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Created May 30, 2017 02:27
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Process.NET.Marshaling
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "StaticMemberInGenericType")]
public static class MarshalCache<T>
public unsafe delegate void* GetUnsafePtrDelegate(ref T value);
/// <summary> The size of the Type </summary>
public static int Size;
/// <summary> The real, underlying type. </summary>
public static Type RealType;
/// <summary> The type code </summary>
public static TypeCode TypeCode;
/// <summary> True if this type requires the Marshaler to map variables. (No direct pointer dereferencing) </summary>
public static bool TypeRequiresMarshal;
public static readonly GetUnsafePtrDelegate GetUnsafePtr;
static MarshalCache()
TypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(typeof (T));
// Bools = 1 char.
if (typeof (T) == typeof (bool))
Size = 1;
RealType = typeof (T);
else if (typeof (T).IsEnum)
var underlying = typeof (T).GetEnumUnderlyingType();
Size = GetSizeOf(underlying);
RealType = underlying;
TypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(underlying);
Size = GetSizeOf(typeof (T));
RealType = typeof (T);
// Basically, if any members of the type have a MarshalAs attrib, then we can't just pointer deref. :(
// This literally means any kind of MarshalAs. Strings, arrays, custom type sizes, etc.
// Ideally, we want to avoid the Marshaler as much as possible. It causes a lot of overhead, and for a memory reading
// lib where we need the best speed possible, we do things manually when possible!
TypeRequiresMarshal = RequiresMarshal(RealType);
//Debug.WriteLine("Type " + typeof(T).Name + " requires marshaling: " + TypeRequiresMarshal);
// Generate a method to get the address of a generic type. We'll be using this for RtlMoveMemory later for much faster structure reads.
var method = new DynamicMethod($"GetPinnedPtr<{typeof (T).FullName.Replace(".", "<>")}>",
typeof (void*),
new[] {typeof (T).MakeByRefType()},
typeof (MarshalCache<>).Module);
var generator = method.GetILGenerator();
GetUnsafePtr = (GetUnsafePtrDelegate) method.CreateDelegate(typeof (GetUnsafePtrDelegate));
private static int GetSizeOf(Type t)
// Note: This is in a try/catch for a reason.
// A structure doesn't have to be marked as generic, to have generic types INSIDE of it.
// Marshal.SizeOf will toss an exception when it can't find a size due to a generic type inside it.
// Also... this just makes sure we can handle any other shenanigans the marshaler does.
return Marshal.SizeOf(t);
// So, chances are, we're using generic sub-types.
// This is a good, and bad thing.
// Good for STL implementations, bad for most everything else.
// But for the sake of completeness, lets make this work.
var totalSize = 0;
foreach (var field in t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
// Check if its a fixed-size-buffer. Eg; fixed byte Pad[50];
var attr = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (FixedBufferAttribute), false);
if (attr.Length > 0)
var fba = attr[0] as FixedBufferAttribute;
totalSize += GetSizeOf(fba.ElementType)*fba.Length;
// Recursive. We want to allow ourselves to dive back into this function if we need to!
totalSize += GetSizeOf(field.FieldType);
return totalSize;
private static bool RequiresMarshal(Type t)
foreach (var fieldInfo in t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
var requires = fieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (MarshalAsAttribute), true).Any();
if (requires)
Debug.WriteLine(fieldInfo.FieldType.Name + " requires marshaling.");
return true;
// Nope
if (t == typeof (IntPtr) || t == typeof (string))
// If it's a custom object, then check it separately for marshaling requirements.
if (Type.GetTypeCode(t) == TypeCode.Object)
requires |= RequiresMarshal(fieldInfo.FieldType);
// if anything requires a marshal, period, no matter where/what it is.
// just return true. Hop out of this func as early as possible.
if (requires)
Debug.WriteLine(fieldInfo.FieldType.Name + " requires marshaling.");
return true;
return false;
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