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Last active March 2, 2018 01:06
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  • Save loopDelicious/fdc0876acd5cb484b53bb9445194cce5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save loopDelicious/fdc0876acd5cb484b53bb9445194cce5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var fs = require('fs'),
Converter = require('swagger2-postman2-converter'),
request = require('request'),
config = require('./config.js');
// ###############################################
// define functions to handle conversion and update collection
function handleConversion(originalFileName, newFileName) {
// read the local swagger file
var swaggerObject = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(originalFileName, 'utf8')
// convert Swagger 2.0 to Postman 2.0
var conversionResult = Converter.convert(swaggerObject);
// create a new local file in Postman v2.0 format
fs.writeFileSync(newFileName, JSON.stringify(conversionResult.collection, null, 2));
console.log('Converted ' + originalFileName + ' to ' + newFileName);
function updateLocalCollection(newFileName, newFile) {
// update the local Postman collection file
fs.writeFileSync('./' + newFileName, JSON.stringify(newFile, null, 2));
console.log('writing to ' + newFileName);
function updatePostman(newFileName, collection_uid) {
// read the updated local file and update the Postman collection using Postman API
var data = fs.readFileSync('./' + newFileName, 'utf8');
// Postman users can get a Postman API key here:
var postmanAPIKey = config.key;
// compile PUT request to update the Postman collection
var putOptions = {
method: 'PUT',
url: '' + collection_uid,
qs: {
format: '2.1.0'
headers: {
'Postman-Token': '4122abb3-6098-6906-e172-49334961f595',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
'X-Api-Key': postmanAPIKey,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.parse(data),
json: true
// submit PUT request to update the Postman collection
request(putOptions, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
function updateCollection(newFileName) {
// update the Postman collection locally and in the cloud
var data = fs.readFileSync('./' + newFileName, 'utf8');
// search the config for the collection in the read file
var file = JSON.parse(data);
var coll = config.collections.find( function (coll) {
return === newFileName.split('.')[0];
// update properties in file, and determine collection uid = coll.collection_id; // update id according to config file =; // add new property that is identical to id
var newFile = {};
newFile.collection = file; // wrap JSON object in new "collection" property
// call function to update the local collection file
// and then call function to update the cloud version of the Postman collection using Postman API
updateLocalCollection(newFileName, newFile);
updatePostman(newFileName, coll.collection_uid);
// ###############################################
// loop through collections in config file to call functions to handle conversion and update collection
config.collections.forEach( function (collection) {
var originalFileName = collection.from + ".json";
var newFileName = + ".json";
handleConversion(originalFileName, newFileName);
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