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Created July 12, 2017 13:36
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// const util = require('util');
const co = require('co');
const fs = require('fs');
const C = require('common/constants');
const User = require('../../app/models/user');
const InsightReview = require('../../app/models/insightReview');
const Topic = require('../../app/models/topic');
const Insight = require('../../app/models/insight');
const Level = require('../../app/models/level');
function* hasUserFinishedTopic(user, userTopic, insights, levels) {
let hasFinished = true;
if(hasFinished) {
for(const level of levels) {
hasFinished = yield hasUserFinsishedTopicLevel(user, userTopic, level, insights, levels);
return hasFinished;
function* hasUserFinsishedTopicLevel(user, userTopic, userLevel, insights, topics) {
let hasFinished = true;
// TODO to remove subtopics user unsubscribed from
for(const s of topics.find(t => t._id.toString() === userTopic.topicId._id.toString()).subtopics.filter(s => !s.deprecated)) {
if(hasFinished) {
const insightsOfSubtopic = insights.filter(x => x.subtopic.toString() === s._id.toString() && => l.toString()).includes(userLevel._id.toString()));
// console.log('found', insightsOfSubtopic.length, 'insights in',, userLevel.label)
if (insightsOfSubtopic.length - (yield InsightReview.count({
userId: user._id,
insightId: { $in: => i._id)},
type: { $in: C.INSIGHT.REVIEWS }
})) > 5) {
hasFinished = false;
return hasFinished;
module.exports = function() {
co(function*() {
const levels = yield Level.find({}, '')
console.log(`fetched ${levels.length} levels`);
const topics = yield Topic.find({published: true}, 'name subtopics')
.populate('subtopics', 'deprecated name')
console.log(`fetched ${topics.length} topics`);
const insights = yield Insight.find({status: 'approved', subtopic: {$exists: true}}, 'subtopic levels').lean();
console.log(`fetched ${insights.length} insights`);
let userCount = 0;
const uFinishedTopic = [];
const uFinishedTopicLevel = [];
const users = yield User.find({}, 'username topics.levelId topics.topicId topics.subtopics')
.populate('topics.levelId', 'label')
.populate('topics.topicId', 'name')
// .cursor();
for (const user of users) {
userCount += 1;
console.log(`at ${userCount}`);
for (const t of user.topics) {
// const hasFinishedTopicLevel = yield hasUserFinsishedTopicLevel(user, t, t.levelId, insights, topics);
if (yield hasUserFinsishedTopicLevel(user, t, t.levelId, insights, topics)) {
if (yield hasUserFinishedTopic(user, t, insights, topics)) {
} else {
console.log('done finding users');
uFinishedTopic.reduce((acc, val) => acc + '\n' + val), e => console.log(e));
uFinishedTopicLevel.reduce((acc, val) => acc + '\n' + val), e => console.log(e));
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