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Forked from mintbridge/gist:792388
Created January 23, 2011 21:41
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Calculating distance using latitude and longitude
// converted from JS to PHP
$d_lat = deg2rad($lat1 - $lat2);
$d_lon = deg2rad($lon1 - $lon2);
$lat1 = deg2rad($lat1);
$lat2 = deg2rad($lat2);
$r = 6371; // km
$a = sin($d_lat / 2) * sin($d_lat / 2) +
sin($d_lon / 2) * sin($d_lon / 2) *
cos($lat1) * cos($lat2);
$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1 - $a));
$d = $r * $c;
* function to create the sql for finding the distance between 2 lat/lng pairs
//$unit = '6367.45';
//$unit = '3978';
function distance($lat_from, $lng_from, $lat_to, $lng_to, $unit = '3978') {
return ‘ROUND($unit * acos(sin(‘.$lat_from.’) * sin(‘.$lat_to.’) + cos(‘.$lat_from.’) * cos(‘.$lat_to.’) * cos(‘.$lng_from.’ - ‘.$lng_to.’)))’;
//Use it like this:
$latitude = '40.7397960';
$longitude = '-73.9979390';
$sql = "SELECT ".distance(deg2rad($latitude), deg2rad($longitude), deg2rad(`s`.`lat_rad`), deg2rad(`s`.`lng_rad`))." AS `distance` FROM `sometable` AS `s` WHERE ".distance(deg2rad($latitude), deg2rad($longitude), deg2rad(`s`.`lat_rad`), deg2rad(`s`.`lng_rad`))." < '".$max_distance."'";
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