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cwoolum /
Last active June 5, 2023 12:11
AKS Cluster with Managed Identity and an ACR
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
name = "example-resources"
location = "West US 2"
data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {
resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "example" {
name = "example-aks1"
soulmachine /
Last active June 21, 2024 14:09
How to deal with JWT expiration?

First of all, please note that token expiration and revoking are two different things.

  1. Expiration only happens for web apps, not for native mobile apps, because native apps never expire.
  2. Revoking only happens when (1) uses click the logout button on the website or native Apps;(2) users reset their passwords; (3) users revoke their tokens explicitly in the administration panel.

1. How to hadle JWT expiration

A JWT token that never expires is dangerous if the token is stolen then someone can always access the user's data.

Quoted from JWT RFC:

sorenlouv / determine-changed-props.js
Last active April 18, 2024 16:21
Determine which props causes React components to re-render
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export default function withPropsChecker(WrappedComponent) {
return class PropsChecker extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
.filter(key => {
return nextProps[key] !== this.props[key];
.map(key => {
emilioriosvz / rabbitasyncawait.js
Created September 7, 2017 12:04
rabbitmq async await
var amqp = require('amqplib')
var open = require('amqplib').connect('amqp://localhost');
const connect = (url = 'amqp://localhost') => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(conn => resolve(conn))
.catch(err => reject(err))
stmn / slug.function.php
Last active May 23, 2017 14:08
Functions to generate slug text pulled from Kohana Framework [*]. Many other solutions in whole web sucks for me but this always worked.
function slug($title, $separator = '-', $ascii_only = FALSE)
if ($ascii_only === TRUE)
// Transliterate non-ASCII characters
$title = _transliterate_to_ascii($title);
// Remove all characters that are not the separator, a-z, 0-9, or whitespace
$title = preg_replace('![^'.preg_quote($separator).'a-z0-9\s]+!', '', strtolower($title));
zcaceres /
Last active July 13, 2024 13:46
using Include in sequelize

'Include' in Sequelize: The One Confusing Query That You Should Memorize

When querying your database in Sequelize, you'll often want data associated with a particular model which isn't in the model's table directly. This data is usually typically associated through join tables (e.g. a 'hasMany' or 'belongsToMany' association), or a foreign key (e.g. a 'hasOne' or 'belongsTo' association).

When you query, you'll receive just the rows you've looked for. With eager loading, you'll also get any associated data. For some reason, I can never remember the proper way to do eager loading when writing my Sequelize queries. I've seen others struggle with the same thing.

Eager loading is confusing because the 'include' that is uses has unfamiliar fields is set in an array rather than just an object.

So let's go through the one query that's worth memorizing to handle your eager loading.

The Basic Query

devdrops /
Last active July 5, 2024 12:43
Mysqldump from Docker container

Mysqldump from Docker container

docker exec -i mysql_container mysqldump -uroot -proot --databases database_name --skip-comments > /path/to/my/dump.sql


  • This will generate a dump.sql file in your host machine. Awesome, eh?
  • Avoid using --compact on your dump. This will make MySQL check your constraints which will cause troubles when reading your file (damm you MySQL). And don't use --force to fix this scenario: recreate your dump without --compact ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Bobz-zg / main.js
Last active May 15, 2022 03:52
Filter WordPress posts by custom taxonomy term with AJAX - Javscript
(function($) {
$doc = $(document);
$doc.ready( function() {
* Retrieve posts
function get_posts($params) {
Bobz-zg / functions.php
Last active January 17, 2023 20:30
Filter WordPress posts by custom taxonomy term with AJAX
* AJAC filter posts by taxonomy term
function vb_filter_posts() {
if( !isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) || !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['nonce'], 'bobz' ) )
die('Permission denied');
NotWoods / split.js
Last active December 1, 2022 04:10
Node.js - Break up a stream and reassemble it so that each line is a chunk.
const stream = require("stream");
/** Simplified version of split() on npm. */
const split = new stream.Transform({
* @param {Buffer | string} chunk is the data from the Readable Stream.
* @param {string} encoding is the file encoding, but isn't used here.
* @param {() => void} next is a callback function called when you finish working
* with this chunk.