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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Thing I learned & discovered @WebRTCLive

Google Hangouts is going WebRTC! #fuckingafinally

PM2 >>> Forever - A Node.js process manager, script deamonizer and load balancer (

ComputeEngineOnDemand - A set of scripts by Justin Uberti to dynamically spin up Google COmpute instances based on several performance / application metrics (

Google Cardboard - Open source virtual reality platform and hardware spec. Created by some Googlers on their 20% time and unveiled at Google I/O this week. (

Digital Ocean >>> EC2 for latency-sensitive apps People seem to perfer Digital Ocean over EC2 for WebRTC primarily because of their geo-aware APIs - Massive audio-conferencing-as-a-service-thingy

node-webrtc - Server-side implementation of WebRTC PeerConnection and DataChannel. Not sure why I think it's so cool yet but I do :-) (

node-webkit - Build cross-platform desktop apps with HTML, CSS and Node. Pretty sweet. Used by the guys for their desktop client.

Double Robotics - WebRTC-powered remote presence robot (

Mozilla WebAPI - Mozilla's attempt to standardize low-level operating system functions in JavaScript (an extension of FireFox OS?)

Mozilla Loop - Want a Skype-like client embedded into your web browser? Mozilla spec'ing out what it would take to do it in in an open / cross-platform way.

QUIC - New TCP alternative from Google that creates a set of multiplexed connection over UDP (

WebRTC 1.1 - Major support for ORTC ( They are doing some cool tele-medicine things with Google Glass and have also open sourced a build script for native iOS and Android WebRTC libraries (native build for ios and android

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