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Last active August 7, 2024 13:54
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Packs and unpacks sensitive data in a more secure fashion. #shell #shellscript #cryptography
# Packs and unpacks sensitive data in a more secure fashion.
# Read $HELP for usage tips.
# Author: José Lopes <>
# License: MIT
# Date: 2021-09-28
bookepr <encrypt|decrypt> [file.txt|directory|file.txt.tgz.gpg]
bookepr [--help|-h]
bookepr enc passwords.json # create: passwords.json.tgz.gpg
bookepr enc mfa # create: mfa.tgz.gpg
bookepr dec passwords.json.tgz.gpg # decrypt and extract passwords.json
bookepr dec mfa.tgz.gpg # decrypt and extract mfa directory
Invalid command: \"$1\"
Use --help for usage tips
function encrypt(){
echo "Packing up data..."; tar -czvf "$1.tgz" "$1"
echo "Encrypting data..."; gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo aes256 "$1.tgz"
echo "Removing unencrypted data..."; rm -rf "$1" "$1.tgz"
function decrypt(){
echo "Decrypting data..."; gpg -o "${1%.*}" --decrypt "$1"
echo "Unpacking data..."; tar -xzvf "${1%.*}"
echo "Removing garbage..."; rm -rf "$1" "${1%.*}"
case "$1" in
"--help" | "-h") echo "$HELP"; exit 0 ;;
"encrypt" | "enc") encrypt "$2" ;;
"decrypt" | "dec") decrypt "$2" ;;
*) echo "$ERROR" ;;
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