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Last active May 13, 2024 20:08
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AdEx Model in Python from Essentials of Neuroscience with MATLAB: Module 3
# This is a draft of a Python version of the code of this video:
# Disclaimer: The output looks similar-enough to me. Certainly there are off-by-one differences and there might be other differences too
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Part 1. Setup
SIMULATION_DURATION = 500 # Simulation time in ms
dt = 0.01 # descretization in ms
IMax = 500 # pA
def _t(t):
return int(t / dt)
timevec = np.arange(0, SIMULATION_DURATION, dt)
Iinput = np.zeros(_t(SIMULATION_DURATION))
Iinput[_t(100) : _t(400)] = IMax
# Part 2. Constants
C = 200 # Capacitance
gl = 10 # Leak conductance
El = -58 # Leak voltage
vt = -50 # Resting membrane potential
delT = 2 # Spike width factor
a = 2 # Resonator/integrator variable
tauW = 120 # Adaptation decay time
b = 100 # Adaptation jump (update for w)
vreset = -46 # Voltage reset
# Part 3. Simulation
membPoten = np.zeros(_t(SIMULATION_DURATION))
vpeak = 0 # spike threshold
for timei in range(_t(SIMULATION_DURATION)):
if timei == 0:
v = vt
w = 0
Iin = Iinput[timei]
v += dt * (-gl * (v - El) + gl * delT * math.exp((v - vt) / delT) + Iin - w) / C
w += dt * (a * (membPoten[timei - 1] - El) - w) / tauW
if v >= vpeak:
v = vreset
w = w + b
membPoten[timei] = v
# Part 4. Plot
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
l2 = ax1.plot(timevec, membPoten, color="b", label="membPoten")
ax1.set_ylabel("Membrane Voltage (mV)")
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
l1 = ax2.plot(timevec, Iinput, color="g", label="Iinput")
plt.ylim(0, 5000)
ax2.set_ylabel("Iinput Current (pA)")
plt.xlabel("Time (ms)")
plt.title("Iinput vs Time and MembPoten vs Time")
ax1.legend(handles=l1 + l2)
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