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Last active May 16, 2024 18:58
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Backing up with rclone in individually complete tar files


tar full directories and back up with rclone.

  • This script improves the speed to regular rclone for backing up a directory, as a usual directory can contain many small files (talking about you, node_modules).
  • To ensure that each individual tar archive can be extracted, without the need to download all of the archives, this script incrementally adds directories to a tar archive until a given size is reached. A txt file is given for each tar file about the folders in that tar file.
  • Finally, the created tar files are uploaded to a given directory. The user can specify an upper bound on the number of version that are backed up. Each version is uploaded with its UNIX timestamp, and the oldest versions on the remote are deleted.
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import platform
import shutil
import time
def du(path):
"""Returns the size of the folder in bytes. Behavior of du command is different on different platforms.
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
return int(subprocess.check_output(['du','-sk', path]).split()[0].decode('utf-8')) * 1024
raise NotImplementedError
def make_archives(
source: str | Path,
folder_size_threshold_gb: float,
temporary_folder: str | Path,
use_absolute_paths_in_archive: bool = False,
compress: bool = True,
"""Main function to run the backup process.
source (str | Path): Source folder to be backed up. Backs up "source/*" to "destination/*".
folder_size_threshold_gb (float): Threshold for the size of the folder to be backed up. Folders are incrementally added to the tar file until the size exceeds this threshold.
temporary_folder (str | Path): Temporary folder to store the tar files before uploading to the destination. Needs not to be a subdirectory of source.
use_absolute_paths_in_archive (bool, optional): If True, uses absolute paths in the tar file. Defaults to False.
compress (bool, optional): If True, compresses the tar file using gzip. Defaults to True.
source = Path(source)
folder_size_threshold_bytes = folder_size_threshold_gb * (1024 ** 3)
temporary_folder = Path(temporary_folder)
temporary_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Check if temporary folder is a subdirectory of source
if source in temporary_folder.parents:
raise ValueError('Temporary folder cannot be a subdirectory of the source folder.')
# Check if temporary folder only contains what was supposedly previous backup files (i.e. *.txt, *.tar, and *.tar.gz)
for file in temporary_folder.iterdir():
if file.is_file():
if file.suffix in ['.txt', '.tar', '.gz']:
if == '.DS_Store':
raise ValueError(f'{str(file)} might not be a previous backup file. Exiting.')
# Then remove all the files in the temporary folder
temporary_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def _create_archive(folder_index, folder_size, folder_directories):
# Create a tar file for the current folder
if compress:
tar_file = temporary_folder / f'{folder_index}.tar.gz'
tar_file = temporary_folder / f'{folder_index}.tar'
if compress:
if use_absolute_paths_in_archive:
subprocess.check_output(['tar', '-czf', tar_file, *folder_directories])
subprocess.check_output(['tar', '-czf', tar_file, '-C', str(source), *folder_directories])
if use_absolute_paths_in_archive:
subprocess.check_output(['tar', '-cf', tar_file, *folder_directories])
subprocess.check_output(['tar', '-cf', tar_file, '-C', str(source), *folder_directories])
# Write list of folders in this tar file to a text file
with open(tar_file.with_suffix('.txt'), 'w') as f:
print(f'Created tar file {tar_file}. Content size: {folder_size / (1024 ** 3)} GB. Output size: {tar_file.stat().st_size / (1024 ** 3)} GB.')
# Iteratively add folders to the tar file
current_folder_index = 0
current_folder_size = 0
current_folder_directories = []
for folder in source.iterdir():
if use_absolute_paths_in_archive:
folder_name = folder
folder_name =
current_folder_size += du(folder)
if current_folder_size > folder_size_threshold_bytes:
_create_archive(current_folder_index, current_folder_size, current_folder_directories)
# Increment the index
current_folder_index += 1
current_folder_size = 0
current_folder_directories = []
# Create the last tar file
if current_folder_directories:
_create_archive(current_folder_index, current_folder_size, current_folder_directories)
# Print output as executing
def execute(cmd):
with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as p:
for line in p.stdout:
print(line, end='')
def upload_archives(temporary_folder, destination):
"""Uses rclone to upload all the files in the temporary folder to the destination."""
execute(['rclone', 'copy', str(temporary_folder), destination, '--progress'])
def update_archives(temporary_folder, base_destination_folder, number_to_keep):
"""Deletes the oldest archives in the base destination folder to keep only the latest `number_to_keep` archives."""
if not base_destination_folder.endswith('/'):
raise Exception('Base destination folder must end with a slash.')
s = subprocess.check_output(['rclone', 'lsd', base_destination_folder])
folders = [line.split()[-1] for line in s.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if line]
print('Folders in destination base:', *folders)
folders = [int(f) for f in folders]
except ValueError:
raise Exception('Folders in the destination base must be integers.')
if len(folders) > number_to_keep - 1:
folders_to_delete = folders[:-(number_to_keep - 1)]
print('Deleting destination folders:', *folders_to_delete)
for folder in folders_to_delete:
print('rclone', 'purge', base_destination_folder + str(folder) + '/')
execute(['rclone', 'purge', base_destination_folder + str(folder) + '/'])
upload_archives(temporary_folder, base_destination_folder + str(int(time.time())) + '/')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test parameters -- just back up a small folder
source = '/Users/longyuxi/Documents/Duke/'
folder_size_threshold_gb = 0.000001 # Create a new tar file for each subfolder
temporary_folder = '/Users/longyuxi/Downloads/backuptemp/'
base_destination_folder = 'onedrive:backup/mac/test/'
make_archives(source, folder_size_threshold_gb, temporary_folder)
update_archives(temporary_folder, base_destination_folder, 3)
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