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Created October 7, 2019 12:22
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JS13k 2019 votes data
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"data": {
"url": "/games/songbirds/index.html",
"title": "Songbirds",
"author": "nutty7t",
"description": "<p>You are a lovebird, and you are trying to attract another lovebird. In order to do that, you must use your aural skills to sing back the melodies that you hear.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/songbirds/__big.jpg",
"id": 1,
"login": "nutty7t",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 132,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 28
"name": "fun",
"score": 10
"name": "theme",
"score": 30
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 11
"name": "graphics",
"score": 29
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "The good thing is: The game looks super nice, I love these animations. The bad thing is: It's super unplayable, because it is extremely utterly way to hard. :D\nThe sounds also loop for me in firefox which generates a soundtrack straight from hell.",
"createdAt": 1568661323719
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice graphics, especially how the keyboard gets drawn. Unfortunately I don't have perfect pitch so I wasn't even able to get the first note. It would be easier if I was allowed several attempts to find the starting note.",
"createdAt": 1568668876012
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The intro is very pretty, would have been fun if it were finished.\n\nControls were also unclear, as the notes were paired with chords so I was unsure if I was supposed to try and hit more than one at the same time.",
"createdAt": 1568683325398
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics.",
"createdAt": 1568712889345
"login": "randytayler",
"message": ":( I wanted to play for realsies. Even if you could only highlight the first note it would be SOMEthing.",
"createdAt": 1568761567669
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "This looks really well made, sounds great. The UI really is well done but I cannot even hit one note sadly.",
"createdAt": 1568836947831
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Unfinished and basically unplayable to anyone that has not extensive music training. It looks pretty though.",
"createdAt": 1568838905269
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "OMG, the first sequence is too hard!",
"createdAt": 1568986899207
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "The sound is heavily distorted in Firefox, so I had to use Chromium. Though that didn't matter because this is impossible.",
"createdAt": 1569160433171
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "I wish there was actually an easy mode! I wasn't able to find the right notes for expert mode :)",
"createdAt": 1569185101964
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "This looks like it would have been fun if it was finished! Loved the initial animation of the keyboard.",
"createdAt": 1569255168703
"login": "tatjam",
"message": "My untrained ear certainly couldn't get even a single note right, so I'm not sure about the gameplay, but the graphics look lovely.",
"createdAt": 1569442007106
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "presentation is really nice.",
"createdAt": 1569498094426
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Nice intro drawing the piano keyboard. Music quality is excellent, but the game in its unfinished state is way to hard. 10 notes in a row, with absolute pitch required ? I can't even get the first one right :( This is a game for expert musicians only. I'd love to start with the easy level and improve from there.",
"createdAt": 1569679703962
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "The gameplay makes it very hard. If i press the wrong key, it reloads.",
"createdAt": 1569843774994
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "At least highlite the frst note. And the audio is shit. Its full of noise. Cant really hear the piano",
"createdAt": 1569933294643
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I love the style and the sound - but this is frustrating and done better in another entries - sorry :D",
"createdAt": 1570009253273
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice.",
"createdAt": 1570071265669
"data": {
"url": "/games/backside-ball/index.html",
"title": "Backside Ball",
"author": "Vertfromage",
"description": "<p>A funny arcade style paddle game. Make the gremlin drop his coins. Collect coins to slow ball. Control the paddles separately using A/D, Left/Right keys or together with mouse or tap.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/backside-ball/__big.jpg",
"id": 30,
"login": "Vertfromage",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 93,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 14
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 18
"name": "graphics",
"score": 12
"name": "technical",
"score": 11
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Straightforward gameplay, but a few bugs with the paddles (they merge into each other at the edges) and difficulty seeing the edges make it hard to play for long.",
"createdAt": 1568651833727
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting. I kinda like that snarky little gremlin, mooning the player. Cute. I found changing the balls direction difficult. The corners of the paddle would do it, but it is really easy to miss, and they also glitch out a little. This may be your elements moving too fast for you collision code. One suggestion is to alter the balls trajectory more the closer to the edge that you hit it. If you hit the ball centre, it stays on course. If you hit closer to the edge, it will bounce more in the direction of that edge. Another method (one I used in my game this year, Beat Bricks) is to alter the direction based on the speed of the paddle when it hits the ball. The faster it is moving, the more the ball deflects in that direction. You also had some issues with the two paddles overlapping each other.",
"createdAt": 1568666156484
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The bounding box didn't seem to mean anything where the ball bounced from.",
"createdAt": 1568731305549
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "this is done with humour, i like it. If the rebound angle changed depending on how it hit the paddle, it would feel closer to pong and blasterball.",
"createdAt": 1568753947130
"login": "jedulz",
"message": "I like the sound and animations in this game. the ball would sometimes spawn in random locations going downwards and cause me to lose",
"createdAt": 1568789338406
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Well, playing Arkanoid with two players and two paddles can be potentially interesting, but otherwise it's pretty meh.",
"createdAt": 1568821028044
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I wish you could affect the ball's direction with the paddle.\n\nI'm not sure why the background wasn't all blue, and why the ball seemed to hit invisible edges.\n\nThe coin sprites are nice.",
"createdAt": 1568860327114
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Cut animation of the gremlin but I didn't understand the purpose of the dual paddles and it was frustrating.",
"createdAt": 1568991140222
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I think this game needs a little work, you have no control over where the ball bounces since the paddles don't change the direction of which way the ball bounces. It should be like similar games where the left side of a paddle makes the ball bounce left a certain degree depending on where it hits and the reverse for the right side. Also found a bug where you can smash the 2 paddles together, getting 1 paddle.",
"createdAt": 1569213913991
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "good",
"createdAt": 1569415789301
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Sprite of the gremlin was funny",
"createdAt": 1569469111506
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "The coin looked nice, but I feel the game play was lacking control of the ball. At least I had no way of changing the direction of the ball.",
"createdAt": 1569609550816
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool paddle game.",
"createdAt": 1569783348801
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I'm a little bit confused. I don't seem to have any control over the ball at all - the ball always bumps in 45 degree angles. The movement of the two paddles is also a bit unclear and glitchy (they sometimes overlap). I don't understand the point of the gremlin in the game either - is him catching the ball a good thing or a bad thing?",
"createdAt": 1570016571186
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-in-black/index.html",
"title": "Back in Black",
"author": "jameswilddev",
"description": "<p>Get in, get it, get out; your job is to nick the power source of each level. Once you do, however, the lights go out and you have to find your way back blind!</p><p>This is built on an experimental engine which has no render loop and uses the web animation API to animate SVGs in a reactive-like manner. A lot more time was spent on this than the game, so the game is very short (basically just a tutorial).</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-in-black/__big.jpg",
"id": 38,
"login": "jameswilddev",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 168,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 32
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 26
"name": "graphics",
"score": 25
"name": "technical",
"score": 32
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It's really good.\nnice approach to theme 'back'\nI really enjoy it",
"createdAt": 1568648616665
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice music and use of dom.\nnot clear if there are just 2 levels or something is blocking me",
"createdAt": 1568657031798
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "This game has tons of potential, great job on that! I would have liked to have heard some sounds, but the technical demo of the tech you used heavily outweighs this suggestion. I love it, great job!",
"createdAt": 1568662454619
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Ahhh this was way to short! I was genuinely having a lot of fun. Really hope you can squeeze out some more levels for me to play later :D!",
"createdAt": 1568705458992
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great idea and graphics! Keep going to extend game with more levels.",
"createdAt": 1568723902098
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Even if this is short, I like world you built around this direct interpretation of the theme. Good on you for experimenting with graphics. game is fun and the design is interesting, I wish there was more.",
"createdAt": 1568752486451
"login": "Shubham7997",
"message": "Great UI/UX and nice character running 🏃",
"createdAt": 1568778742523
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "This was waaaaay too short!",
"createdAt": 1569083008912
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "An interesting experiment, it seemed to work pretty well!",
"createdAt": 1568891949174
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Good idea for a game, but tragically short. Looks nice. Could use some music and sfx.",
"createdAt": 1568926553359
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "It's the third \"remember way back\" game I see on this contest.\n\nYou have good graphics, though. But next to no levels.",
"createdAt": 1568976005085
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Interesting game idea! As you said, it needs more levels, and maybe a sense of danger. Like if there were traps that kill you if you step on them so that memorizing the level is important. As it is, even in the dark I can just wander around until I get out.",
"createdAt": 1569165341020
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice to hear about new technologies.",
"createdAt": 1569197437334
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I really like this idea - I'd love to see larger levels. I think it would make it more interesting to have things that change the map dynamically - teleporters or room rotators or what have you.",
"createdAt": 1569267874242
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I wish this had more levels, it's a fun concept!",
"createdAt": 1569318959950
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Its cool how you made everything from scratch.\nThe game was constantly crashing on Firefox. I could somehow get in, but than it crashed :(.",
"createdAt": 1569569415130
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game. I like the concept of memorising the route or even finding a route before lights out.\n\nCrashed quite a lot for me",
"createdAt": 1569707354229
"login": "supereggbert",
"message": "So short, wish there was more the concept is fantastic",
"createdAt": 1569765994437
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Nice idea, shame it wasn't longer. Interesting tech choice, will be digging into it to see how it works!",
"createdAt": 1569791813607
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "The theme is very well incorporated. I like the walking animation, and the silhouette of the character. There are some nice puzzles in this game.",
"createdAt": 1569838284585
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice idea and a well made engine.",
"createdAt": 1569876769215
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-the-nest/index.html",
"title": "Back to the Nest",
"author": "SQL Sherpa",
"description": "<p>Spacebar to fly! Bring a worm back to the nest safely to earn an egg. Produce as many eggs as possible without getting hit by enemy birds.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-the-nest/__big.jpg",
"id": 2,
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 166,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 25
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 43
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 24
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 13
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Cute graphics, gameplay easily graspable but the challenge is wonky - it's too easy until the enemies get way too hard.",
"createdAt": 1568651319257
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "The idea is funny and the graphics are cool. \n\nI faced some bugs though. \n\nSometimes the bird would get stuck at the top, sometimes it would go down as I press space, and once I had a column with so many enemy birds that there was no gap I could pass through.\n\nI think it would be a nice addition if the physics were a bit more elaborated.",
"createdAt": 1568656148266
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Nice idea - I liked the both directions dynamic. I looks pretty - I played a few time and had some fun with it.",
"createdAt": 1568661650216
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Flappy bird but in both directions. Adding some new mechanics would be fun.",
"createdAt": 1568686417934
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "High score:2\nWas pretty difficult and there might be a bug where my bird gets stuck at the top of the screen after 2nd game(chrome)",
"createdAt": 1568720527486
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Nice idea but it needs some more work, avoiding the fast birds is just a matter of luck especially while you are returning to the nest.",
"createdAt": 1568741179107
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Awesome graphics, very \"squishy\"!",
"createdAt": 1568753054980
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Lovely game",
"createdAt": 1568794591530
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Cute graphics. The flying animation is good. I'm not sure what to do about those crazy kamakazi birds though!",
"createdAt": 1568826534287
"login": "remvst",
"message": "The graphics are nice, I like the sprites. I wish there was some kind of feedback when getting hurt, and something indicating how much health I have left. I couldn't tell if I was hurt or not.\n\nThe controls are also a bit weird. Since this is a desktop entry it would have been nice to be able to control more than just the altitude. It also felt like I was stuck on the floor very often, or stuck in a tree, which is a bit frustrating.\n\nAdding simple sound effects would also greatly improve the game.",
"createdAt": 1568858058273
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice little game, sometimes is impossible to avoid enemies since there is no ability to control the bird position",
"createdAt": 1568905678079
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "Bug spotted: The bird sticks to the ground when replaying the game...\n\nI like the bird's design.\n\nIt is really difficult to evade the birds that fly horizontally. I almost feel like it is just a matter of luck. Decreasing the birds' x speed may help.",
"createdAt": 1569027598546
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "A nice idea, quite difficult very quickly. Good effort with the pixel art.",
"createdAt": 1569105535738
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "A good idea, unfortunately the implementation doesn't follow. I gave up after the 10th egg as the game is too repetitive with no real challenge. The only way around the second flying wall is to soar at the top of the screen. The other ravens are too fast, you only dodge them by sheer luck. Too bad because the sprites are nicely animated.",
"createdAt": 1569166202840
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I think I played a very old game that was kind of like this. It feels kind of nostalgic. I wish you could change direction at will, but it's pretty solid.",
"createdAt": 1569215190170
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Flying really high kept me out of trouble ;)",
"createdAt": 1569269821823
"login": "jaller94",
"message": "I wish I could see what the challenges of the world are and what new mechanics get introduced. Those seem interesting. Sadly, the randomized, fast birds kill you after just one contact.",
"createdAt": 1568670177095
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like games with simple controls.",
"createdAt": 1569459207935
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Like really bugged",
"createdAt": 1569611865424
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "The super fast birds took away from the fun in this game, they are too unavoidable so I feel like I lost for no reason.",
"createdAt": 1569692105024
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "Looks quite funny. Sounds would have been nice",
"createdAt": 1569780537231
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "it is funny, but it has some buggy animation in bird sprites.",
"createdAt": 1569815187625
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Nice job on this! Fun to play, though the fast enemies were a little....too fast? Also I think that they gameplay could have been tightened up a little bit with the ability to control forward/backward movement.",
"createdAt": 1569857915596
"data": {
"url": "/games/backbeat/index.html",
"title": "Backbeat",
"author": "razh",
"description": "<p>[Incomplete]</p><p>WASD and/or Arrow Keys • Move.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSpace • Jump.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tHold mouse down • Shield.</p><p>Infiltrate a nameless corporation through their backalley. Defend yourself against automated turrets with an energy shield. Destroy their defenses.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backbeat/__big.jpg",
"id": 3,
"login": "razh",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 198,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 33
"name": "fun",
"score": 26
"name": "theme",
"score": 28
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 37
"name": "technical",
"score": 45
"comments": [
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Really interesting idea. Was not clear at first that you killed turrets using the bounced lasers, cool idea. Not sure if it is intended to use the shield as a platform to jump on but that's cool too. Good sound effects.\n\nNot much other feedback to provide since it isn't finished, but good job!",
"createdAt": 1568652691878
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Lovely graphics and fast paced - kinda fun to play with for a bit. Wish the game play was more complete",
"createdAt": 1569049355366
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "i was holding the shield than also i was loosing life. And the rectangle things that were coming towards me was confusing, at first i thought that it was moving just to make place look good .",
"createdAt": 1568733374710
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "Pretty cool, but it was hard to know where to go, I ended up just rushing through all the turrets like a crazy chicken and then fell off the edge",
"createdAt": 1568759859347
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "DANG! That was awesome - I wish you'd finished it. It took me a few seconds to understand how the shield deflected the shots back at the turrets, but I loved playing it.",
"createdAt": 1568842691576
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Unfortunately I didn't have a mouse with my laptop so couldn't give this game a full workout. But it looks promising.I like the energy shield idea.",
"createdAt": 1568878090197
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "Graphics are nice but it took me a while to understand the overall mechanics and goal of the game.",
"createdAt": 1568916057666
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game is nice but impossibly hard.",
"createdAt": 1568967485029
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Nice! Interesting idea of not giving the player a gun, but using the enemies weapons against themselves. Controls feel good too - great job!",
"createdAt": 1569168593208
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. Also it's kind of hard to tell what's going on in some areas, I think a lighter color scheme would have been better",
"createdAt": 1569211109111
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Nice theme, fine 3D, good use of shadows. A few glitches make the game difficult : at the beginning, you can only raise the shield after walking up the stairs, once you are already under fire. Then, turrets can shoot at you while they are still in the dark, making aiming back really hard. And what is the shield bar supposed to do ? I can empty it without any ill effect. \nI really hope you could release a complete version.",
"createdAt": 1569275174153
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Very interesting mechanics! Took me a while to understand that I could use the shield for more than just counter attacking, but also to move around.\n\nI was excited to try my recently discovered skill, but then realised the game wasn't finished.",
"createdAt": 1569772906083
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It's nice graphics. well working",
"createdAt": 1569847005636
"data": {
"url": "/games/noegnud/index.html",
"title": "Noegnud",
"author": "Sascha Depold | eBay Tech",
"description": "<p>Noegnud is a tiny dungeon crawler in which you started with a randomly skilled hero on the bottom most floor. After every second finished round you'll have to remove one of your skills and make it all the BACK to the top of the dungeon.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/noegnud/__big.jpg",
"id": 4,
"login": "sdepold",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 173,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 23
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 46
"name": "technical",
"score": 25
"comments": [
"login": "cytrowski",
"message": "Hard to figure out what's going on. I'd recommend putting less enemies on the first stage and teach user about how the controls work.",
"createdAt": 1568650566300
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Nice sound effects\nGood idea (beating the dungeon backwards)\nConfusing attack mechanics\nPretty hard",
"createdAt": 1568663730227
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "I don't seem to control the game in any way. Good theme interpretation though! And the graphics are on point.",
"createdAt": 1568669001851
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Very cool art & concept, smooth execution.\n\nFelt a little too challenging with no way to fill HP. The green-ball shooting guys especially were very hard to avoid.\n\nI think I would have enjoyed it even more if the gameplay were slowed down 15-20%.",
"createdAt": 1568682068796
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "First time I played I could control the character. This time I couldn't. It was quite hard.",
"createdAt": 1568710041116
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nice idea, I like the reverse dungeon-crawler concept. I found it a bit difficult to play (Dodging enemy projectiles was pretty difficult after a while), but very solid!",
"createdAt": 1568746198955
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I'm thoroughly impressed by what you've gotten under 13k here. It was a little too hard for me - I kept dying before even finishing the first round.",
"createdAt": 1568761239602
"login": "remvst",
"message": "The graphics are really cute and nice. The sounds are also fitting very nicely.\n\nI really struggled with the controls, and I'm afraid that only supporting mobile will cost the game points in the ranking.\n\nI wasn't able to get past level 2 as the controls were a bit difficult, and it's not immediately obvious who you're controlling.",
"createdAt": 1568862149315
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I think this game would have worked better in landscape mode with twin sticks for movement and shooting. Nice pixel art though.",
"createdAt": 1568984683024
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice looking game. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to control the little guy.",
"createdAt": 1569184872349
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Fun concepts and plays well, however it is hard to really be in control of what is going on, it feels a bit random at times, Im playing this through the chrome inspector so that might also be the reason why im not experiencing it well.",
"createdAt": 1569406559762
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics and sound.\n\nCouldn't get it to work. When touch enabled it didn't let me enter the game. When click enabled I could enter bu couldn't do anything.",
"createdAt": 1569591642253
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice graphics and assets.\nit's funny",
"createdAt": 1569680528413
"login": "depp",
"message": "Lovely! But I wish I could aim; a level can drag out a little because there’s a monster moving around and I can’t aim at it.",
"createdAt": 1569722192864
"data": {
"url": "/games/marshmallow-playback/index.html",
"title": "Marshmallow playback",
"author": "Gabor Heja",
"description": "<p>Help the marshmallow fellas to collect all the stars. They need to cooperate and avoid deadly traps. You have limited time, after that comes the playback.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrows/WASD/space: Walk and jump / Toggle room<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t1: Jump / Select room<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t2: Dash<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t3: Cancel selection / Finish room</p><p>It almost has touch and gamepad/controller support, almost! I will update the game with them, check out the the GitHub repo later.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/marshmallow-playback/__big.jpg",
"id": 9,
"login": "gheja",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 215,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 38
"name": "fun",
"score": 33
"name": "theme",
"score": 37
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 39
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 33
"comments": [
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "A very technically impressive puzzle game! For the time I played I already had some intriguing lock & key puzzles. The sideways isometric style is also well done.",
"createdAt": 1568661051128
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great platform game! Well done work!",
"createdAt": 1568723474414
"login": "liningyuan",
"message": "nice gameplay and funny graphics.",
"createdAt": 1568813492360
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics paired with an interesting concept.\n\nBottom menu was a bit confusing at times.",
"createdAt": 1568844280854
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Game is far too slow to even be playable unfortunately.",
"createdAt": 1569006601196
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Looks really good, cute little characters, got very confused how to change rooms. I managed to beat the first room with character swap but after that controlling the right one was frustrating.",
"createdAt": 1568889047513
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "That playback-based puzzle game it's very clever, I like it!",
"createdAt": 1568925449232
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Funny little game. A bit hard to make precise movements.",
"createdAt": 1568968781936
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "I was skeptical at first seeing yet another platformer, but I'm glad I kept clearing the levels to see the wonderful core of this game!\n\nA great, intuitive key mechanic!\n\nEverything needed to figure out the game controls and mechanics are right there in the game or gameplay itself.\n\nHonestly my only feedback would have been to not bind the controls to 1/2/3, felt a bit awkward to me. That however was not enough to prevent me from enjoying this game! Great work!",
"createdAt": 1569247727038
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "The operation is kind of hard. The graphic design is very cute.",
"createdAt": 1569379077935
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Its nice. But the jogabillity is a bit strange.",
"createdAt": 1569447729579
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "The playback mechanic is such a great idea. It's really fun planning their moves to make these guys cooperate.\n\nI would work on making the room selection a bit more intuitive. It took me time to understand the Toggle Room option and even then I sometimes messed up. Also maybe reset the time counter immediately after toggling rooms so one doesn't have to wait a cycle before playing the characters?",
"createdAt": 1569632102123
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Cute marshmallow fellas! Nice idea for a game. I got pretty confused telling when it was playback/record mode and which dude I was controlling (if any) at any given time.",
"createdAt": 1569877462876
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "With better controls, would be very good.",
"createdAt": 1569954321128
"data": {
"url": "/games/pew-pew/index.html",
"title": "Pew Pew",
"author": "FROSTIN/BLUEPIE",
"description": "<p>Description<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tMeet Koko! Your average girl with the power to make a barrier around her and absorb bullet's energy when it hits the barrier. She can also use the adsorbed energy to fire back at the enemies.</p><p>Controls<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tButton\tDescription<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow Keys\tMovement<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tz\tBarrier<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tx\tPew</p><p>Authors<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t@xbluepie and @FR0ST1N</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/pew-pew/__big.jpg",
"id": 10,
"login": "FR0ST1N",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 124,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 21
"name": "fun",
"score": 17
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 29
"name": "technical",
"score": 12
"comments": [
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "I liked the look of it and the sounds - I played a bit and the absorb and project idea is cool. A bit buggy but a lot of pink bubble fun for me!",
"createdAt": 1568660797078
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Nice idea, though implemented on very low technical level and complexity. And with bugs.",
"createdAt": 1568675745318
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The art is cool, and the mechanic is well done.\n\nThe hitboxes felt way off, I got hit when projectiles were above my head, and the game died after killing the group of two enemies.",
"createdAt": 1568684850892
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Funny idea and nice sound effects. I experienced a few crashes though. After killing the third enemy the game stops and the pew sound keeps playing... not sure if it was intentional.",
"createdAt": 1568741014122
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "A nice interpretation of the theme. Nice sprites and sounds. I had some bugs occur while playing.",
"createdAt": 1568753160942
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Game crashes when shooting them.\n\nUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'x' of null\n at Bullet.follow (main.min.js:1)\n at eval (eval at _Movement (main.min.js:1), <anonymous>:1:6)\n at Bullet._Movement (main.min.js:1)\n at Bullet.postObjectUpdate (main.min.js:1)\n at main.min.js:1",
"createdAt": 1568778892472
"login": "slashman",
"message": "It crashes after I kill the second pair of enemies. Nice art :)",
"createdAt": 1568835882587
"login": "dunindunin",
"message": "In fact, keep Z key down and fire with X is easy win.\nAlso, I had a bug on level 2 (is there another level?) and a restart button could be great.\nSo, this game need more polish but look great with good controls..",
"createdAt": 1569006090096
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice pixel graphics and sound effects.\n\nCharacter kept disapearing and game seemed to stop and go dark.\n\nWould be nice with different enemies, perhaps a set of levels with barriers?\n\nDidn't scale to browser window.",
"createdAt": 1568899105317
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game has several bugs and errors on the console. Looks cute though.",
"createdAt": 1568969135371
"login": "foumart",
"message": "I like the sprites of the main character, however the game throws so many errors that makes it unplayable.",
"createdAt": 1569084909840
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool characters.",
"createdAt": 1569197107937
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Nice art, but the game crashes after the second round with an error (Cannot read property 'x' of null)",
"createdAt": 1569664040227
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "I made it past a few enemies, then the game froze. Enemies tended to clump together, though their shots followed me. Until I moved behind them! I liked the graphics and the \"shield to power up\" mechanic was fun.",
"createdAt": 1569719426171
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Nice graphics and sound.",
"createdAt": 1569811048449
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Cool game! Unfortunately my session got caught up on a bug where my player and the enemies disappeared, leaving just one laser on the screen. \n\nLoved the artistic style though. Gameplay felt fluid until the bug.",
"createdAt": 1569856116032
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Good mini game for a first entry, keep up the work!",
"createdAt": 1570007737273
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "kept crashing dood :(\n'Cannot read property 'x' of null'",
"createdAt": 1570189632677
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-the-beginning/index.html",
"title": "Back to the beginning",
"author": "Danny Li / Machine tan",
"description": "<p>back to the beginning</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-the-beginning/__big.jpg",
"id": 5,
"login": "dannyli0109",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 132,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 20
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 14
"name": "graphics",
"score": 33
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "I appreciate the graphics and gameplay. However, after you die the game is too quick to reset and it's hard to realize what went wrong and improve to the next try.",
"createdAt": 1568662221885
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "nope nope nope nope nope not giving this more than a minute you MONSTER",
"createdAt": 1568676465807
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "having issues moving left for some reason?? So unfortunately I didn't get to test much, but I really like all those ideas you have going on there, and the creative approach to graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569032078841
"login": "lopis",
"message": "OMG, F****CKkkkk youuu xDDDD",
"createdAt": 1568710039595
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very difficult, couldn't get passed the first level. Introducing the difficulties one at a time would be good, starting with the easy levels of just \"walk to the other side\" then \"one spike in a way\" etc.",
"createdAt": 1568744406616
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "this game is impossible to play, I keep dying at the beginning. try to make it easier for the player, at least at the beginning :)",
"createdAt": 1568731107074
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Super fun theme! Great game to play with your friends",
"createdAt": 1568752638875
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice graphics. It's fiendish how you don't get to see the traps til its too late. I couldn't quite get the hang of this game and wasn't able to get on to the first platform.",
"createdAt": 1568826079051
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Music and sfx would be nice. And if you are going to force them to die so much, you should allow them to press a key to reset, instead of having to switch to the mouse every single time.",
"createdAt": 1568841212357
"login": "depp",
"message": "I had to remap my keyboard to play this game; consider using KeyboardEvent.code.",
"createdAt": 1568916356190
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice pixel graphics. Tricky game.\n\nThe character seems to jump pretty high compared to the horizontal movement.\n\nNot sure loosing all health when hitting an invisible trap makes for good gameplay.\n\nSound would be nice",
"createdAt": 1569189712074
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Looks good, but the platforming is way too floaty and on a weird set of keys to be properly playable.",
"createdAt": 1569351914222
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Back to the beginning... of the level, please! :D",
"createdAt": 1569453185523
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Game speed depends on screen refresh rate\nCould not really find out how to play",
"createdAt": 1569520571330
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "I don't get it, is this unfinished? Seems all I can do is run or jump into invisible spikes.",
"createdAt": 1569686995101
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Was not able to understand. Some explanation would be good. How to play your game?",
"createdAt": 1569845969477
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's super addicted game! Nice work!",
"createdAt": 1570023508081
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Amazing graphics!",
"createdAt": 1570103031637
"data": {
"url": "/games/gem-of-truth/index.html",
"title": "Gem of truth",
"author": "Ryan Chen",
"description": "<p>A 2D game of a story about fighting monsters and bring BACK the gem of truth.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDiscover the secret in the land of gems! The maze will be refreshed every 5 minutes for all the players.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/gem-of-truth/__big.jpg",
"id": 6,
"login": "ryancat",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 158,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 23
"name": "fun",
"score": 28
"name": "theme",
"score": 27
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 35
"name": "graphics",
"score": 21
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"message": "Possibly the most ambitious game in this tournament. I really enjoyed the story elements and the creative use of the squares filling to show off player health. Although sprite graphics for the player and monsters would've been nice to have.\n\nThe main issue with this game has to be performance. Most large rooms slowed the game down to a slide show.",
"createdAt": 1568660816271
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "wow.. nice story, beautiful music.\nbut sometimes the monster bring back me to king without any chance to fight..",
"createdAt": 1568736864008
"login": "Harmades",
"message": "Too bad there's no music, but it looks great and is fun to play ! Well done.",
"createdAt": 1568751849054
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I really enjoyed exploring through all those rooms... I finished the game after some fails. Mechanics could probably be made a bit harder. What if enemies moved a bit more randomly? I would have loved to see sprites for these characters!",
"createdAt": 1568778979606
"login": "tatjam",
"message": "Loved the music, it reminded me of the pokemon mistery dungeon games",
"createdAt": 1568835977060
"login": "dp",
"message": "This is a really fun simple game. I liked the idea of using the character blocks as health bars. Controls were responsive and player moved nice and fast and exactly where I wanted him when dodging enemy fire. I also liked the idea that when I died I was granted stronger attack, but I think maybe it ramped up a bit quickly as I was able to kill the boss fairly easily.\n\nSounds was well done too - great background music that set the tone without being intrusive.\n\nOverall, heaps of fun and the simplistic graphics didn't detract from the experience at all.",
"createdAt": 1569030350785
"login": "foumart",
"message": "There is actually a lot of personality in each of these npc's and enemies. I like the auto-aim. The game tends to lag when the rooms are bigger. In one of the rooms I got spawned outside - good thing that enemies were able to get out through the red door so I could kill them.. at first I thought it was a feature.",
"createdAt": 1569106893632
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "I love a lot of things of this game: sound effects, its dialogs, its combat mechanics, ... even the way that the remaining energy is displayed.\nOn other hand, it's a shame that it doesn't have graphics (a 1-bit style should fit perfectly in my opinion), and maybe the automatic aim makes too easy to kill enemies (even when the room is full of them).\nPossible improvements: shaking screen on hits, objects/obstacles, powerups...\nCute and nice work. Congrats.",
"createdAt": 1569152067280
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Love the music. Interesting concept but I don't think the game is working. I walked around and around and found no gems. Then in one room, one of the enemies jumped outside the room walls s I couldn't kill it so i had to close the game...",
"createdAt": 1569184189479
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "The dialogue take too much time.",
"createdAt": 1569843435516
"data": {
"url": "/games/racer/index.html",
"title": "racer",
"author": "James",
