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lonniev / JiraServiceDeskCustomersAsJson.ipynb
Last active June 30, 2023 15:16
Extract from Jira Service Desk a complete set of Customer Names and Emails in JSON format
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lonniev / GremlinGroovyRequirementsReposSizesQuery.groovy
Last active September 22, 2022 17:59
Perform a Gremlin Query that asks Syndeia for all known and online Repositories which hold any kind of Requirement and then retrieve the current count of artifacts within the projects of that repository and rank order the resulting set
g.V().has( 'ArtifactType', 'sLabel', 'ArtifactType' )
.match( 'at' ).has( 'name' ).filter{ it.get().value('name') ==~ /(?i).*?requirement.*/ }, 'at' ).out( 'ownedBy' ).as( 'or' ), 'or' ).in( 'ownedBy' ).hasLabel( 'Container' ).as( 'c' ), 'or' ).has( 'externalId' ).filter{
it.get().value( 'externalId' ).contains( 'http' ) }.filter{
{ u -> try { headRequest = new URL( u ).openConnection(); headRequest.setConnectTimeout( 1000 ); headRequest.setRequestMethod( "HEAD" ); return headRequest.getResponseCode() in [ 200, 401 ] } catch (e) { return false } }( it.get().value( 'externalId' ) ) }, 'or' ).out( 'hasType' ).as( 'rt' )
lonniev / GremlinGroovyRequirementLikeWithSysML.groovy
Created September 2, 2022 21:26
Perform a Gremlin Query that finds Artifacts in the graph g of requirement-like type that are within DNG Repositories and have a thread to a SysML Requirement
g.V().match( 'dngRepoType' ).has( 'RepositoryType', 'name', 'DOORS-NG Repository Type' ), 'dngRepoType' ).in( 'hasType' ).hasLabel( 'Repository' ).as( 'dngRepo' ), 'dngRepo' ).in( 'ownedBy' ).hasLabel( 'ArtifactType' )
.filter{ it.get().value('name') ==~ /(?i).*?requirement.*/ }.as( 'dngReqType' ), 'dngReqType' ).in( 'hasType' ).hasLabel( 'Artifact' ).as( 'dng' ), 'dng' ).both( 'Relation' ).hasLabel( 'Artifact' ).has( 'type' ).as( 'sysML' ), 'sysML' ).out( 'hasType' ).hasLabel( 'ArtifactType' )
.filter{ it.get().value('name') ==~ /(?i).*?requirement.*/ }.as( 'sysMLtype' ), 'sysMLtype' ).out( 'ownedBy' ).as( 'sysMLrepo' ),
lonniev / GremlinGroovyCountOfTypesInThread.groovy
Created September 2, 2022 21:21
Perform a Gremlin Query that counts within a Digital Thread the kinds of Types therein
g.E().has( 'Relation', 'container', 'Drone-006' ).bothV().dedup()
.where( and(
out( 'hasType' ),
out( 'ownedBy' ).or(
has( 'name', 'DronesFlow' ),
has( 'name', 'Drone_MDO_With_Mid_Fid_Aero' ),
has( 'name', 'Esteco_Drone03-StructureAndParametrics_a' ) ) ) )
.group().by( out( 'hasType' ).values( 'name' ) ).by( count() )
lonniev / GremlinGroovyWhoWhenQuery.groovy
Last active November 25, 2022 21:38
Perform a Gremlin Query that looks up who changed a particular thread and when
userName = { u,t -> userGet = new URL( "${u}" ).openConnection(); userGet.setRequestProperty( "Accept", "application/json" ); userGet.setRequestProperty( "X-Auth-Token", t ); userGet.getResponseCode(); j = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText( userGet.getInputStream().getText() ); }
signInToken = { -> signInPost = new URL( "" ).openConnection(); message = '{ "username": "", "password": "pass-phrase", "rememberMe": false }'; signInPost.setDoOutput( true ); signInPost.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json" ); signInPost.getOutputStream().write( message.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ); signInPost.getResponseCode(); j = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText( signInPost.getInputStream().getText() ); j.resources.token }
g.E().has( 'Relation', 'container', 'DZSB19' )
.by( values( 'modifiedDate' )
.map{ ( LocalDateTime.parse( it.get(), java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.IS
