last active May 28, 2022 20:03
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A script to generate AutoKey configuration files that enable a new layer on your keyboard
# This Ruby script generates a config for the AutoKey Linux app.
# The config adds another layer to your keyboard.
# First, choose a modifier key that will activate the layer:
primary_modifier = 'super'
# Then outline which keys will do which actions.
# On the left is the desired action, on the right is the hotkey
# that activates the action. For example, if your modifier is
# the the Super key, then "left: :j" means that when you press
# "Super+J", "Left" will be triggered.
key_pairs = {
left: :j,
right: :l,
up: :i,
down: :k,
backspace: :e,
tab: :s,
enter: :f,
escape: :d,
insert: :w,
delete: :r,
home: :u,
end: :o,
page_up: :y,
page_down: :h
# If you want additional modifiers to be available on the
# new layer, list them here.
# For example, if you have "super" as your primary modifier
# and ['ctrl', 'shift', 'alt'] as secondary modifiers,
# then the following modifier combinations will be configured
# for each hotkey:
# Super
# Super+Ctrl
# Super+Shift
# Super+Alt
# Super+Ctrl+Shift
# Super+Ctrl+Alt
# Super+Shift+Alt
# Super+Ctrl+Shift+Alt
# If you want no secondary modifiers, set this to [].
secondary_modifiers = ['ctrl', 'shift', 'alt']
# Set the directory to generate AutoKey configuration in:
directory = '~/.config/autokey/data/Keymap'
# Below are the templates to generate config files from.
# Don't edit them unless you're familiar with AutoKey's guts.
template = 'keyboard.send_keys("%{combination}")'
config = {
usageCount: 0,
omitTrigger: false,
prompt: false,
abbreviation: {
wordChars: "[\\w]",
abbreviations: [],
immediate: false,
ignoreCase: false,
backspace: true,
triggerInside: false
hotkey: {},
modes: [
showInTrayMenu: false,
filter: {
regex: nil,
isRecursive: false
type: "script",
store: {}
# End of configuration
require 'fileutils'
require 'json'
# Some reusable methods
class Array
# Returns an array of all unique variations
# of the given array.
def combinations
(0 .. self.length).flat_map do |size|
# Adds a value to current array,
# either to the beginning or end of it.
# Returns a new array, does not modify given array.
def add_to_copy(item, to_beginning = false)
if to_beginning
[item] + self
self.dup << item
class String
def wrap_with_chevrons
class Symbol
def wrap_with_chevrons
# Preparing the directory
directory = File.expand_path directory
FileUtils.mkdir_p directory
# Iterating through all key pairs
key_pairs.each do |desired_key, hotkey|
# For each key pair, iterating through all possible modifier combinations
secondary_modifiers.combinations.each do |combination|
### Python script
# Preparing combination name (used in config filenames)
combination_name = combination
.add_to_copy(desired_key.to_s.capitalize, true)
# Preparing the filename for the Python script
script_filename = File.expand_path "#{combination_name}.py", directory
# Preparing desired key combination string (used in the contents of the Python script)
desired_combination_string = combination
# Preparing the contents of the Python script
script_body = template % {combination: desired_combination_string}
# Writing the Python script to disk script_filename, 'w' do |file|
file.write script_body
### JSON config
# Preparing the JSON config filename
config_filename = File.expand_path ".#{combination_name}.json", directory
# Preparing the JSON config object (used for JSON config body)
config_object = config.dup.tap do |config|
config[:description] = combination_name
config[:hotkey][:hotKey] = hotkey.to_s
config[:hotkey][:modifiers] = combination
# Preparing the JSON config body
config_body = JSON.pretty_generate config_object
# Writing the JSON config to disk config_filename, 'w' do |file|
file.write config_body
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