"description": "<p>Start from the back of the pack, finish 1st to go to the next race!</p><p>To drift, stop accelerating, push handbrake and turn, start accelerating.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTo slipstream, drive at the back of another car for a moment.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe inside of corners are faster.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/racer/__big.jpg",
"id": 8,
"login": "jaammees",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 224,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 23
"name": "fun",
"score": 47
"name": "theme",
"score": 19
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 49
"name": "graphics",
"score": 42
"name": "technical",
"score": 44
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It's funny, speedy",
"createdAt": 1568650353284
"login": "fed135",
"message": "Very impressive game! I've seen a lot of similar games in code golfing competitions before, but yours is by far the most polished I've seen. \n\nDrafting, voice over, and the sharpness of it all. Bravo.\n\nOne tiny modification that would've made the game better in my opinion would've been to recolor the other cars.",
"createdAt": 1568660505579
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I enjoyed the game. I used all of my turbo, maybe Coil subscribers could get more turbo. The graphics look nice and the sound is good. I thought it was an interesting twist to use the robot voice, I am guessing it is a built in API in the browser, which I think is clever of you to use.",
"createdAt": 1568748656303
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Wow, well executed. I like the fractal trees. Maybe just needs music.",
"createdAt": 1568763224616
"login": "madmaw",
"message": "I get this error unfortunately! Chrome on Windows 7\n\nindex.html:56 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'createBuffer' of null\n at index.html:56",
"createdAt": 1569060194395
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to play the game, but otherwise great!",
"createdAt": 1568801311834
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "A fun, old school arcade style racer.\nClean, simple, well executed.\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1568995070633
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "best racing gameplay I saw in this competition, with some additions can be a complete game (like more type of cars ad circuits)",
"createdAt": 1569144844544
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Great game, looks good, nice sounds and fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1569182980488
"login": "southerton81",
"message": "Hard to win but fun to play! Wonderful. Got to Race2",
"createdAt": 1569239729871
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Voice was a nice touch. Very fun Pole Position mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1569291609531
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very well done little racer, though I couldn't ever seem to get 1st place. Very smooth-looking for a sprite-scaling racer!",
"createdAt": 1569353009400
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Its amazing what you did with 13 kb.\nSadly i dont see a connection to a theme \nLoved the background.",
"createdAt": 1569529142476
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Woah, such an impressive and fun game. I've probably played this game about 10 times longer than any other game so far and I just keep being impressed by it. The controls are simple, but as you get comfortable you learn you need to react quickly to avoid cars or stay on the track - and it gave me a feeling of like controlling a gear shift quickly in a race. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the NES F1 Racer and so this game brings back a lot of fun memories. The slipstream mechanic is also a nice touch and helped me finally win the first race.",
"createdAt": 1569621593920
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "The voice is dreadful, but the game is fantastic, I cant wait to see the code and learn how the 3d effects were created.",
"createdAt": 1569694718416
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good race game. The movements are nice. Cars could be different from each other.",
"createdAt": 1569851659556
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Fun, well polished game, had me coming back for more.",
"createdAt": 1570031890158
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics! Great work!",
"createdAt": 1569958496654
"data": {
"url": "/games/zooback-rider/index.html",
"title": "Zooback Rider",
"author": "Curtastic",
"description": "<p>You work at a zoo where the animals get to roam free in the fields during the day. But when a storm is coming, you have to bring them back into their pens. You can chase them back or ride them back.</p><p>All graphics are emojis.</p><p>On desktop: arrow keys to move, space to pick up item / drop item / dismount. Phones: hold to move there, tap yourself to pick up item / drop item / dismount.</p><p>Works on iPhone, but not so much on Android because they don't have all the emojis with color built in.</p><p>The JavaScript is minified, but there is a link to the TouchBasic code in the github.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/zooback-rider/__big.jpg",
"id": 7,
"login": "curtastic",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 196,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 36
"name": "fun",
"score": 38
"name": "theme",
"score": 32
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 37
"name": "graphics",
"score": 29
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I like that the only way to go through water is to ride the octopus.",
"createdAt": 1568652571023
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I couldn't catch the horse - what was I missing? He just kept hopelessly outrunning me. The board was huge, too; a mini-map would be helpful.\n\nClever use of emojis.",
"createdAt": 1568660504677
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "Got a bit stuck after the animals were back in the pens, I guess that's the end of the game? Using emojis is fun - could have maybe used fallbacks for devices that are missing some emojis",
"createdAt": 1568666667140
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Unique gameplay",
"createdAt": 1568726968238
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Liked the little puzzle element: Needing crops to lure animals, swimming with the octopus.\n\nSome of the text was a bit hard to read, because it was black text with black mountains behind it.",
"createdAt": 1568744709172
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Funny idea, fun gameplay. The horses are so fast!",
"createdAt": 1568751772914
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "I found this game was lacking. It felt it was not finished. It looks nice, and plays well. The movement of the characters could have been a bit smoother, but maybe that was the idea in the first place.",
"createdAt": 1568845582451
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very funny game, riding all of them was made me chuckle!",
"createdAt": 1568935038452
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting. Could use some music and sfx. Couldn't figure out how to cross the river.",
"createdAt": 1568984270554
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "This game doesn't look at all like on the screenshot on MacOSX :)",
"createdAt": 1569083624229
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Colourful and cute design. The animals aren't too difficult to chase down, but it's very very easy to get completely stuck if you accidentally leave the octopus north of the river. Could be improved by having a more concrete end state - collecting flowers seems like an open-ended goal and there's no indication of progress.",
"createdAt": 1568902345747
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Emojis are a blessing in this jam aren't they? :)\nI liked this puzzle. The game has the right amount of exposure to be clear without feeling like you're giving the player a tutorial.\nIt looks fine in android - just missing the mountain emoji I think. But it's very slow on mobile for some reason.\nGod job",
"createdAt": 1569178158070
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Interesting use of emojis.\n\nMost of the gameplay seems to boil down to cornering the animals and hoping the run into you.",
"createdAt": 1569249087169
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Great use of emojis!",
"createdAt": 1569318627782
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "The graphic design is fairly good, but I think the map is not large enough.",
"createdAt": 1569379785148
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good test for emoji-concept.",
"createdAt": 1569448051578
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very smart usage of emojis for graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569593873839
"login": "gheja",
"message": "Great idea and fun to play, I always wanted to ride an octopus.",
"createdAt": 1569670403136
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fun game, nice use of graphics\n\nNice wobbling animation during movement.\n\nI couldn't find the pig.",
"createdAt": 1569706044193
"login": "nvignola",
"message": "Add music to bring more atmosphere to the game",
"createdAt": 1569765814184
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "First game I see with a decent animation based only on emojis. Original idea, I wish there were more depth to the game. Or did I miss something, such as what to do with the flowers ?",
"createdAt": 1569792520002
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "This was a very weird game. I liked the fact that there weren't many indications - you just were around doing stuff. I also like the way the assets were handled using emojis - that was a pretty clever move. The lack of sounds made me a bit sad :)",
"createdAt": 1569841588735
"data": {
"url": "/games/got-your-back/index.html",
"title": "Got your back!",
"author": "inn3r",
"description": "<p>DESCRIPTION:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe killer whales are trying to kill our little penguin friend but he does NOT have to worry because you got his back!</p><p>HOW TO PLAY:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tCLICK or TAP to start the game<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse the ICE BLOCK to SMASH the whales</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/got-your-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 11,
"login": "inn3rGames",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 140,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 13
"name": "fun",
"score": 19
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 14
"name": "graphics",
"score": 47
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "cute and playable.",
"createdAt": 1568653277592
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "The visual style is fantastic, although it could benefit of some special effects, now whales just... disappear. Gameplay-wise it felt a little simple, especially considering that there was no scoring system (or if there was, I didn't notice it).",
"createdAt": 1568661478847
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "The motion of the sea is good. Cute graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569015376908
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Amazing graphics using Zdog\nConcept too simple",
"createdAt": 1568665559362
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Although simple this is a great scene design with alot of different objects. Very beautiful and gets tricky eventually which is nice.",
"createdAt": 1568697935991
"login": "depp",
"message": "Phenomenal art style!",
"createdAt": 1568737918642
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Such a cute game. Super nice art. Game mechanics are a bit simple - I didn't feel motivated to continue playing past 74 points. But good job overall!",
"createdAt": 1568748355913
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Clever mechanic! Cute graphics.",
"createdAt": 1568762603218
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "Ah, another entry that uses Zdog! You've used it very well to make a game that looks amazing, although the gameplay is a little on the simple side.",
"createdAt": 1568829696631
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "Very crisp graphics, it looks great. The gameplay however is boring and repetitive. It does not give me a reason to play it again. Also the mouse position was not calculated correctly, it was a bit off my actual mouse cursor.",
"createdAt": 1568844718706
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Awesome graphics, but trivial gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1568901546462
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Really lovely graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568972633481
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Why does the ice block suck up the killer whale? ;) Nice graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569270124906
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Cute game, I think the hitbox is a little weird, but it still plays pretty well. This is pretty similar to a minigame in a megaman battle network game. A little too easy I think though.",
"createdAt": 1569215781547
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool. But I'm so sorry for the whales!",
"createdAt": 1569413232023
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very nice graphics! Game play is very simple but it looks really good.",
"createdAt": 1569461687055
"login": "foumart",
"message": "This game is looking gorgeous. If the sharks had behavior it would be awesome.",
"createdAt": 1569518009393
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "I'm not sure what the game has to do with theme but the idea works fine.",
"createdAt": 1569781200990
"login": "gheja",
"message": "The graphics is great! More levels and some variety would add a lot to the game.",
"createdAt": 1569827262493
"data": {
"url": "/games/toe-tac-tic/index.html",
"title": "Toe-Tac-Tic",
"author": "rutimeTerror",
"description": "<p>This is back-ward Tic-Tak-Toe, in this, you lose the game<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tif you make 3 consecutive X or O...........<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis game is made in 2 modes:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t 1) To play with the browser<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t 2) To play with friends offline</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/toe-tac-tic/__big.jpg",
"id": 54,
"login": "hemanth-hk",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 128,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 16
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 21
"name": "graphics",
"score": 11
"name": "technical",
"score": 13
"comments": [
"login": "jBlack87",
"message": "pretty basic, would have been cool to add some more depth to the gameplay. As far as functionality goes, everything seems to work, didn't find any flaws in the mechanics based on the rules provided up front",
"createdAt": 1568649006085
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "Fun, but very simple. It works great and looks nice.",
"createdAt": 1568844008033
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Great idea! Really interesting game play and concept.\nYour implementation looks clean and the simple visual design works well. \nI wished your AI player was a bit better. Brilliant project.",
"createdAt": 1568657312153
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Some bugs (last circle placed is not checked for win?)",
"createdAt": 1568664812193
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The AI is not very good ... tic tac toe is also very simple, maybe would be better as a bigger game?",
"createdAt": 1568695908577
"login": "huijari",
"message": "Interesting new rule but still very simple",
"createdAt": 1568727300826
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Interesting idea, and funny name. I experienced some strange results in the mode against the AI. In some cases I would lose or win, but the game would say it was a tie.\n\nThe two players mode could have some indication of whose turn it is.",
"createdAt": 1568753163215
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "Clever! I loved to play Tic-Tac-Toe as Toe-Tac-Tic.\n\nI didn't have the change to play it offline, though. Probably that'd be the funniest way to play it!",
"createdAt": 1568789286978
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "good",
"createdAt": 1568813664029
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice reversed tic-tac-toe, and smart use of \"Comic Sans MS\" :D",
"createdAt": 1568833194622
"login": "depp",
"message": "First player can force a draw. Strategy: Play in the center tile first. Then play opposite the opponent.\n\nIf the first player doesn’t play center tile, then the second player can force a win.",
"createdAt": 1568904416928
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "The ai is definitely wrong in this game, it plays as though it's a regular game of tic tac toe, rather than toe tac tic rules.",
"createdAt": 1569213182724
"login": "eguneys",
"message": "diagonal O's doesn't count",
"createdAt": 1569419694441
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Interesting concept, should have been Connect 4 for more complexity. Not sure how the 2-player game is supposed to work, I would have expected players to take turns.",
"createdAt": 1569534437946
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Cool idea. The css for the bottom button is kinda weird xd",
"createdAt": 1569612908746
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "I liked the idea. But the size of the field( just 3x3) makes a game quite boring. It would be better making field a little bigger.",
"createdAt": 1569693288663
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I am not sure if the rules are working as they should. I got three Os in a row, so I thought I should loose. Anyway, I like that a classic game has been made, with a twist that you need to prevent getting three in a row. It makes you think about the game differently.",
"createdAt": 1569828265354
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice idea.",
"createdAt": 1569845528023
"login": "lopis",
"message": "There's something wrong with the game. Whenever I lose, it says the game was a tie.\nBut it's an interesting concept.",
"createdAt": 1570017918847
"data": {
"url": "/games/it-man/index.html",
"title": "IT-Man",
"author": "Krol22",
"description": "<p>Use ARROWS for movement. Use SPACE to make backup. You make backup by stepping on computer first.</p><p>To gain up more time you need to mak backups. For locked computers you need to find password first.</p><p>'P' and 'C' letters visible on screen will help you with finding password and computer on map.</p><p>You lose when your time ends. Watch out for Computer Viruses!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/it-man/__big.jpg",
"id": 69,
"login": "Krol22",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 189,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 36
"name": "theme",
"score": 31
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 37
"name": "graphics",
"score": 30
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Good Graphic Quality.!!",
"createdAt": 1568647940307
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The it man moves too slowly, it would be more fun if he moved faster. It would be funner if he had a weapon against the viruses.",
"createdAt": 1568659587667
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Nice graphics and gameplay!",
"createdAt": 1568708021725
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Nice game concept. The visual styles of different objects clash a bit, but that's not a big issue.",
"createdAt": 1568745296125
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Not bad!\n\nI would suggest changing the \"Time\" number into a large bar (like a progress/health bar), as it would be easier to see it is ticking down. And probably lower the value on the Computers, or make the decay faster the longer you've been playing -- otherwise you have so much time you'll survive forever until you run into a virus.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568828324827
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Maze was fun, good graphics and sound effects.\n\nTime limits a bit tight.\n\nThe hit detection made it hard to move around quickly.",
"createdAt": 1568845903378
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Fun to play for a bit - loved the retro graphics look.",
"createdAt": 1569072754623
"login": "sdepold",
"message": ":D I like it! Is there actually an end at some point?",
"createdAt": 1569175530827
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Pretty cute, if simple, pacmanoid.",
"createdAt": 1569354911586
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "high:700\nIT man looks like Colin the db guy",
"createdAt": 1569413968620
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very cool. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569460886703
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Fun, challenging game. Also I feel like the artistic style was consistent throughout and you accomplished a nice feel to the game with minimal graphics, and it just needed some music to tie it all together. I think the concept is simple but you executed it really well. If you were to develop further, i think multiple levels with variety of designs and enemy/obstacles would be a fun play.",
"createdAt": 1569523589823
"login": "zpchavez",
"message": "Wish I could defeat the viruses somehow!",
"createdAt": 1569716213855
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I liked this one quite a bit. Easy to play and interesting. Probably would be nice to expand the hacking / \"stealth\" mechanic in a bigger game. Also: the graphics were cool. Kudos!",
"createdAt": 1569929965401
"login": "andrehottie",
"message": "Same loading of the last year's winner :\\",
"createdAt": 1570090922857
"data": {
"url": "/games/run-run-run/index.html",
"title": "Run, Run... RUN!",
"author": "sgq995",
"description": "<p>Just a running game, as the theme is \"back\", you've always seen the back of the character.</p><p>Use Left/Right arrows or A/D keys to move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPress Esc/P keys to pause<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPress Enter when game requested to start or restart the game.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/run-run-run/__big.jpg",
"id": 12,
"login": "sgq995",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 78,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 12
"name": "fun",
"score": 12
"name": "theme",
"score": 15
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 13
"name": "graphics",
"score": 8
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "hemanth-hk",
"message": "I can say that it was a good try...the music was good but the gameplay was a little boring.....",
"createdAt": 1568649511134
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Relaxing game. It was a bit hard to estimate the distance between the player and the other runners. Maybe a bit more work in the perspective would have helped.",
"createdAt": 1568657150007
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Nice music!",
"createdAt": 1570091289035
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Even at 13k and in running genre you can get something good... or something bad. This one is closer to the latter, honestly. You should at leas makes sure that other runners do not occupy entire width at the same time",
"createdAt": 1568676032279
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Unfortunately it's often impossible to avoid collisions and really hard to really judge depth.\nBut other than that it's a cool attempt at creating a pseudo 3d effect.",
"createdAt": 1568726644409
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "music is nice, but gameplay needs to be improved",
"createdAt": 1568740730885
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Not really fun to play. Perspective is all wrong, characters should move slowly when far away and faster when coming near.",
"createdAt": 1569016115285
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Nice music...",
"createdAt": 1568834772624
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "i think the perspective is a bit off? the doods slow down too much the nearer they get, its difficult to dodge past without getting hit.",
"createdAt": 1569267568709
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Sometimes it's a bit hard to see whether a runner next to you is in front or behind you.",
"createdAt": 1569222546697
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice music. Interesting concept.\n\nHard to see where the player is on the ground to know when to dodge the oncoming people.\n\nThere seems to be a lot more space between oncoming people in the distance compared to the foreground.\n\nIt would be good to be able to vary speed of moving forward.\n\nDoesn't scale to browser window.",
"createdAt": 1569415268696
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "I don't know if I overrun someone or not",
"createdAt": 1569524800137
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Ok, i guess this is somehow connected with a theme haha. \nWell, the game works. I didnt really get the point of it, but isnt it like that with all the games? ;)",
"createdAt": 1569614342414
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I'd like if your game was faster.",
"createdAt": 1569844700752
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It's simple but i like it.\nnice music",
"createdAt": 1569939283325
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Cute game. Collisions are a bit wonky, but it's a really great start. Why do players slow down so much when they are approaching? In real life, things that are more far away seem to move slower than things that are close to you.",
"createdAt": 1570016135695
"data": {
"url": "/games/paperback/index.html",
"title": "Paperback",
"author": "vegvarizalan",
"description": "<p>This is a platformer game, with the goal of saving the princess from the 13 vicious enemies.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou have to fight them in increasing difficulty order to finally reach the princess.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tAll this backwards though...</p><p>The controls are inspired by Hollow Knight:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow key: move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tZ: jump<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tX: hit<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tC: dash</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/paperback/__big.jpg",
"id": 13,
"login": "zalan24",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 180,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 31
"name": "fun",
"score": 21
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 24
"name": "graphics",
"score": 40
"name": "technical",
"score": 39
"comments": [
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "I had a bit of fun fighting; and enjoyed the paper puppet on a stick aesthetic,",
"createdAt": 1568661286336
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game!",
"createdAt": 1569252880471
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to turn off the \"Search as you type\" setting in my browser, as the game was otherwise unplayable.",
"createdAt": 1568704176070
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Unique!.\nnice Idea.\nIt would be better if there are music.",
"createdAt": 1568727322361
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I don't understand. I killed the princess but the first monster just won't die. The art is cute though.",
"createdAt": 1568750357026
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Funny graphics and nice style.",
"createdAt": 1568771627429
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Really awesome graphics! Love the paper-cutout theme! Only issues are it's hard to tell if you're actually doing any damage and there are a couple bugs here and there when falling / jumping.",
"createdAt": 1568830373212
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This could be an amazing game. But I found the interface completely counterintuitive and couldn't get it to do anything interesting.",
"createdAt": 1569006601198
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "The paper look, with the attached handles, is unique and very cool. Unfortunately the combat was a little confusing - hard to tell when you were hitting the monster or getting hit. Adding some \"hit\" particles or overlays would help with that.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568890405041
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "I really liked the graphic style of this game! The gameplay unfortunately was really disappointing :(",
"createdAt": 1569072582301
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Great art style! I couldn't get past the second enemy, but enjoyed it.",
"createdAt": 1569178948128
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Pretty amazing for 13kb, although the game is a little buggy, it's possible to infinite wall jump on the left wall and one time i managed to phase through it somehow and move to the next level",
"createdAt": 1569216234013
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Really really love the style.\n\nControls and gameplay feel a bit lacking, throwing my body at the enemies while spamming attack was the best tactic I could see.\n\nRegardless of that, a really good entry.\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569333603172
"login": "tulustul",
"message": "The framerate drops for me to few fps :(",
"createdAt": 1569358430733
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Interesting art style like a puppet show. I enjoyed the look of the game.\n\nEnemies are a bit hard to kill perhaps need an indication of their remaining health.",
"createdAt": 1568671433882
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "I loved the concept! It is fun. Well implemented!",
"createdAt": 1569440337376
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "I'm not quite sure, I feel like I might have killed the princess in the end? Anyways there was a point where the door to the left didn't get me anywhere and that last enemy was surprisingly easy.\nMost enemies could just be killed by luring them of the edge.\nOtherwise a pretty cool game with an interesting art style.\nOf course some sounds would have been nice, and everything felt a little bit dark for paper.",
"createdAt": 1568658108677
"login": "zpchavez",
"message": "I like that they're little stick puppets.",
"createdAt": 1569715835316
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Looks interesting, though maybe vector graphics would fit better.\n\nCombat is crap.",
"createdAt": 1569772661609
"login": "Hundao",
"message": "I don't know why it too lag to play",
"createdAt": 1569817979514
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I am not sure if I was able to play the game right. I always met the same boss. I think it is fun that you start from the final boss, and work your way to the first. And the figures are nice as well.",
"createdAt": 1569868052899
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Paperback, as if all characters and scenery were printed on paper ? Good use of the theme, nice idea for the life counter, the reste of the implementation does not follow. Pixelized borders are too visible, and the game goes blurry (low-res ?) for no obvious reason. \nA display of opponent's life would have helped - can you defeat that rabbit ? I could only jump around it.",
"createdAt": 1570168811207
"data": {
"url": "/games/block-hammer/index.html",
"title": "Block Hammer",
"author": "CodeChomper",
"description": "<p>Break the blocks before they fly off the bottom of the screen and you will earn points. Let the blocks fly past and your score will go BACKwards.</p><p>Left and Right arrows to switch from forward or BACKwards directions of the hammers. You can also click or tap. </p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/block-hammer/__big.jpg",
"id": 14,
"login": "CodeChomper",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 138,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 34
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 24
"name": "graphics",
"score": 12
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "...",
"createdAt": 1568649186705
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Interesting idea - I enjoyed the game play. Think your sounds are really good - and the simple variety you get with the size and speeds on the red blocks is clever. Fun, game - a bit addictive.",
"createdAt": 1568657818292
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "I really liked the hammer gameplay! Looks like that some blocks (extreme right) are out of reach,, maybe it's a bug?",
"createdAt": 1568666080119
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I like that you reward or punish the player with the sound of the note.",
"createdAt": 1568733304453
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "very nice sounds and fun mechanic. incorporates the theme nicely. i enjoyed playing. The simplicity is very nice",
"createdAt": 1569032580596
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting take on a falling brick game. It was too big for my screen. Consider scaling to innerWidth and innerHeight.",
"createdAt": 1568841715075
"login": "stasm",
"message": "The connection to the theme seems a bit forced, but I get it. I like the one-buton mechanic, and how the blocks emit different sounds when destroyed.",
"createdAt": 1568879313978
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "Innovative and nice progression, it was an interesting game. Colors were off-putting though.",
"createdAt": 1568918277072
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Nice, challenging game. Graphics are simple but cute.\nThe game is really slow paced in the beginning, almost made me give up on testing. Only got hooked after enduring its pace until levels 3-4. Then it got fun... but my score is gone after each level! :'(\n\nThe first time I broke a brick, there was a sound.. but then no more sounds?\nYou could have easily adapted this game to be responsive and fit mobile games!\nOverall good job!",
"createdAt": 1569180642860
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "cool game",
"createdAt": 1569498398114
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fun game, very tricky especially when the blocks get faster and move at different speeds.\n\nDoesn't scale well to browser.",
"createdAt": 1569703589546
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Your game is relaxing.",
"createdAt": 1569839131220
"data": {
"url": "/games/meadow/index.html",
"title": "Meadow",
"author": "Jason Alvarez",
"description": "<p>A small story game of a bunny that fell down into a cave and makes its way back to it's bunny friends.</p><p>You jump over the enemies by clicking or tapping on the screen. The closer you get to the meadow, the more the scenery changes to gradually reflect a meadow.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/meadow/__big.jpg",
"id": 16,
"login": "jalvarez2016",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 117,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 15
"name": "fun",
"score": 19
"name": "theme",
"score": 19
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 22
"name": "graphics",
"score": 23
"name": "technical",
"score": 19
"comments": [
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "The simple gameplay is quite nice. It's a great game to burn time with. The graphics could be a bit more ambitious. The volume was also extremely high (perhaps that was just on my end), headphone users may find this annoying.",
"createdAt": 1568657448058
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Cute bright graphics - I hopped a lot and had some fun - and the sounds are exciting if loud.",
"createdAt": 1568663064377
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Reminds me of an 8-bit game.\n\nIt would increase the playabilty if you could move the character left and right when multiple enemies are approaching.",
"createdAt": 1568667863079
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Cute low res graphics. Music grates a bit after a while!",
"createdAt": 1569015768231
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Unfortunately sometimes it's impossible to avoid the enemies. The music is a little bit simple and maybe an octave to high for my taste.\nThe changing background is a nice touch",
"createdAt": 1568726644411
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Nice music. Not much happens. Game could be improved by adding some animations to hopping and when you get hit, to really make it feel like something is going on.",
"createdAt": 1568778892474
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Ok game, but the audio and the colors hurt my ears and eyes...",
"createdAt": 1568819323713
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "It was a relatively short game when you get to 30 points the game ends. I felt that maybe you could have created a procedure level so the game did not end and added additional challenges?\n\nThe sounds were a good edition and reminded me of some classic games.",
"createdAt": 1568837664580
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like the sprites for both the enemies and the bunny.\n\nThe game is unfortunately too difficult and some jumps are just impossible to perform without losing one or two hearts. Being able to get your health back would be nice.\n\nOne nice change would be to be able to move left and right.",
"createdAt": 1568858058272
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Nearly blasted my eardrums out when clicking start - might want to do a gain check next time on headphones. Good job otherwise!",
"createdAt": 1569162829547
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good start!",
"createdAt": 1569185624879
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "audio is so loud",
"createdAt": 1569256645699
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I like the scenery changes, they are a good indicator how far you got already.",
"createdAt": 1569312674721
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "It would be nice if you could control how high you jumped.",
"createdAt": 1569606852937
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Cute game! Also a nice little melody in there and well drawn end picture.",
"createdAt": 1569399601560
"login": "tatjam",
"message": "Loved the graphics, the progressive change looks pretty good considering the limitations. A big problem was the volume of the music, it was far too loud, scared me when I opened the game ;)",
"createdAt": 1569441684597
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny.\nThe music could be more great.",
"createdAt": 1569680221594
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Nice sound, cute graphics, simple but fun gameplay. Won after 2 or 3 games.",
"createdAt": 1569787893012
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Short but sweet. Everything worked great and I enjoyed the scenery changes and pixel art :)",
"createdAt": 1569857207378
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "I'm pretty sure you have roome fore more fancy gfx in 13k. How about being able to move sideways ? There are some enemes you just cannot avoid.",
"createdAt": 1570168811208
"data": {
"url": "/games/protect-the-base/index.html",
"title": "Protect The Base",
"author": "Zhi",
"description": "<p>A game inspired by Dota's last hitting mechanics. Don't let your base fall as you get the last hit on creeps and obtain gold. Utilize your special skill \"backtrack\" to push the enemy back and give you a tiny bit of breathing room!</p><p>arrow keys to move</p><p>backspace to use backtrack skill (10 second cooldown)</p><p>spacebar to attack the enemy</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/protect-the-base/__big.jpg",
"id": 15,
"login": "zhc1289",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 74,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 12
"name": "fun",
"score": 9
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 10
"name": "graphics",
"score": 13
"name": "technical",
"score": 13
"comments": [
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "A bit hard to figure out what to do. The controls are tricky.",
"createdAt": 1568657150011
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "good idea, controls are clunky",
"createdAt": 1568663429810
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "The concept of last hitting is irrelevant if there is no one else hitting the enemies. I felt the character needed to move faster too. For something DOTA inspired, I might do point and click movement as well. A cool down timer would be ideal as well.",
"createdAt": 1568668969066
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Very unclear how attacking works; whether there's a cooldown or an aoe/hurtbox there's no visual indication.",
"createdAt": 1568683479859
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "well",
"createdAt": 1570099863500
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice game. Use preventDefault on backspace keydown event or some browsers go back to previous page",
"createdAt": 1569057679659
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I'd like to see something a bit more visual to tell me how my base is doing. I was pretty confused.",
"createdAt": 1568841708918
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "The game seemed a bit slow to respond to the keyboard.",
"createdAt": 1568878090202
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "The controls don't feel very good: Attacking rarely seems to work while moving, and there is an annoying delay before starting to move.",
"createdAt": 1568915596016
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "As it is, the game isn't much fun to play. Enemies move around you and reach the base, you can easily dispatch two or three of them but the base loses energy each time. You need other abilities, such as placing (temporary) obstacles, moving faster or healing the base.",
"createdAt": 1569088013943
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Being able to move down & attack at the same time would have made this more fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1569213659504
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Movement controls implementation needs work: player should be able to move when holding arrow keys right away.",
"createdAt": 1569403225393
"data": {
"url": "/games/watchmyback/index.html",
"title": "watchmyback",
"author": "John Swana",
"description": "<p>watchmyback game eat candies before they turn into bugs and shoot at you as a head start you have a free ladybug bodyguard eat more ladybugs foods for more body guards , use direction keys for control and touch buttons for touch enabled devices, for aiming and shooting use the virtual joystick. all insects '🐛', '🐝', '🐜' turn into body guards for web monetisation.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/watchmyback/__big.jpg",
"id": 18,
"login": "swashvirus",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 110,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 18
"name": "fun",
"score": 15
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 17
"name": "graphics",
"score": 17
