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Last active September 10, 2023 06:27
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Write to NTFS on OSX Yosemite and El Capitan

OUTDATED, see comments below

Install Homebrew:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Update Homebrew formulae:

brew update

Install Homebrew Cask

brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask

Install osxfuse

brew cask install osxfuse

Install ntfs-3g

brew install homebrew/fuse/ntfs-3g

If you are on OSX 10.11 (El Capitan)

sudo nvram boot-args="rootless=0"

And reboot.

Create a symlink for mount_ntfs

sudo mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.original 
sudo ln -s /usr/local/sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs

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I have the same problem as @func0der. Running the newest version of OSXFuse, and can access the drive via /volumes, however doesn't show up in finder or the desktop.

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I use El capitan 10.11.1.
I followed the instructions, before creating a symlink for mount_ntfs, I disabled SIP, and after creating symlink I re-enabled SIP. But no success. I can't write to a NTFS formatted external disk.

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@gwild I solved that issue by downloading the latest version of osxfuse from github
Install it using the dmg, brew has an old version qith a bug.

@mforce This is not a bug in osxfuse 2.x. Replacing /sbin/mount_ntfs with /usr/local/sbin/mount_ntfs is basically a hack. If the NTFS-3G version of mount_ntfs was written properly there would be no issues with osxfuse 2.x. After all this is a NTFS-3G issue. In osxfuse 3.x the whole mount process has changed and works around NTFS-3G's shortcomings.

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Coeur commented Oct 30, 2015

I've made a fork of this gist that addresses all issues from El Capitan:


  • You need osxfuse 3.0.x and not osxfuse from brew
  • You need to disable System Integrity Protection and not Rootless

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@func0der, @anaxonda have you resolved that problem?
I have the same: after executing all the steps I can write to external hdd but it doesn't appear in Finder sidebar((

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I have the same problem as @gwild . Everytime, my drive becomes MYDRIVE 1, MYDRIVE2, and it takes longer to appears than before. Any way to fix this? (I tried @mforce solution but it didn't work for me). Thanks!

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@Imakiel what version of osxfuse do you use? I just installed osxfuse 3.0.9 dmg from releases page and everything works fine.

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