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Last active July 14, 2017 08:59
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const co = require('co');
const fs = require('fs');
const User = require('../../app/models/user');
const Topic = require('../../app/models/topic');
const Insight = require('../../app/models/insight');
const Level = require('../../app/models/level');
const Subtopic = require('../../app/models/subtopic');
// function to dynamically instantinate nested objects by assignment
const nest = (obj, keys, v) => {
if (keys.length === 1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
obj[keys[0]] = v;
} else {
const key = keys.shift();
// eslint-disable-next-line
obj[key] = nest(typeof obj[key] === 'undefined' ? {} : obj[key], keys, v);
return obj;
module.exports = function() {
co(function* () {
// arrays to store users
// a - users who finished a topicLevel combinations
// b - users who finished an entire topic
const finishedTopicLevel = [];
const finishedTopic = [];
// create combinations subtopic - level - no of workouts
// and count for subtopic - no workouts for all levels
const subtopicLevelWorkoutsMap = {};
const subtopics = yield Subtopic.find({deprecated: false}, 'premium topic name')
const levels = yield Level.find({}, 'label name')
const topics = yield Topic.find({published: true}, 'name subtopics')
.populate('subtopics', 'deprecated name')
// eslint-disable-next-line
for (const subtopic of subtopics) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
for(const level of levels) {
const insights = yield Insight.count({
status: 'approved',
subtopic: subtopic._id,
levels: level._id,
// 'topic.published': true,
// doesn't work :(
// .lean();
// if (insights > 5) {
[subtopic._id.toString(), level._id.toString()],
Math.floor(insights / 5));
// }
// console.log(JSON.stringify(subtopicWorkoutsMap, null, 2));
// iterate over users
// for every topic they have check if all subtopics of that folder
// - subtoics user users unsubscribed from < 5
// if so add to list
let userCount = 0;
const users = yield User.find({
workoutsDone: {$gte: 10}
}, {
username: 1,
'topics.levelId': 1,
'topics.topicId': 1,
'topics.subtopics': 1,
'topics.workoutsDonePerLevel': 1,
'topics.workoutsDone': 1,
// .limit(300)
for (const user of users) {
userCount += 1;
if (userCount % 100 === 0) console.log(`at ${userCount}`);
try {
user.topics.forEach(ut => {
const userSubtopics = ((topics.find(t => ut.topicId.toString() === t._id.toString()) || {}).subtopics || [])
.filter(s => !s.deprecated && ! => us.subtopicId).includes((s._id || {}).toString()))
if (!finishedTopic.includes(user.username)) {
const maxWorkoutsInTopic = userSubtopics.reduce((acc, val) =>
acc + (Object.values(subtopicLevelWorkoutsMap[val._id.toString()]) || [])
.reduce((a, v) => a + v, 0), 0);
const workoutsDoneInTopic = ut.workoutsDone || 0;
if (workoutsDoneInTopic >= maxWorkoutsInTopic) {
// user finished topic
console.log(`OY ${user.username} finished topic`);
} else if (!finishedTopicLevel.includes(user.username)) {
const maxWorkoutsInTopicLevel = userSubtopics.reduce((acc, val) =>
acc + subtopicLevelWorkoutsMap[val._id.toString()][ut.levelId.toString()], 0);
const workoutsDoneInTopicLevel = (ut.workoutsDonePerLevel || {})[ut.levelId.toString()] || 0;
if (workoutsDoneInTopicLevel >= maxWorkoutsInTopicLevel) {
// user finsiehd level
console.log(`AY ${user.username} finished topic-level`);
} catch (e) {
// save results to file
let finfirst = false;
let finsecond = false;
finishedTopic.reduce((acc, val) => acc + '\n' + val, ''),
err => {
if (err) {
finfirst = true;
console.log('saved first file succesfully');
if (finsecond) process.exit(0);
finishedTopicLevel.reduce((acc, val) => acc + '\n' + val, ''),
err => {
if (err) {
finsecond = true;
console.log('saved second file succesfully');
if (finfirst) process.exit(0);
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