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Not sure how to play it on desktop, on mobile seems working but it's a bit hard to understand what's going on",
"createdAt": 1568648123676
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Cool idea to use emojis as sprites. A lot of action in the game. The characters are a bit small.",
"createdAt": 1568657752716
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Well done controls, the game flows well",
"createdAt": 1569031089209
"login": "dp",
"message": "Game looked great and using emojis was a fantastic idea! Loved the colourful splats. Sounds was good and fitted the game well. \n\nI played the game on desktop and unfortunately didn't seem able to aim much, but found I could stay low and just shoot upwards. Not really clear of what I was supposed to do though, and there didn't seem to be and end to the game - my player didn't seem to be able to die so the game seemed to just go indefinately. Not sure if this was intentional?\n\nOverall, nice work.",
"createdAt": 1568680954684
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Some objects get lost in the background. I guess the player was shooting something, but could hardly see, what.",
"createdAt": 1568745296136
"login": "stasm",
"message": "Nice use of emoji. The controls are a bit too sensitive on desktop, making it hard to move with precision. There's a lot going on at the same time, and I didn't really know how well I was doing.",
"createdAt": 1568827403040
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Cool game - lots of action on screen! I played on desktop and it would have been nice to have the aiming follow the mouse instead of having to use the virtual stick. Liked the splats when a killed a bug :)",
"createdAt": 1568907802415
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Wow, that escalated quickly! ;)",
"createdAt": 1569267731094
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Instructions a bit short lived, sometimes overwhelming",
"createdAt": 1569406384839
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Heavy use of emoji, unfortunately the do not combine well with animations. The game quickly becomes repetitive, with no clear goal to attain, and collision detection is sometimes approximative.",
"createdAt": 1569679703960
"login": "flushpot1125",
"message": "Very good graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569820386423
"data": {
"url": "/games/backout/index.html",
"title": "Backout",
"author": "eguneys",
"description": "<p>It's an avoidance game. Use arrow keys to control paddles to avoid hitting the ball. Use space to speed up the ball to<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t earn more points.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backout/__big.jpg",
"id": 17,
"login": "eguneys",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 151,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 32
"name": "fun",
"score": 33
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 24
"name": "graphics",
"score": 25
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Great graphics, sound effects, and music, very retro feel.\n\nHowever, the gameplay was a little frustrating, it was hard to predict what a given key input would produce given the flipped/reversed nature of the different paddles. It would be easier but potentially more fun to only have paddles on top/bottom and make them more responsive to user input.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568652691880
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Loved the pixel graphics. Specially the ball fire trail!\n- Interesting gameplay idea\n- I felt the game controls made the game a little too difficult.\n- Still couldn't understand why the ball sometimes stopped and made a sound in between the space.",
"createdAt": 1568658059259
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Interesting twist on pong, nice graphic effects, fun to play!",
"createdAt": 1568659892644
"login": "jaller94",
"message": "nice sounds and graphics",
"createdAt": 1568671441288
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Hard to control, difficult game, nice idea, good music",
"createdAt": 1568708871686
"login": "hemanth-hk",
"message": "Very good game.......",
"createdAt": 1568730456896
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "this is a very nice game. The reversed controls are challenging and fun. Very nice work on the music. The design and colors are also well done and I love that fireball.",
"createdAt": 1568754511278
"login": "jedulz",
"message": "I think this game is really cool. its gameplay is really intuitive. there doesnt seem to be a way to win. and it was pretty easy",
"createdAt": 1568789010345
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Really like this idea - reminds me of an old game I did for Nokia phones. I couldn't work out what I was meant to do though.",
"createdAt": 1568822361953
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice music and creative idea.",
"createdAt": 1568940004458
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "Nice twist! I'm so used to TRYING to hit the ball I had to reprogram my brain it was a refreshing challenge. Nice music also.",
"createdAt": 1569028037888
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I like the music and the explosions and change of direction.",
"createdAt": 1569115261458
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Good music and nice pixel graphics.\n\nI liked the variation on the normal breakout theme to actually avoid the ball.\n\nQuite tricky to master.",
"createdAt": 1569188771138
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Very neat!\nFeels like a 1 player, reverse pong.\nSimple, easy to pick up.\n\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569334573800
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "Oh my god! It is one of the best games I've played so far! Well, well done!",
"createdAt": 1569439785418
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really interesting concept and graphics. Sound as well. The game was a bit confusing though. Was I suppose to control the bright paddles? Some times there was no way to move a paddle away because it was not bright, so the ball would hit it.",
"createdAt": 1569494204847
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "A new thing in avoidance games!\nNice work on music and design!",
"createdAt": 1569652255809
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "Usually in this kind of setting, the paddle needs to hit the target, so it is quite fresh to see the paddle in the game needs to avoid the target.\n\nI don't quite understand on the animation. Swinging text is a bit distracting.",
"createdAt": 1569766494797
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice effects.",
"createdAt": 1570071265668
"data": {
"url": "/games/zombieburger/index.html",
"title": "ZombieBurger",
"author": "Olivér Sepsik & Dadi5",
"description": "<p>The world is overrun by zombies, they have taken control over your hometown. It is your duty to take it BACK! Also as the sole restaurant owner of the city you have to make sure that every other survivor is well fed. Make salads, cook burgers and kill zombies!</p><p>Play through all 9 levels (each with unique mechanics) alone or with the help of one of your friends and try to collect all the stars!</p><p>This 3D game was made without WebGL or the canvas element. It's all CSS :)</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/zombieburger/__big.jpg",
"id": 19,
"login": "Calada2",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 196,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 30
"name": "fun",
"score": 32
"name": "theme",
"score": 22
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 44
"comments": [
"login": "cytrowski",
"message": "It's a bit too slow. I appreciate the CSS instead of WebGL",
"createdAt": 1568651263626
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "Really impressive that it is all CSS. \n\nPersonally I found the game quite hard to control. Maybe it would have been easier with arrow keys and the same key for pick up and put down.",
"createdAt": 1568654975476
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The controls are not intuitive enough, you'd have to be left handed to prefer these controls. Movement would be better with the arrow keys, so the right hand could control the simplest part, also pick up and put down could be the same key - just use a boolean to keep track of whether your character is holding something, and another for if the surface is available. I like that the irate customers turn into zombies, this game would be fun to play if the controls were more intuitive. I also like that you can use the pick up to switch items.",
"createdAt": 1568662755841
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Ambitious. I found the movement controls a little slow, and would have loved some sound effects for chopping and stuff. Wait? All CSS? WTF?! Great Job!",
"createdAt": 1568666882938
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "love the characters and sprites",
"createdAt": 1569032078843
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Gameplay is interesting, but somewhat slow and clunky (particularly when compared to its obvious inspiration Overcooked). Technically impressive as a fully-CSS game but could have done with some more time spent tweaking the gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1568709852997
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice Overcooked clone plus zombies :) \nAwesome use of CSS3D.\nA bit laggy on Firefox / Ubuntu",
"createdAt": 1568730277226
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Didn't get far into the game but really impressive doing all of that with CSS!",
"createdAt": 1568822361953
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Clever use of CSS. Interesting idea. A bit tricky to control.",
"createdAt": 1568842460753
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Super funny idea to combine the cooking game genre with zombie survival.\nIf I would change one thing about the game it would probably to make everything a little bit faster: Make the player walk a little bit faster, the animations a little bit faster, etc. \nIt might also maybe be worth it to make the movement of the characters locked to the grid, since everything is on a grid anyways.",
"createdAt": 1569070736766
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "A really fun idea. I love games that are all CSS, especially when it's 3D!",
"createdAt": 1569073209805
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Love the graphics style and that this is all CSS!\n- The controls could have been more tight/responsive. Right now it feels lil slow and dull.\n- The game lacked some initial feedback to learn the mechanics. Like when I drop an item, I should get a feedback that I dropped something at right place.",
"createdAt": 1569177111660
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play.",
"createdAt": 1569224275182
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "It is amazing that is all CSS. Well done!",
"createdAt": 1569438319443
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice idea for a game\n\nThe customers are a bit brutal towards you if you don't give them food quickly.\n\nSome sound/music would be good.",
"createdAt": 1569709835887
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It is funny.",
"createdAt": 1569815187623
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool to see a game made using only CSS! I had some difficulty to play it though.",
"createdAt": 1569842820251
"data": {
"url": "/games/a-ship-in-time/index.html",
"title": "A ship in time",
"author": "dodormeur",
"description": "<p>Oh no ! Your ship is trapped in a parallel dimension, where it is going back in time ! Instead of gaining upgrade and becoming more powerful as time passes on, it losses upgrades ! Lucky for you, your ship is very well equipped, and can select which useless upgrade to lose first. How long will you survive, and how small can your ship get?</p><p>controls :<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tarrow : move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tspace : fire<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tq/a, w/z, e, r : use your abilities<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tf : unleash your ultimate attack<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tenter : validate in menus</p><p>The game is infinite, so don't try to beat a level if you've already spent an hour on it and if it's past the level 10 ^^</p><p>If you have lag while playing the game, try zooming in (ctrl+wheel), it will reduce the quality of display and increase the framerate.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/a-ship-in-time/__big.jpg",
"id": 129,
"login": "dodormeur",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 216,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 32
"name": "fun",
"score": 37
"name": "theme",
"score": 35
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 41
"name": "graphics",
"score": 39
"name": "technical",
"score": 32
"comments": [
"login": "rojen11",
"message": "It looks amazing but i didn't understand how i am dying.",
"createdAt": 1568649622111
"login": "ldrummond",
"message": "Fun gameplay and nice graphics. Appreciate the many upgrade options! Would have liked to be able to destroy projectiles as it feels more about dodging than shooting enemies.",
"createdAt": 1568655091693
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Lot of things happening on the screen. The enemies and bullets graphics are very nice. I didn't get the point of the shop though. You start the game with all the weapons and power ups, and your only option is to remove them?",
"createdAt": 1568665564767
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great idea! Graphics is amazing!",
"createdAt": 1568667561025
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Ridiculously hard game. Very fun and well put together.",
"createdAt": 1568695119056
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Wow, It is really amazing.\nI likes the abilities. it is nice idea.\nBut sadly.. i cannot find something related with theme 'back'",
"createdAt": 1568736864007
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Fun puzzle game with minimal graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569059732296
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Really cool graphics. Music would make the game a little bit better. It's too hard for me to leave the level one for now.",
"createdAt": 1568748208261
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Wow, I loved the way this game looked with the graph paper and the print font. Great job.",
"createdAt": 1568772921351
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "I couldn't get the game to work properly I'm afraid.\n\nI can see some white text on a light coloured background.\n\nThen pressing ENTER on the top one starts something which I don't know what to do with.\n\nI'm using Firefox 69.0",
"createdAt": 1568844280851
"login": "foumart",
"message": "So much going on I can barely see where my ship is. I think it needs to be a certain color, maybe #00BB00, So I can properly dodge and shoot at the same time.",
"createdAt": 1568889198799
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play the game.",
"createdAt": 1568968271531
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "The snapshot does not really pay tribute to the game. Graphics are a marvel in only 4 colors, as drawn on a sheet of paper, and nicely animated. Navigating in the bullet hell is hard from the beginning, and does not become any easier once you start shedding equipment. A soundtrack maybe ?",
"createdAt": 1569158251075
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I really liked the pen-and-paper feel of the graphics.\n\nThere was a LOT going on on the screen, and it made it hard for me to know what was happening.",
"createdAt": 1568834694320
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Wow awesome game! Really like the gameplay, graphics, and effects. Maybe a small improvement would be to have the buttons for the powerups and stuff visible somewhere on the side while playing, so the player doesn't have to remember/guess.",
"createdAt": 1569359206174
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool. I just can't avoid the bullets.",
"createdAt": 1569539612643
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "I love the pen & paper style of this bullet hell shooter.\n\nWith all the action going on, I had a hard time discovering how to use my ship's different abilities. I would work on making the abilities and shop menus more intuitive or progressive.",
"createdAt": 1569706355132
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very well made, pretty tough though! Would have been nice to slowly get everything in the shop rather than all at once.",
"createdAt": 1569878884138
"data": {
"url": "/games/wolf-and-sheep/index.html",
"title": "wolf and sheep",
"author": "BOB",
"description": "<p>you can use ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️control the sheep,sheep can move the brown blocks, which the wolf can‘t move them. so the wolf will be besieged be the blocks. good luck.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/wolf-and-sheep/__big.jpg",
"id": 20,
"login": "imgss",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 184,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 46
"name": "fun",
"score": 43
"name": "theme",
"score": 19
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 36
"name": "graphics",
"score": 13
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Quite a fun little puzzle game this, though somewhat easy if you move quickly enough.",
"createdAt": 1568652895323
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Game crashes on loading.",
"createdAt": 1569007235070
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I love the idea for this game! I haven't seen it done before. Animated sprites would be a great addition, and I'd love to see some additional mechanic, like points based on how small a pen you make for the wolves, etc.",
"createdAt": 1568660504676
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Fun idea\nDifficult to control",
"createdAt": 1568664812192
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "This is a clever puzzle game. My fingers aren't quick enough, but you could get pretty clever with those boxes. More music and sfx is all you need.",
"createdAt": 1568670079721
"login": "fed135",
"message": "Funny and entertaining",
"createdAt": 1568686399866
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Clever idea, but a little unfair when it spawns a wolf directly next to the player, killing you instantly",
"createdAt": 1568750119746
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "This game was super fun! It was difficult to kill more than three wolves for me, but I think the idea is new, I have never seen it before. The mechanics work great, and the theme is incorporated, you have to watch your back.",
"createdAt": 1568787118488
"login": "depp",
"message": "Works in Firefox but not Chrome. Clever puzzle!",
"createdAt": 1568844390822
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Very interesting gameplay, lot's of potential here.",
"createdAt": 1568894611848
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "Haha, I didn't expect this to so so fun! I won couple of times already, and I have no idea what Chinese characters mean inn the last popup, but the game is very cool, even if it doesn't seem so for the first moment. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569083008916
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very creative. I liked!",
"createdAt": 1569197766011
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Great simple game concept. Enjoyed a similar game way back in the day that involved drawing lines to trap bouncing balls.\n\nFun and simple, great work!",
"createdAt": 1569248370921
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice game idea, if improved a bit (graphics, levels, sounds) it can be a very good game",
"createdAt": 1569314146816
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "Thanks for the shot of nostalgia.",
"createdAt": 1569378321556
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Wow, as simple as it was, I found it really fun to play! Well done!",
"createdAt": 1569600377073
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Wow, it's so funny. and it's playstyle is unique",
"createdAt": 1569672050640
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice idea for a game and good concept.\n\nGets tricky when you don't leave much room when trapping a wolf as the new one spawns in a tiny area very close to you.\n\nSome sound or music would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569708536237
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "clever idea!",
"createdAt": 1569802484030
"data": {
"url": "/games/coiner/index.html",
"title": "Coiner",
"author": "Phong Duong",
"description": "<p>Help coiner collect the coin above him and bring it back to his chest.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tClick to play.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/coiner/__big.jpg",
"id": 22,
"login": "phongduong",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 122,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 17
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 18
"name": "technical",
"score": 19
"comments": [
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Simple and cute. Actually pretty hard and frustrating too (in a god way). Could use a bit more refined movements with acceleration.",
"createdAt": 1568648889333
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "The sound effect is too loud.",
"createdAt": 1569001900765
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "It's very simple, but so difficult I have trouble scoring over five points! I think my favorite part of this game is trying to maintain your balance, because it forces you to change the timing of your jumps.",
"createdAt": 1568655921292
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "Ive never played anything quite like it",
"createdAt": 1569064999925
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Nice idea - fun mechanic. Really elegant simple visual implementation. Nice work.",
"createdAt": 1568659799807
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Simple game, could be made much nicer with some polish on the mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1568684278805
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "I like the idea of the game.",
"createdAt": 1568713488871
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "I liked the game mechanic",
"createdAt": 1568750359033
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "cute design",
"createdAt": 1568804532551
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "I like the simplicity in a game. When it is done right it can be a lot of fun. So well done. However, this was a bit too simple and therefore does not give me a reason to keep playing. Graphics and UI are poor and the gameplay is minimal.",
"createdAt": 1568846682752
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Annoying sound.\nGameplay is ok, even if simple. And instructions are next to non-existent.\nBut you opponent was Bounce Back, so tough luck:)",
"createdAt": 1568898469991
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's really weird, but funny game! Nice work!",
"createdAt": 1568923782530
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I think instead of the timer, it should get more difficult some how the more coins you collect. ex. the moving platform speeds up.",
"createdAt": 1569214382400
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice simple graphics, interesting concept.\n\nDoesn't scale to browser.\n\nSound way too loud compared to other games.\n\nMore levels would be good or more ways to play.",
"createdAt": 1569416611931
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "A little bit hard",
"createdAt": 1569524800135
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "I cannot see connection with the game.\nI liked how your game only relies on one press. Its very handy and easy to get.\nIt would be better if the coin would actually move with the player back. Because now it makes no sense. \nAnd maybe, instead of timer, you could kill a player if he falls down. And a block could be moving faster for every coin collected.",
"createdAt": 1569613800096
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "It was difficult to tell what the coin was, because the jump was 95% of the way to the coin. I thought it was actually a barrier pushing be back until I managed to get onto the platform for another jump.",
"createdAt": 1569692416713
"login": "flushpot1125",
"message": "Simple is best!",
"createdAt": 1569820386425
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good simple game.",
"createdAt": 1569780839466
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-game/index.html",
"title": "Back to Game",
"author": "Célio Ighour de Castro Rodrigues",
"description": "<p>In a world ruled by digital games, one of them travel to past and try to corrupt classic digital games. Now, you are the only hope for gaming world. Go back to past and destroy the evil! Play through different versions of classic games and win the game. You can play using your mouse by clicking and moving it. Each game has a tutorial explaining how it works and how can you beat the boss. There is two modes of play, with different benefits. For Coil subscribers, you can revive yourself when you lose a game and try again from that game and not from beginning.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/back-to-game/__big.jpg",
"id": 21,
"login": "ighour",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 169,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 39
"name": "fun",
"score": 21
"name": "theme",
"score": 46
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 19
"name": "graphics",
"score": 17
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "Patton97",
"message": "Mouse pivot control was confusing",
"createdAt": 1568657732038
"login": "carlini",
"message": "It was somewhat difficult to follow what I was supposed to do. Walls of text for instructions are tricky to read. The levels are very nice.",
"createdAt": 1568669940106
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Fun series of games! I like the theme/story of going back through the history of games, well done. I had good fun playing the pacman and tic tac toe games. The games becomes more enjoyable as you play again and discover them more.",
"createdAt": 1568696768605
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "Nice take on the classic games!",
"createdAt": 1568713942404
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "The game is very innovative, but I'm a little lost in those game mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1568748701436
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Liked the idea, but I couldn't control pacman at all. WASD or arrow keys would have been preferable to the mouse, which didn't work on my machine, and seemed to be the opposite of what I was trying to do.",
"createdAt": 1568768314793
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fun graphics. Play was a bit slow. Interesting concept of going back to play old games. Was there more than just pacman - I didn't get past that.\n\nDidn't seem to get hurt by ghosts.\n\nI found it hard to make pacman move where I wanted him to go.",
"createdAt": 1568848063893
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "The different games are interestingly designed but the penalty of being sent back to the very start is pretty significant and frustrating.",
"createdAt": 1568900971252
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Didn't really seem possible to properly score in the Pong game, just getting the ball close enough to the edge of the paddle.\n\nThe final chess game was really interesting though. Enjoyed this one the most (after I understood how it worked).",
"createdAt": 1569068421768
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game!",
"createdAt": 1569009699007
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Fun idea.",
"createdAt": 1569187050835
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Took me quite a few attempts but I managed to beat it eventually! That Tic-Tac-Toe game was pure evil sometimes.\nI really love what you did with this!",
"createdAt": 1569351914220
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Nice twist, controls a bit unclear",
"createdAt": 1569404927479
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice concept. creative idea.",
"createdAt": 1570024591466
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Backsteroid",
"author": "dunin",
"description": "<p>Backsteroid is like Asteroid but you must move with the recoil of your canon!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tIt's hard and it's multiplayer!</p><p>Coil subscribers can change the color palette!</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/backsteroid/__big.jpg",
"id": 23,
"login": "dunindunin",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 185,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 30
"name": "fun",
"score": 28
"name": "theme",
"score": 42
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 27
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "That was hard :-). Nice twitch and perfectly implemented as if original asteroids would have a gameplay like this.",
"createdAt": 1568660160322
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Simple and effective visual style. Gameplay is straightforward, though could have been improved with a little more depth.",
"createdAt": 1568681228862
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Nice idea, pretty hard, could be improved with some more effects.",
"createdAt": 1568708871687
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny!",
"createdAt": 1568722752614
"login": "depp",
"message": "Amazing and unique graphical style!",
"createdAt": 1568738345515
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I think this game has really fun mechanics and graphics. Well done. It's a bit TOO hard though! :P",
"createdAt": 1568749078645
"login": "madmaw",
"message": "Love the retro style graphics",
"createdAt": 1569060524457
"login": "kurazu",
"message": "Very cool intro sequence. The game is super hard to play though.",
"createdAt": 1568782135523
"login": "ajbkr",
"message": "Well... excellent interpretation of the theme. I found it rather difficult to pilot the ship initially but found that I pretty quickly improved.\n\nMenu screens and intro graphics were nice. Some characters in the font were difficult to read though.\n\nBy firing repeatedly in the vertical direction and wrapping around the screen I was able to shoot myself. Novel. :-)\n\nMaybe increase rotation rate slightly?\n\nMac cmd key didn't work for me; I ended up pressing 'X' instead.",
"createdAt": 1568831375045
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's really well done game! But as for me, it's too difficult to play it.",
"createdAt": 1568968568959
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "It's hard :( Also the high-score display was cut off in my game. Also the \"X to restart\" note looks like the command key if you're using a mac.\n\nTechnically well executed, smooth controls when I wasn't dead by asteroid. or my own bullets O.o",
"createdAt": 1569202335388
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "You wrote \"it's hard\" and i tought \"usually i stand still while playing asteroid, how hard can it be?\"\n\nI was wrong, and you were right.\nNice concept!",
"createdAt": 1569270543693
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to turn off the \"search as you type\" setting in my browser (you should call .preventDefault() on the event).",
"createdAt": 1569319269444
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "Intro is sweet!",
"createdAt": 1569378321554
"login": "reece-bennett",
"message": "I love the text and graphics, has a nice vibe to it. Gameplay is good, takes a bit of getting used to. Multiplayer was empty when I tried to play, local multiplayer would have been good.",
"createdAt": 1569438685367
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very hard! Liked the simple graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569494981443
"login": "supereggbert",
"message": "Way hard but fun",
"createdAt": 1569764460920
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "clever mechanic, loved the font, and the cutscene at the start was great!",
"createdAt": 1569793583716
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "wow those intro graphics! I loved them. I liked overall the idea of taking the mechanic \"back\" and move by recoiling, but lacks a bit of \"juice\". Still a good game :)",
"createdAt": 1569842793904
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I like this variation on asteroids. It is hard, though, as you say. Nice vector font.",
"createdAt": 1569878750603
"data": {
"url": "/games/circle-back/index.html",
"title": "Circle Back",
"author": "Johnonym",
"description": "<p>This game is a game to test your memory. Circles will appear, and you need to click the circles in the opposite order as they appear. For each level, the number of circles will increase by one. Coil subscribers will have the option to restart the level, being able to see the order of the circles appearing once more. They also get an expensive gold frame instead of a black one.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/circle-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 24,
"login": "johnedvard",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 115,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 18
"name": "fun",
"score": 23
"name": "theme",
"score": 28
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 16
"name": "technical",
"score": 10
"comments": [
"login": "rojen11",
"message": "Great memory game. I like how those circles break when you click on it.",
"createdAt": 1568650077529
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"message": "It's a fun twist on a memory game. I really liked the graphical effect where the circles turned into smaller circles and fell. I think the restart button for Coil subscribers ought to be a bit larger given that it's in the mobile game category. Overall, good job!",
"createdAt": 1568660816270
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Although there wasn't much to keep me hooked for long, and despite the game's simplicity, I actually enjoyed it! It seems like an original idea and a good use of the \"back\" theme.",
"createdAt": 1568667039821
"login": "MatthewDiamant",
"message": "I liked the circle particle effects and a well executed simple concept.",
"createdAt": 1568705504919
"login": "remvst",
"message": "The idea is nice and the particles are a nice touch. I like that they stay, showing you how much you've played the game. It would be nice if when you lost, there was some kind of explosion that sent all the particles flying.\n\nI find it a bit frustrating how fast it starts the next level, which is the main reason why I would fail, and then it takes a while to get back to that level.\n\nThe sound effects are a bit difficult on my ears too.",
"createdAt": 1568760552333
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I like that the circles break into tiny circles when you get them and I also like the grey loading screen to prevent the player from clicking too soon. An improvement might be to make the clicks play through a series of notes so that as you get further along you reveal more of a song.",
"createdAt": 1568821913103
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "nice interpretation of the theme. animations when we click the circles are very eye catching.",
"createdAt": 1568836793188
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "Very nice concept, reminds me of this video when chimpanzee plays memory (",
"createdAt": 1568986240269
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "interesting variant of this memory game. I thought it would be nice if there was a sound when circles appear but maybe that would make it too easy?",
"createdAt": 1569031482559
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good concept. Great to play on mobile.",
"createdAt": 1569186703214
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Starting from beginning on single mistake: bad.\n\nMechanics of clicking stuff in back order of their appearing is one of two most overused mechanics this game, but your twist at least has some originality.",
"createdAt": 1569336762880
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I really liked the idea of making an \"inverse Simon\" game. Very clever idea!",
"createdAt": 1570008479422
"data": {
"url": "/games/firedrone/index.html",
"title": "firedrone",
"author": "JOHN SWANA",
"description": "<p>mushroom picking with a drone are you serious lets do this manage a small mushroom garden. your task is to harvest mushrooms growing from the ground once fully grown collect the mushrooms the points awarded depends on the radius of the mushrooms. for 50 pts you can use 2X to enlarge the mushrooms. the rain drop to boost germination rate. the bomb to speed up harvesting processes use the joystick for flying around. I used tinymusic , and zzsfx for sound effects.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/firedrone/__big.jpg",
"id": 25,
"login": "swashvirus",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 117,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 11
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 19
"name": "graphics",
"score": 17
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "From just the game itself I wouldn't have guessed the game is about mushroom picking :P\nIt looks like a very meditative experience, and I think the colors and interface are very nice.",
"createdAt": 1568657327777
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I played this game when you first submitted it was didn't find it so much fun. But this time, got the hang of it. I didn't see the buttons last time. The game is quite entertaining for a while at least :)\nIssues: the \"green\" and \"red\" labels, what do they show? Why does the bomb not work most of the time? Clicking on the buttons triggers the joystick.\nBut not really following this year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1569002677288
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Cool music\nNothing negative can happen to the player",
"createdAt": 1568663730226
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Really funny game! Especially sounds effects!",
"createdAt": 1568708674152
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "The controls are very fluid. The sound and music are cool.\n\nThe gameplay could have a bit more elements. And some instructions in the game would help a lot.",
"createdAt": 1568751728876
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I am surprised I ended up getting into this game :P there is something oddly satisfying about growing and gathering those mushrooms of yours. the highlight for me was watching the fps counter make its way from 4 to 60 as i slowly harvested 25000 mushrooms. cheers!",
"createdAt": 1568775884246
"login": "slashman",
"message": "Too simple to be fun. Nice try :)",
"createdAt": 1568835480694
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was entertaining, but it was unclear if there was a final objective.",
"createdAt": 1569214004324
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Music is plagiarised from a previous js13k entry: \n\nGameplay is fairly straightforward, it's not clear what the aim of the game is though.",
"createdAt": 1569419909743
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice sounds.",
"createdAt": 1569459207933
"login": "vonloxx",
"message": "Maybe it should have some enemies to make things interesting.",
"createdAt": 1569681556126
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Fun gameplay",
"createdAt": 1569811048447
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny",
"createdAt": 1569847690665
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "I did not get how to get controls work with desktop: how to get water (click did not work).",
"createdAt": 1570185208900
"data": {
"url": "/games/backshooter/index.html",
"title": "Backshooter",
"author": "eguneys",
"description": "<p>Left/Right Arrow to move, Down arrow to limit jump, when released you get a jump boost. Up arrow to change gravity, on highlighted areas. Avoid spikes, reach the goal.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backshooter/__big.jpg",
"id": 26,
"login": "eguneys",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 140,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 20
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 22
"name": "graphics",
"score": 26
"name": "technical",
"score": 25
"comments": [
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great work!",
"createdAt": 1569232930297
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "I like the feature where the red bubbles shooting out would interact with the ground/background. I couldn't tell if the red bubble were good for anything else.\n\nThe hitboxes on the platforms felt off, like I would fall off when it looked like I should have still been on it.\n\nI wasn't sure what the random triangles that would spawn were all about, if anything.",
"createdAt": 1568682068797
"login": "slashman",
"message": "Nice execution, was unable to advance thru the second spikes, just couldn't jump long enough! so couldn't test the gravity change or reach the goal.",
"createdAt": 1568836308496
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "Needs an easier level to get people used to the mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1568782288065
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Another game with bad controls being supposed to be gameplay. \n\nCould not figure if I can jump higher than 2 tiles.",
"createdAt": 1568820176734
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice idea but difficulty should increase with time, it is complicated since the beginning",
"createdAt": 1568906034182
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Interesting mechanics, but is there any mechanic reason why up doesn't just jump higher instead of down jumping higher?",
"createdAt": 1568953692790
"login": "stasm",
"message": "The collision detection seemed off, and I wasn't able to reach the goal.",
"createdAt": 1568982103824
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "nice graphics",
"createdAt": 1569031482558
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Interesting idea, the controls are a bit laggy and too imprecise. Sometimes the ball will move thru a platform to the upper level, sometimes not, I could not infer the rule. Sometimes you fall down from a platform for no reason. Some platforms look like they are behind others as far as 3d is concerned (depth axis) but the game does behavior does not confirm it. Moving shapes are more distracting than helpful.",
"createdAt": 1569359375409
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game looks cute. The game play is quite hard.\nNo relation to this year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1569498464646
"login": "Yngwarr",
"message": "Innovative and not really intuitive. Loved the jumping mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1569822606614
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice start. Some sounds would make it more fun.",
"createdAt": 1569842328718
"data": {
"url": "/games/detro/index.html",
"title": "Detro",
"author": "James Black",
