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Created April 22, 2014 02:50
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Save lonnen/11163857 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
reroy hubot plugin for
# Description:
# rerun a leeroy job
# Configuration:
# Commands:
# hubot rerun <project> <pull-request-#>
# hubot reroy <project> <pull-request-#>
# Author:
# lonnen
module.exports = (robot) ->
leeroy_server = process.env.LEEROY_SERVER
robot.respond /rer(?:un|oy) (\w+) (\d+)/i, (msg) ->
unless leeroy_server
msg.send "Please set the LEEROY_SERVER environment variable."
project = msg.match[1]
pull = msg.match[2]
full_name = "mozilla/#{ project }"
pullRequestURL = "{ full_name }/pulls/#{ pull }"
console.log pullRequestURL
robot.http("{ full_name }/pulls/#{ pull }")
.get() (err, res, body) ->
parsed = JSON.parse body
if err
console.log err
msg.send "There was a problem. Sorry"
if res.headers["X-RateLimit-Remaining"] is "0"
msg.send "Rate limited exceeded. Try again later."
if parsed.message is "Not Found"
msg.send "Couldn't find that project/pull request combo."
if parsed.merged
msg.send "That PR was already merged by #{ parsed.merged_by.login }"
if parsed.state is "closed"
msg.send "That PR was closed without merging."
robot.http(leeroy_server + "/notification/github")
.header('content-type', 'application/json')
"type": "SimulatedPullRequestEvent",
"action": "synchronize",
"pull_request": {
"number": pull,
"html_url": pullRequestURL,
"base": {
"repo": {
"full_name": full_name
"head": {
"repo": {
"full_name": parsed.head.repo.full_name
"sha": parsed.head.sha
})) (err, res, body) ->
if err
console.log err
msg.send "There was a problem. Sorry"
msg.send "Restarted -- #{ pullRequestURL }"
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