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Created February 25, 2013 17:40
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A class to handle IPv4 addresses. You can try it by running directly this script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#coding: utf8
Provides a class that stores an IPv4 address like an
integer number. But it is transparent to the user.
__author__ = 'José Lopes Oliveira Jr. <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3+'
__version__ = '0.1.0'
import re
class IPv4(object):
"""Stores an IPv4 address in its integer form.
This process is totally transparent for the user
and this class can also receive the number of bits
that compose the address too --like in IP masks.
Requires re module.
Raises AttributeError if the given IP addr is
not valid.
- IPv4(
- IPv4(24) #
def __init__(self, addr=''):
pat_addr = re.compile('^(((1[0-9]|[1-9]?)[0-9]|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\.){3}((1[0-9]|[1-9]?)[0-9]|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$')
pat_numb = re.compile('(^3[012]$|^[12][0-9]$|^[0-9]$)')
if pat_addr.match(addr):
self.addr = self.to_number(addr)
elif pat_numb.match(addr):
self.addr = self.fill(int(addr))
raise AttributeError('Invalid IP address: {0}'.format(addr))
def __int__(self):
"""Converts an IP object to integer notation."""
return self.addr
def __str__(self):
"""Converts an IP object to string notation."""
return self.to_string(self.addr)
def to_number(self, ipstr=''):
"""Receives an IPv4 addr and returns its integer notation."""
octets = ipstr.split('.')
ipnumber = 0
for octet in octets:
ipnumber = ipnumber << 8
ipnumber += int(octet)
return ipnumber
def to_string(self, ipnum=0):
"""Receives an IP addr and returns its traditional notation."""
octlist = []
for index in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
octlist.append(ipnum & 255)
ipnum = ipnum >> 8
return '{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}'.format(octlist[3], octlist[2],
octlist[1], octlist[0])
def fill(self, bits=8):
"""Fill an IP address with ``bits'' 1."""
number = 2 ** bits - 1
return number << (32 - bits)
# Main
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_string = raw_input('Type: ')
input_list = input_string.split('/')
addr = IPv4(input_list[0].strip())
mask = IPv4(input_list[1].strip())
except IndexError:
if 0 <= addr.addr <= 2147483647:
bits = '8'
elif 2147483648 <= addr.addr <= 3221225471:
bits = '16'
elif 3221225472 <= addr.addr <= 3758096383:
bits = '24'
bits = '28'
mask = IPv4(bits)
except AttributeError:
print 'Invalid input: {0}'.format(input_string)
subnet = int(addr) & int(mask)
broadcast = subnet | ~int(mask)
wildcard = ~int(mask)
noh = (4294967295 ^ int(mask)) - 1
fh = int(subnet) + 1
lh = int(broadcast) - 1
print('\nString: {0}\tDecimal: {1}\tHexadecimal: {2}\tOctal: {3}\tBinary: {4}'.format(addr, int(addr), hex(int(addr)), oct(int(addr)), bin(int(addr))[2:].zfill(32)))
print('String: {0}\tDecimal: {1}\tHexadecimal: {2}\tOctal: {3}\tBinary: {4}'.format(mask, int(mask), hex(int(mask)), oct(int(mask)), bin(int(mask))[2:].zfill(32)))
print('Subnet: {0}'.format(mask.to_string(subnet)))
print('Broadcast: {0}'.format(mask.to_string(broadcast)))
print('Wildcard: {0}'.format(mask.to_string(wildcard)))
print('Number of Hosts: {0}'.format(noh))
print('First Host: {0}'.format(mask.to_string(fh)))
print('Last Host: {0}\n'.format(mask.to_string(lh)))
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