"description": "<p>In Detro you fly your jetpack powered alien while shooting creatures in space. Careful where you shoot, your bullets come back towards you and can kill you. Powerups offer shield protection from enemies, shooting many enemies quickly increases your combo score. A 10X combo spawns another powerup, a 15X combo spawns an extra life. Collect the green points from killing enemies to unlock the mega weapon which destroys all enemies. Survive long enough and you may encounter the Boss.</p><p>## Controls<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow keys to move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSpace to shoot<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDown arrow when Mega Weapon Activated</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/detro/__big.jpg",
"id": 28,
"login": "jBlack87",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 146,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 15
"name": "fun",
"score": 27
"name": "theme",
"score": 31
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 26
"name": "graphics",
"score": 27
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Gameplay that is based on awkwardness of controls is not my cup of tea, sorry",
"createdAt": 1568650077822
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "I liked your graphics and your sound. Found your game a bit hard to get good at but had a bit of fun bouncy about and shooting stuff. \nPower ups looked cool.",
"createdAt": 1568657818294
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Took a few goes to figure out how enemies were moving and how the bullets work. Being able to fire only one direction while dealing with gravity/screen wrapping took some getting used to. Sound bugged out repeatedly while shooting and stopped working.",
"createdAt": 1568683479860
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "nice graphics, cool idea with the bullets, a little hard",
"createdAt": 1568712421056
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice looking game, good sounds, it's fun but also quite hard to play, jetpack physics to be improved a bit maybe",
"createdAt": 1568735070143
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "The sounds were a little bit jarring. I would suggest turning them down a touch.",
"createdAt": 1568762332588
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Good concept, like the parallax stars and sound effects.\n\nTricky when browser window is small as enemies are larger.",
"createdAt": 1568843158798
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "The pixel art is great. A little bit hard at first, but after getting used to the gravity, acceleration, it is really fun.",
"createdAt": 1569432926724
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Has major scaling issues making it unplayable with Firefox. Runs OK with Chrome, too much inertia makes the character hard to control.",
"createdAt": 1569793339031
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I liked the fonts style. The sound doesn't work great on my computer.",
"createdAt": 1569853150246
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics and sfx! Great work!",
"createdAt": 1570032097845
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "I really liked the \"shooting in the backward wind\" mechanic! It made the gameplay more interesting than i thought!",
"createdAt": 1570002660359
"data": {
"url": "/games/luon/index.html",
"title": "Luon",
"author": "Phong Duong",
"description": "<p>Luon is a creature from planet Noul. It is trying to find a way to its home planet. Help it avoid dark blocks. Click to play</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/luon/__big.jpg",
"id": 27,
"login": "phongduong",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 97,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 13
"name": "fun",
"score": 20
"name": "theme",
"score": 13
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 24
"name": "graphics",
"score": 11
"name": "technical",
"score": 16
"comments": [
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Like your look and style. I found the game very HARD - interesting and kind of fun to play but very hard right from the start. (maybe I'm just bad at it?)\n\nAll in all cool graphics, some useful sounds, generated levels - Nice project.",
"createdAt": 1568656751572
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's funny game, but I suggest to change your sound effects to some more relaxing ones.",
"createdAt": 1568667323276
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I like the retro game look. The colors, shapes and sounds all go very well together. Nice theme interpretation with the constant backtracking.",
"createdAt": 1568747029442
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Very Flappy Bird. The sound effects are too grating - I'd like something more pleasant even when I'm failing like crazy.",
"createdAt": 1568761567667
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Your audio is pretty jarring. Especially when you have to hit the button so often because you move so fast. I would suggest either giving the player a little more space, or slowing down their movement speed.",
"createdAt": 1568841212356
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "The rule is clear.\n\nConsider adding a (moving, even better if parallax) background. Right now the game is too abstract for the storyline you want to have.",
"createdAt": 1569030165459
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This is the first interesting flappy-bird clone I've seen.",
"createdAt": 1568950756600
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Good job! Would have been great to have hit points or something to make it more forgiving though and give you more chances if you hit a wall :)",
"createdAt": 1569097512540
"login": "depp",
"message": "Got to 7! I think the game would benefit from being easier (slower or with more space), at least at first.",
"createdAt": 1569168000190
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "fun!",
"createdAt": 1569508783558
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice! But hard! Liked how levels are random generated. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1569456549949
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "The sound effects are too loud.",
"createdAt": 1569674869461
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Flappy bird is always fun, and I like to see clones, but I wish the developer had followed the theme.",
"createdAt": 1569827936154
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "The game area doesn't scale correctly on Firefox, making it extremely small. Sound is on the boundary of painful to the ear.\nThe game is arduous, mistakes happen easily and are seen always too late to correct.\nAs far as gfx are concerned, you should display the blocks earlier, not have then suddenly pop in at the right side.",
"createdAt": 1569875481067
"login": "remvst",
"message": "The game is very difficult, I wasn't able to survive past the 4th obstacle most of the time.\n\nAlso had to play without audio because it really hurt my ears when clicking.",
"createdAt": 1569940967799
"login": "lopis",
"message": "This game is a liiiiitle bit too hard. Specially on a trackpad :) Maybe Luon should call an Uber. But overall good job. The graphics are simple but nice.",
"createdAt": 1570018326418
"data": {
"url": "/games/memo/index.html",
"title": "MeMo",
"author": "Piotr Półtorak",
"description": "<p>Memory game for kids and adults</p><p>1. Turn back any two cards and remember what number was on the cards and where it was.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t2. You have 75 moves, match two same numbers to get a score.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t3. When all the cards have been matched, the current level is clear and you go for next level.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t4. The game is over, when the last level is cleared or you have no moves left.</p><p>Have Fun!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/memo/__big.jpg",
"id": 31,
"login": "poltorak1985",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 133,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 12
"name": "fun",
"score": 35
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 26
"name": "graphics",
"score": 23
"name": "technical",
"score": 17
"comments": [
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Not very creative, but well executed.",
"createdAt": 1568661233983
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's great old school game!",
"createdAt": 1568665605969
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice but,, It's common",
"createdAt": 1568721560703
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice memo game, good UI",
"createdAt": 1568750864302
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Fun memory game. Well implemented. Nice graphics and animations (fade in/out). I wish there was an innovative twist to the game as well.",
"createdAt": 1568785834303
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Nice sounds! They were very pleasing to hear.",
"createdAt": 1568836423929
"login": "remvst",
"message": "A classic game, I wish the cards were more than just numbers, and that there was a twist to it.",
"createdAt": 1568860639178
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Nice, but simple. You could add something random patterns to cards, like in Puzzle from Hell. Or Emoji.\nAlso, you could invent some addition to formula.\nYou still get all the points from me, but only because competitor was barely a game.",
"createdAt": 1568908429032
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "Memory!\n\nI loved that the challenge ramped up as I played. The move counter added a tactical element, and I found myself pausing to think and recall before playing. I made it to a 6x5 board before I ran out of moves. This felt like the card game I played as a kid, so congratulations on nailing the nostalgia factor. Bonus points for getting to working on my phone too!",
"createdAt": 1568934959904
"login": "dp",
"message": "Nicely implimented memory game, but I think it may be stretching the theme just a bit ...\nSimple game, but works well.",
"createdAt": 1569232536299
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very well polished!",
"createdAt": 1569352352720
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice sound effects. Gameplay works well.\n\nSymbols might look better than numbers on the cards.\n\nDoesn't scale well to wide browsers, but is fine for tall ones.",
"createdAt": 1569415743765
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "Very fun and polished, not too innovative.",
"createdAt": 1569691792791
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "slick design and very nice sounds",
"createdAt": 1569736726040
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "My memory is bad. I like the clean design.",
"createdAt": 1569783348798
"login": "georgeaf18",
"message": "nice but not unique",
"createdAt": 1569874074545
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Solid game. Very polished.",
"createdAt": 1570018326416
"data": {
"url": "/games/cant-get-back/index.html",
"title": "Can't Get Back",
"author": "kipkat",
"description": "<p>The player is stuck in a world where everything disappears as you pass by it. You must activate the generators in order to activate the bomb that will help you escape from this world.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- Arrow Keys: move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- W, A, S, D: shoot<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- E: Interact with objects<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- Space: Start game &amp; Reset<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tExtra:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- M: mute music<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- L: Toggle Anti-Lag mode<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- `: Enable Auto playing AI (fun to watch)</p><p>Powerups:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- medkit: max your health<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- extra life: self-explanatory<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- speedus: gives you temporary speed (to escape from enemies)<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- totem: temporary invincibility</p><p>Tools &amp; Credits:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- ZZFX - small library for sounds made by Frank Force<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-- Terser - minifier made by Xem</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/cant-get-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 32,
"login": "kipkat",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 171,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 33
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 24
"name": "technical",
"score": 38
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Some interesting graphical effects, especially intro. Self-playing AI is cool. And it's actually playable and winnable. \n\nOtherwise, pretty ordinary.",
"createdAt": 1568653180719
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Very nice music and graphics. I liked the ambience created.\n- I didn't find aid to locate the generators. It was very tough to find them.\n-",
"createdAt": 1568659225392
"login": "eguneys",
"message": "fancy graphics, easy gameplay, depressive dark colors, should have a damage regenerate timeout so that enemies can't kill you immediately after multiple hits in succession.",
"createdAt": 1568661484148
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Definitely a unique and fun theme! I found the gameplay a little too abstract though. I'm not gonna lie the game made me a little dizzy too haha. I wonder if this could be simplified by removing the need to use the E key to interact with things?",
"createdAt": 1568670154810
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "Too randomized to be much fun. Its hard to find any base let alone the correct one. Also the speed boosts should give invulnerability so that you don't die suddenly.",
"createdAt": 1568696686825
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "Hard to play with keys but twin sticks would be pretty good. Took a few goes to work this out but quite got into it, got to 1 generator left",
"createdAt": 1568720527484
"login": "depp",
"message": "For keyboard events, instead of event.keyCode, use event.code instead - see - I had to change my keyboard layout to play the game.\n\nLove the music, it's got style!",
"createdAt": 1568737918641
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Pretty trippy looking game (Not a bad thing! I like the style). I found the enemies pretty hard to avoid or reliably shoot, but it's pretty solid otherwise!",
"createdAt": 1568752357457
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting game. Maybe better directions toward the first McGuffen would be nice. I had trouble finding it. Looks and sounds good.",
"createdAt": 1568762714346
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Awesome graphics! Can really tell a ton of work went into this. Good gameplay, although would have appreciated a different control scheme for the shooting because it was kind of hard to hit enemies. Like maybe use the mouse to aim? Also would like to be able to kill enemies instead of just pushing them back.",
"createdAt": 1568829940144
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "I like the grass effect as you move around and bounce fx from the enemies. Some funky font styles on the intro!",
"createdAt": 1568843351146
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "A little confusing.",
"createdAt": 1568882448509
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Nice concept and execution. The multiple layers make the ground more detailed and realistic. Keeping track of one's whereabouts is quite hard and you spend some time tracking down the remaining generators.\nBeware, the bass from the soundtrack is unpleasant with headphones. And could you please allow for both ZQSD and WASD ? Not all of us have a QWERTY keyboard.",
"createdAt": 1569088013944
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Was a bit too challenging to fully enjoy, but the gameplay and technical execution was fun.",
"createdAt": 1569202335385
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Nice intro.\nWell made music.",
"createdAt": 1569765956911
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice atmosphere. The game is hard, I get lost!",
"createdAt": 1569841798367
"login": "Ksoy",
"message": "I’m confused.",
"createdAt": 1569899512107
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice music. I liked the sound effects also.\n\nThe grass looked good and having it move when you do is a nice touch.\n\nPower ups are handy.\n\nControl system a bit tricky - to hover over 9 separate keys is not easy.\n\nGame window a bit small compared to browser size unless target aspect ratio used.",
"createdAt": 1570056256925
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Quite hard, made it to the second level after a few goes. The sound of the squares entering the screen became scary. Found myself going back to where i thought a generator was only to remember that cant go back.",
"createdAt": 1570163998583
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-2-back/index.html",
"title": "Back 2 Back",
"author": "David Stark",
"description": "<p>Fighting back to back against an onslaught of alien forces that destroyed your homeworld, you are the two remaining ace pilots of the Earth Defense Force. As the surviving remnants of humanity flee to safety, you must stand your ground against the attackers to buy them time.</p><p>Collect a variety of weapons and use them to destroy wave after wave of alien forces, unstable asteroids, and powerful alien bosses.</p><p>Plays best with two players - grab a friend and destroy the aliens together!</p><p>ESC for options. Sound on by default (press M to toggle). Low graphics mode available for lower-spec PCs. Coil subscribers gain access to unique cheat modes that alter the gameplay or the graphics, toggleable via the menu.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/back-2-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 33,
"login": "eschatonic",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 240,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 34
"name": "fun",
"score": 43
"name": "theme",
"score": 46
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 43
"name": "graphics",
"score": 45
"name": "technical",
"score": 29
"comments": [
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Love the detail that collecting a power-up gives it to the other player! Really drives home the theme of having each others back.",
"createdAt": 1569058746412
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "Very fun, a little hard to play two characters with one player (I ended up mostly keeping them at the same height). And technically also very impressive.",
"createdAt": 1568658849349
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Only had myself on-hand for this, but it's a nicely fleshed out co-op shoot-em-up, and one I'm definitely going to try out on my friends! Loved the art and music, no complaints at all really!",
"createdAt": 1568663185646
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "Fun arcade game, I like the powerup, except the laser... it never seemed to work out for me.",
"createdAt": 1568678848966
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "This is pretty great. Great graphics, sound, options. I have nothing to suggest. I think you should place well.",
"createdAt": 1568761481220
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play.",
"createdAt": 1568799402012
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice! Very well polished game. Cool music. Original idea for cooperative play.",
"createdAt": 1568842883819
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Nice challenging shooter. The gameplay was smooth and graphics nice. The music was a bit repetitive, though, but that's understandable.",
"createdAt": 1568880060318
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Interesting, even if played alone.",
"createdAt": 1568994200840
"login": "lopis",
"message": "This game is awesome. One of the best this year. It's fun, has nice graphics, nice music, easy to play",
"createdAt": 1568967862221
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Wow I love it.\nNice song!\nAnd There are many kinds of items.",
"createdAt": 1569142425245
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "This was fun! And cool music!",
"createdAt": 1569358107788
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Impressive game! A single player mode where you control both characters with same keys could be an option.",
"createdAt": 1569423802798
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very nice game, sounds graphics all great. Arrow keys did scroll the page which was offputting.",
"createdAt": 1569541037737
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Fun game and definitely fits in great with the theme. It's a different take on the galaga-esque game types, and playing it solo proved to be a good challenge.",
"createdAt": 1569622089027
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "Great interpretation of the theme, collaborative 2 player games are so rate! Cute pixelart, and nice touch that the power ups on player collects go to the other player instead.\n\nI'd fix the page scrolling at the same time the player on the right use the up/down, as it's pretty distracting from the game.",
"createdAt": 1569698646227
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "Really polished game, great sound and graphics. I loved the details of the starfield in the background and the powerups which really added to the game.",
"createdAt": 1569754351809
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "This is a fun game. I like the two player style, the animations, the sound effects, the extra options, and sound toggle. This is a polished game. I wish I had a second player to play with me, it's difficult to play both characters at the same time.",
"createdAt": 1569830478476
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Loved your game. I'ts nice to play alone, controlling the two characters. Nice music.",
"createdAt": 1569849722031
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Awesome graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569952226472
"data": {
"url": "/games/eat-my-dust/index.html",
"title": "Eat My Dust!",
"author": "Junsik Shim",
"description": "<p>An educational game to increase your typing skills.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tRace against your previous records and outrun them.</p><p>On the first run, a bot will compete with you till the end.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tAfterward, you are on your own with your past selves.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/eat-my-dust/__big.jpg",
"id": 29,
"login": "junsikshim",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 165,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 30
"name": "theme",
"score": 19
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "eguneys",
"message": "Game lacks back theme, nice graphics How about a tripping animation when you make a mistake?",
"createdAt": 1568657952352
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice long hair on the dude. A good typing tutor game.",
"createdAt": 1569015376910
"login": "ericdrowell",
"message": "What was great:\n* I love the old balding dude sprite. Really adds a lot of character to the game\n* I feel like I'm a fairly fast typer, but I'm never able to beat the bot. Maybe the difficulty is a bit high?\n* I wish there was sound effects and music\n* I think the theme could have been tied in a bit more strongly - maybe the backspace key had some kind of special effect.",
"createdAt": 1568671796769
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Nice graphic of the running man, pretty funny. Good effect when you go fast. Liked the racing against yourself.",
"createdAt": 1568709942341
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Interesting idea, wish there were more levels.",
"createdAt": 1568791091183
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very surprised to see a typing game! Very well done, I like the art and the high-speed effect when you get a good combo going.",
"createdAt": 1568746198957
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Well made. Nice pixel art, clean layout. You definitely need sound of some sort, music or sfx.",
"createdAt": 1568757867767
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice graphics and good feedbacks while typing",
"createdAt": 1568835889361
"login": "swashvirus",
"message": "awesome tiles in two words \"good game\"",
"createdAt": 1569104736503
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This is a nice game, but it would be fun if there was more than just one sample text to play for longer than just a minute or two.",
"createdAt": 1568949862491
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Nice take on a classic game!\n- I am not sure what all things could be added to make such game more fun. But things like music, visual effects/juice could make this more fun.",
"createdAt": 1569177743286
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Do you realise that some symbols are in different places on different keyboards?",
"createdAt": 1569353904048
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Visually solid and feels okay to play.\n\nReally needs more content than just one story to type. Obviously there are size constraints but some sort of generative sentence maker might have made this more replayable.\n\nNot clear how this is on theme.",
"createdAt": 1569420341346
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Typing faster gives me cramps.... nice graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569490175101
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "A really well-made typing game. I enjoyed playing. It would have been good if you could upload your own stories/text for custom levels, or having different AI levels.",
"createdAt": 1569704234501
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I liked the art, but don't believe typing games are fun.",
"createdAt": 1569841075553
"login": "huijari",
"message": "Story could be shorter",
"createdAt": 1570156659955
"data": {
"url": "/games/kitaku/index.html",
"title": "Kitaku",
"author": "Brian Hambley",
"description": "<p>Your friends have wandered off again and got lost in the lush greenery of the countryside but without their phones are unable to get back home.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou, Tony, must find them and bring them back.</p><p>The colour blue gives your friends a tremendous calming feeling so you must locate them and escort them to the blue area where they will be at ease.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThey are not the brightest bunch however so you will have to guide them carefully, avoiding water, cars and holes in the ground of course.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tOh, and you must hop! and wear your favourite hat!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tGood luck Tony, everyone is relying on you.</p><p>WASD/ARROW Keys to hop<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tLocate your friends and guide them home (blue area)<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou can bring them back one at a time for 100 points or bring them all back together for a multiplier bonus.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tWhen everyone (who you havent killed on the way) is back home, including you, the level is completed.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTry not to lose anyone on the way</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/kitaku/__big.jpg",
"id": 35,
"login": "Hambo3",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 216,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 42
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 47
"name": "technical",
"score": 37
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "Very nice game, loved the graphics style and the gameplay was pretty fun... movement is a bit slow, but it still was fun to play",
"createdAt": 1568655962127
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "This game looks absolutely lovely in its isometric style. My friends do lose the way quite quickly, and are a little on the slow side.",
"createdAt": 1568660340085
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This is a very nice game with wonderful graphics. I found the movement quite tricky given that it's rotated by 45 degrees, but it's all very nice.",
"createdAt": 1569007806245
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Why would you just walk into a hole? How have I become friends with such silly people? Why am I their babysitter?\n\nGood game. Just needs music and sfx.",
"createdAt": 1568670686551
"login": "curtastic",
"message": "Nice game.",
"createdAt": 1568688343421
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Lovely graphics and colors.",
"createdAt": 1568714835627
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Cute colorful game, it really triggered my parental instincts there. Impressed by the car movement behavior. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1568739642895
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "I liked the game very much. Cool graphics, nice colors. The game is challenging and the texts are super funny.\n\nI would have liked a few more levels, and sound could have been a great addition.",
"createdAt": 1568748138012
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "very nice characters and environment. I like the ui as well. This is a fun and dreamy game. I wish it had music to go with it! Nice work.",
"createdAt": 1568763302372
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Interesting idea and great graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568800078213
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice graphics and game idea, excellent realization.\nSuggestion: let players restart from the last played level otherwise is frustrating restart from the first level everytime he lose",
"createdAt": 1568829423628
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice animations. I like the hat floating when I fall.",
"createdAt": 1568843886307
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Nice graphics and execution, but gameplay is slow and frustrating.\nAlso, it's disorienting when \"HELP\" is shown not from the kid when he is on screen, but on side of screen.",
"createdAt": 1568897080794
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Why do I have stupid friends that keep running into rivers or in front of cars ? The game is polished, the animations well executed (bonus for cars yielding at crossroads). Music or sfx would have been a nice addition.",
"createdAt": 1568927036953
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Lovely isometric graphics. Nice hopping animation.\n\nSometimes the friends got in the way and blocked me up.\n\nToo easy to get hit by car, they do go quite fast compared to people.",
"createdAt": 1569244436816
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Technically is brilliant. You've made this 3d game fit into 13k: really awesome.\nLacks music / sound effects and maybe some particle \"gore\" effects for deaths ;)\nReally nice work.",
"createdAt": 1569427962157
"login": "lopis",
"message": "This game is seriously adorable. Why are my friends so dummmmb.....\nLots of fun. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1569496800212
"login": "VishalCR7",
"message": "Great Game",
"createdAt": 1569577335354
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "A bit \"lol\" game (the end texts killed me :D ), but overall quite solid.",
"createdAt": 1569841702484
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "A great looking game! Nice idea. Moving around is a bit slow.",
"createdAt": 1570031890160
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice graphics and controls.",
"createdAt": 1569876769217
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like the graphics a lot, but I think the game could be sped up a lot. I restarted the first level many times and failed because of the controls, and eventually lost interest.\n\nThe controls are very difficult to get used to, because of the isometric style.\n\nSimple sound effects would be nice as well.",
"createdAt": 1569961897702
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Great graphics, fun gameplay, although I did die once in a hole i couldn't see behind a tree.",
"createdAt": 1570136192814
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-exploration/index.html",
"title": "back to exploration",
"author": "Diego Cardoso",
"description": "<p>Perhaps a game inspired by the theory of evolution, catchphrases and the current conjuncture of the world. Just press space bar.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-exploration/__big.jpg",
"id": 36,
"login": "diegocardoso93",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 84,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 23
"name": "fun",
"score": 8
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 9
"name": "graphics",
"score": 17
"name": "technical",
"score": 10
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "couldn't figure out how to play the game sadly...",
"createdAt": 1568656340062
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "The game was an evocative, emotional experience as I think you intended it to be - I like the look of it and the simple expressive outlines. \nGiven it's poetic/narrative nature I think it would be better if it were a bit easier.",
"createdAt": 1568660797077
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I'm not really sure what to do in this game.",
"createdAt": 1569015768229
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Interesting. More of a strange interactive video experience than a game.\n\nAdding some minimal sound effects or music queues to go with the different phases could increase immersion.\n\nGameplay wise, I'd suggest changing the fixed timer \"messages\" to a message the user presses SPACE again to pass. This gives the player a little more control, with extra time to ponder the message if they like it or the ability to skip past it if they've read it before.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568727491762
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "the idea is nice, but the gameplay needs to be improved",
"createdAt": 1568740730884
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "I feel like I'm missing the concept of the game.",
"createdAt": 1568749802634
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Didn't really appreciate the backwards and offensive text and there's no game here anyway, so...",
"createdAt": 1568768948228
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "hmm",
"createdAt": 1568813346791
"login": "tatjam",
"message": "The game crashed for me on the sheep a few times, other than that, that was an interesting, weird experience!",
"createdAt": 1568835977058
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "When should I press the space bar, when bar is green/empty or red/full?",
"createdAt": 1568908429029
"login": "stasm",
"message": "I... didn't get it. I finished it by pure luck, and I'm not sure I understood the message.",
"createdAt": 1568981454157
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "it took me a while to figure out what you expect me to do there (matching the lifebar with the main color of the object), and it's not really my sense of hmmm, philosophy? And why the character moves also with a left arrow button?",
"createdAt": 1569083624229
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "first i didnt get it, then i totally evoluted like yaa",
"createdAt": 1569119127796
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I have no idea what is going on. The game doesn't appear to do anything.",
"createdAt": 1568949862490
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Constructive on a philosophical standpoint, but is it a game ? I had it crash on several occasions, when it had to decide between speaking or walking.",
"createdAt": 1569187576767
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "I just don't get it. Can't get past the sheep. What's the point? I tried looking into the source but your GitHub repository is missing :(",
"createdAt": 1569267731098
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Hm. Ok. I don't understand. Honestly puzzled why sometimes i get stopped by a catch phrase but sometimes not.",
"createdAt": 1569414392633
"login": "remvst",
"message": "It took me a bit to figure out the color thing, I even started spamming the spacebar.\n\nI'm not sure what the game is about. The punchlines were funny but I'm not sure what you were trying to say through that game.",
"createdAt": 1569467537226
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "It's a unique experience.",
"createdAt": 1569524433656
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "The theme is incorporated, and the animations are nice.",
"createdAt": 1569612097409
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "The content in this game was a bit strange. I didnt know when to press space (green vs red), because the text felt like I was always being punished.",
"createdAt": 1569692416710
"login": "Yngwarr",
"message": "I guess, there's a bug somewhere. Black screen... :(",
"createdAt": 1569824039792
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I have nothing to say. Just wanted to tell you this.",
"createdAt": 1569844387364
"login": "hibbbb",
"message": "bug happens when press right bar, but cool game",
"createdAt": 1570111400562
"data": {
"url": "/games/backspace-return-to-planet-figadore/index.html",
"title": "BACKSPACE - Return to planet Figadore",
"author": "picosonic",
"description": "<p>It's 50 years since humans first went to the moon. Now that we are planning to go back, the Regoliths need to escape before we find them. They have light-jumped to planet Figadore in the Hercules cluster to flee.</p><p>Fred has been kidnapped by the aliens who want to take over the planet. Play as his sister Jade and race to get the planet back and prevent the Regolith spreading a deadly infection.</p><p>WASD or CURSORS with SPACE or ENTER to fire disinfection missiles against the red starships.</p><p>Alternatively play with supported gamepad.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backspace-return-to-planet-figadore/__big.jpg",
"id": 37,
"login": "picosonic",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 173,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 17
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 16
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 39
"name": "technical",
"score": 42
"comments": [
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Controls and aiming are a bit frustrating. It's easy to oversteer, and difficult to aim you shots.\n\nGame doesn't gain a lot from being 3D since it's played on a 2D plane. I do appreciate the effort went into making a 3D game however.\n\nGreat effort, and well done on completing your game!",
"createdAt": 1568988671060
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "A very creative game. It's simple, yet fun and enjoyable. I really like the nice sound effects and the effort put into those. The theme might have been able to be incorporated better. Overall it's a great though and I'd recommend it.",
"createdAt": 1568657905619
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "The 3D-ness, and lighting, and ship models are really impressive, but the gameplay and (kind of funny) spinny projectiles could be better. I got 45 first try!",
"createdAt": 1568669103292
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very nice 3d graphics, but could use more polish.",
"createdAt": 1568680608550
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "nice graphics, wish gameplay was 3d as well",
"createdAt": 1568710434955
"login": "depp",
"message": "Impressive models!",
"createdAt": 1568732971721
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Nice graphic.\nbut it has some Broken while playing",
"createdAt": 1568814001423
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Impressive! It didn't perform well for me, but I wasn't sure if that was the game or just something about my computer.",
"createdAt": 1568836037621
"login": "remvst",
"message": "The 3D is really nice, you even added a blurry effect.\n\nI think you could have pushed it a bit further by adding obstacles, making enemies fire back at you...\n\nSounds were doing the job and weren't annoying.\n\nI was able to finish the game but I ended up mostly spamming the space bar and hoping it would hit an enemy.",
"createdAt": 1568859062617
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice graphics, gameplay to be improved, maybe adding some other elements into the game",
"createdAt": 1568906550426
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "If I need a 3D renderer in one of my next projects, I'll certainly consider yours.",
"createdAt": 1569053089628
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "The graphics look good, and the overall look is the same for good aesthetics. I wish it was possible to move up and down as well. The difficulty becomes harder and harder, which is good. I did not come longer than level 3 though. The game is heavy on my computer, and it lags a bit, so I wish it was a bit smoother. Overall a great submission.",
"createdAt": 1569230867005
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Surprisingly, it got pretty fun once I understood the mechanics.\n\nThough, when you fire, your ship velocity should be added to missile starting velocity. Otherwise, when you fire while turning, it looks like it fires sideways.",
"createdAt": 1569336762878
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great idea! I suggest to use perlin noise for terrain generating, it would be really great game!",
"createdAt": 1568751309587
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Good game. Fun to play, though it does get a bit repetitive a few levels in. Maybe some obstacles to fly around would be a good addition. Nice use of 3D.",
"createdAt": 1569503358585
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "The gameplay is effective. I'd love to see more enemy types or other obstacles as the level changes.",
"createdAt": 1569706355129
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "nice graphics, impressive 3D gameplay, quite hard to shoot anything!",
"createdAt": 1569802178721
"login": "huijari",
"message": "I think it could be less dark",
"createdAt": 1570158577384
"data": {
"url": "/games/go-back/index.html",
"title": "Go Back",
"author": "m-sadeea",
"description": "<p>you can play only with mouse.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tWhen you start the game, a path of yellow cells will be drawn, after seconds, it will disappear, you have to go back from the last cell to the first one but on the same path, if you choose the right cell, it will turn to green, if you choose a cell on the path but not the next one, it will turn to light blue, if you choose the wrong one, it will turn to \"X\".<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tyou can always get a hint .. there is no time limits.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/go-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 39,
"login": "M-Sadeea",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 148,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 28
"name": "fun",
"score": 26
"name": "theme",
"score": 32
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 16
