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Last active July 28, 2020 18:43
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LINQPad MyExtensions to dump insert statement for SQL Server -
void Main()
// Write code to test your extensions here. Press F5 to compile and run.
var names = new[] { new { Name = "Tom" }, new { Name = "Dick" }, new { Name = "Harry" }, new { Name = "Mary" }, new { Name = "Jay" } }.AsEnumerable();
// Define other methods and classes here
public static class MyExtensions
// Write custom extension methods here. They will be available to all queries.
public static void DumpAsInsert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data) where T : class
DumpAsInsert(data, null);
public static void DumpAsInsert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data, string tableName) where T : class
DumpAsInsert(data, tableName, string.Empty);
public static void DumpAsInsert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data, string tableName, string hideColumn) where T : class
DumpAsInsert(data, tableName, new string[] { hideColumn });
public static void DumpAsInsert<T>(this IEnumerable<T> data, string tableName, string[] hideColumns) where T : class
var firstItem = data.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstItem == null) string.Empty.Dump();
if (hideColumns == null) hideColumns = new[] { string.Empty };
if (tableName == null)
tableName = firstItem.GetType().Name;
var formatProvider = GetSqlTextFormatInfo();
var result = new StringBuilder();
var members = new List<MemberInfo>();
if (CheckIfAnonymousType(firstItem.GetType()))
members.AddRange(firstItem.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => !hideColumns.Contains(p.Name)));
members.AddRange(firstItem.GetType().GetFields().Where(p => !hideColumns.Contains(p.Name)));
var stmt = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ({1})\nVALUES (", tableName, string.Join(", ", members.Select(p => string.Format("[{0}]", p.Name)).ToArray()));
foreach (var item in data)
var first = true;
foreach (var col in members)
if (!first) result.Append(",");
first = false;
result.Append(GetFieldValue(formatProvider, col, item));
var fp = @"C:\out.sql";
File.AppendAllText(fp, result.ToString());
public static string GetFieldValue(IFormatProvider formatProvider, MemberInfo field, object row)
object value;
Type fieldType;
if (field is FieldInfo)
value = ((FieldInfo)field).GetValue(row);
fieldType = ((FieldInfo)field).FieldType;
value = ((PropertyInfo)field).GetValue(row, null);
fieldType = ((PropertyInfo)field).PropertyType;
if (value == null) return "NULL";
if (fieldType == typeof(bool))
return (bool)value ? "1" : "0";
if (fieldType == typeof(System.String) || fieldType == typeof(Guid))
return "'" + value.ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "'";
else if (fieldType == typeof(DateTime) || fieldType == typeof(DateTime?))
return "convert(datetime, '" + ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssss.fff") + "', 120)";
else if (fieldType == typeof(System.Data.Linq.Binary))
return "NULL";
else if (fieldType == typeof(XElement))
return "'" + ((XElement)value).Value.Replace("'", "''") + "'";
return string.Format(formatProvider, "{0}", value);
private static System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo GetSqlTextFormatInfo()
return new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo()
CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ".",
CurrencyGroupSeparator = string.Empty,
NumberDecimalSeparator = ".",
NumberGroupSeparator = string.Empty,
PercentDecimalSeparator = ".",
PercentGroupSeparator = string.Empty,
private static bool CheckIfAnonymousType(Type type)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
// HACK: The only way to detect anonymous types right now.
return Attribute.IsDefined(type, typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute), false)
&& type.IsGenericType && type.Name.Contains("AnonymousType")
&& (type.Name.StartsWith("<>") || type.Name.StartsWith("VB$"))
&& (type.Attributes & TypeAttributes.NotPublic) == TypeAttributes.NotPublic;
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