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Last active December 10, 2015 21:38
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Save lonelydimple/4496108 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Call rtitem.AppendText( "To: " + PRdoc.obligee(0) )
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AppendText( "Re: " + PRdoc.bondNumber(0))
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
theMsgDatePart = ""
If PRdoc.IssuedDt2(0) <> "" Then theMsgDatePart = "on "+ PRdoc.IssuedDt2(0)
Call rtitem.AppendText( "The above bond was issued "+ theMsgDatePart +" covering:")
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AppendText(PRdoc.Description(0))
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AppendText( "Please provide us with")
Call rtitem.AppendText( " the requested information regarding the status of the contract." )
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AppendText( "Please respond at the Merchants Bonding website at ... ")
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AppendText( ""+PRdoc.AccessNumber(0)+"?OpenDocument")
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AddTab(7)
Call rtitem.AppendText( "Yours very truly," )
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AddTab(7)
Call rtitem.AppendText(PRdoc.underwriter(0))
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
Call rtitem.AppendText( "Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) hereby releases the architect or")
Call rtitem.AppendText( " engineer supplying the information contained on this form from any and")
Call rtitem.AppendText( " all liability what so ever which might in any way result from the " )
Call rtitem.AppendText( " accuracy or inaccuracy of the information requested and" )
Call rtitem.AppendText( " supplied by this form." )
Call rtitem.AddNewLine(2)
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