"name": "technical",
"score": 17
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Interesting concept, but very rapidly becomes too difficult. Sound bugs are extremely distracting.",
"createdAt": 1568651833728
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game, but it could be harder to play.",
"createdAt": 1568668428455
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "An original idea for a puzzle.",
"createdAt": 1569016165867
"login": "dunindunin",
"message": "I love graphic design of this one!\nThe gameplay is less exciting but the atmosphere is great...",
"createdAt": 1568821557160
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice memory game, very well put together.",
"createdAt": 1568835972546
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "Nice game, works really well. Although I would like to see a score system. Also, I think if you get three X's, you are out, but that's the developers choice. \nI liked the level change and with that the difficulty change. It is very re-playable.",
"createdAt": 1568847275397
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Ok, I guess, but very basic.",
"createdAt": 1568902274350
"login": "rojen11",
"message": "nice memory game.",
"createdAt": 1568977648354
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Looks easy, but as you play it becomes hard. Fun game.",
"createdAt": 1569185624879
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Fun little memory game.\nStraight forward and simple.\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569336957624
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Clever idea, but too much for my utter lack of short term memory!",
"createdAt": 1568750520885
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Very fun challenge and very effective interpretation of the theme. Game is easy to understand and I like the steady increase in difficulty. I stopped after a certain point but I wasn't doing so bad despite making a number of mistakes on some rounds. Is there a lose mechanic or is this more of a pure time killer? The sounds are simple but very appropriate.",
"createdAt": 1568744368838
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "simple puzzle game, a bit light on the graphics side",
"createdAt": 1569407198473
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The scoring doesn't seem to obvious, is there a score kept... it would be good to differentiate between a perfect level vs a solved level.",
"createdAt": 1568680382054
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Cool little animations\nNo way to lose, so no reason to try again\nBest possible font choice :P",
"createdAt": 1569519814247
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Your game is very simmilar to another in js13k. But i liked your more, you have some sound effect and animations are quick enough.",
"createdAt": 1569591362837
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Clear presentation, but looks a bit bland. My suggestion: have a character jump from tile to tile to make it more interesting.\n\nThere could be a real game in here if there was a challenge. Unlimited mistakes/hints makes it too easy.\n\nMaybe add branching path with extra items, that gives you higher scores or more hints.",
"createdAt": 1569685041147
"login": "sdepold",
"message": ":) I like it. Sound is a bit \"sharp\" but well done.",
"createdAt": 1569780844296
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I like this game, mostly because it is similar to the game that I made, circle-back, but your game is much better than mine. I like that you have different colors to signal a hit, a hit, but in the order, and the x-mark, to signal no hit at all.",
"createdAt": 1569825769402
"data": {
"url": "/games/xycore/index.html",
"title": "Xycore",
"author": "Daniel '64Mega' Lawrence",
"description": "<p>Xycore is a 'throwback' to some old favorites, taking inspiration from Hero Core and Metroid to bring you a simple adventure on an unknown planet - take on the four bosses and destroy the reactor core!</p><p>**Controls:**<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow Keys - Movement<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSpace - Shoot<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tGamepad Supported!</p><p>**Hints:**<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou can reload to your last checkpoint by refreshing the page at any point</p><p>There are several upgrades hidden throughout the world - find them to make the game a bit easier</p><p>**Thank you for playing!**</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/xycore/__big.jpg",
"id": 34,
"login": "64Mega",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 189,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 27
"name": "fun",
"score": 30
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 41
"name": "graphics",
"score": 40
"name": "technical",
"score": 34
"comments": [
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "It was a fun game to play, though for some reason I found the graphics a bit hard to see what was going on.\n\nI liked the save concept and gamepad support.",
"createdAt": 1568654189265
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice looking game, good sounds and gameplay, it's not easy, maybe the start should be easier",
"createdAt": 1568660858453
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Ok, Xycore is my favourite game so far in this compo. It's super awesome that you were able to make a full metroidvania, complete with multiple bosses. I played it all the way through and really enjoyed it! Really nice visuals and sounds, too!\nThe only thing that was missing was a little bit of music. And maybe more creative upgrades than just \"better gun\" (for example the ability to shoot vertically). But really good overall!",
"createdAt": 1568661323718
"login": "gheja",
"message": "I really like the graphics of your game, the color choice and the clearness of the tiles are great, also the difficulty is perfect. I love that you even fit bosses and checkpoints in this tiny game.",
"createdAt": 1568673851793
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I really like the graphical style and sprites, well done. The sounds make is feel nice and responsive.",
"createdAt": 1568694008939
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Definitely reminds me of old 80s games - surprisingly big world",
"createdAt": 1568748923985
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Pretty well done throwback.",
"createdAt": 1568772463823
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "This is a great game. It can be quite hard. I'm not sure how I feel about the randomized enemies, but it certainly adds to the games diversity. All you need is slow creepy background music. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1568840823193
"login": "dp",
"message": "Oh wow, this game is awesome!\n\nGraphics are fantastic, as is gameplay and everything else. Unfortunately I don't have time to write more, but I'm sure other's will write the things I'd like to say.\n\nAmazing game!",
"createdAt": 1569034466574
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Amazing. I think I found a secret, but kinda got lost after that. I want to play this with a cheat guide. ;)",
"createdAt": 1569436595013
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Your game is amazing. Thank you very much for that, I have played it a lot. Congratulations!",
"createdAt": 1569538511200
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I like the graphics and the animations.",
"createdAt": 1569838284591
"data": {
"url": "/games/dottie-back-to-sun/index.html",
"title": "Dottie Back to Sun",
"author": "Jesse McNulty",
"description": "<p>Story:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDottie, a solar flare, blasted off to the other side of the galaxy during an event. Our mission is to get Dottie back to reunite with the Sun.</p><p>Notes:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDon't hit the red solar flares (they absorb you). You can safely maneuver along the galactic rocks.</p><p>Commands:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse Left, Up, and Right buttons to move. Press \"R\" to restart.</p><p>Game Created With:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tHTML, CSS, and JS created with Web Maker ( and Atom (<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tGame Art developed using conditional formatting in Google Sheets</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dottie-back-to-sun/__big.jpg",
"id": 40,
"login": "mcnultyj",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 142,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 20
"name": "theme",
"score": 28
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 31
"name": "graphics",
"score": 19
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice little game",
"createdAt": 1568661567396
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This feels like another flappy bird. It would be nice to polish more, but is functional as is.",
"createdAt": 1568681750964
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Simple idea. Nicely implemented.\n- Gameplay gets a little monotonous after a short time.\n- Also, I found it somewhat difficult :) Level design could have been made to have gradual steeping difficulty\n-",
"createdAt": 1568794889724
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Gameplay makes sense. I could not get past the barrier that only gives you one \"square\" to move through though -- maybe I just can't figure out the strategy there.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568826952409
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I don't think that is how solar flares work... Some music and sfx for the game would be great. Otherwise good game.",
"createdAt": 1568839748606
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very good use of minimal assets! I found it really hard to get past any small gaps, since the height of a 'jump' when tapping would sometimes be small, and sometimes send me shooting up the screen into one of the red solar flares. But good fun!",
"createdAt": 1569016891871
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I think this needs more play testing, for the first 20 seconds or so, you could just hold up and right and you'll make it pretty far. after that, there's an obstacle that if you can get past, it's like by a single pixel. I think that's because the sideways movement is so slow.",
"createdAt": 1569214382402
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice pixel graphics.\n\nDoesn't scale to browser window.\n\nTricky with only one life.\n\nSome sound would be good.",
"createdAt": 1569415268693
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very hard! Nice game. I'd like to see mode details on scene.",
"createdAt": 1569459546784
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Read about git and gulp or webpack.",
"createdAt": 1569524489709
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "The randomness in the jump was frustrating because it was something outside of my control. I enjoyed the \"holes\" in the map that I could rest in while I determined what path to take.",
"createdAt": 1569692105022
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "A nice little game of skill. I got so close to the sun but didn't quite make it.",
"createdAt": 1569876511910
"data": {
"url": "/games/backstabbers/index.html",
"title": "Backstabbers",
"author": "Milan Donhowe",
"description": "<p>Backstabbers is a game where you play as a robot who kills assigned targets while avoiding contact with their past self and wrong targets. </p><p>You control the robot with WASD and stab targets by moving into them. </p><p>Coil subscribers unlock access to special skins for the target characters which they can cycle through using the shift key.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/backstabbers/__big.jpg",
"id": 41,
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 193,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 39
"name": "fun",
"score": 34
"name": "theme",
"score": 43
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 39
"name": "graphics",
"score": 16
"name": "technical",
"score": 22
"comments": [
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Neat and simple pixel art\n- Felt the gameplay was a little lacking.\n- Game help could have been better",
"createdAt": 1568658507786
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Simple, but fun. I didn't quite get the 'past self' from the description, but once I realised during the game what is going on I was pleasantly surprised. Nice idea!",
"createdAt": 1568661490268
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Pretty trivial.",
"createdAt": 1568670995333
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Neat concept having to play against your previous runs through the level! I chuckled during the intro when \"my political opponents\" was quickly deleted and replaced with \"very bad people\" haha - nice touch :)",
"createdAt": 1568693186962
"login": "madmaw",
"message": "I couldn't get it to run on Chrome on Windows \n\nUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'canvas' of null\n at Ci (index.html:1)",
"createdAt": 1569059240087
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice dot graphics",
"createdAt": 1568722359918
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Awesome concept! It gets quite tricky after a couple of rounds, avoiding your own movements.",
"createdAt": 1568751130941
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "Adorable 8bit game. I liked that the game has a narrator. Also, I didn't realise, but the player's past version is really what you played before! Clever!",
"createdAt": 1568790146817
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Really nice original idea and visually well executed. Good integration with Coil too.",
"createdAt": 1568822028625
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting game. You need a way to speed up the text though. It takes soo long. Maybe a button just skips to the end of the page so you can read it, then the button again to continue.",
"createdAt": 1568839748608
"login": "cedwards145",
"message": "Really nice game, I loved the humor in it! The not getting killed by yourself mechanic was fun too, would like to see that explored on some more complex maps in the future!",
"createdAt": 1568915788662
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Really clever levvel design here! I loved the \"past self\" mechanic!",
"createdAt": 1569092604252
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Kind of a cool concept with the past self. Maybe could have done smooth transitions from cell to cell.",
"createdAt": 1568991140220
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "cute and fun! i like the past self idea, would be great to see that more explicitely in the gameplay!",
"createdAt": 1569119127802
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Really loved the concept, enjoyed planning out a route on the first pass to allow the second pass to work. I would have maybe liked to have known where my second life was going to spawn ahead of time to help with planning?",
"createdAt": 1569176083145
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "A little simple, otherwise enjoyable.",
"createdAt": 1569419932346
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Nice little puzzle, but move timing is not saved for your past self.",
"createdAt": 1569489711956
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice.",
"createdAt": 1569847558430
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really cute game and interesting game mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1569829321107
"data": {
"url": "/games/destar/index.html",
"title": "DeStar",
"author": "PerK",
"description": "<p>This is a puzzle game where you use your Astronaut to collect gold nuggets in a labyrinth. There are some difficulties to navigate in zero gravity and you will have some limitations in how you can move. Your android can assist you while you float, but your android cannot collect the nuggets.</p><p>Use A, S, D, and W to control your spacewalker, and use your arrow keys to control your android.</p><p>Good luck!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/destar/__big.jpg",
"id": 42,
"login": "perkurc",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 159,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 33
"name": "fun",
"score": 34
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 19
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "I really like that it has two characters to control, and it was surprisingly easy to train/coordinate my mind to do that.",
"createdAt": 1568657911119
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Nice puzzle game. Graphics and effects are a little meh.",
"createdAt": 1568662412017
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "xD it took me 122 moves for level 1! But i really like the concept of having 2 characters in this type of game! Makes it double the fun. Great work.",
"createdAt": 1568705156197
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "The logic in this game is quite fun. It adds an extra twist to the regular \"mini game\" found in different games, where you have a robot that assist you, making the puzzles a little more challangening (which is a good thing).",
"createdAt": 1568748656301
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Really neat puzzle idea. Had fun playing with my son who controlled the android while I controlled the astronaut. I know space is an issue, but a FTUE would have helped a lot, but once we figured out the mechanic we had fun. Great job!",
"createdAt": 1568768314795
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice game. Like the simplicity. Some sounds would be great.",
"createdAt": 1568805213212
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting concept. You could use some sound or sfx.",
"createdAt": 1568842967287
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice idea, pixel art could be improved and some sounds would help improve the game.",
"createdAt": 1568890981308
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Very good puzzles!\nMaybe initial levels should be easier",
"createdAt": 1569006680394
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Nice puzzler! Had fun with it!",
"createdAt": 1569270550561
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to play (you should call .preventDefault() on the event). Nice concept!",
"createdAt": 1569318280637
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Simple sokoban style fun",
"createdAt": 1569406822401
"login": "ldrummond",
"message": "Could start out easier",
"createdAt": 1569446409664
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I found it INREDIBLY difficult lol. Only managed the first 2 stages, with a few hundred moves. Is good game though. Could have done with some better graphics, sounds, and/or hints for people like me who apparently suck at it :P",
"createdAt": 1569501627223
"login": "supereggbert",
"message": "nice evolution of classic game mechanic",
"createdAt": 1569764906707
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Very nice little game! I don't see much how it fits the theme, but still cool :)",
"createdAt": 1569843166121
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "I like this alot but having a hard time seeing the theme here.",
"createdAt": 1570045073941
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Back to the Battle Ship",
"author": "Jorge Rubiano",
"description": "<p>Go back to the roots of the game, in Back to the Battle Ship, you can evoke the time in which you only needed pencil and paper to enjoy a good time.</p><p>Play against the PC or start an online game against another person, the objective is to destroy the enemy ships, guessing the position where the ships are.</p><p>You can express your emotions through emojis when you are in an online competition.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-the-battle-ship/__big.jpg",
"id": 43,
"login": "Jorger",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 168,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 30
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 32
"name": "graphics",
"score": 30
"name": "technical",
"score": 35
"comments": [
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Great Game. I played against you the other day and it was fun. The layout is super clean and the emoji chat is awesome. It reminds me of Clash Royale. It is so awesome, that I am probably going to steal it. Sorry, notSorry, I think you will definitely win the Server category, or at least place better than me. Good Luck\n~KeithK",
"createdAt": 1568662856081
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "A classic! Really well done and self-explanatory. The AI defeated me on the first try. :)",
"createdAt": 1568668456118
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Boom, got them AI down:\nReally nice game! Very well done.",
"createdAt": 1568706216740
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "You need to change the label Random Board to say \"Move Pieces\" - It's not initially obvious that's how you rearrange your pieces... if you skip that button and just press practice game there's the expectation that you get to arrange your pieces instead it jumps right into the game. Also rather than practice game it would make more sense to label that \"play computer opponent\", a practice game invokes the idea of a tutorial which it isn't. I dismissed your game as \"not working\" the first time I played it for those reasons... it's a good game once you understand how it works, but if someone can't understand right away how to play your game generally they will not even try.",
"createdAt": 1568736731179
"login": "lopis",
"message": "It's a classic, but very well implemented. Nice UI.",
"createdAt": 1568749920876
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Really love that graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568796828357
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Well, it's battle ships.",
"createdAt": 1568882002570
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "classic and fun, nice details, sound effects are cool, but the constant sliding effect can be dizzying sometimes",
"createdAt": 1569126506040
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Well, pretty solid execution, but unimaginative.\n\nIdea: a campaign with progressively increasing field sizes and different AI personalities, represented in how they place ships and shoot.",
"createdAt": 1569348488468
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "I did forget how fun battle ship is! Well implement, really cute and nice to play. 🚢",
"createdAt": 1569440337378
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny",
"createdAt": 1569672050641
"login": "depp",
"message": "I think it doesn’t make sense to have the one-square ships, because then you just have to blanket the entire board to get them.",
"createdAt": 1569723470147
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Was not able to find a opponent. But I liked the graphics style and to play vs bot!",
"createdAt": 1569842820254
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I just wish there was more inventiveness - the execution is extremely good (looks and sounds awesome), and it works very well - but it's just a battle ship game :)",
"createdAt": 1569918670143
"data": {
"url": "/games/bring-the-number-back/index.html",
"title": "Bring The Number Back",
"author": "Sergey Chernykh",
"description": "<p>Robot challenges you to guess its number before it guesses yours.</p><p>Gameplay:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou and Robot make a four-digit number with no digit duplication. Then you both score the opponent's guess and try to guess the opponent's number in turns.</p><p>Scoring:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tIt's a two-digit number with the first digit representing a total of guessed digits and the second one representing a number of the guessed digits in the right positions.</p><p>Keyboard:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t0...9 - fill your inputs<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tARROW LEFT/RIGHT - activate another place in your input<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tENTER - submit your input<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSPACE - start/reset the game<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tB - toggle the background animation<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tESC - toggle this explanation</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/bring-the-number-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 44,
"login": "serglider",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 123,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 13
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 11
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Nice twist on mastermind, but I had some technical problems with game not working (console errors).",
"createdAt": 1568660930413
"login": "carlini",
"message": "JS implementation of a common board game.",
"createdAt": 1568683265190
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Very interesting, the explanation might not be enough.",
"createdAt": 1568712421057
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The explanation is cut off on my computer when I open it. It's pretty in a subatomic way.",
"createdAt": 1568734321463
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Sweet animations :) I found the game play a bit difficult to understand, having one example round would maybe help",
"createdAt": 1568747029444
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Good logic puzzle, I spent far too much time playing it. Maybe add some music.",
"createdAt": 1568759595909
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Well put together, was not quite sure what I was doing though got a bit confused.",
"createdAt": 1568836947827
"login": "kurazu",
"message": "Nicely polished graphics, including the background animation.",
"createdAt": 1568868890158
"login": "dp",
"message": "I had a few problems with this not working and ignoring keyboard inputs - in the console I could see repeated entries \"TypeError: C[f] is undefined\". When it did work though it was fine, although the robot is super smart and was able to beat me every time! \n\nI really liked being able to press Esc and see the instructions at any time - super useful - and I liked the number animations.\n\nOverall, a nice puzzle. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1569032119595
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nicely polished. I thought I understood the rules until near the end when it told me there was an error in the scores and sent me back to the start.",
"createdAt": 1569188694321
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Great take on a mastermind style game.\nA favourite mind game of mine to pass the time.\n\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569336648538
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game. I like the background animations.\n\nScoring system was a bit confusing.\n\nPerhaps change the explanation screen so that SPACE starts the game (like it says it does) rather than ESC as a separate key.\n\nDidn't scale well to browser window.",
"createdAt": 1569591192122
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Can you beat it ? I only managed to draw, it seems to play perfectly. This game genre does not require much gfx although the background and numbers animation are welcome, maybe some relaxing music in the background ?",
"createdAt": 1569706011824
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice, it would be greate if there are some sound effects",
"createdAt": 1569844504016
"data": {
"url": "/games/shoot2live/index.html",
"title": "Shoot2Live",
"author": "runtimeTerror",
"description": "<p>This is a shooting game where you can't see back, you need to shoot the enemies by predicting their positions in dark......Make 60 to win the game</p><p>Controls :<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t1) Use the right and left arrow keys to move around<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t2) Use the space bar to shoot the enemies</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/shoot2live/__big.jpg",
"id": 45,
"login": "hemanth-hk",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 143,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 33
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 14
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "A very good idea, though it gets a bit too frantic to manage once all four directions are active. That could be solved with a telegraph (e.g.: Playing a small 'flash' from each enemy spawner when an enemy spawns).",
"createdAt": 1568651706671
"login": "fed135",
"message": "Super clever take on the theme, very enjoyable gameplay!\n\nSince the gameplay is rather simple, I would've loved to see some more polished graphics.",
"createdAt": 1568662241565
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "After a couple of tries, I got 30! Couldn't figure out how to restart it without just refreshing the page :(",
"createdAt": 1568668269783
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's nice to play! You should be really fast to stay alive.",
"createdAt": 1568708978221
"login": "ItachiHyuga",
"message": "Like the recoil mechanic a lot!",
"createdAt": 1568734037182
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I like the gameplay and how directly the theme is incorporated in it. 60 is a big challenge ;D Maybe it would be interesting with the avatar moving freely aswell? Then dodging the enemies would be easy but maybe the game could be about preventing them from reaching the opposite wall",
"createdAt": 1568747819558
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I think you should add additional positions sooner. It got a little boring just shooting to one side for like thirty seconds.",
"createdAt": 1568760384847
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Really nice idea which fits the theme really well. Visually it could have been more compelling and the red indicators of where the enemies were coming from made the game a bit too easy.",
"createdAt": 1568880057723
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice idea, needs to be polished a bit",
"createdAt": 1568917314260
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting. A bit too hard for me",
"createdAt": 1568968212497
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "I bet the game could be packed in less than 2k. Graphics are basic, sound effets quickly gets annoying, and once enemies come from all four directions there is not much you can do but keep turning and shooting and hope you are in sync.\nBeing able to rotate faster, multiple weapons, having enemies leave a trace once you spot them, even if they return to a dark area, would help to improve the game.",
"createdAt": 1569082536816
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice concept with simple graphics.\n\nSound didn't always work.\n\nGets very trick when three positions have enemies advancing.\n\nMight be better to not have to alternate between using keyboard and mouse to restart. i.e. all on mouse or all on keyboard.",
"createdAt": 1569192212864
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Nice, simple stationary shooter.\n\nWish there was an audio hint when a ball spawns, otherwise it feels hectic and random as to when / where the balls will spawn next when multiple directions are active.\n\nNeat concept overall.",
"createdAt": 1569249087168
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was hard, but a cool concept and well executed.",
"createdAt": 1569720846392
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Nice gameplay, very challenging. It would be nice if the graphics were a bit more elaborated.",
"createdAt": 1569774733570
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice! I had fun playing your game.",
"createdAt": 1569795833821
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice, funny",
"createdAt": 1570099863469
"data": {
"url": "/games/fat-kids-on-trampoline/index.html",
"title": "Fat Kids on Trampoline",
"author": "baturinsky",
"description": "<p>Neighborhood kids caught a wind of you getting a giant trampoline and want to play.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThough, they have no safety training, so you have no choice but politely send them BACK.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThey may object, but a strong enough kick makes them lose control temporarily, letting you usher them out.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou get a point for each de-trampolined kid.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tIf you fall off, you lose 5 points.<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t\tGame ends when there are 15 kids present (including you).</p><p>Move with WASD (for player 1) or arrow keys (for player 2). P to pause. ESC to reset.</p><p>Have fun, and don't act recklessly or agressively on trampoline in real life!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/fat-kids-on-trampoline/__big.jpg",
"id": 46,
"login": "baturinsky",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 189,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 31
"name": "fun",
"score": 38
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 34
"name": "graphics",
"score": 36
"name": "technical",
"score": 30
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "Amusing, it's hard to get your player to bounce very high.",
"createdAt": 1568679719513
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "So much fun! Very enjoyable and funny game. The characters are very charismatic, and the animations are funny to watch.",
"createdAt": 1568658278416
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "A little clunky but nice graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568660883786
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I like the different types of kid. An original idea.",
"createdAt": 1569016165865
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like the idea, but I think it could be made a bit more dynamic by changing the controls a bit: what if instead of using up and down, you could dash down (or left and right), giving you a nice boost?\n\nI think I noticed a few particles, but I think it could use more, and maybe polish the trampoline a bit? Something with a sine wave that decreases its amplitude after time and resets after each landing could be a nice effect.",
"createdAt": 1568759556330
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "-Nice game idea. Funny graphics!\n- Controls felt a little stiff. I would have a more smoother control over my character.\n- Some powerups can improve the gameplay",
"createdAt": 1568794889722
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Liked the idea of this, and the physics and animations are fun but ultimately I didn't really get into the game or see how it fitted the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568821516062
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics. Perhaps some sound would be good.\n\nIt's worth supporting cursor keys aswell as WASD for those who don't have qwerty.\n\nSome obstacles or other drivers would be good.\n\nDidn't get to see the home at the end of the game.\n\nMuch easier to play if you make the browser bigger before loading game.",
"createdAt": 1568847387782
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "trampoline is fun",
"createdAt": 1568906034180
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Crazy and funny little game with cute graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569153152452
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was hilariously entertaining.",
"createdAt": 1569214004326
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very fun!",
"createdAt": 1569446261795
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "I laughed my arse off with this, something I aspire to. I a point for having hats fly off",
"createdAt": 1569699490487
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "This is really fun!!! I like it. Very cute game and very interesting game mode.",
"createdAt": 1569879121334
"data": {
"url": "/games/the-martians-are-back/index.html",
"title": "The Martians are Back!",
"author": "Schnark",
"description": "<p>The Martians are back! They are trying to invade earth again, and it’s up to you to defeat them!</p><p>Use your mouse, your finger or your keyboard (but don’t expect that to be more precise than a pointing device) to shoot their spaceships, and collect stars to unlock more levels.</p><p>Web monetization supporters will get five extra stars whenever they end a level, which will unlock levels faster.</p><p>Your progress is saved automatically, so you can make a pause and come back later whenever you want.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/the-martians-are-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 49,
"login": "Schnark",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 208,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 50
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 47
"name": "graphics",
"score": 23
"name": "technical",
"score": 28
"comments": [
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "A well-done clone of the many multi-ball breakout apps out there. Heaven help me but it was fun to play, even knowing the original idea wasn't yours.\n\nI liked how I could keep going even after a failed a wave. The story was a nice touch, but felt like it was just added on to tie the game to the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568662742318
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "The arrow keys not being as precise is a shame, but there were some interesting things going on with all the balls",
"createdAt": 1568667734152
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "This is one of my favorite games in the contest. I love how the levels keep getting more complicated.",
"createdAt": 1568682010671
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "innovation - It's common style\nfun - ya! it is funny\ntheme - ...\ngameplay - good\ngraphic - maybe it could be improved\ntechnical - nice",
"createdAt": 1568722039101
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "I played BricksBreaker on iOS for ages, love this one as well!",
"createdAt": 1568991741153
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great work! Funny and pretty interesting game.",
"createdAt": 1568795278083
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "A good game. I played on desktop but I think it would work well on mobile too.",
"createdAt": 1568827115270
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "more fun than backside ball",
"createdAt": 1568839376173
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This is my favorite game so far. By a lot. It feels like a great game, not a great game in 13k.",
"createdAt": 1568869678509
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really fun to play. And the sound is on point.",
"createdAt": 1568966405973
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Simple but surprisingly fun. No music but the sound effects are on point.\n\nWith a game of angles like this, precision matters, I found it really hard to aim exactly where I wanted - some tweaks to the mouse control might help with that.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1569072755667
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "hah. i spent way too much time on this. like how the theme ties into the tactics.",
"createdAt": 1569041526076
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was fun! Sometimes it felt like the balls deflected down too quickly.",
"createdAt": 1569212886005
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "A great combination of arkanoid and space invaders!\n\nGood variety of powerups, simple intuitive gameplay.\n\nThe simple graphics might seem like a downside at first, but everything is conveyed clearly, so it doesn't bother me in the least.",
"createdAt": 1569251444074
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice clone. Fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1569455415856
"login": "tulustul",
"message": "Despite simplicity this is one of the most fun games out there.",
"createdAt": 1569522630219
"login": "depp",
"message": "I had a hard time controlling this with the mouse. I could see myself getting addicted to this game otherwise.",
"createdAt": 1569723470145
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very well made, nice simple graphics and gameplay but addictive. Enjoyed playing, the stars could have been more possible on each level given the correct angles used but I appreciaite the time and game size limits.",
"createdAt": 1569802178720
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "This is probably the game I played the most so far! (out of 50 or so). Great sounds and I love the gameplay - I just wish it had something more inventive or related with the theme :D",
"createdAt": 1569846970337
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-2-home/index.html",
"title": "Back 2 Home",
"author": "Sipmann",
"description": "<p>A game about a cat (yes, that's a cat) that want to go back to home. Pink/Red spike ball are enemies. To move the cat, just use the arrow keys. Reach the build to get at home and go to the next level.</p><p>I would like to add itens and stuff like that. Make it a rogue like game. </p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-2-home/__big.jpg",
"id": 48,
"login": "sipmann",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 90,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 17
"name": "fun",
"score": 12
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 10
"name": "graphics",
"score": 11
"name": "technical",
"score": 15
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "A neat idea in principle, but could definitely use some more complex enemy behaviors, and more risk (It's too easy to tank through the enemies, since they don't do all that much damage)",
"createdAt": 1568655143032
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Animations between squares made it more visually interesting but added a bit too much delay. Gameplay was straightforward but not deep.",
"createdAt": 1568682770957
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "It would be nice if the movements happened faster... it seems to lag. It plays like a puzzle game in that you can't outrun the monsters but have to think around them. As a puzzle game it would make more sense to restart the level when you hit a monster instead of losing a life it makes it more satisfying to solve it properly rather than have the option of losing a life to power through. Unfortunately since the levels are randomly generated there is not always an ideal solution so it is unsatisfying in that way. If you don't want it to be a puzzle game you need to give the cat more speed than the monsters or a way to defeat them.",
"createdAt": 1568734788598
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice",
"createdAt": 1569939140533
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Meow, nice turn based mechanics. There is some challenge in hitting your enemies before they hit you, but I think they could be a bit more threatening! Everything seems to work as intended though, so good job on your project.",
"createdAt": 1568747819560
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "One big issue - I'm colorblind, and couldn't even SEE the cat at first. A blue or yellow cat would stand out nicely.",
"createdAt": 1568762243191
