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Created February 18, 2022 16:59
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package sponsor.api.fetcher
import io.ktor.client.HttpClient
import io.ktor.client.request.header
import io.ktor.client.request.parameter
import io.ktor.client.request.request
import io.ktor.client.statement.HttpResponse
import io.ktor.http.HttpMethod
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import sponsor.api.serialization.OffsetDateTimeSerializer
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
class PatreonCampaignMembersFetcher(
private val client: HttpClient,
private val accessToken: String
) : PatreonCampaignMembersFetching {
private data class ResponseBody(
val data: List<Member>,
val included: List<Included>
) {
data class Member(
val attributes: MemberAttributes,
val id: String,
val relationships: MemberRelationships,
val type: String
data class MemberAttributes(
@SerialName("full_name") val fullName: String,
@SerialName("patron_status") val patronStatus: String
data class MemberRelationships(
@SerialName("currently_entitled_tiers") val currentlyEntitledTiers: TiersRelationship,
val user: UserRelationship
data class TiersRelationship(
val data: List<TierData>
data class TierData(
val id: String,
val type: String
data class UserRelationship(
val data: UserData
data class UserData(
val id: String,
val type: String
sealed class Included {
abstract val type: String
abstract val id: String
data class IncludedUser(
override val type: String,
override val id: String,
val attributes: IncludedUserAttributes
) : Included()
data class IncludedUserAttributes(
@SerialName("full_name") val fullName: String,
@SerialName("hide_pledges") val hidePledges: Boolean,
val vanity: String?
data class IncludedTier(
override val type: String,
override val id: String,
val attributes: IncludedTierAttributes
) : Included()
data class IncludedTierAttributes(
@SerialName("amount_cents") val amountCents: Int,
val createdAt: OffsetDateTime,
val description: String?,
val title: String?
override suspend fun fetch(
campaignId: String
): Set<PatreonCampaignMembersFetching.PatronDTO> {
val result = client.request<HttpResponse>("$campaignId/members") {
method = HttpMethod.Get
parameter("include", "currently_entitled_tiers,user")
parameter("fields[member]", "full_name,patron_status")
parameter("fields[tier]", "title,amount_cents,created_at,description")
parameter("fields[user]", "vanity,full_name,hide_pledges")
header("Authorization", "Bearer $accessToken")
// todo: paging
val responseBody = result.receive<ResponseBody>()
return convert(responseBody)
private fun convert(
response: ResponseBody
): Set<PatreonCampaignMembersFetching.PatronDTO> {
return { memberResponse ->
val userRelationship = (
response.included.first {
it.type == "user" && ==
} as ResponseBody.IncludedUser
val name = when (userRelationship.attributes.hidePledges) {
true -> null
false -> userRelationship.attributes.vanity ?: memberResponse.attributes.fullName
val patronStatus = when (memberResponse.attributes.patronStatus) {
"active_patron" -> PatreonCampaignMembersFetching.Status.ACTIVE
"former_patron" -> PatreonCampaignMembersFetching.Status.FORMER
"declined_payment" -> PatreonCampaignMembersFetching.Status.DECLINED_PAYMENT
else -> PatreonCampaignMembersFetching.Status.UNKNOWN
name = name,
status = patronStatus,
memberId =,
userId =
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