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Created February 10, 2012 00:08
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package pl.irc
import org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot
import dispatch._
import Http._
import net.liftweb.json._
import net.liftweb.json.JsonDSL._
import net.liftweb.json.Printer.{compact}
import{PrintStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
object Multibottest extends PircBot {
val PRODUCTION = Option(System getProperty "multibot.production") map (_ toBoolean) getOrElse false
val BOTNAME = if (PRODUCTION) "multibot_" else "multibot__"
val BOTMSG = BOTNAME + ":"
val NUMLINES = 5
val LAMBDABOT = "lambdabot"
val LAMBDABOTIGNORE = Set("#scala", "#scalaz")
val ADMINS = List("***")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
def connect() {
val channels = if (PRODUCTION) List("", "", "#jruby", "", "", "#scala", "#scalaz") else List("#multibottest")
channels foreach joinChannel
override def onDisconnect: Unit = while (true)
try {
} catch { case e: Exception =>
Thread sleep 10000
var lastChannel: Option[String] = None
override def onPrivateMessage(sender: String, login: String, hostname: String, message: String) = sender match {
case LAMBDABOT => lastChannel foreach (sendMessage(_, message))
case _ => onMessage(sender, sender, login, hostname, message)
override def onNotice(sender: String, login: String, hostname: String, target: String, notice: String) = sender match {
case LAMBDABOT => lastChannel foreach (sendNotice(_, notice))
case _ =>
override def onAction(sender: String, login: String, hostname: String, target: String, action: String) = sender match {
case LAMBDABOT => lastChannel foreach (sendAction(_, action))
case _ =>
override def onMessage(channel: String, sender: String, login: String, hostname: String, message: String) =
serve(Msg(channel, sender, login, hostname, message))
object Cmd {def unapply(s: String) = if (s.contains(' ')) Some(s.split(" ", 2).toList) else None}
object PasteCmd { def unapply(s: String) = if (s.indexOf("paste") == 1 && s.length > "?paste ".length) Some((s.substring(0, 1), s.substring("?paste ".length))) else None }
case class Msg(channel: String, sender: String, login: String, hostname: String, message: String)
val stdOut = System.out
val stdErr = System.err
val conOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val conOutStream = new PrintStream(conOut)
def captureOutput(block: => Unit) = try {
System setOut conOutStream
System setErr conOutStream
} finally {
System setOut stdOut
System setErr stdErr
val scalaInt = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, IMain]()
def scalaInterpreter(channel: String)(f: (IMain, ByteArrayOutputStream) => Unit) = this.synchronized {
val si = scalaInt.getOrElseUpdate(channel, {
val settings = new
settings.usejavacp.value = true
settings.deprecation.value = true
val si = new IMain(settings) { override def parentClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader }
captureOutput{f(si, conOut)}
import org.jruby.{RubyInstanceConfig, Ruby}
import org.jruby.runtime.scope.{ManyVarsDynamicScope}
val jrubyInt = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, (Ruby, ManyVarsDynamicScope)]()
def jrubyInterpreter(channel: String)(f: (Ruby, ManyVarsDynamicScope, ByteArrayOutputStream) => Unit) = this.synchronized {
val (jr, sc) = jrubyInt.getOrElseUpdate(channel, {
val config = new RubyInstanceConfig
config setOutput conOutStream
config setError conOutStream
val jruby = Ruby.newInstance(config)
val scope = new ManyVarsDynamicScope(jruby.getStaticScopeFactory.newEvalScope(jruby.getCurrentContext.getCurrentScope.getStaticScope), jruby.getCurrentContext.getCurrentScope)
(jruby, scope)
captureOutput{f(jr, sc, conOut)}
var pythonSession = ""
def sendLines(channel: String, message: String) = message split ("\n") filter (! _.isEmpty) take NUMLINES foreach (m => sendMessage(channel, " " + (if (!m.isEmpty && m.charAt(0) == 13) m.substring(1) else m)))