lonniev / GremlinGroovyPartsRequirementsQuery.groovy
Created September 1, 2022 12:22
Perform a Gremlin Query that finds Parts that have related Requirements and which groups by the Part
g.V().has( 'ArtifactType', 'name', 'Part' )
.match( 't' ).in( 'hasType' ).as( 'p' ), 't' ).out( 'ownedBy' ).as( 'r' ), 'r' ).out( 'hasType' ).filter{ it.get().value( 'name' ).contains( 'Windchill' ) }.as( 'rt' ), 'p' ).both( 'Relation' ).as( 'o' ), 'o' ).out( 'hasType' ).filter{ it.get().value( 'name' ) ==~ /(?i).*?((requirement)|(task)).*/ }
.by( select( 'p' ) ).unfold().project( 'part', 'requirements' )
lonniev / GrelimGroovyQueryWithJiraDetails.groovy
Last active September 1, 2022 12:15
Perform a Gremlin Query that retrieves Jira Detail
reqPriority = { r,e -> reqPost = new URL( "${r}/artifacts/external/id?includeAttributes=priority" ).openConnection(); reqPost.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json" ); reqPost.setRequestProperty( "Accept", "application/json" ); reqPost.setRequestProperty( "Ext-Auth-Token", "SOMETOKEN" ); reqPost.setRequestProperty( "User-Id", "SOMEUSER" ); reqPost.setDoOutput( true ); message = /{ "externalId": "${e}" }/; reqPost.getOutputStream().write( message.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ); reqPost.getResponseCode(); j = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText( reqPost.getInputStream().getText() ); j.resources.attributes.priority.get( 'name' ) }
g.V().has( 'ArtifactType', 'name', 'Story' ).where( out( 'ownedBy' ).filter{ it -> it.get().value( 'name' ).contains( "Intercax" ) }.out( 'hasType' ).has( 'name', "JIRA Repository Type" ) ).in( 'hasType' ).limit( 1 ).as( 'e' ).out( 'ownedBy' ).out( 'ownedBy' ).as( 'r' ).select( 'r', 'e' ).by( 'sKey' ).by( 'externalId' ).map { it -> re
lonniev / GremlinGroovyQueryWithRestStep.groovy
Last active September 1, 2022 12:17
Perform a Gremlin Query which makes an authenticated REST call during one Step
signInToken = { -> signInPost = new URL( "" ).openConnection(); message = '{ "username": "", "password": "my-password", "rememberMe": false }'; signInPost.setDoOutput( true ); signInPost.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json" ); signInPost.getOutputStream().write( message.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ); signInPost.getResponseCode(); j = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText( signInPost.getInputStream().getText() ); j.resources.token }
userName = { u,t -> userGet = new URL( "${u}" ).openConnection(); userGet.setRequestProperty( "Accept", "application/json" ); userGet.setRequestProperty( "X-Auth-Token", t ); userGet.getResponseCode(); j = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText( userGet.getInputStream().getText() ); }
g.V().limit(1).map { it -> userName( it.get().value( 'modifiedBy' ), signInToken() ) }.find()
lonniev / GroovyHttpPost.groovy
Created August 30, 2022 11:43
Make an HTTP Post call in Groovy and parse the JSON response
signInPost = new URL( "" ).openConnection()
message = '{ "username": "email", "password": "somepass", "rememberMe": false }'
signInPost.setDoOutput( true )
signInPost.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json" )
signInPost.getOutputStream().write( message.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) )
j = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText( signInPost.getInputStream().getText() )
lonniev / jarSniffer.groovy
Last active November 23, 2021 13:53
A small Groovy script that scans a directory of folders for jar files and extracts POM-like dependency statements out of relevant content
package com.intercax.groovy.jarSniffer
import java.util.jar.*
* @author Lonnie VanZandt fluent version
* @author Ivan Krizsan original idea
// map of manually-resolved jars by their file names