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Created June 25, 2016 19:40
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Solution in haskell for the phone list problem from
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a [Tree a] deriving (Show, Eq)
label :: Tree a -> a
label (Node a _) = a
subforest :: Tree Char -> [Tree Char]
subforest (Node _ subforest) = subforest
countLeaves :: Tree Char -> Int
countLeaves t =
if (subforest t) == []
then 1
else sum $ map countLeaves (subforest t)
insertForest :: String -> [Tree Char] -> [Tree Char]
insertForest "" forest = forest
insertForest (d:ds) [] = [Node d (insertForest ds [])]
insertForest number@(d:ds) (t:ts) =
if d == label t
then (Node (label t) (insertForest ds (subforest t))):ts
else t:(insertForest number ts)
insertNumbers :: [String] -> [Tree Char] -> [Tree Char]
insertNumbers [] forest = forest
insertNumbers (n:ns) forest = insertNumbers ns (insertForest n forest)
performTestCase :: IO String
performTestCase = do
numberOfLines <- getLine
numbers <- replicateM (read numberOfLines) getLine
let forest = insertNumbers numbers []
let count = sum $ map countLeaves forest
if count == length numbers then return "YES" else return "NO"
main = do
testCases <- getLine
testResults <- replicateM (read testCases) performTestCase
mapM putStrLn testResults
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