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Last active June 29, 2024 16:56
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Setup firewall for kubernetes bare metal
iptables -N cluster-input && \
iptables -A cluster-input -m comment --comment "lo accept" -i lo -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A cluster-input -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A cluster-input -m comment --comment "calico subnet src accept" -s -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A cluster-input -m comment --comment "calico subnet dst accept" -d -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A cluster-input -m comment --comment "kubelet subnet src accept" -s -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A cluster-input -m comment --comment "kubelet subnet dst accept" -d -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A cluster-input -j RETURN && \
iptables -I INPUT 2 -j cluster-input && \
iptables -N allowance-cluster-ips && \
iptables -A allowance-cluster-ips -s {master_1_server_ip} -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A allowance-cluster-ips -s {workernode_1_server_ip} -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A allowance-cluster-ips -j RETURN && \
iptables -I INPUT 3 -j allowance-cluster-ips && \
iptables -N allowance-ports && \
iptables -A allowance-ports -p tcp -m multiport --comment "allow ssh, http, https ports" --dports 22,80,443 -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A allowance-ports -p tcp -m tcp --comment "allow kubernetes access port" --dport 6443 -j ACCEPT && \
iptables -A allowance-ports -j RETURN && \
iptables -I INPUT 4 -j allowance-ports && \
iptables -P INPUT DROP
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