def serve(implicit msg: Msg): Unit = msg.message match {
case Cmd(BOTMSG :: m :: Nil) if ADMINS contains msg.sender => m match {
case Cmd("join" :: ch :: Nil) => joinChannel(ch)
case Cmd("leave" :: ch :: Nil) => partChannel(ch)
case Cmd("reply" :: ch :: Nil) => sendMessage(, ch)
case Cmd("cookies":: "" :: Nil) => sendMessage(,{case (k, v) => k + " -> " + v}.mkString(" - ")) //cookies foreach {case(k, v) => sendMessage(, k + " -> " + v)}
case _ => sendMessage(, "unknown command")
case "@listchans" => sendMessage(, getChannels mkString " ")
case "@bot" | "@bots" => sendMessage(, ":)")
case "@help" => sendMessage(, "(!) scala (!reset|type|scalex), (%) ruby (%reset), (,) clojure, (>>) haskell, (^) python, (&) javascript, (##) groovy, (<prefix>paste url), lambdabot relay (" + !LAMBDABOTIGNORE.contains( + ")")
case Cmd("!" :: m :: Nil) => scalaInterpreter({(si, cout) =>
sendLines(, (si interpret m match {
case Success => cout.toString.replaceAll("(?m:^res[0-9]+: )", "") // + "\n" + iout.toString.replaceAll("(?m:^res[0-9]+: )", "")
case Error => cout.toString.replaceAll("^<console>:[0-9]+: ", "")
case Incomplete => "error: unexpected EOF found, incomplete expression"
//.split("\n") take NUMLINES foreach (m => sendMessage(, " " + (if (m.charAt(0) == 13) m.substring(1) else m)))
case PasteCmd(cmd, m) => // Http(url(m) >- {source => serve(msg.copy(message = "! " + source))})
val conOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream
(new Http with NoLogging)(url(m) >>> new PrintStream(conOut))
serve(msg.copy(message = cmd + " " + conOut))
case Cmd("!type" :: m :: Nil) => scalaInterpreter(, cout) => sendMessage(, si.typeOfExpression(m) map (_.toString) getOrElse "Failed to determine type."))
case "!reset" => scalaInt -=
case "!reset-all" => scalaInt.clear
case Cmd("!scalex" :: m :: Nil) => respondJSON(:/("") <<? Map("q" -> m)) {
case JObject(_ :: _ :: JField("results", JArray(results)) :: _) => Some(results.collect {
case JObject(JField("resultType", JString(rtype)) ::
JField("parent", JObject(JField("name", JString(pname)) :: _ :: JField("typeParams", JString(ptparams)) :: Nil)) ::
_ ::
JField("name", JString(name)) ::
_ ::
JField("typeParams", JString(tparams)) ::
_ ::
_ ::
_ ::
JObject(_ ::
JField("txt", JString(txt)) ::
) ::
_ ::
) ::
JField("valueParams", JString(vparams)) ::
) => pname + ptparams + " " + name + tparams + ": " + vparams + ": " + rtype + " '" + txt + "'"
case e => Some("unexpected: " + e)
case Cmd("!!" :: m :: Nil) => respond(:/("") / "interp" <<? Map("bot" -> "irc", "code" -> m)) {
case "warning: there were deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details" |
"warning: there were unchecked warnings; re-run with -unchecked for details" |
"New interpreter instance being created for you, this may take a few seconds." |"Please be patient." => None
case line => Some(line.replaceAll("^res[0-9]+: ", ""))
case Cmd("," :: m :: Nil) => respondJSON(:/("") / "eval.json" <<? Map("expr" -> m)) {
case JObject(JField("expr", JString(_)) :: JField("result", JString(result)) :: Nil) => Some(result)
case JObject(JField("error", JBool(true)) :: JField("message", JString(message)) :: Nil) => Some(message)
case e => Some("unexpected: " + e)
case Cmd(">>" :: m :: Nil) => respondJSON(:/("") / "haskell.json" <<? Map("method" -> "eval", "expr" -> m)) {
case JObject(JField("result", JString(result)) :: JField("type", JString(xtype)) :: JField("expr", JString(_)) :: Nil) => Some(result + " :: " + xtype)
case JObject(JField("error", JString(error)) :: Nil) => Some(error)
case e => Some("unexpected: " + e)
case Cmd("%%" :: m :: Nil) => respondJSON(:/("") / "/levels/1/challenges/0" <:<
Map("Accept" -> "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Content-Type" -> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
"X-Requested-With" -> "XMLHttpRequest",
"Connection" -> "keep-alive") <<< "cmd=" +, "UTF-8")) {
case JObject(JField("success", JBool(true)) :: JField("output", JString(output)) :: _) => Some(output)
