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Created July 26, 2012 08:14
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PCFG unfold in Mathematica
TerminalQ[x_] := MemberQ[{a, b, c, d}, x];
Rules = {S -> {{{X, Y}, 1}, {{X, X, Y}, 5}},
X -> {{{a}, 1/2}, {{b}, 1/2}}, Y -> {{{c}, 1/3}, {{d}, 2/3}}};
PCFGUnfold[sym_, Rules_, TerminalQ_] :=
{{{sym}, 1}},
Block[{lookup, rules, probabilities},
(*for some reason,I can't specify the last two in the {} above*)
lookup = sym /. Rules;
rules = #[[1]] & /@ lookup;
probabilities =
Normalize[#[[2]] & /@ lookup,
Total];(*divide pcfg weights by their Total*)Join @@ MapThread[
(*a production is a list whose first element is a sequence of \
symbols and whose second element is a probability*)
Function[{production, prob},
Block[(*subprods is a list of productions,
one for each symbol in prod*){subProds =
PCFGUnfold[#, Rules, TerminalQ] & /@ production},
List @@ (First /@ prod),
prob*Times @@ (#[[2]] & /@ prod)]],
{rules, probabilities}]
PCFGUnfold[S, Rules, TerminalQ]
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