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Last active February 4, 2023 21:29
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Mensajes de Plugin Contact Form 7 WordPress en Español - CF7 > 2023
* Sender's message was sent successfully
- Thank you for your message. It has been sent.
> Gracias por tu mensaje. Ha sido enviado.
* Sender's message failed to send
- There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.
> Error al intentar enviar tu mensaje. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
* Validation errors occurred
- One or more fields have an error. Please check and try again.
> Uno o más campos tienen un error. Por favor revisa e intenta de nuevo.
* Submission was referred to as spam
- There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.
> Error al intentar enviar tu mensaje. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
* There are terms that the sender must acceptt
- You must accept the terms and conditions before sending your message.
> Debes aceptar los términos y condiciones antes de enviar tu mensaje.
* There is a field that the sender must fill in
- Please fill in the required field.
> El campo es obligatorio.
* There is a field with input that is longer than the maximum allowed length
- The field is too long.
* El campo es demasiado largo.
* There is a field with input that is shorter than the minimum allowed length
- This input is too short.
> El campo es demasiado corto.
* Uploading a file fails for any reason
- There was an unknown error uploading the file.
> Error desconocido al cargar el archivo.
* Uploaded file is not allowed for file type
- You are not allowed to upload files of this type.
> No está permitido subir archivos de este tipo.
* Uploaded file is too large
- The file is too big.
> El archivo es demasiado grande.
* Uploading a file fails for PHP error
- There was an error uploading the file.
> Error al cargar el archivo.
* Date format that the sender entered is invalid
- The date format is incorrect.
> El formato de fecha es incorrecto.
* Date is earlier than minimum limit
- The date is before the earliest one allowed.
> La fecha es anterior a la más antigua permitida.
* Date is later than maximum limit
- The date is after the latest one allowed.
> La fecha es posterior a la última permitida.
* Number format that the sender entered is invalid
- The number format is invalid.
> El formato del número no es válido.
* Number is smaller than minimum limit
- The number is smaller than the minimum allowed.
> El número es menor que el mínimo permitido.
* Number is larger than maximum limit
- The number is larger than the maximum allowed.
> El número es mayor que el máximo permitido.
* Sender does not enter the correct answer to the quiz
- The answer to the quiz is incorrect.
> La respuesta al cuestionario es incorrecta.
* Email address that the sender entered is invalid
- The e-mail address entered is invalid.
> La dirección de correo electrónico ingresada no es válida.
* URL that the sender entered is invalid
- The URL is invalid.
> La URL no es válida.
* Telephone number that the sender entered is invalid
- The telephone number is invalid.
> El número de teléfono no es válido.
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