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Created August 25, 2015 08:22
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=head1 NAME
check-linux-updates - Plugin to check services.
check-linux-updates [ OPTIONS ]
check-linux-updates --help
Please report all bugs to <support(at)>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonny Schulz <support(at)>.
_ __ _____ _____ __ __ __ __ __
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Copyright (C) 2014 by Jonny Schulz. All rights reserved.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bloonix::Plugin;
# --------------------------------------------------
# Plugin options
# --------------------------------------------------
my $plugin = Bloonix::Plugin->new(version => "0.3");
$plugin->info(join(" ",
"This plugin works only with Debian/Ubuntu or RedHat/CentOS/Fedora like systems.",
"On RedHat/CentOS/Fedora you have to install the package 'yum-security'."
description => [
"Check if updates are available and trigger a critical status if",
"there is 1 or more as 1 package for security is available."
arguments => [
"critical-security" => 1
name => "Warning threshold for normal packages",
option => "warning",
value => "count",
value_type => "int",
description => join(" ",
"Set this value to the maximum number of packages that",
"may be available for an update. If more packages are",
"available then a WARNING is triggered."
name => "Critical threshold for normal packages",
option => "critical",
value => "count",
value_type => "int",
description => join(" ",
"Set this value to the maximum number of packages that",
"may be available for an update. If more packages arei",
"available then a CRITICAL is triggered."
name => "Warning threshold for security packages",
option => "warning-security",
value => "count",
value_type => "int",
description => join(" ",
"Set this value to the maximum number of packages that",
"may be available for an update. If more packages are",
"available then a WARNING is triggered."
name => "Critical threshold for security packages",
option => "critical-security",
value => "count",
value_type => "int",
description => join(" ",
"Set this value to the maximum number of packages that",
"may be available for an update. If more packages are",
"available then a CRITICAL is triggered."
name => "Debug",
description => "Print the available packages to stderr",
option => "debug",
command_line_only => 1
$plugin->has_timeout(default => 30);
my $opt = $plugin->parse_options;
my $apt_listchanges = "/usr/bin/apt-listchanges";
my $apt_cache_dir = "/var/cache/apt/archives";
my $apt_get = "/usr/bin/apt-get";
my $up2date = "/usr/sbin/up2date";
my $yum = "/usr/bin/yum";
my $dnf = "/usr/bin/dnf";
my $zypper = "/usr/bin/zypper";
my $packager = "";
my $count_packages = 0;
my $security_packages = 0;
if (!$packager) {
if (-x $yum) {
$packager = "yum";
} elsif (-x $dnf) {
$packager = "dnf";
} elsif (-x $apt_get) {
$packager = "apt";
} elsif (-x $zypper) {
$packager = "zypper";
if (!$packager) {
status => "UNKNOWN",
message => "unable to determine the package manager"
# --------------------------------------------------
# Functions for each packager
# --------------------------------------------------
sub yum {
my ($count_packages, $security_packages);
my $proc = qx{/bin/ps -ef};
if ($proc =~ m!$yum --security check-update!) {
status => "UNKNOWN",
message => "command 'yum' already running"
# yum install yum-security
system("$yum clean metadata 1>/dev/null 2>&1");
my $output = qx{$yum --security check-update 2>/dev/null};
if ($output =~ /Needed (\d+) of (\d+) packages, for security/) {
$security_packages = $1;
$count_packages = $2;
} elsif ($output =~ /(\d+) package\(s\) needed for security, out of (\d+) available/) {
$security_packages = $1;
$count_packages = $2;
} elsif ($output =~ /No packages needed, for security, (\d+) available/) {
$count_packages = $1;
} elsif ($output =~ /No packages needed for security; (\d+) packages available/) {
$count_packages = $1;
return ($count_packages, $security_packages);
sub dnf {
my ($count_packages, $security_packages);
my $proc = qx{/bin/ps -ef};
if ($proc =~ m!$dnf updateinfo!) {
status => "UNKNOWN",
message => "command 'dnf' already running"
system("$dnf clean metadata 1>/dev/null 2>&1");
my $output = qx{$dnf updateinfo 2>/dev/null};
if ($output =~ /(\d+)\sSecurity notice/) {
$security_packages = $1;
} else {
$security_packages = 0;
if ($output =~ /(\d+)\sBugfix notice/ ) {
$count_packages = $1;
} else {
$count_packages = 0;
return ($count_packages, $security_packages);
sub apt {
my ($count_packages, $security_packages);
my $proc = qx{/bin/ps -ef};
if ($proc =~ m!$apt_get --force-yes .+!) {
status => "UNKNOWN",
message => "command 'apt-get' already running"
my @update = qx{$apt_get --force-yes update 2>&1};
my $err = $? >> 8;
if ($err > 0) {
status => "UNKNOWN",
message => "command '$apt_get --force-yes update' runs on an error [exit code $err]"
my @output = qx{$apt_get --force-yes -s -q -y --allow-unauthenticated upgrade 2>&1};
@output = grep /^Inst/, @output;
foreach my $p (@output) {
my ($package, $version, $release) = ($p =~ /Inst (.*?) .*\((.*?) (.*?)\)/);
$p = join(" ", $package, $version);
if ($release =~ /security/) {
return ($count_packages, $security_packages);
sub zypper {
my ($count_packages, $security_packages);
my $proc = qx{/bin/ps -ef};
my $cmd = "$zypper -tqn list-patches";
if ($proc =~ m!$cmd!) {
status => "UNKNOWN",
message => "command 'zypper' already running"
my @output = qx{$cmd 2>&1};
my $err = $? >> 8;
if ($err > 0) {
status => "UNKNOWN",
message => "command '$zypper -n list-patches' runs on an error [exit code $err]"
foreach my $p (@output) {
if ($p =~ /(^Repository\s.+Name|^---)/) {
if ($p =~ /\|\s+security\s+\|/) {
return ($count_packages, $security_packages);
# --------------------------------------------------
# Run packager
# --------------------------------------------------
timeout => $opt->{timeout},
action => $packager,
callback => sub {
no strict "refs";
my ($c, $s) = &{$packager}();
$count_packages = $c || 0;
$security_packages = $s || 0;
# --------------------------------------------------
# Result
# --------------------------------------------------
my $status = "OK";
my $message = $packager eq "zypper"
? "$count_packages patches are ready for installation, $security_packages for security"
: "$count_packages packages are ready to update, $security_packages for security";
if (
(defined $opt->{critical} && $opt->{critical} > 0 && $count_packages >= $opt->{critical})
|| (defined $opt->{critical_security} && $opt->{critical_security} > 0 && $security_packages >= $opt->{critical_security})
) {
$status = "CRITICAL";
} elsif (
(defined $opt->{warning} && $opt->{warning} > 0 && $count_packages >= $opt->{warning})
|| (defined $opt->{warning_security} && $opt->{warning_security} > 0 && $security_packages >= $opt->{warning_security})
) {
$status = "WARNING";
status => $status,
message => $message
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