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Last active March 27, 2016 12:08
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// Main idea is to choose two privot elements(lesser pviot and greater pivot) and then divide array in 3 parts:
// 1 part - elements < lesser pviot
// 2 part - elements > lesser pviot && elements < greater pivot
// 3 part - elements > greater pivot
// and then recursievly sort these parts
extension MutableCollectionType where Self.Generator.Element: Comparable, Self.Index: RandomAccessIndexType {
mutating func swap(src src: Self.Index, dest: Self.Index) {
let tmp = self[dest]
self[dest] = self[src]
self[src] = tmp
mutating func quicksort() {
if self.count < 2 {
quicksort(lo: startIndex, hi: endIndex.advancedBy(-1))
private mutating func quicksort(lo lo: Self.Index, hi: Self.Index) {
if (lo >= hi) {
let (lesserPivot, greaterPivot) = partition(lo: lo, hi: hi)
quicksort(lo: lo, hi: lesserPivot.advancedBy(-1)) // sort part which < than lesser pivot
quicksort(lo: lesserPivot.advancedBy(1), hi: greaterPivot.advancedBy(-1)) // part which > lesser pivot && < great pivot
quicksort(lo: greaterPivot.advancedBy(1), hi: hi) // sort part which > than greater pivot
private mutating func partition(lo lo: Self.Index, hi: Self.Index) -> (Self.Index, Self.Index) {
if self[hi] < self[lo] {
swap(src: hi, dest: lo)
var start = lo.advancedBy(1)
var l = start
var end = hi.advancedBy(-1)
while start <= end {
if self[start] < self[lo] { // move elements < lesser pivot to start of the collection
swap(src: start, dest: l)
l = l.advancedBy(1)
} else if self[start] > self[hi] { // move elements > greater pivot to end of the collection
if start < end && self[end] > self[hi] { //skip elements > greater pivot
end = end.advancedBy(-1)
swap(src: start, dest: end)
end = end.advancedBy(-1)
if self[start] < self[lo] { // if new elemets appears < lesser pivot move it accordingly
swap(src: start, dest: l)
l = l.advancedBy(1)
start = start.advancedBy(1)
swap(src: lo, dest: l.advancedBy(-1)) // move lesser pivot element just after last element that < lesser pivot
swap(src: hi, dest: end.advancedBy(1)) // move greater pivot element just before first element that > greater pivot
return (lo: l.advancedBy(-1), hi: end.advancedBy(1)) // return new pivots position
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