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Created September 14, 2020 06:43
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Number.prototype.pad = function (size) {
var s = String(this);
while (s.length < (size || 2)) {
s = "0" + s;
return s;
function run() {['name', 'address1', 'address2', 'zip', 'city', 'country', 'articles', 'buyDateString', 'payDateString', 'rnr', 'shipping', 'invoiceFileDate'], (result) => {
const {name, address1, address2, zip, city, country, articles, buyDateString, payDateString, rnr, shipping, invoiceFileDate} = result;
console.log(name, address1, address2, zip, city, country, articles, buyDateString, payDateString, rnr, shipping, invoiceFileDate)
var doc = new jsPDF();
var pageHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.height || doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight();
var pageWidth = doc.internal.pageSize.width || doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
let current = 30
const writeLine = (text) => {
doc.text(20, current, text);
current += 4
writeLine("Laura & Laurent Meyer, L&L Meyer GbR, Stiftsbogen 64, 81375 München")
if (address2 && address2.length) {
writeLine(`${zip} ${city}`)
current += 10
doc.text(pageWidth - 20, current, `Rechnungsdatum\n${buyDateString}`, {align: 'right'})
current += 10
let newRnr = rnr.pad(5);
doc.text(20, current, `Rechnung #${newRnr}`)
current += 15
doc.text(20, current, 'Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung. Anbei finden Sie die Rechnungsaufstellung.')
let total = 0;
current += 10
let articlesRow =, i) => {
let quantity = parseInt(e[0])
let price = parseFloat(e[3].replace('EUR ', '').replace(',', '.'))
let pos = (i + 1).toString();
let desc = `${e[2].replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ')}\nArtikel Nr.${e[1]}`;
let quantityS = quantity.toString();
total += price * quantity
return [pos, desc, quantityS, price.toString(), (price * quantity).toString()]
let shippingRow = [(articles.length + 1).toString(), 'Versand', '1', shipping.toFixed(2), shipping.toFixed(2)];
let zwischensumme = ["", "", "", "Summe Netto", total.toFixed(2)];
let mwst = ["", "", "", "MwSt 0%*", 0.0.toFixed(2)];
let brutto = ["", "", "", "Gesammtbetrag Brutto", total.toFixed(2)];
let zahlung = ["", `Zahlung von ${payDateString}`, "", "", total.toFixed(2)];
let offen = ["", `offener Betrag`, "", "", 0.00.toFixed(2)];
head: [['Pos.', 'Bezeichnung', 'Menge', 'Einzel (€)', 'Gesamt (€)']],
body: articlesRow.concat([shippingRow], [zwischensumme], [mwst], [brutto], [zahlung], [offen]),
startY: current,
current = doc.lastAutoTable.finalY + 10;
doc.text(20, current, 'Wir hoffen, Ihnen gefällt Ihr T-Shirt und Sie bestellen bald wieder in unserem ebay Shop munichcoolshirts.')
current += 10
doc.text(20, current, 'Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie uns gerne eine Bewertung auf ebay hinterlassen. Wir würden uns freuen.')
current += 10
doc.text(20, current, 'Liebe Grüße,')
current += 5
doc.text(20, current, 'Ihr munichcoolshirts-Team')
current += 30
doc.text(20, current, '*Dieser Rechnungsbetrag enthält nach §19 Abs. 1 UStG keine USt.')`${invoiceFileDate} Rechnung ${newRnr}`);
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