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Created July 1, 2016 00:23
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Compress raw video into Matroska container
date >> log.txt
echo 'Starting job' >> log.txt
sudo systemctl stop fahclient.service
sudo systemctl status --full fahclient.service
for src in *avi ; do
date >> log.txt ;
echo "Starting conversion for $src" >> log.txt ;
dst="$(echo $src | sed -e 's/\.avi$//')".mkv ;
ffmpeg -ac 2 -channel_layout stereo -i "$src" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 17 -pix_fmt yuv422p -c:a pcm_s16le "$dst" ;
date >> log.txt ;
echo "Finished conversion, created $dst" >> log.txt ;
sudo systemctl start fahclient.service
sudo systemctl status --full fahclient.service
date >> log.txt
echo 'Ended job' >> log.txt
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