case JObject(JField("success", JBool(false)) :: _ :: JField("result", JString(output)) :: _) => Some(output)
case e => Some("unexpected: " + e)
case "%reset" => jrubyInt -=
case "%reset-all" => jrubyInt.clear
case Cmd("%" :: m :: Nil) => jrubyInterpreter({(jr, sc, cout) =>
try {
val result = jr.evalScriptlet(m, sc).toString
sendLines(, cout.toString)
sendLines(, result.toString)
} catch {
case e: Exception => sendMessage(, e.getMessage)
case Cmd("&" :: m :: Nil) =>
val src = """
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
var a = (""" + m + """) + "";
respondJSON((:/("") / "ajax" << compact(render( ("actions", List(("action", "test") ~ ("code", src) ~ ("randToken", "3901") ~ ("fileName", ""))) ~ ("user", "null") ~ ("token", "null"))))) {
case JObject(JField("user", JNull) :: JField("data", JArray(JString(data) :: Nil)) :: Nil) => var s: String = ""; (new Http with NoLogging)(url(data) >- {source => s = source}); Some(s)
case e => Some("unexpected: " + e)
case Cmd("^" :: m :: Nil) => respondJSON2(:/("") / "json" << compact(render( ("method", "exec") ~ ("params", List(pythonSession, m)) ~ ("id" -> "null") )),
:/("") / "json" << compact(render( ("method", "start_session") ~ ("params", List[String]()) ~ ("id" -> "null") ))) {
case JObject(JField("error", JNull) :: JField("id" , JString("null")) :: JField("result", JObject(JField("text", JString(result)) :: _)) :: Nil) => Some(result)
case e => Some("unexpected: " + e)
} {
case JObject(_ :: _ :: JField("result" , JString(session)) :: Nil) => pythonSession = session; None
case e => None
case Cmd("##" :: m :: Nil) => respondJSON(:/("") / "executor.groovy" <<? Map("script" -> m), true) {
case JObject(JField("executionResult", JString(result)) :: JField("outputText", JString(output)) :: JField("stacktraceText", JString("")) :: Nil) => Some(result.trim + "\n" + output.trim)
case JObject(JField("executionResult", JString("")) :: JField("outputText", JString("")) :: JField("stacktraceText", JString(err)) :: Nil) => Some(err)
case e => Some("unexpected" + e)
case m if (m.startsWith("@") || m.startsWith(">") || m.startsWith("?")) && m.trim.length > 1 && !LAMBDABOTIGNORE.contains( =>
lastChannel = Some(
sendMessage(LAMBDABOT, m)
case _ =>
val cookies = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
def respondJSON(req: Request, join: Boolean = false)(response: JValue => Option[String])(implicit msg: Msg) = respond(req, join){line => response(JsonParser.parse(line))}
def respondJSON2(req: Request, init: Request)(response: JValue => Option[String])(initResponse: JValue => Option[String])(implicit msg: Msg) = try {
respond(req){line => response(JsonParser.parse(line))}
} catch {
case _ =>
respond(init){line => initResponse(JsonParser.parse(line))}
respond(req){line => response(JsonParser.parse(line))}
def respond(req: Request, join: Boolean = false)(response: String => Option[String])(implicit msg: Msg) = {
val Msg(channel, sender, login, hostname, message) = msg
val host =
val request = cookies.get(channel + host) map (c => req <:< Map("Cookie" -> c)) getOrElse req
// val request = cookies.get(channel + host) map (c => req <:< Map("Cookie" -> c)) getOrElse {
// val req2 = req >:> { headers => println(headers.get("Set-Cookie"))}
// (new Http)(req2)
// req
// }
val handler = request >+> { r =>
r >:> { headers => headers.get("Set-Cookie").foreach(h => h.foreach(c => cookies(channel + host) = c.split(";").head))
r >~ { source =>
val lines = source.getLines.take(NUMLINES)
(if (join) List(lines.mkString) else lines).foreach(line => response(line).foreach(l => l.split("\n").take(INNUMLINES).foreach(ml => sendMessage(channel, ml))))
}}} // non empty lines
(new Http with NoLogging)(handler) // with thread.Safety
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lopex commented Mar 13, 2012

Thank you for the info! (and for scalex primarily). Now the bot queries json using for{} so the order doesn't matter, Just created a repo:

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