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Interesting and easy to follow concept. Fun graphics.\n\nIt's hard to get home without hitting the red things.\n\nMovement is a bit slow and restricted to large blocks.\n\nCat and house always in the same place on all levels I played, perhaps this could be varied.\n\nDoesn't respond to browser being resized.\n\nWhat was that semicolon at the bottom right for?",
"createdAt": 1568845903382
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "I have some hard time seeing the cat on the grass since the contrast is a bit low for me :|",
"createdAt": 1568916057666
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Good start to an action puzzle game.",
"createdAt": 1568993142120
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Being red / green colour blind I cannot play this game sorry.",
"createdAt": 1569106546234
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "maybe change the colors, it's difficult to see the dog",
"createdAt": 1569256982115
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "actually impossible to avoid the red things. nice use of an awesome logo image",
"createdAt": 1569414383794
"login": "remvst",
"message": "A bit too simple to judge really. I like that you added animations instead of just teleporting the character.",
"createdAt": 1569468411808
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Your cat looks like a cat, don't worry :)",
"createdAt": 1569691333840
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good start. Keep going.",
"createdAt": 1569844387364
"data": {
"url": "/games/puzzle-from-hell/index.html",
"title": "Puzzle from hell",
"author": "frederic charette",
"description": "<p>In Hell, they force you to solve puzzles only using the BACKside of the pieces!</p><p>Coil supporters solve a non-demonic regular puzzle.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/puzzle-from-hell/__big.jpg",
"id": 47,
"login": "fed135",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 169,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 30
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 35
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 26
"name": "graphics",
"score": 27
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "fresh. but it is really difficult",
"createdAt": 1568649186706
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "This makes me want to go dig out an old puzzle and solve it. Actually managed to solve one, was quite a trial-and-error process, but still somewhat relaxing and infuriating at the same time.\nI was half expecting some extra hellishness in the form of a missing piece or two.",
"createdAt": 1568661925700
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "You are right, you need to have strong patience to solve puzzles... But it's pretty funny game.",
"createdAt": 1568665605964
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Not working on Firefox.",
"createdAt": 1568670684246
"login": "curtastic",
"message": "I would have liked a less abstract puzzle image. You can click all the pieces to make the rotated correctly so they should just start rotated correctly.",
"createdAt": 1568689547487
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "First off, this game does not work in Firefox unfortunately.\nI'm not sure what coil supporters see, but as a non-supporter I would have liked if I was allowed to put down pieces close to the puzzle or on it.\nI also once accidentally touched one of the sliders and the puzzle reset :(\nOther than that it was very enjoyable!",
"createdAt": 1568726265261
"login": "andy-mcgrath",
"message": "Wouldn't run on firefox on linux. Also had sound issues.\nIdea is great but found just testing the possible outlines until hit the right one.",
"createdAt": 1568740655074
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Oh crap. I'm bad with puzzles. But I liked playing your game with small width x height",
"createdAt": 1568773133494
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "This did not work for me in Firefox. It sounded fun, but I could only see a simple start screen and that was it.",
"createdAt": 1568845913171
"login": "fawwaz",
"message": "I think it is better if you arrange it with incrimental difficuties. It is very difficult start from beginning.",
"createdAt": 1568903690943
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Good work.",
"createdAt": 1568926211931
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Doesn't work in Firefox: ReferenceError: OffscreenCanvas is not defined",
"createdAt": 1568973786326
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Doesn't work in Firefox: \"OffscreenCanvas is not defined.\"",
"createdAt": 1569012429589
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "interesting concept",
"createdAt": 1569153553019
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Game doesn't work. Error on the console says:\n\nReferenceError: OffscreenCanvas is not defined",
"createdAt": 1569186004725
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "I spend a little to long on solving a puzzle haha, but i really liked it, great job.",
"createdAt": 1569406559762
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Oh that's true evil!",
"createdAt": 1569929183739
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Haha, that twist in puzzles made me giggle! It's a shame that coil supporters didn't have that twist!",
"createdAt": 1570004335884
"data": {
"url": "/games/puzzleggs/index.html",
"title": "PUZZLEggs",
"author": "Jani Nykänen",
"description": "<p>PUZZLEggs is a puzzle game where you control a bird who want to get his/her eggs back. The goal is to collect every egg in the stage and then return to the starting position. You may not stomp the eggs you have already collected, so try not to get stuck!</p><p>The game includes 13 stages and a password system to \"store\" your progress.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Arrows keys: Move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- R: Restart stage<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- F: Toggle fullscreen<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Enter: accept things in menus, or open the pause menu</p><p>Works best on Chrome or Opera, should have good enough performance on Firefox, although if you are using Linux like I do, the game might be a little laggy, so I advise using Opera or Chrome.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/puzzleggs/__big.jpg",
"id": 50,
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 205,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 27
"name": "fun",
"score": 39
"name": "theme",
"score": 26
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 41
"name": "graphics",
"score": 36
"name": "technical",
"score": 36
"comments": [
"login": "cytrowski",
"message": "Funny graphics and challenging gameplay :) It matches the theme",
"createdAt": 1568650566299
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I got stuck on Phase 4! I wish I could get passed it, because the game really is a delight.\n\nI would love music or sound effects to go with it. The graphics were extremely cute. \n\nI could see myself playing more of it just for fun. IF I WAS SMART ENOUGH TO GET PASSED PHASE 4.",
"createdAt": 1568656745039
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Awesome graphics and animations. Cool and very challenging level design. The difficulty grows very fast, and the option to continue the level by using the password is a nice idea.",
"createdAt": 1568665564767
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fiendish puzzles well devised with some great longevity.\n\nWorked fine for me with Firefox on Linux. This would also work nicely as a mobile game with tapping adjacent squares.\n\nOnly improvement I could think of would be to add some sound.",
"createdAt": 1568670685792
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing animations!",
"createdAt": 1568714835627
"login": "madmaw",
"message": "Argh, I really wanted to play this one! It just freezes for me on start up on Chrome on Windows 7",
"createdAt": 1569059886039
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Great game, really well put together, unfortunately I wasn't even able to complete the 3rd puzzle.\nI really liked the polish/animations etc.",
"createdAt": 1568844085741
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "This is a good puzzle game. It wasn't clear that the pacman things weren't going to kill me on touch. And you could use some music, but it is fun and challenging.",
"createdAt": 1568763224614
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Great game, but either I'm too stupid or stage 4 (and the following stages, I looked up the source to get the passwords) is much too hard. (And I didn't notice any issues with FF on Linux.)",
"createdAt": 1568801007623
"login": "stasm",
"message": "Nice artwork and transitions between scenes. The puzzles are diverse and challenging. Adding sounds would go a long way in making this a more immersive experience. I remember the password saving system back from playing games as a kid, and I appreciate the fact that it's easy to implement, too. That said, I would have preferred a level selection screen coupled with saving my progress to localStorage. It's just more convenient for me as a player.",
"createdAt": 1568885569897
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Very polished! Great artwork - can't believe that fits in 13k!",
"createdAt": 1569102592587
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "very nice puzzles and enjoyable graphics",
"createdAt": 1569144119758
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really really polished graphics and controls. Game gets challenging too. I didn't notice lag on Firefox on Linux, but you're right, it is a little bit smoother on Chrome. But it's really not a big deal. Great job.",
"createdAt": 1569184578344
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "A great puzzle-arcade game!\nLove the overall look and colour choices.\nIntuitive controls and gameplay.\n\nVery well done!",
"createdAt": 1569332295716
"login": "phongduong",
"message": "Your game is good and the art is very cool. I can't believe that you can create an awesome game like this with only 13kb",
"createdAt": 1568683836725
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "The level of polish on your game is amazing. The graphics are very slick, the eye candy is everywhere (animated cogs and level transitions, doddling eggs and character, wavy text) and the puzzles challenging.\nIt shows you put a lot of efforts into it.",
"createdAt": 1569547085391
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool puzzles and graphics. Some sounds would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569851245847
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-in-dino/index.html",
"title": "Back in Dino",
"author": "Nicolantonio Vignola",
"description": "<p>Dino is stuck in time. He can't walk back in the past... he can just moonwalk. He can't go in the future either. The only thing left for him is to enjoy the present also it is not that easy, especially when some weird circles try to catch him. Help Dino to stay alive and enjoy the present time. Commands:</p><p>Arrow right '&gt;' to move right<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow left '\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow up '^' to jump</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-in-dino/__big.jpg",
"id": 52,
"login": "nvignola",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 126,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 14
"name": "fun",
"score": 20
"name": "theme",
"score": 23
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 18
"name": "graphics",
"score": 28
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "The music is amazing. A real earworm. The gameplay is very interesting and challenging. It would be nice to have a score or timer to track your progress.",
"createdAt": 1568657752717
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I like the music and pixel art. A high score time would be a great fit. Maybe and end screen that boots you back to the first screen. Cute dino.",
"createdAt": 1568670079719
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Should have bigger field and/or slower and smaller balls. And no balls flying out of the ground.\n\nDino is cute, though.",
"createdAt": 1568991306925
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice music!.\nBUT, It's repetitive.",
"createdAt": 1568720925065
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "This is an extremely difficult game. It felt like the balloons were following me, and sometimes I was killed from below. I wish there was a possibility so sense incoming balloons from below, as they kill you without second notice.",
"createdAt": 1568785834302
"login": "lopis",
"message": "How am I supposed to enjoy the present if I can't stay alive more than 3 seconds? Good grief. The game looks cute cute :)",
"createdAt": 1568965935358
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "The dino is nice. It's too hard since the beginning. Maybe add a score.",
"createdAt": 1569075640107
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I think this needs more play testing, the jump is way too high i feel, also maybe to make it more interesting, add some floating platforms. Also the circles are kinda cheap cause they can just appear below you without any warning. The dino looks cool though.",
"createdAt": 1569213488475
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "How am I supposed to avoid this circles from the bottom of the screen? xd",
"createdAt": 1569273970705
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "Circles shouldn't be able to come up from the bottom without warning. Also a way to control jump height would do wonders. Final advice is to add a scoring system.",
"createdAt": 1568697191080
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Liked the sprite and the music, maybe needs some type of score so can see if did better than last time.",
"createdAt": 1569469111504
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "The soundtrack is AMAZING!! The best so far! And the description (being trapped in the presence) fits it soo good! Good work!\nThe game itself is addictive. Good job! I really liked it. SImple, but fun. And the music makes it so good.\n\nOnly thing i can critic: maybe it would be better if th4e game would reset automaticly. When you paly it for a long time, you get tired of pressing retry. And you could add some animation for death. (I thing creating some red circles on dino coordinates and throwing them around would do it).\n\nAnd it would be cool if you could travel left or right forever. Better for gameplay, and would add extra feeling of being trapped. \n\nOne of the best games in my oppinion. Its so simple, but i had more fun playing iyour game than playing all the fps games .",
"createdAt": 1569614342412
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Simple but cool.",
"createdAt": 1569845528020
"login": "remvst",
"message": "The game is extremely difficult, I wasn't able to survive more than 3 seconds. You could make it so that the obstacles take only appear after a little while instead of throwing so many at once.\n\nThe music is really good, and I like the dino sprite",
"createdAt": 1569940967797
"login": "hibbbb",
"message": "good game with smooth animation, but when the circles come from bottom, it is hard to avoid.",
"createdAt": 1570110721493
"data": {
"url": "/games/turtleback/index.html",
"title": "Turtleback",
"author": "J'Brian",
"description": "<p>Oh no the turtle is on its back! Help the turtle flip over. Press R to start, press A and D (or Q and D, or arrow keys) to rock the turtle enough to flip over.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/turtleback/__big.jpg",
"id": 51,
"login": "jayther",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 180,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 30
"name": "fun",
"score": 37
"name": "theme",
"score": 48
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 24
"name": "technical",
"score": 21
"comments": [
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Hard! Couldn't beat the dev's score haha.",
"createdAt": 1568649276611
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "Great idea and the controls felt exactly right.",
"createdAt": 1568658895933
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Cute fun narrative - good simple game idea. A nice, well finished game.",
"createdAt": 1569048998126
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "I really like the visuals and the long intro. The game is short but works very well!",
"createdAt": 1568661791706
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I like the turtles face :)",
"createdAt": 1568665913192
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Ha ha, simple, but very nice. And with attention to details.",
"createdAt": 1568671426035
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "haha, It's for sure the funniest game here! Great work!",
"createdAt": 1568725861020
"login": "depp",
"message": "Had to change keyboard layouts to get it to work—try using KeyboardEvent.code to fix this",
"createdAt": 1568849169575
"login": "liningyuan",
"message": "Simple but fun.The turtle is cute.",
"createdAt": 1568965560177
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "It's cute and it works.",
"createdAt": 1568985466579
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"message": "Lovely game! <3",
"createdAt": 1569086856663
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Uh, I needed 20 seconds ;) Nice idea!",
"createdAt": 1569268113311
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fairly simple game. Nice graphics and easy to learn game mechanics.\n\nCouldn't work out a good strategy to flip the turtle quicker.",
"createdAt": 1569190277014
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Simple but fun.",
"createdAt": 1569413232023
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Cute game, nice graphics, controls and UI are very clear and work well.",
"createdAt": 1569460754626
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Cool little animations\nFun for a couple of tries",
"createdAt": 1569519253145
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Oh I love it! Excellent use of the 'back' theme, charming graphics (I love the 'intro' and eye animations of the turtle), nice use of physics.",
"createdAt": 1569683691327
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "simple but cute game!",
"createdAt": 1569722046197
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Cute little game. Well done drawing turtle and background with circle / ellipses only",
"createdAt": 1570168330472
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-forth/index.html",
"title": "Back & Forth",
"author": "Gagik Papikyan",
"description": "<p>Save little Bob: try to escape the clock hands, trying to kick him out!</p><p>use Arrow Up (jump, double jump) and Space (change direction) for desktop<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tand tap 'right half of screen' (jump) and 'left half of screen' (change direction) for mobile</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/back-forth/__big.jpg",
"id": 53,
"login": "gagiopapinni",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 195,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 39
"name": "fun",
"score": 35
"name": "theme",
"score": 36
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 29
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Nicely polished but a bit one-note, gameplay wise. Could be improved with some variation on the basic mechanic.",
"createdAt": 1568647973043
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "First off, I love that the game becomes a normal clock while you're not playing it. I didn't notice it at first until my brother pointed it out to me!\nI'm not sure what triggers a clock hand to change rotating direction, but I found it hard to react quickly to. My highscore was 8!",
"createdAt": 1568657327778
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I got 10! This game is hard!",
"createdAt": 1568667734150
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Took me a while to get the double jump.",
"createdAt": 1568677955717
"login": "MatthewDiamant",
"message": "Hard game! I got to 11.",
"createdAt": 1568704869582
"login": "depp",
"message": "It was very frustrating if you miss the part about double-jump!",
"createdAt": 1568732539750
"login": "erwinandres",
"message": "Hard but fun.\nI think that a single jump should be enough for the small clock hand.",
"createdAt": 1568880609283
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Simple yet well polished, a difficult exercice of coordination. Now I know why I prefer digital clocks !",
"createdAt": 1568841490046
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game and graphics! Really love to play it.",
"createdAt": 1568967299811
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Very clean beautiful look. Love the clean smooth animations and the cute avatar. Fun game, well presented.",
"createdAt": 1569072135851
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice gameplay, it's annoying when it change directions and let me lose :(",
"createdAt": 1569058778015
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Simple, repeatable game loop.\n\nJump arc and timing are a bit wonky / frustrating at times.",
"createdAt": 1568993142118
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "The normal jump could be increased so it is enough for the small hand.",
"createdAt": 1569177600342
"login": "southerton81",
"message": "Fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1569240908148
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "This game is simple but polished. I found it frustrating to play because the window to see whether the hands will change direction is so tight. I would suggest adding a subtle indication somewhere on the screen, a second before you need to jump, just so you have more reaction time.\n\nOther than that, some simple music would increase gameplay a lot I think.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568826952407
"login": "EugeneTM",
"message": "Hadcore and unsolvable for 2 minutes.",
"createdAt": 1569313980741
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Love it! This definitely needs to be on the app store. This takes the best of hyper-casual minimalist games and combines them. I really don't have anything else to say other than maybe a global leaderboard or something might be nice to add. Otherwise, well done.",
"createdAt": 1568661518258
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting little game but how am I supposed to know when the hands will change direction? Is it basically random? It's a bit frustrating.",
"createdAt": 1569497616073
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "I liked the concept, the graphics were clear and you have nice sound effects.\n\nInstruction screen didn't scale well to browser, the game however was fine.\n\nWasn't able to jump the clock hands no matter how I timed the jump - only double jump would work.",
"createdAt": 1569790209038
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool idea. The game is hard, although it looks easy.",
"createdAt": 1569839131218
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "I love the high difficulty level of this game, it makes it fairly addictive.\nI guess a cute song would've been a nice touch.",
"createdAt": 1570039430209
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Dodge That Shit",
"author": "chrischongyj",
"description": "<p>Dodge pieces of shit falling from the ceiling!</p><p>Press left or right arrow keys to play.</p><p>Try to last as long as possible!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dodge-that-shit/__big.jpg",
"id": 55,
"login": "chrischongyj",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 83,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 9
"name": "fun",
"score": 21
"name": "theme",
"score": 13
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 12
"name": "graphics",
"score": 17
"name": "technical",
"score": 11
"comments": [
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "those shits are pretty hard to dodge man. fun challenge",
"createdAt": 1569030580196
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "pretty straightforward... neeeds a bit of work to make it less \"tutorial-y\"",
"createdAt": 1568656340060
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "Simple but sweet!",
"createdAt": 1568660673670
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Not much going on here. Be more polite.",
"createdAt": 1568732358727
"login": "Visrozar",
"message": "I don't see how the game follows the theme \"back\".",
"createdAt": 1568745494214
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Wow, two games about falling poop in a row. I'm not sure why this game is in the server category, it does not appear to have multiplayer or high scores or anything. Sound would be nice too. And as it so happens, You Suck! Restart! lol (joke)",
"createdAt": 1568839240916
"login": "remvst",
"message": "The shock factor is a nice try but there isn't much else. The shits could spawn outside the screen, and they could look less blurry.",
"createdAt": 1568858595394
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "I tried to last as long as possible and succeeded.\nReminds me of a game i wrote once, in 1985\nShouldnt there be shit on the floor fallen from the ceiling that you also have to dodge\nHope this helps",
"createdAt": 1569153553016
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Standard endless runner basically, however I don't know why this is in the server category from just playing it.",
"createdAt": 1569212691456
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "not sure why is this game in server category",
"createdAt": 1569256271720
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "I came, I saw, I dodged poop.\nDelivered what it promised.\nCould've used an onscreen score / timer or some other point style incentive.",
"createdAt": 1569334030350
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Your game is shit. Good job! :)",
"createdAt": 1569449524644
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "This reminds me of the ice cream scoop game on neopets. This would be better if there was some fast paced music, a running score and maybe level breaks.",
"createdAt": 1569606511967
"login": "gabboraron",
"message": "It is easy to cheat in this game because the random function what you have used is generating only to a few positions.",
"createdAt": 1569677715603
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Addictive game, but I wish there was a scoreboard, and increasing difficulty.",
"createdAt": 1569827936152
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Amazing piece of shit :D",
"createdAt": 1570015298281
"data": {
"url": "/games/snake-vs-invaders/index.html",
"title": "Snake vs Invaders",
"author": "Baturinsky",
"description": "<p>Shoot'em UP with Arkanoid mechanics, i.e. instead of dodging bullets, you try to deflect them with your body back at enemy.</p><p>Also game has elements of Snake (because that's what you are in it) and SuperHot(there is an optional mode that works like that).</p><p>Controls: just move the mouse. Also, ESC takes you back to menu, and Right Click toggles Superhot mode.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/snake-vs-invaders/__big.jpg",
"id": 56,
"login": "baturinsky",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 216,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 39
"name": "fun",
"score": 42
"name": "theme",
"score": 39
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 42
"name": "graphics",
"score": 24
"name": "technical",
"score": 30
"comments": [
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "This is a really clever game. I'm not sure I have much I would add or subtract, other than some simple music.",
"createdAt": 1568668488807
"login": "madmarcel",
"message": "Really fun game, had to stop myself from playing for longer. Deflecting the bullets back feels a bit unsatisfying, possibly needs a more satisfying explosion effect when enemies are destroyed, not sure.",
"createdAt": 1568716111151
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very difficult game. Requires too many points to get to do anything, only got one upgrade.",
"createdAt": 1568731086856
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Wow! I like this. Mastering hitting your enemies isn't easy but it doesn't matter because the controls themselves are fun, and the damage done to the shield is very forgiving. Enemies also retreat before they are fully annihilated also it seems? The gameplay is really smoothe and the theme is well woven into it. The colors and shapes are well chosen and informative.",
"createdAt": 1568746528899
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I've never seen this game mechanic done like this before, and I love it.\n\nI think the text on the screen is too hard to read - I'm busy playing a game here! - so it should either pause the game or come between levels.",
"createdAt": 1568761239602
"login": "stasm",
"message": "I love the Active Pause mode; I don't think I'd be able to get far without it, actually :) I find the mechanic original and fitting the theme very well. Great job!",
"createdAt": 1568826670466
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "really playable and quite adictive",
"createdAt": 1568839068128
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Neat mash up of games and mechanics.\nGets chaotic quickly.\nWell executed and enjoyable!",
"createdAt": 1568993884850
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Nice idea! Couldn't read the text sometimes as too busy deflecting bullets, had to switch to superhot mode. Got up to curtain with artillery unlock. Assuming need escape ship to get to taking flight, will come back and try later for that.",
"createdAt": 1568866221301
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really nice mechanics. It's also pretty hard to get all the bullets! The Superhot mode is also interesting",
"createdAt": 1568965618873
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Interesting game mechanic - fun simple graphics - A bit hard for me to get good at but fun to play for a bit.",
"createdAt": 1569048860873
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very nice game, I like the idea and its wel exectued. I a little difficult to reflect lots of bullets at times.\n\nIf you move the mouse quickly the game speeds up, not sure if thats intentional?",
"createdAt": 1569104909905
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Good difficulty progression, enemy variety and fun gameplay mechanics! That artillery is a double-edged sword, but it makes sense to work that way – much gain with a bit of risk.",
"createdAt": 1569145532265
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "This was pretty fun!",
"createdAt": 1569291092575
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "<3",
"createdAt": 1569616707382
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "I really enjoyed playing this game. It was quite a fun idea.",
"createdAt": 1569694521212
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Your game is very nice. I like the simple gameplay. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1569847211813
"login": "remvst",
"message": "This is a really clever game. I like the simple mechanic, though I would have appreciated more power ups (especially for the tail length). A soundtrack would have been nice as well.\n\nI finished the \"curtain\" level and yet the last level would not unlock, so I wasn't able to beat the game.\n\nEven though I got that far, I did feel like the levels got rather boring towards the end, maybe they were a bit too long? Also the game could use a bit more \"juice\" (explosions, particles, all the details that make it fun)\n\nSeems like the game is very framerate dependent, so I saw a lot of slow motion then acceleration, causing me to miss projectiles, which was a bit frustrating.\n\nAny good job on this one!",
"createdAt": 1569943495898
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "fun litte game, nice work",
"createdAt": 1570022020566
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Wow. really nice.\ncreative and Funny!!",
"createdAt": 1570105468460
"data": {
"url": "/games/reverse-simon/index.html",
"title": "Reverse Simon",
"author": "Nicola",
"description": "<p>The reversed version of Simon!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPay attention while the sequence is played, then replicate it BACKWARDS!</p><p>In order to play it you must enable the mobile mode of your browser (Developer tools -&gt; Toggle device toolbar (on the left) -&gt; choose a mobile device).<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tBest played with audio.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/reverse-simon/__big.jpg",
"id": 57,
"login": "NicolaPasquali",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 104,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 10
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 13
"name": "graphics",
"score": 5
"name": "technical",
"score": 16
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Playing Simon in reverse is pretty mind-bending after a while. Bit of a pain to switch to mobile mode to play, but nicely done nonetheless!",
"createdAt": 1568652044405
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "LoL. Well, it's back alright.",
"createdAt": 1568653909399
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Really tricky to remember the backward sequence.",
"createdAt": 1568684724179
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I couldn't figure out how to play it on my desktop, sorry. Also the sounds were not acoustically pleasing.",
"createdAt": 1568659587669
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Cool interpretation of the theme in a classical game.",
"createdAt": 1568669394916
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Hard to get started (developer console)\nPlain and simple UI",
"createdAt": 1568664467289
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "wait... this is a desktop category game but we need to enable mobile mode to play it? :D\nnice use of the theme",
"createdAt": 1568740423197
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Your sounds are pretty jarring, and there is a bug where it double detects a press. Possibly detecting for mousedown and mouseup. Also, you should have made this for mobile.",
"createdAt": 1568837634418
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Nice touch having the score displayed backwards.",
"createdAt": 1568947891801
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Why do I need to enable responsive mode on a desktop game? And then the beep got stuck and wouldn't stop. I feel like this game was not tested adequately.",
"createdAt": 1569185467234
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Simple but effective interface. The four squares and sounds together made this a very manageable exercise to me. I decided to see how far I could go in classic mode, and my focus broke at 530. I played longer than I thought :) I like the interface because it allowed my ears to think about rhythm while my eyes placed the notes, if that makes any sense. After such a long round I do need a break, but the challenge is fun",
"createdAt": 1568778491436
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Congratulations, of all games I have seen that are actually playable, yours has the worst interface. You did not even bother to add few lines of code to make it playable on desktop without debug mode. And squares when lit up have just barely different shade then when they are not.",
"createdAt": 1569348488469
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice idea for the clone.",
"createdAt": 1569456143620
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice concept. Sound did help when memorising sequence.\n\nWhy have you entered the desktop category when it's designed for mobile and only responds to touch events. Surely you could change it to respond to either touch or click events? Or perhaps you should have entered it into the mobile category?",
"createdAt": 1569589985708
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work in Chrome, even with the mobile mode turned on.",
"createdAt": 1569719426172
"data": {
"url": "/games/oh-my-poor-rheumatic-back/index.html",
"title": "Oh, My Poor Rheumatic Back",
"author": "inlbe",
"description": "<p>Use the cursor keys or WAD keys.</p><p>Toggle music off/on by pressing 'm'</p><p>It is autumn and the weather is rubbish. The leaves need sweeping and you are not getting any younger. Why do the caterpillars have it in for you? Who knows? Sweep up the leaves as they fall and don't let the leafometer reach full or the world will collapse under the weight of all the leaves. Shooting stars which yield magic powers when picked up will fall periodically but be quick to pick them up as they soon disappear.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/oh-my-poor-rheumatic-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 58,
"login": "inlbe",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 140,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 20
"name": "fun",
"score": 31
"name": "theme",
"score": 28
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 17
"name": "technical",
"score": 15
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Ok, but too little content.",
"createdAt": 1568651667691
"login": "Patton97",
"message": "Caterpillars could be limited to one floor, and but then turn into butterflies which can then move floors",
"createdAt": 1568657732040
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Lots of nice touches, like the sliding curtains, and the smart bomb zapping the leaves. It's nice that there is music, and nice that you can turn it off. Overall a cute game!",
"createdAt": 1568757105054
"login": "carlini",
"message": "There's not much to the game. Would be nice to have some animations for jumping and some pop when collecting things that are good. Give some rewards for doing the right thing.",
"createdAt": 1568949483201
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Intro is presented as a bad Internet ad, then we move back into the early 80s.\nThis is an average plaformer from the 8-bit era, with the music to match.",
"createdAt": 1569166202839
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Nice animation on the characters, the hit animation takes slightly too long, but the controls are nice and moving about is fun.",
"createdAt": 1569255168705
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Fun game. Nice intro.",
"createdAt": 1569457660815
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "funny character has rheumatic back but jumps so high :D",
"createdAt": 1570129039636
"data": {
"url": "/games/anti-gravity-cave/index.html",
"title": "Anti-gravity cave",
"author": "Artur Augusto Martins",
"description": "<p>Explore a strange anti-gravity cave where rooms you never go back.</p><p>Avoid spiders and collect energy pills to *beat* your high score.</p><p>Controls: wasd or ←→↑↓ to walk and invert.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/anti-gravity-cave/__big.jpg",
"id": 59,
"login": "arturaugusto",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 172,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 30
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 31
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "best score:340\nReally nice presentation, nice game.",
"createdAt": 1568720953614
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Fun concept. Like the procedurally generated rooms.",
"createdAt": 1568751404295
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The music is great, and the room generation is cool! I like that the white orbs heal damage.\n\nIt was frustrating when getting mobbed by spiders as soon as a new room loaded.\n\nI wish there was some objective besides just beating the high score.",
"createdAt": 1568773513509
"login": "foumart",
"message": "The best music I've heard so far! Nice job on the game. If there was no delay when transitioning between rooms and some way to deal with the spiders it would be awesome.",
"createdAt": 1568846310685
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I think you should probably kill the spider after it has damaged the player. Great music.",
"createdAt": 1568922959732
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics! Well done!",
"createdAt": 1568968989675
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game looks amazing and the mechanics are very interesting. But why is the transition between panels so slow? The controls are also a bit too laggy.",
"createdAt": 1568999605937
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Cool! Reminds of vvvvvv! I like the art as well :)",
"createdAt": 1569102592585
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Good concept! The random rooms does make things a bit disorientating, but it's well done!",
"createdAt": 1568896931114
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Cute brain dude. Pretty good fun. Awesome music.",
"createdAt": 1569184872348
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "What an amazing idea! Generating new rooms each time is such a neat gameplay mechanic. Love it.",
"createdAt": 1569432591645
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "This is a nice variant of VVVVV, and I like that all the levels are procedural generated (at least I think so). I wish that you had more space to move in each level though, since most of the levels have tiny spaces.\n\nAll in all a good entry in this competition.",
"createdAt": 1569306060978
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "It's kind of laggy swapping to a new screen which causes the controls to lag as well.",
"createdAt": 1569698048310
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "Interesting concept. Also the randomly generated room is well executed.\n\nJust a suggestion. Sometimes I was just unlucky that the character met the spider right after entering a room. It is better to keep the spider from the character with some distance.\n\nFYI, I encountered the following bug:\nUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'walls' of undefined\n at E (main.js:37)\n at Object.N [as thingsHandler] (main.js:37)\n at v (main.js:39)\n at r (main.js:2)\n at main.js:2",
"createdAt": 1569765296321
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Nice game! I like the VVVVV vibe to it. the graphics are cute, and that's great. Not too much else to say about this, other than keep up the great work.",
"createdAt": 1569895248561
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Good soundtrack. While running, the game maxes out one CPU, resulting in some slowdowns, although I fail to see why a platformer with a few sprites would need that much computing power.\nThe layout is confusing, with the rooms you \"never go back to\", going up and back down results in teleporting to a new location. During one of these room changes a bug stuck the character inside the wall, with no chance to come back either.",
"createdAt": 1569964555248
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice music and sound effects.\n\nPixel graphics look good.\n\nThe level generator may be better if it is seeded. I kept feeling I wanted to return to a room I didn't collect all the energy pills, but when I went back the screen layout and colour had changed completely.\n\nThis felt like I couldn't explore or get better at a section through practice since the sections would always be different.\n\nIntro text didn't fit screen and width didn't scale well to browser size.",
"createdAt": 1570055527907
"data": {
"url": "/games/lights-back-on/index.html",
