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Last active April 12, 2024 18:52
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package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
s := InitializeServices() // Inject *sql.DB here
s.CreateAuthor(0, "name", "") // Example http/grpc/graphql endpoints
s.CreatePost(1, 0, "title", "body")
func InitializeServices() *Server {
ar := NewAuthorRepository() // Create repositories, inject *sql.DB here
pr := NewBlogPostRepository()
us := NewUserService(ar) // Inject repositories into services
bs := NewBloggingService(ar, pr)
return New(us, bs) // Inject services into and return *Server
// Server
// package server
type Server struct {
usvc UserService
bsvc BloggingService
func New(usvc UserService, bsvc BloggingService) *Server {
return &Server{
usvc: usvc,
bsvc: bsvc,
func (s *Server) CreateAuthor(id int, name, email string) { // Create an Author
s.usvc.CreateAuthor(id, name, email)
fmt.Println("Saved Author:", id, name, email)
func (s *Server) CreatePost(id, authorid int, title, body string) { // Create a BlogPost
s.bsvc.CreatePost(id, authorid, title, body)
fmt.Println("Saved Post:", id, authorid, title, body)
func (s *Server) Publish(id int) { // Publish BlogPost
fmt.Println("Published post:", id)
func (s *Server) FindPost(id int) { // Finds a complete blog post with authors name
post := s.bsvc.FindPost(id)
fmt.Println("Found Post:", post)
// UserService
// package users
type UserService interface {
CreateAuthor(id int, name, email string)
type authorRepository interface {
Find(id int) *Author
Save(a *Author)
type userService struct {
ar authorRepository
func NewUserService(ar authorRepository) *userService {
return &userService{
ar: ar,
func (s *userService) CreateAuthor(id int, name, email string) {
author := CreateAuthor(id, name, email)
// BloggingService
// package blogging
type BloggingService interface {
CreatePost(id, authorid int, title, body string)
Publish(id int)
FindPost(id int) *BlogPostRead
// Redeclare this in your BloggingService package
//type authorRepository interface {
// Find(id int) *Author
// Save(a *Author)
type blogPostRepository interface {
Find(id int) *BlogPost
Save(b *BlogPost)
type bloggingService struct {
ar authorRepository
pr blogPostRepository
func NewBloggingService(ar authorRepository, pr blogPostRepository) *bloggingService {
return &bloggingService{
ar: ar,
pr: pr,
func (s *bloggingService) CreatePost(id, authorid int, title, body string) {
post := CreateBlogPost(id, authorid, title, body)
func (s *bloggingService) Publish(id int) {
post :=
func (s *bloggingService) FindPost(id int) *BlogPostRead {
post :=
author := // You could also call an external service here to get this information
return &BlogPostRead{
BlogPostID: post.BlogPostID,
AuthorName: author.Name,
Title: post.Title,
Body: post.Body,
Published: post.Published,
type BlogPostRead struct { // BlogPost read model
BlogPostID int
AuthorName string
Title string
Body string
Published bool
// Core domain & business logic
// package
type Author struct {
AuthorID int
Name string
Email string
func CreateAuthor(id int, name, email string) *Author {
return &Author{
AuthorID: id,
Name: name,
Email: email,
type BlogPost struct {
BlogPostID int
AuthorID int
Title string
Body string
Published bool
func CreateBlogPost(id, authorid int, title, body string) *BlogPost {
return &BlogPost{
BlogPostID: id,
AuthorID: authorid,
Title: title,
Body: body,
Published: false,
func (b *BlogPost) Publish() {
b.Published = true
// AuthorRepository
// package
type AuthorRepository struct {
author map[int]*Author
func NewAuthorRepository() *AuthorRepository {
return &AuthorRepository{author: make(map[int]*Author)}
func (r *AuthorRepository) Find(id int) *Author {
func (r *AuthorRepository) Save(a *Author) {[a.AuthorID] = a
// BlogPostRepository
// package
type BlogPostRepository struct {
post map[int]*BlogPost
func NewBlogPostRepository() *BlogPostRepository {
return &BlogPostRepository{post: make(map[int]*BlogPost)}
func (r *BlogPostRepository) Find(id int) *BlogPost {
func (r *BlogPostRepository) Save(b *BlogPost) {[b.BlogPostID] = b
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