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import java.io.FileDescriptor; | |
import java.io.FileOutputStream; | |
import java.io.IOException; | |
import java.io.OutputStream; | |
import java.io.PrintStream; | |
public class HelloWorld{ | |
private static HelloWorld instance; | |
public static void main(String[] args){ | |
instantiateHelloWorldMainClassAndRun(); | |
} | |
public static void instantiateHelloWorldMainClassAndRun(){ | |
instance = new HelloWorld(); | |
} | |
public HelloWorld(){ | |
HelloWorldFactory factory = HelloWorldFactory.getInstance(); | |
IHelloWorld helloWorld = factory.createHelloWorld(); | |
IHelloWorldString helloWorldString = helloWorld.getHelloWorld(); | |
IPrintStrategy printStrategy = helloWorld.getPrintStrategy(); | |
IStatusCode code = helloWorld.print(printStrategy, helloWorldString); | |
if(code.getStatusCode() != 0){ | |
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to print: " + code.getStatusCode()); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
class StringFactory{ | |
private static StringFactory instance = new StringFactory(); | |
public static StringFactory getInstance(){ | |
return instance; | |
} | |
public HelloWorldString createHelloWorldString(String str){ | |
HelloWorldString s = new HelloWorldString(); | |
s.s = str; | |
return s; | |
} | |
} | |
class PrintStrategyFactory{ | |
private static PrintStrategyFactory instance = new PrintStrategyFactory(); | |
public static PrintStrategyFactory getInstance(){ | |
return instance; | |
} | |
public IPrintStrategy createIPrintStrategy(){ | |
IPrintStrategy printStrategy = new PrintStrategyImplementation(); | |
IStatusCode code = printStrategy.setupPrinting(); | |
if(code.getStatusCode() != 0){ | |
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create IPrintStrategy: " + code.getStatusCode()); | |
} | |
return printStrategy; | |
} | |
} | |
class PrintStrategyImplementation implements IPrintStrategy{ | |
private OutputStream print; | |
public IStatusCode setupPrinting() { | |
try{ | |
FileDescriptor descriptor = FileDescriptor.out; | |
print = new FileOutputStream(descriptor); | |
return new StatusCodeImplementation(0); | |
} | |
catch(Exception e){ | |
return new StatusCodeImplementation(-1); | |
} | |
} | |
public IStatusCode print(IHelloWorldString string) { | |
try{ | |
print.write(string.getHelloWorldString().getHelloWorldString().concat("\n").getBytes("UTF-8")); | |
return new StatusCodeImplementation(0); | |
} | |
catch(Exception e){ | |
return new StatusCodeImplementation(-1); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
class StatusCodeImplementation implements IStatusCode{ | |
private int code; | |
public StatusCodeImplementation(int code){ | |
this.code = code; | |
} | |
public int getStatusCode() { | |
return code; | |
} | |
} | |
class HelloWorldString{ | |
String s; | |
public String getHelloWorldString(){ | |
return s; | |
} | |
} | |
class HelloWorldStringImplementation implements IHelloWorldString{ | |
public HelloWorldString getHelloWorldString(){ | |
StringFactory factory = StringFactory.getInstance(); | |
HelloWorldString s = factory.createHelloWorldString("Hello, World!"); | |
return s; | |
} | |
} | |
class HelloWorldFactory{ | |
private static HelloWorldFactory instance = new HelloWorldFactory(); | |
public static HelloWorldFactory getInstance(){ | |
return instance; | |
} | |
public IHelloWorld createHelloWorld(){ | |
IHelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorldImplementation(); | |
return helloWorld; | |
} | |
} | |
class HelloWorldImplementation implements IHelloWorld{ | |
public IHelloWorldString getHelloWorld() { | |
IHelloWorldString string = new HelloWorldStringImplementation(); | |
return string; | |
} | |
public IPrintStrategy getPrintStrategy() { | |
PrintStrategyFactory factory = PrintStrategyFactory.getInstance(); | |
return factory.createIPrintStrategy(); | |
} | |
public IStatusCode print(IPrintStrategy strategy, IHelloWorldString toPrint) { | |
IStatusCode code = strategy.print(toPrint); | |
return code; | |
} | |
} | |
interface IHelloWorldString{ | |
public HelloWorldString getHelloWorldString(); | |
} | |
interface IHelloWorld{ | |
public IHelloWorldString getHelloWorld(); | |
public IPrintStrategy getPrintStrategy(); | |
public IStatusCode print(IPrintStrategy strategy, IHelloWorldString toPrint); | |
} | |
interface IStatusCode{ | |
public int getStatusCode(); | |
} | |
interface IPrintStrategy{ | |
public IStatusCode setupPrinting(); | |
public IStatusCode print(IHelloWorldString string); | |
} |
Line 71, among others, exceeds 80 characters. This is terrible for legacy reasons. CPU cycles to wrap lines aren't free, and neither is training to enable that.
Sheesh. If you're happy with code that doesn't abstract StringFactory
into an interface then please feel free to send this to production as is. But my product manager is gonna go insane if we want to swap it out for another kind of string factory for reasons. I heard that GoodbyeWorld()
is in the offing for quarter 3 and we're going to want to reuse as much of the existing codebase as possible so maybe you might want to think about that?
no scalability
why are there no comments?? why is the formatting so weird? also this is obviously performance critical code that should be written in assembly! also how do you expect a 200 line program to run and ship on hundreds of platforms? literally unusable!
No i18n support???
hahaha sorry
Lol in terms of “enterprise good practice” for local variables in functions/methods that are not meant to be reassigned you should be using the “final” keyword. Same for function/method Paramus that are not meant to be reassigned, use the “final” keyword.
Otherwise the checkstyle PRB might get made at you :p
Also does this repo have required checkstyle PRB, spotbugs PRB, and unit test with jacoco code coversge enforcement PRB required to pass to allow merges along with at least one approval by someone else? If not tsk tsk…
(btw I know this is a funny joke repo on enterprise app over-engineering but I’m just playing along).
Now, what if the format of the output is not structured? do we need an LLM and StructuredOutputParser? then make sure to deploy it on the Edge!
Unfortunately this is not event driven. Please refactor. 😉
Needs documentation
in 2025 still no docs
code needs comments