"title": "Lights Back On",
"author": "Alejandro Molina Salazar",
"description": "<p>There is a blackout!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou decide to go alone in the dark and look for the fuse box, but this is not an easy job.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTry to memorize the level before the power outage and be careful with the platforms and traps that you will face on your way.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDon't worry! you always have your lantern ready to help you, but remember that you can only use it once!</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse arrows to move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPress Space to jump<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPress R to restart level<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPress F to use the lantern (only one use per level)</p><p>Credits:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDeveloper &amp; Game Designer<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tAlejandro Molina Salazar</p><p>Game Artist<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tBeatriz Iañez Bustamante</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/lights-back-on/__big.jpg",
"id": 60,
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 154,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 33
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 32
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 26
"name": "graphics",
"score": 16
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I find this game frustrating to play. A whole maze is too much to remember from instantly seeing it. This would be more fun if the lights only turned off for a few seconds maybe with spots to turn the lights back on scattered through the maze, then you would only have to transverse part of the maze before the lights switched off.",
"createdAt": 1568649526764
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Nice idea to combine platforming and memory!\nImho the platforming should be easier, I found some jumps too challenging!",
"createdAt": 1568666080118
"login": "jaller94",
"message": "While I loved the idea, I disliked the acceleration of the character. The length of levels was challenging but sadly also demotivating.",
"createdAt": 1568670977288
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It's nice. Cute design.\nbut I could not clear first stage..\nMy bad",
"createdAt": 1568721560701
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "This game is hard!",
"createdAt": 1568773133491
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "This is a really nice idea, which fits the theme too - found it far too difficult though.",
"createdAt": 1568821680736
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Fun was not had. Also, turning on lantern slows game a lot on Firefox.",
"createdAt": 1568905136340
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Frustratingly hard game. It's mostly a game of memorization. Would help to have some animations for movement to make the game feel better, and some small indication of how you're doing other than just a black screen.",
"createdAt": 1568949483191
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game! I like the idea, but at least for me it looks like game balance should be adjusted a little bit, as it's really hard to remember whole map for a couple of seconds.",
"createdAt": 1569009699005
"login": "floriico",
"message": "Start a little too hard for me. The acceleration of the player makes movement make it difficult to jump on the small edges.",
"createdAt": 1569174956197
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I wish the first level was a bit easier. It has some jumps that even were difficult when done in light.",
"createdAt": 1569223821770
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Crazy hard!! May be a slight, irregular flicker would be a good idea?",
"createdAt": 1569270124905
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "nice little puzzle, good instructions, graphics could be better",
"createdAt": 1569407198473
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "I love the idea (especially that puzzle platformers are one of my favorite genre) and I had fun playing. But the game seemed a bit too hard - levels are quite challenging from the start, there is very little time to memorize and one time use lamp is not very helpful. But apart from my feelings about difficulty - great work!",
"createdAt": 1569683007672
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Is it possible to beat this? The jump in inside of the second section feels impossible. I was bummed that it was either impossible or way to hard to make that and finish :(",
"createdAt": 1569721630197
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Difficult game, but I like the theme.",
"createdAt": 1569867719121
"login": "lopis",
"message": "God, this game is a tad too hard. I can't even pass the first level. The platforms are hard enough seeing them, let alone in the dark.\nBut good job. It's a fun game.",
"createdAt": 1570017148225
"data": {
"url": "/games/swagshot/index.html",
"title": "[SWAGSHOT]",
"author": "Rémi Vansteelandt",
"description": "<p>The station on LZ-13 was taken over by its AIs! You must take it back... with style!</p><p>[SWAGSHOT] is a throwback to 90s first person shooters, when games were about defeating countless enemies, except for one major difference: playing aggressively and taking risks is rewarded.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPerforming jump shots, combos, or even making direct rocket hits will result in a much higher score.</p><p>Move: WASD/arrow keys<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tAim/shoot: mouse<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tJump: SPACE<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPause: ESC</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/swagshot/__big.jpg",
"id": 61,
"login": "remvst",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 256,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 33
"name": "fun",
"score": 42
"name": "theme",
"score": 31
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 50
"name": "graphics",
"score": 52
"name": "technical",
"score": 48
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The music took awhile to kick in. I'm not good a first person shooter games so it might just me but it seemed I died rather quickly. Also I shot robots and they didn't seem to die, or even net me any points.",
"createdAt": 1568661371912
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nicely implemented shooter! And well done on fitting it into 13k with music and sound!",
"createdAt": 1569015523590
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "The winning title of the compo. I love the gag with insanely high mouse sensitivity by default.",
"createdAt": 1568667974276
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Very impressive! Nice music too. Unfortunately I'm one of those weirdos who can only play FPS with inverted mouse, so I wasn't able to progress quickly. But this is a great game for 13k.",
"createdAt": 1568758332084
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice FPS. Enemies are a bit hard to hit.",
"createdAt": 1568838685106
"login": "depp",
"message": "Fantastic!I had to remap my keyboard to play it… consider using KeyboardEvent.code",
"createdAt": 1568906398872
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Very nice! Controls are great and movement/shooting feels nice. Great job with this one!",
"createdAt": 1569103429198
"login": "fawwaz",
"message": "cool game, but very difficult to start",
"createdAt": 1569212100602
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "I followed development of this entry since day one, and really really wanted to play, but at the end it's just too hard for me to even survive for more than a minute (what basically means I suck as a player, not that the game is bad or something ;) ).",
"createdAt": 1569247826100
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "crazy good technical achievement. pretty good controls. good variance for 13k.",
"createdAt": 1569355675584
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very nice! I found movement to be tricky, with a lot of drifting. Slightly less would make it easier. I don't understand the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568678484946
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "This game is fantastic, I cant wait to see the code. This was an enjoyable throwback - great job.",
"createdAt": 1569694718418
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "It really does have a nice early wolfenstein/doom feel! Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569746252849
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Very impressive game for 13KBs. There doesn't really seem to be a goal to the game, but that's alright.",
"createdAt": 1569828966530
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Super fun, could keep playing and playing. Deserves a prize.",
"createdAt": 1569875665084
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I loved playing this game. It was fun to blow up enemies, and I liked the old style from Wolfenstein. The game became harder and harder, which is a good thing.",
"createdAt": 1569938440639
"data": {
"url": "/games/popball/index.html",
"title": "PopBall",
"author": "Alba22",
"description": "<p>This is a very simple game.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour main goal is to hit the balls as fast as you can. If you miss a ball, another ball comes back to the game.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tAnd if there are 20 ball on the screen, you lose.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/popball/__big.jpg",
"id": 62,
"login": "Alba-22",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 48,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 9
"name": "fun",
"score": 9
"name": "theme",
"score": 10
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 6
"name": "graphics",
"score": 6
"name": "technical",
"score": 8
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "This would be more satisfying with a 'POP' sound, and maybe an animation of the ball/balloon popping.",
"createdAt": 1568652086125
"login": "eguneys",
"message": "Game lacks back theme, a winning condition, and some juice, maybe tweak the random placement to use some other distribution, or trace some paths to add more fun.",
"createdAt": 1568657952353
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Nice",
"createdAt": 1569938579208
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I don't follow the theme. It would be nice if the balls changed size, and had a more satisfying pop sound.",
"createdAt": 1568679807169
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Simple, but funny game",
"createdAt": 1568712889344
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice little game, gameplay and graphics to be improved",
"createdAt": 1568734362382
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Nice thematic idea. It would be nice to see the balls returning back on screen somehow instead of them just appearing",
"createdAt": 1569030027039
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Some music or sfx would really help. And you might consider centring the game on screen. Maybe some radial gradients on the circles so they look mildly 3D.",
"createdAt": 1568839240918
"login": "remvst",
"message": "A simple game that does the job well. I would have loved some particles when clicking a ball, some screenshake when I miss a click, and all kinds of special effects.",
"createdAt": 1568859062618
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "Good game to practice mouse accuracy :)\nBecome a little monotonous after a few seconds.",
"createdAt": 1569178040170
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice idea for a simple game. I like it.",
"createdAt": 1569196561321
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Boring. Could you at least make them explode or something?",
"createdAt": 1569349876071
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "a bit simple overall, but silly and fun",
"createdAt": 1569405868508
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "A simple but fun game. I liked the accuracy stats.\n\nIt would have been good to be able to see the stats when the game was over.",
"createdAt": 1569753518430
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I like that accuracy is added as well, and that you can choose between different difficulties.",
"createdAt": 1569828265357
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Fun quick game.\nNot geat to play on a touch pad though.",
"createdAt": 1570020249225
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Backshot Tactics",
"author": "Antonio Salvati",
"description": "<p>Pick your ships and try to destroy your opponent</p><p>- 1 VS 1 tactical game<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Multiplayer online<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Elo based rankings<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Play VS a bot</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backshot-tactics/__big.jpg",
"id": 63,
"login": "salvan13",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 218,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 40
"name": "fun",
"score": 38
"name": "theme",
"score": 34
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 46
"name": "graphics",
"score": 27
"name": "technical",
"score": 33
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Pretty interesting and well made. Only issue I could find is it feels kinda counterintuitive that you hit more if distance is bigger. And you actually have a bot to fight with.",
"createdAt": 1568652583777
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "This game surprised me! I wasn't expecting too much from the mechanic at first, but it can get decently tactical after a while. Love it!",
"createdAt": 1568661925701
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Nice presentation! I couldn't quite get a hang of what the best strategy was (I got stomped pretty bad by the bot, haha), but it always felt nice to hear the robotic \"Backshot\" voice whenever I scored a good hit :) Well done!",
"createdAt": 1568694588566
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Either I'm really good, or the bots are weak. Very addictive.",
"createdAt": 1568714680202
"login": "carlini",
"message": "For a tactics game, it seems more based on luck for how much damage is dealt than any tactics.",
"createdAt": 1569003782136
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Very well made game. The graphics are cool, and the gameplay is interesting. Challenging and strategic. Awesome music and sound effects too!\n\nI think it would be cool to have the ships changing the direction randomly from time to time, cause sometimes a lot of ships get stuck together and can't move.",
"createdAt": 1568748138010
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Interesting twist on a tactical game. I like the mechanics, and I think the turn order and indication on who's turn it is is well implemented.",
"createdAt": 1568806796665
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "This is a well though out game idea. It's creative and has nice graphics. Although it is a bit confusing at times, it feels like a thinking mans game, but it's not really. Also, sometimes the back shots did not give me triple the damage...which confused me even more. All that being said, I think this was a creative, innovative game idea, that could become a bigger game.",
"createdAt": 1568845582452
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I'm currently ranked 8 out of 154 :O I might actually keep going to see if I can get no.1 haha. The game is basically great, and I'd be giving it all the points if this voting system hadn't put it up against The Wandering Wraith D:",
"createdAt": 1568893285632
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics and style!",
"createdAt": 1568972878976
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"message": "Masterpiece 10/10, nice music, nice gameplay, nice everything. I genuine had fun playing it.",
"createdAt": 1569086550211
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed this, though I only ever played bots. So great.",
"createdAt": 1569178717519
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "I could have played better if I was knowing how to get more points in each hit.",
"createdAt": 1569318188756
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nicely polished! A good idea for a game. Good that you have bots to play against.",
"createdAt": 1569360781972
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Nice game, very rewarding, maybe add more info texts",
"createdAt": 1569491085121
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Really well made, graphics are spot on, sounds are good. A fun game to play and nice touch having the score board!",
"createdAt": 1569626830419
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice tactics game. Played vs bot and was fun.",
"createdAt": 1569848240586
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Super addictive! Great concept",
"createdAt": 1569951766497
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really nice game! I don't think I've seen this idea before. Really polished and fun.",
"createdAt": 1570021122247
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice. it's funny!",
"createdAt": 1570105468458
"data": {
"url": "/games/dwarfs-there-and-back-again/index.html",
"title": "Dwarfs: There and Back Again",
"author": "mvasilkov",
"description": "<p>Dwarfs: There and Back Again is a tale of high adventure, undertaken by a company of dwarfs, in search of dragon-guarded gold, true friendship, and varieties of ale (not necessarily in that order).</p><p>If you could go back in time, would you change things for the better? Would you resist temptation that drives your life choices? Do we create our own destiny? Those are all questions.</p><p>The game is heavily inspired by other games. (Aren't we all.)</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dwarfs-there-and-back-again/__big.jpg",
"id": 64,
"login": "mvasilkov",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 252,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 38
"name": "fun",
"score": 49
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 49
"name": "graphics",
"score": 42
"name": "technical",
"score": 36
"comments": [
"login": "cytrowski",
"message": "Creative and fun :) I like the powerups :)",
"createdAt": 1568652270690
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "oh! it; is really funny and addictive\nI love the song",
"createdAt": 1568990164761
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Best music! Cool story. Good presentation. Wish it was a little longer. Great work!",
"createdAt": 1568663040287
"login": "ldrummond",
"message": "Fun! Needs more game though.",
"createdAt": 1568668824235
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "I'm a sucker for idle games, this is a really neat entry to the genre. \nLove the used of multiple canvases. \nGreat dark sense of humour.",
"createdAt": 1568734425156
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "I really liked your narrative text and ideas; a lovely experience. I had fun and played for a long time even tho I typically hate this type of game",
"createdAt": 1569052886940
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Simple in a good way. A great game!",
"createdAt": 1568798931972
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I really enjoyed this. It's my favorite clicker in js13k2019. The music is nice and not annoying. Killing the dwarves is an interesting turn.",
"createdAt": 1568866849916
"login": "depp",
"message": "The soundtrack was charming, I loved it. So after a couple rounds through, I took a peek at the source code to see what triggers the disaster… tricky! I won’t spoil it.",
"createdAt": 1568916356191
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Super addicting! Great game :)",
"createdAt": 1569167898785
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very beautiful and cool. I like this type of game. Nice done!",
"createdAt": 1569187763794
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "I spent tens of hours playing this. It's a pity that restart isn't giving us any boost for the second run, but besides that it's AWESOME.",
"createdAt": 1569248154645
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "very nice and fun concept",
"createdAt": 1569324567544
"login": "dp",
"message": "What an amazing game! Everything about it worked perfectly for me - loved the story progression and the artwork and really enjoyed my time playing it. Awesome work!",
"createdAt": 1568685028638
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Excellent presentation! Looks extremely polished. Great soundtrack, too.\n\nThe gameplay is very addicting and even though we have seen games like this before the theme gives it a new twist.",
"createdAt": 1568656867415
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing addicted game! Great work!",
"createdAt": 1569502406300
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Wooow, that was amazing!\nI dont have any critics. I just want more content! This was very good!",
"createdAt": 1569567836452
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Really enjoyed the game, these clicker games are so adictive. All really well made.",
"createdAt": 1569628221071
"login": "gheja",
"message": "Very graphics, much option, covfefe and delorean, wow! Surely a new favourite!",
"createdAt": 1569702961795
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Good game, nice to have music. I liked the pixel graphics.\n\nLots of clicking even with the auto-adventure.\n\nThen pressing time machine looses everything - aarrgghh.",
"createdAt": 1569794449652
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "Why are clickers so addictive?",
"createdAt": 1569884008513
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "This.\nIs.\nAwesome.\n\nI bookmarked this entry because i want to play it more!",
"createdAt": 1570030832461
"data": {
"url": "/games/dont-go-back/index.html",
"title": "Don't Go Back",
"author": "JS636f",
"description": "<p>Don't go back - Maze Game</p><p>'Everything behind you is on fire. Don't go back.'</p><p>Quick Start<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPlay &gt; Play Main Game<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse arrows keys to control the hero.</p><p>Description<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis is a maze game. The main features of the game are:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t1) You may go back, but you shouldn't. It's like everything behind you is on fire. The more times you have visited the place - the more dangerous it became.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t2) Field of view can be restricted.</p><p>Menu in default mode<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPlay &gt; Play Main Game - runs main game sequence (10 levels).<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPlay &gt; (Main Level Name) - play selected level from main game.</p><p>Generate &gt; Small/Medium/Large Level - makes random level to play (Recursive Backtracker algorithm).</p><p>Load &gt; From Browser - shows list of saved levels.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tLoad &gt; From Json - you may load level's JSON.</p><p>Records - shows records screen.</p><p>Help - shows Help screen.</p><p>Creator's Mode checkbox - if this one is checked you will come to the Creator's Mode.</p><p>Read more on GitHub.</p><p>Have fun :-)</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dont-go-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 65,
"login": "js636f",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 163,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 34
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 44
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 19
"name": "graphics",
"score": 8
"name": "technical",
"score": 33
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "really nice idea and implementation, very enjoyable game overall, maybe lacking a bit on graphics and sound (well, no sound haha) would love to see this idea implemented with pixel graphics... like a dungeon crawler or something.",
"createdAt": 1568649622657
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "Puzzles start off too difficult to begin with should start off easy and get harder as you move up levels. Also the fire isn't lethal enough... you should have a quicker death and just restart the level if you get burned up.",
"createdAt": 1568661967469
"login": "daviddurham",
"message": "Great idea, adding consequences to going the wrong way in a maze game is clever. The limited field of view also forces you to explore and backtrack.",
"createdAt": 1568668622076
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "maze editor is absolutly great",
"createdAt": 1568750359034
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Neat idea! Sometimes it feels a little frustrating that I can't see far enough to choose the correct path, which forces me to back track (and walk over fire!). Pretty cool that you included a creator's mode as well!",
"createdAt": 1568814060851
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Lots of nice features and a great example of generating mazes.",
"createdAt": 1568844449247
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1568969135373
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "The maze generation was impressive, but I didn't find it thaaaat fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1569110872917
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Really enjoyed this game. Nice idea and good implementation of the theme. It would have been good to have had some music or sound effects. I love the fact that you put a level creator in, that's a nice touch.",
"createdAt": 1569437708228
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Creative idea.",
"createdAt": 1569494981446
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "Interesting basic version for something bigger. Maybe it could be taken to the next level by adding some graphics and story around it :)",
"createdAt": 1569695736369
"data": {
"url": "/games/get-jess-back/index.html",
"title": "Get Jess Back",
"author": "Randy Tayler",
"description": "<p>Get Jess Back is a very short choose-your-own-adventure-style game. Text is displayed below the pictures (you'll have to swipe up a bit to see it on mobile).</p><p>Use the BACK link (not your phone's back button!) to return to previous points in the story and make new choices. RESTART will keep your score, and let you jump all the way back to the beginning.</p><p>Coil subscribers get many more branches than non-monetized users. Finding some endings requires being a subscriber.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/get-jess-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 66,
"login": "randytayler",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 149,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 34
"name": "fun",
"score": 23
"name": "theme",
"score": 35
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 17
"name": "graphics",
"score": 24
"name": "technical",
"score": 16
"comments": [
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "This is a good game. Narrative games like this aren't really my thing, so I don't really have too much to compare it too, but I enjoyed it. The story unfolded nicely. The 28 Days Later style zombie is a good fit as it allows you to narrativize the transition which I liked. And fitting images in was a nice touch, though some of them were hard to make sense of.",
"createdAt": 1568662856080
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "Well done stylish game. You should only highlight the choice that are made, not all. Also there is a css-property to prevent the user to select text that could improve the experience.",
"createdAt": 1568666969642
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Very nice, at lest technically. Reminds me of ZX Spectrum games.",
"createdAt": 1568676390268
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Nice, 6 different endings. Tense story. I think i got Jess killed :(.",
"createdAt": 1568705846173
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice storytelling, sad end in my case :(",
"createdAt": 1568734013126
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting story. The art looks cool too.",
"createdAt": 1568749472052
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "i really like this one! i played through a couple of times and everything seems to run smoothly. nice solution for drawing pictures and great visuals. I also like the monetization concept.",
"createdAt": 1568761793625
"login": "stasm",
"message": "Amazing! I did not expect this to be a story about what it turned out to be (no spoilers in case this feedback is public). Great writing and illustrations; I really had goosebumps while playing. I found all 6 possible endings, and the ability to go back and try other choices made it easier to do so, although the game is short enough that restarting would probably be just slightly less convenient.",
"createdAt": 1568826670462
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Oh, the possibility to go back one choice it was all i wanted for those kind of games, thanks for having that!",
"createdAt": 1568841143785
"login": "carlini",
"message": "There's not much too this, but the writing is pretty good.",
"createdAt": 1568866849919
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Great illustrations, love your style and prose. Great project.",
"createdAt": 1569071712409
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Not my type of game, but good work!",
"createdAt": 1569429851056
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was cool, I liked being able to go back to try different branches. Well written & intriguing storyline.\n\nI played on my phone at first, and it wasn't clear that there were branches I couldn't get too since that doesn't recognize the coil subscription.",
"createdAt": 1569201982339
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I am probably being a little bit unfair to you right now, as the interactive story telling genre is not my favorite. That being said, I think the illustrations are well made, and fit together in the story. I have some difficulties to percept the images, as to what they mean. I like that you display the number of possible endings to the story, making it possible for those who loves the genre to explore the other endings as well. Good work on the entry.",
"createdAt": 1569566560120
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice idea for a game.\n\nOnly found 2 of the endings after playing for quite a while.",
"createdAt": 1569707727659
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I like a lot the graphic style. The story is interesting. Good little CYOA game!",
"createdAt": 1569842324856
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Love the artwork on this one! It's nice to play an adventure like this again, it's been a while.",
"createdAt": 1569878228418
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-source/index.html",
"title": "Back To Source",
"author": "Shubham",
"description": "<p>Back To Source:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-Player has a data unit as RED BALL that has to be guided its path back to the source node as ORANGE RING NODE through many nodes and connecting lines.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-Player has to control the direction in which the BALL supposed to move following its path to source.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-The ball will move in rings clock/anti-clockwise and its pace raises with every node player follow in its path.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-If ball completes its complete rotation either clock/anti-clockwise in any node other than source ,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tthis is the only way a player can get out.Although its not going to be easy to play it all along.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-There is almost huge loads of levels to play with.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/back-to-source/__big.jpg",
"id": 67,
"login": "Shubham7997",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 126,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 38
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 24
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 18
"name": "graphics",
"score": 12
"name": "technical",
"score": 16
"comments": [
"login": "japhethbalane",
"message": "Love the idea...\nControls could still be improved, and the speed of the red ball increases too fast...",
"createdAt": 1568650887566
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "It works... it looks like a puzzle game but in practice it's more of a reflex game... I don't think it would appeal to either group of players, puzzle or reflex. Good reflex games usually have flashy graphics and sounds.",
"createdAt": 1568658114566
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Neat idea! A little bit glitchy though, and difficult to time moving between the nodes sometimes, but good job on this!",
"createdAt": 1569015523588
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Putting the gameplay on the first screen would help to explain the rules. The position of the ball glitched a lot when clicking toggle.",
"createdAt": 1568683265189
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Sometimes the winning node is next to the starting point, so the level auto-completes itself.",
"createdAt": 1568744612763
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Interesting idea. I found it difficult to click at the right time.",
"createdAt": 1568756491020
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It is creative.",
"createdAt": 1568812687595
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "This was fun for a minute, but then I had to put it away. I have to say, these are not the games for me.\nGraphics are poor, I can't remember any sound. Maps were poorly made, sometimes I got a dead-end street in the beginning of a level. The map also sometimes overflowed out of screen.",
"createdAt": 1568848084378
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "I genuinely didnt know what i was doing",
"createdAt": 1568896727971
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "The ball movement is a little glitchy. And a number of times it generated a level where the goal was the first node traveled to resulting in an immediate victory. Interesting idea.",
"createdAt": 1568922959734
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great idea!",
"createdAt": 1568972878977
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics, split second timing required.\n\nI liked the randomized levels.\n\nGame overlapped screen space showing scroll bars - not sure if this was intentional.\n\nButton text is selectable.\n\nDoesn't scale well to the browser window.",
"createdAt": 1569189712073
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "This is pretty challenging at times. I like the dead ends to avoid. The spinning ball mechanic is quite original. I feel like there is probably room for another mechanic, that would make the game feel more dynamic. Like if there was something to pick up that changes your rotation speed for example.",
"createdAt": 1568778491434
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "A roundabout nightmare ! The ball suddenly changing speed upon entering a ring is a bit baffling. Are the levels generated at random ? They changed upon reloading the game.\nPlease resize the game to match the current window size - on occasions I had the exit outside the screen. And the game could do with better gfx and animation, the ball flickers upon entering a ring, the background squares are basic (a round background with a bit of shading would be nice and not too difficult). You could also add a trace to the ball to help visualize the path and the entrance point to the current ring.",
"createdAt": 1569360261156
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Presentation is clear, but not interesting in any way. Add a theme! There's also some graphic glitches with the ball appearing in different places for a single frame.\n\nIt's not clear when exactly you can activate the trigger to exit the ring.\n\nThis game needs more things to do; for a 1 button game the resulting action is not interesting enough - physics based games often work well with just 1 button, but it's too stiff here.",
"createdAt": 1569686122726
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Quite confusing at first, but worked it out after a while. Got several levels in a row where the orange node was right next to the start, so i won without doing anything!",
"createdAt": 1569787893014
"login": "lopis",
"message": "This game has lots of potential but it's still pretty rough on the edges. Why do the circles spin in different directions? There are also some glitches when the ball enters the circle.",
"createdAt": 1570016571184
"data": {
"url": "/games/ouroboros/index.html",
"title": "Ouroboros",
"author": "infernet89",
"description": "<p>Ouroboros it's a snake that bites its own tail.</p><p>This a classic snake game, with free movement and the ability to eat its own tail (and spawn the head on the opposite side)</p><p>Arrows/WASD to move</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/ouroboros/__big.jpg",
"id": 68,
"login": "infernet89",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 102,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 16
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 10
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Good take on the classic Snake formula, and well done mechanic! Having the head-switch bound to a separate key might've made things a bit easier to play though.",
"createdAt": 1568658843372
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Simple game, but works well!\n\nI don't know that you can add many bells and whistles to this concept, but you could incentivize someone to play more than once by adding a simple scoring system (how many points did you get before dying etc.).\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568664784670
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "That's one long snek.",
"createdAt": 1568668456117
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Nice death animation. I don't follow the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568682103567
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "not very creative, but solid implementation",
"createdAt": 1568712067804
"login": "tatjam",
"message": "It took me a few moments to realize how to change from my head to my tail, but once I did I got pleasantly surprised, very cool addition to snake.\n\nIt made the game a bit easier, I guess that that's why the apples make you grow so much.",
"createdAt": 1568829154893
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Brings back memories of an old Nokia phone. Nice effects.\n\nI wasn't able to eat my own tail. Some sound effects would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1568843158799
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Well, it's snake.",
"createdAt": 1568880425911
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "Not sure why but I couldn't eat the tail :D",
"createdAt": 1568916364092
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's lovely to play!",
"createdAt": 1568967919636
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Good implementation of snake, interesting that the snake was wider than the grid. It said I could eat my tail but every time I tried, I died, so not sure how that worked. The \"Game Over\" state at the end of the game needs to restart the game when I click or hit a button; instead I'm forced to wait 5 seconds until I can play again and I want to restart immediately.",
"createdAt": 1569164939798
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice snake version.",
"createdAt": 1569428883791
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Pretty standard snake game, works, but try to innovate a bit.",
"createdAt": 1569489711957
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Couldn't work out the tail eating thing, i just kept dying:(",
"createdAt": 1569793140847
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Interesting game :D",
"createdAt": 1570008900280
"data": {
"url": "/games/the-wandering-wraith/index.html",
"title": "The Wandering Wraith",
"author": "Mateusz Tomczyk",
"description": "<p>A lost wraith is wandering through the world seeking for peace. Will you guide him back to his grave so he can finally rest?</p><p>A side scrolling platformer.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tLeft and right arrows for movement.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSpace for jumping.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/the-wandering-wraith/__big.jpg",
"id": 70,
"login": "tulustul",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 259,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 34
"name": "fun",
"score": 45
"name": "theme",
"score": 37
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 49
"name": "graphics",
"score": 52
"name": "technical",
"score": 42
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Gorgeous sound and visual design. Slightly too difficult in a couple of places but very rewarding.",
"createdAt": 1568647469940
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "This is a really beautiful platformer. I like the attention to detail (for example having the screen transitions) and the nice visuals. When the gravity inversion mechanic was introduced I stopped playing because I found the level was very difficult.",
"createdAt": 1568655328408
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Nice style, reminds me of limbo. Pleasant game play. Not super creative.",
"createdAt": 1568660386708
"login": "daviddurham",
"message": "Looks fantastic and lots of different gameplay mechanics (reminded me of Celeste!). In my opinion, one of the best games in the contest.",
"createdAt": 1568671202220
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Wow, such a nice experience including sounds. Very impressive stuff!",
"createdAt": 1568704393594
"login": "salc2",
"message": "beautiful graphics, and great fx sounds",
"createdAt": 1568721937996
"login": "andy-mcgrath",
"message": "Great game, can be frustrating at times but makes it all the better when you eventually get to that little red diamond or passed the next obstetrical.",
"createdAt": 1568740655072
"login": "frenchfaso",
"message": "Just awesome animation, theme, graphics, and so polished!",
"createdAt": 1568753083767
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice graphic and game play.\nI really wonder how it could fit in 13k. awsome",
"createdAt": 1568811830925
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Beautifully done. The ambiance + gameplay is so cohesive, it's challenging & fun, and nice to look at!\n\nThe gravity-switch was an awesome mechanic, and a great way to add an extra little piece for interest and strategy.",
"createdAt": 1568776095238
"login": "depp",
"message": "Simply amazing!",
"createdAt": 1568845612159
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "Literally the best looking game in the whoooole competition. I didn't managed to get all the way through, I found the going-upside-ness very tricky!",
"createdAt": 1568893285630
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics! Really interesting to play it",
"createdAt": 1568968568958
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "great looking game, remembers me Limbo.\nit is not clear what red gems are for.\nthe first time I started it was stuck (both on ff and chrome) then I reloaded the page and it started.\non firefox there is a visual problem with the characer shadow.",
"createdAt": 1569071268359
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "very beautiful. I wonder how you achieved these graphics. will take a look later!",
"createdAt": 1569079820802
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Just wow! Brilliant ambience created!!",
"createdAt": 1569179082178
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Great graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569229630222
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Looks and feels great, but gameplay is pretty ordinary.\n\nand does not work on Firefox at all.",
"createdAt": 1569353904047
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Incredible graphics, smooth controls. Great job. It lacks maybe in the innovation part but definitely a great game.",
"createdAt": 1569418733044
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Absolutely brilliant and beautiful game! This has to be one of my favorite games this year for the js13k. The platforming is smooth, the mechanics are a great choice for this styled game. One of the best things I love about this game is the Limbo vibe I'm getting, it's awesome. Well done.",
"createdAt": 1568664507294
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice game. Looks like Limbo, plays very well. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569530198978
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "beatiful!",
"createdAt": 1570022020564
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I like the aesthetic of it. The spikes might be a little too forgiving",
"createdAt": 1569697536864
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Controls and graphics are amazing, really does look great. Found the levels a little hard and didnt get very far.",
"createdAt": 1569876053780
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "Really awesome game, a bit \"too difficult\" in some places, but still very fun to play",
"createdAt": 1569946504270
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Super amazing! Probably one of the best games of this compo. The atmosphere is amazing, great job!",
"createdAt": 1570105406118
"data": {
"url": "/games/repeewsenim/index.html",
"title": "Repeewsenim",
"author": "Kushagra Gour",
"description": "<p>\"Repeewsenim\" is derived from the classic game of Minesweeper. The twist here is that you need to play it backwards, in reverse. You know where the bombs are and need to put correct numbers on the tiles.</p><p>Controls<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t========</p><p>Mouse:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t------<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tClick any cell to cycle between values 0 to 8. Left-click increments by 1 and right-click decrements by 1.</p><p>Keyboard<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t--------<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis game is screen-reader compatible.</p><p>Navigate through cells with Tab or Arrow keys. Press Space or Enter key to cycle between values 0 to 8 or simply press the numeric key (0-8) to assign a value directly.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/repeewsenim/__big.jpg",
"id": 71,
"login": "chinchang",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 200,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 32
"name": "theme",
"score": 41
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 34
"name": "technical",
"score": 29
"comments": [
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The graphics are really nice. Solving the game is fairly easy though, because it doesn't require any complex thought.",
"createdAt": 1568670211614
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Very innovative gameplay! Love it. The music was nice but got a bit annoying quickly haha! Anyway the game is great, well done.",
"createdAt": 1568706930078
"login": "tulustul",
"message": "Great concept but the game needs more challenges. It took me 24s combined to beat both difficulties.",
"createdAt": 1568745283142
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Could use some tips when player is stuck.\n\nUsing just CSS is pretty interesting. Though, from my expericence, Firefox works poorly with CSS animations.",
"createdAt": 1568819377824
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "A nice idea very well executed. The UI is great and tweeting your score is a nice idea to spread the game over social media.",
"createdAt": 1568838754119
"login": "kurazu",
"message": "Super polished graphics, nice effects!",
"createdAt": 1568868890159
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "I like minesweeper in all his shapes, this is a very good one",
"createdAt": 1568915504752
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Oh, this was more fun that I expected. Bonus points for accessibility!",
"createdAt": 1568965618875
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Cool music and stuff, but a little loud. Good game. A hint system might be useful.",
"createdAt": 1568985307477
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "+++ for being screen reader and keyboard accessible",
"createdAt": 1569110037997
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Genius idea, great presentation and more fun that I thought it would be!",
"createdAt": 1569181390163
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing game!!!",
"createdAt": 1569249633865
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool. I liked the idea and had fun playing it with my girlfriend. Didn't like the music though. Good job !",
"createdAt": 1569448954337
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Awesome idea and graphics\nCool soundtrack and effects\nGets frustrating after a while\nBoards covers time on my screen size",
"createdAt": 1569519253147
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny, easy\nnice graphics and sounds",
"createdAt": 1569844824488
"data": {
"url": "/games/reverse-invaders/index.html",
"title": "Reverse Invaders",
"author": "David Storey",
"description": "<p>It's Space Invaders but not as you know it! Use the arrow keys to control the alien horde against the invading human ship! Coil subscribers get faster lasers and bigger explosions!</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/reverse-invaders/__big.jpg",
"id": 72,
"login": "davidpanik",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 204,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 27
"name": "fun",
"score": 37
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 34
"name": "graphics",
"score": 39
"name": "technical",
"score": 29
"comments": [
"login": "rojen11",
"message": "its lagging on my system.",
"createdAt": 1568650077534
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Great idea - kinda fun to play. The graphics and sound are brilliant; love the soundscape. And the ghosting layer (and horizontal banding) is a really nice '80s touch. \nSweet design and great implementation in 13kb.",
"createdAt": 1568660378762
"login": "cedwards145",
"message": "The graphics are really nice, I like the after image effect on the invaders.",
"createdAt": 1568660578952
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I found it difficult to hit the human ship... it would have been better if you had more control over shooting, individual ships or multiple shots.",
"createdAt": 1568678306392
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Cool twist on space invaders, nice visuals. \nI think the audio button should be more obvious, I didn't see there was audio until I played a second time",
"createdAt": 1568727606546
"login": "jBlack87",
"message": "unfortunately, the game seemed to be running at about 2fps in firefox, and maybe 8fps in chrome for me on my macbook pro. Not very playable. The backwards concept of the space invaders is cool though, although your missing the barriers! I like the scan-line pixel graphics as well.",
"createdAt": 1568742856459
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nice idea! It's a bit hard to actually hit the player though, but I managed it a couple of times. Bonus points for the scanline effect and sound!",
"createdAt": 1568750579118
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Liked the details and retro style. Very nice.",
"createdAt": 1568772089381
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Personal game concept and wonderful visual style. The game is surprisingly challenging.",
"createdAt": 1568818455158
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Nice concept and fun to play!",
"createdAt": 1568830373215
"login": "lopis",
"message": "So adorable. I feel like there's a lot of focus points in this game which make it quite challenging, but not impossible. The gameplay is really polished.",
"createdAt": 1568997289886
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Nice idea, liked the crt effect and the AI of the ship at the bottom.",
"createdAt": 1569103761005
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "I like it :) Sound would have been nice but it's a cool idea anyway!",
"createdAt": 1569150683655
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "love that retro scanline effect",
"createdAt": 1569661120023
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Gfx bring us back to the 80s, the CRT display is very well emulated. Gameplay is a bit limited as you do not decide when to shoot, however the human has no platforms to hide.",
"createdAt": 1569763600179
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "This is epic. It's not often I say that. The graphical effects are stunning! How did you do the scan line effect? That's awesome. The concept is creative as well. Great job!",
"createdAt": 1569895514421
"data": {
"url": "/games/flight-back-home/index.html",
"title": "Flight Back Home",
"author": "John",
"description": "<p>Watch the outbound route of the plane then complete the route back home by tapping on the correct cells in order including the final landing. Be warned if you go off course your plane will crash.</p><p>When ready for the return trip tap/click on the hex grid to move the plane around. Tap on the flags at the top of the page to be reminded of the route. If you go off course and crash tap or click to try again.</p><p>This entry uses kontra, jk13K starter Pack, non transpiled ES6, Native dialogs, CSS3 animations and flexbox. I has been test to work on the latest Chrome (desktop and mobile) and Firefox browsers.</p><p>Features</p><p>* Story Mode<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * 3 Lifes<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * 3 Rewinds<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * Every 3rd level the route grows by one<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * Every 10th level you get an extra life<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t* Free Play Mode<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * Select number of sectors<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * Select number of lives<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * Select number of rewinds<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t* Share score on twitter<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t* Sound effects </p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/flight-back-home/__big.jpg",
"id": 73,
"login": "blueboxes",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 155,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 35
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 22
"name": "technical",
"score": 28
"comments": [
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Cool sound effects and UI. Nice memory game, not easy at all.",
"createdAt": 1568658278415
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "Pretty nice game! It's fun to memorize and try it again. It also looks beautiful and I liked the colors. Kudos for the story mode & free play mode!",
"createdAt": 1568667786563
"login": "Jorger",
"message": "It's a good game, I like the graphics and had a good idea, remembering the route is a good challenge.",
"createdAt": 1568674533826
"login": "Visrozar",
"message": "It looks quite polished.",
"createdAt": 1568745494212
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice work.",
"createdAt": 1570105126678
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Nice take on the classic memory games\n- Liked the graphics\n- Sound effects could have been more suited to the game theme",
"createdAt": 1568795215011
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "I found this game entertaining and played for almost 10-15 minutes.\nAt the end, it starts to show itself a little repetitive (maybe even too easy).\nI miss a zoom in / zoom out option, maybe an automatic camera for the first levels that goes zooming out when routes increase.\nThe game will improve a lot with power-ups or enemies/external factors that affected your route / the main mechanic.\n\nIn general, I've had a lot of fun playing it. Nice work.",
"createdAt": 1568826330974
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Really well polished for a 13k game!",
"createdAt": 1569017474973
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Nice graphics and gameplay! It's interesting to play!",
"createdAt": 1568984378048
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "A tool to exercise your memory every day. I too often end up tuning one hexagon too early or too late. More variety in the scenery would help : turn before the village, after the forest ..",
"createdAt": 1569082536811
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Pretty clean, simple memory game that plays well.",
"createdAt": 1569211663927
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Neat simon-says / memory type game.\nWell implemented, simple controls.\n\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569331241814
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "One of a few games, that actually followed theme.",
"createdAt": 1569569415128
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Nice idea but I didn't like much the execution. It clearly was made with lots of love, but not my type of thing :)",
"createdAt": 1569929965403
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Very interesting game. I like the graphics and the mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1570015821736
"data": {
"url": "/games/tanky-mctankface/index.html",
"title": "Tanky McTankface",
"author": "Frederik Petersen",
"description": "<p>You take control of the tank and try to go as far as you can while fighting enemy turrets. You gather items along the way, but they are not applied instantly. Only when you are destroyed and start back at the beginning, the items will be applied and you will become more powerful. Not all enemies are created equal. Compare Highscores to see how well you did. Use cursor buttons to control the tank and space to charge a shot. You can change audio settings in the menu and get there with escape. From there you can start fresh (without items) or continue the current run.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/tanky-mctankface/__big.jpg",
"id": 74,
"login": "FrederikP",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 188,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 41
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 42
"name": "graphics",
"score": 30
"name": "technical",
"score": 35
"comments": [
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "That was a pretty nice game! I could spend some time playing it. Really cool!",
"createdAt": 1568667216236
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "really great implementation with good game ideas. I like how much game play you get out of such simple controls. Interesting, pretty, well designed - great project.",
"createdAt": 1569052886938
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "reminds me worms a bit :)\ngood projectile physics and good looking game",
"createdAt": 1568740050331
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Omg that bring me back to a tank game I played at school probably 12 years ago. Nice work with primitive shapes, and nice sounds! The controls feel nice and the game responds to my inputs with sounds and animations. Dat snare drum too",
"createdAt": 1568752486451
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "My strategy is simply to move forward, shoot without aiming, and hope you survive long enough to collect enough bonuses to survive even longer the next time.",
"createdAt": 1568792100430
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Technically impressive, but gameplay is not very fun. Need better explosions.",
"createdAt": 1568819377824
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "the projectile motion of the projectile is the best thing of the game and also how the missiles after the ground,",
"createdAt": 1568836168685
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Great game! Controls were good, nice graphics (I like the paralax scrolling and the VFX when the tank is moving), and lots of replayability. Well done!",
"createdAt": 1568908936289
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "You game is very fun. I like the welcome text and game play.",
"createdAt": 1568938300306
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's really nice game! Very interesting to play. I would like to have some crosshair or something as it's really hard to play at distance.",
"createdAt": 1569248567224
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Really great game! Played it for about 20 minutes, loved every thing about it, well done!",
"createdAt": 1569364104103
"login": "carlini",
"message": "More pizzaz with the animations would help. When you shoot and get hit it feels weak. Bigger bullets! screenshake! explosions!",
"createdAt": 1568678484943
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Love this. Starting again with all the stuff you collected makes the game. Would be good to maybe have different levels or checkpoints.",
"createdAt": 1569533660672
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "This is a really good entry. I feel like the different enemies and attack mechanics took some pretty intelligent programming. Nice sound track and good, if simple, graphic details. I feel like the theme may have been shoehorned in there but still it's a good entry.",
"createdAt": 1569621593918
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Pretty smooth gameplay, my only complaints are that I have no idea what those things I pick up do and i think there should be a different way to indicate how much health something has. example, color of hp bar is blue, then turns red after first hit indicating 2 hits to kill.",
"createdAt": 1569696481387
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting game, nice graphics and good music. Wish it was a bit faster moving, and specially faster changing the angle of the cannon.",
"createdAt": 1569829321109
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Fun to play. The shells move very quickly and can quantum tunnel through the turrets. Unusual that you have to die before you can use your power ups.",
"createdAt": 1570026970916
"data": {
"url": "/games/backo/index.html",
"title": "Backo",
"author": "kqdiw",
"description": "<p>The Interlopers promised great fortune and knowledge, but unsurprisingly, they were nothing but swindlers. During your encounters, you have noticed that these ungodly creatures affect your sanity. Luckily, you have discovered a drastic loophole — do, not, face, them. Countless setbacks and only your trusty twisted blade by your side, will you be able to rescue your waning planet?</p><p>- Use your [LEFT ARROW KEY] &amp; [UP ARROW KEY] in order to navigate through this journey.</p><p>- Press [SPACE] to unleash your trusty twisted blade.</p><p>Destroy everything in your path.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backo/__big.jpg",
"id": 75,
"login": "NAndrej",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 130,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 20
"name": "fun",
"score": 21
"name": "theme",
"score": 33
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 16
"name": "graphics",
"score": 19
"name": "technical",
"score": 21
"comments": [
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "I managed to get to the boss a couple of times and was swiftly destroyed each time. It doesn't help that I keep missing the invincibility powerups against the white background. But I like having to dodge enemy fire, and jumping on their heads!",
"createdAt": 1568655921292
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Fun graphics. Some variety is missing and the player movements feel really abrupt. Some acceleration would've been nice.",
"createdAt": 1568659981644
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Going backward to kill enemies, and do a side-scrolling game going left is a really idea!\nDidn't really liked how the hero jumps",
"createdAt": 1568665250391
"login": "dp",
"message": "I found this game quite difficult and it took me quite a few goes before I was able to make it past the first bad guy. I liked the quirky look of the bad guys and very much appreciated having a target to see where my blade would hit.\n\nI think this is a solid effort and with a bit of fine tuning of the difficulty curve and the Interlopers approach algorithym this could be a fun game\n\nI love the game description, btw :)",
"createdAt": 1568679767753
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Nice idea to be facing away from the enemies.",
"createdAt": 1568728569430
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I like your characters, they are designed with alot of humour. There is something very enjoyable about watching that little guy run backwards. I like the interpretation of the theme but hear me out: what if you allowed the user to run forward, but just r.i.p'd him as soon as he faces a monster? Then the user could experience for themselves the narrative aspect of the game!",
"createdAt": 1568745601074
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Very uncomfortable handling.",
"createdAt": 1568993435241
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Really funny gameplay! It would be great to have more complex level design, but in general good work!",
"createdAt": 1568967614772
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I didn't like how it locked the screen from moving to the right. Could also use some sfx or music.",
"createdAt": 1568842660305
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fun game and an interesting idea.\n\nGravity a little tricky to master.\n\nNot being able to go back is hard when boomerang target is fixed.\n\nDidn't resize to browser.\n\nText overflowed drawable area.",
"createdAt": 1569192212866
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good battle idea.",
"createdAt": 1569457660812
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "I don't really know what I am doing",
"createdAt": 1569524081038
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice",
"createdAt": 1569848050728
"data": {
"url": "/games/eftiell-back-to-the-crypt/index.html",
"title": "Eftiell: Back to the Crypt",
"author": "dollarone",
"description": "<p>You saved the village of Eftiell. You defeated the evil Lich and his minions in that ghastly crypt. But now, a new danger has arisen: the Doom Knight is awake in the very same crypt. You must go back... Back to.the crypt!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/eftiell-back-to-the-crypt/__big.jpg",
"id": 76,
"login": "dollarone",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 153,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 21
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 29
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 27
"name": "technical",
"score": 22
"comments": [
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Very interesting game style.",
"createdAt": 1568649274986
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "It's pretty fun, though it seems a bit slow at times. Much of the time you spend just roaming through the map with nothing happening. If there were more enemy types, etc. to liven things up a bit, I think that would help. I think there's a lot of potential here, so keep going!",
"createdAt": 1568662115583
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Fun game! I like adventuring through the zones. nice attacking phase with the cooldown mechanic",
"createdAt": 1568697256181
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "I like This kinds of dot design. \nbut.. It is not funny",
"createdAt": 1568721231715
"login": "jBlack87",
"message": "this is neat, back to the crypt is a cool way to incorporate the theme. technically speaking everything worked as i'd have expected, overall seems like a well done entry!",
"createdAt": 1568743733988
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "I like these sorts of adventure games, though I was slightly disappointed in that there didn't really seem to be much going on in most of the locations - still, a very good effort!",
"createdAt": 1568751717586
"login": "jedulz",
"message": "I think this game is really good. it reminded me a lot of oregon trail",
"createdAt": 1568790121179
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Died pretty quickly when playing, will revisit again and see what else happens",
"createdAt": 1568837513048
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Neat take on a small rpg, a bit heavy on the text.\nReminds me of very old rpgs.\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1568993884850
"login": "serpent7776",
"message": "Maybe I missed something, but how do I regain health? Quite fun other than that.",
"createdAt": 1569084052872
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "The events encountered lacks randomness",
"createdAt": 1569129425031
"login": "depp",
"message": "Love it! I got completely decimated by random Khroll, is there a way to heal?",
"createdAt": 1569180127368
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "you wonder what dangers lie ahead",
"createdAt": 1569240622221
"login": "ultcyber",
"message": "first level is a bit frustrating having to go back all the way",
"createdAt": 1569334959154
"login": "gheja",
"message": "It is a nice concept, it would be great to have more variety and content to it, I am sure you could have made it more fun if you had a bit more time.",
"createdAt": 1569667455195
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Options and encounters are a bit limited, I would have expected more variety (springs flowing inside the dungeon ? How come ?). Is there a way to replenish your health or to level up ? Anything in those caverns ? The scenario seems a bit hollow and linear. Worse, \nI felt like a sitting duck in front of the Doom Knight, even starting with full health. Can you beat it ?",
"createdAt": 1569706011823
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "nice little rpg!",
"createdAt": 1569793583714
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool game. Remember the exploring part of game \"Faster Than Light\". Some music would make a great atmosphere for the game.",
"createdAt": 1569852824843
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "It felt like a prototype of a game, with some bugs and some repeated sequences and scenarios, but I like the graphics, the maps and the main mechanics. It's ok as a game concept to develop further.\nMoreover, after a long travel (visiting a lot of empty caves, btw) I was killed by the very first enemy I met :/\nNeeds music & sound effects.",
"createdAt": 1570039430211
"data": {
"url": "/games/row/index.html",
"title": "ROW",
"author": "Ben Fox",
"description": "<p>Row row row your boat,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tquickly back up stream,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tfrantically frantically,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tfrantically frantically,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tLife will end downstream...<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t____________________________</p><p>ROW is an infinite scroller.</p><p>While enjoying a leisurely day on the river, you come to the unfortunate realization that a log jam is blocking your path downstream. See how far back upstream you can get!</p><p>Avoid rocks and trees, and be sure to pick up the orange buoys for extra lives.</p><p>This game is designed for touch controls, but there are keyboard inputs as well. The tutorial shows the relevant left &amp; right oar controls for both touch and keyboard.</p><p>Coil subscribers! Enjoy more frequent life buoys and a slower difficulty ramp-up.</p><p>No libraries were used in the making of this game.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/row/__big.jpg",
"id": 78,
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 193,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 38
"name": "fun",
"score": 30
"name": "theme",
"score": 30
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 27
"name": "graphics",
"score": 38
"name": "technical",
"score": 30
"comments": [
"login": "Patton97",
"message": "Played this even before it was finished, love it! Great used on touch controls, too",
"createdAt": 1568657942614
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "Tried it with keyboard but couldn't get the boat to move forward, then moved to touch controls but I couldn't move my fingers fast enough!",
"createdAt": 1568659702336
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I got 1358m and I think RSI from playing this on desktop lol. I didn't see any orange buoys, but there were white scroll health thingies?",
"createdAt": 1569003049492
"login": "foumart",
"message": "I don't like the controls, why not using simple screen taps?",
"createdAt": 1568670980315
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "Love the keyboard controls! On a mechanical keyboard it feels really good. I'm so stealing this control scheme for the next year! :)\n\nNice graphics, too. Great job.",
"createdAt": 1568713107982
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Unplayable with keyboard controls. On mobile with touch controls it works quite well, however you will quickly feel the strain from rowing :)",
"createdAt": 1569066840177
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I don't think I'm dextrous enough for this game :D but it's very good.\n\nAny reason why the right hand keys are not the ones written there? My game was using ILKJ keys on the right hand.",
"createdAt": 1568748355911
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Very difficult on my forearms. Two keys each side probably would have done the trick with less physical stress. Looks pretty, cute noises. Could use some music.",
"createdAt": 1568762714344
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It is innovative!\nThe approach to theme is great.\ncute dot graphics",
"createdAt": 1568804532551
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "A novel idea! Nice graphics. My fingers ache now.",
"createdAt": 1568843495262
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Great little game, a bit RSI inducing on a keyboard. Liked the helicopter drop off! Will have to try this on a mobile. Well done though excellent.",
"createdAt": 1568890981308
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very fun idea! I was playing with a keyboard, but even so it was enjoyable.",
"createdAt": 1569163137097
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Nice graphics and creative idea. The background music is also very cool.\n\nI didn't manage to play it in the keyboard. I tried to type in different speeds, but the boat would always get stuck from time to time. On the phone I managed to play a little bit better, but my arms got tired after a while. :D",
"createdAt": 1568920971672
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Phew. Very fun and athletic game. Good one!",
"createdAt": 1569187763793
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I couldn't get it to work properly on desktop, probably, because I use a German keyboard.",
"createdAt": 1569313141405
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Geeky rowing fun! Stupidly addictive.",
"createdAt": 1569404297843
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Nice idea. Good implementation of the theme. I found it hard to steer on desktop, but it worked much better for me on mobile. I liked that new things were introduced as you progressed.",
"createdAt": 1569447775238
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "love the mechanic. got to 790 now im exhausted. very nice design.",
"createdAt": 1569559334623
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice idea. Really tricky on keyboard, maybe it would be easier on mobile.\n\nOnly scales to browser window at startup.",
"createdAt": 1569790871764
"data": {
"url": "/games/how-to-send-back/index.html",
"title": "How to send back…",
"author": "Sebastian Dorn",
"description": "<p>The new season of 'How to send back…' airs! The first show was not well received, maybe it was too boring. So the producers thought of something new.</p><p>As alternative for the [W] and [A] button prompts, the up and left arrow keys can be used too.</p><p>[Esc] – Pause.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/how-to-send-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 77,
"login": "sebadorn",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 174,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 23
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 37
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Nice graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568708674151
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Graphically cute, though quite short, could have done with more to play through. Also the rhythm component is not well communicated to the user (it's unclear that to not get BAD results you need to wait until the timer is lower).",
"createdAt": 1568682018821
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "I am so bad at this kind of game!\nBut the gameplay is good, also nice looking and sounds, well done!",
"createdAt": 1568733212048
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Interesting idea. Not sure if there was supposed to be more after the ghost level. Cute graphics. Nice intro.",
"createdAt": 1568758980911
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Why not use just arrow keys without W/A?",
"createdAt": 1568993435243
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Weird but effective. Somehow I don't think season two will fare much butter. There isn't any budget.",
"createdAt": 1568841715076
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Quite a nice solid, browser implementation of a quick event type game if you like that type of thing. Visually seemed to have squeezed a lot into the 13k.",
"createdAt": 1568880366130
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I't s a fun game, but i don't really get the whole backstory",
"createdAt": 1568966738789
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "The art is cute, game play is fun enough, but the theme 'back' isn't obvious enough. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569127747366
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I haaaaate quick time events, but the game looked alright and was kind of funny :)",
"createdAt": 1569109685719
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nicely done, and well presented!",
"createdAt": 1569183328885
"login": "junsikshim",
"message": "I like the colors and the characters. Pressing the right buttons is simple yet challenging.",
"createdAt": 1569237098961
"login": "EugeneTM",
"message": "Hardcore, cannot deal with it.",
"createdAt": 1569314289161
"login": "bencoder",
"message": "I really liked this concept. Wish there was more!",
"createdAt": 1569763350780
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "It is difficult to play the game when there is no rhythm along with the buttons. That aside, I think the game was fun, and I really liked the graphics and the animations",
"createdAt": 1569838659440
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Looks good, very well made with nice graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569957248889
"data": {
"url": "/games/watch-your-back/index.html",
"title": "Watch Your Back!",
"author": "Rafael Lammel",
"description": "<p>You and a robot are all alone in a dark room. He's got a flashlight and you a gun, but he is programmed to aim his flashlight always to your back. It's up to you to make a good communication and survive as long as you can against your enemies!</p><p>Move Mouse - Aim flashlight to mouses position (and player gun to the opposite)</p><p>Left Click - Gun Shoot to the opposite way where mouse is pointed</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/watch-your-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 79,
"login": "RafaelLammel",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 174,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 45
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 48
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 5
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "Got an error when I first tried it in Firefox :( \"TypeError: monsters[t] is undefined\". Was an interesting idea, but would have been made more exciting by being able to move the character in the middle around rather than being stationary.",
"createdAt": 1568650150377
"login": "dp",
"message": "I had issues playing this on Firefox as the play area would be compacted into a few cms at the top of the screen. Worked fine in Safari though.\n\nGraphics are simplistic but do the job and once I got the hang of the game it's quite good fun. Well done!",
"createdAt": 1568679767755
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "One of the most \"on theme\" games I've played!\n\nThe rules make total sense, but for me it was a little stressful in a not-fun way. I think an improvement would be that after you've seen an enemy with flashlight, a \"faded\" version shows at the enemy's last known position in the darkness. You'd still have to spin a lot but would have a little more awareness.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568728563126
"login": "andy-mcgrath",
"message": "Had an issue running on firefox in ubuntu Linux but ran on other browsers ok.\nThe game is simple, fun and very addictive.\n\nWould have likes some sound, maybe a simple signal each time an enemies enters the screen with different sounds for different types of enemy.",
"createdAt": 1568745780555
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "The different geometric shapes in play (the light triangle and the line of the gun pointer) contribute to making this an interesting challenge. Nicely executed and fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1568756199201
"login": "jedulz",
"message": "I thought this game was really interesting, it followed the theme and was very clear how to play after reading the instructions. I did have some issues with the game being locked to the top of my window making it so i couldnt play much. but from what i could play i thought it was a really cool idea to have a flashlight to show the enemies and have the opposite or back side of the mouse position the way to take them out",
"createdAt": 1568788699792
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "VERY cool dynamic here.\n\nI'd have liked a little bit more detailed graphics than just shapes, but this was still fun.",
"createdAt": 1568836423931
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Really fun and quite harrowing after a couple of minutes! I managed to last 6 minutes 29 seconds, with a score of 1610.",
"createdAt": 1569014130723
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Interesting concept, though not new - I have seen something like this on GMTK jam, I think.",
"createdAt": 1568902076828
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Really nice idea! With some graphic work this will be a masterpiece!",
"createdAt": 1568926412938
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Interesting mechanic! I like the shadow/light rendering - good job!",
"createdAt": 1569097512543
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Nice interpretation of the theme!",
"createdAt": 1569269821821
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Bugs on Firefox, nice concept, needs polish.",
"createdAt": 1569490506886
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Clever idea!",
"createdAt": 1569627383265
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It's creative.",
"createdAt": 1569765563123
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool idea. Some sounds would be great.",
"createdAt": 1569795833823
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "The canvas is too small. I couldn't play the game properly, the game was just on about 1/6 of the screen's height.",
"createdAt": 1569919176597
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-bathroom/index.html",
"title": "Back to Bathroom",
"author": "perdugames",
"description": "<p>Description:</p><p>You are in bathroom and see that all you do over there go back for you. But you are hungry, if not eat then you die. Yet you can eat bread that falls, but the more you eat the more shit comes back to you.</p><p>Controls:</p><p>ENTER - Start/Pause/Continue<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tA/D or Right/Left - Move Player<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSPACE - Pull toilet<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tE - Discharge</p><p>Tips:</p><p>The more you eat, the more you crap.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe more you crap, the more discharges you can give and the more xShit you'll get.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe more xShit the more Shit Score you get.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe more shit on the ground, the faster your life falls.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tIf you have xShit at zero, your life will fall very quickly.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tBe quick to hit E to flush (it's stuck XD)</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-bathroom/__big.jpg",
"id": 81,
"login": "perdugames",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 92,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 15
"name": "theme",
"score": 19
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 12
"name": "graphics",
"score": 10
"name": "technical",
"score": 14
"comments": [
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "original theme interpretation tbh :D",
"createdAt": 1569030580198
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "I was not sure what exactly was going on in this game :P... But pulling a toilet left and right was funny, and I like that the music changes depending on what you're doing.",
"createdAt": 1568658348734
"login": "dp",
"message": "Both my boys loved this game! Nice to see some large graphics - game looks great and worked well except sometimes I wasn't able to grab the toilet. Top marks for original idea.",
"createdAt": 1568682680187
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It looks really funny.",
"createdAt": 1568708021725
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "oh..",
"createdAt": 1569939140532
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "I didn't really get the controls, sorry. there was no way for me to get to the other side of the toilet. Space, W or S didn't seem to do anything.",
"createdAt": 1568727606548
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I don't understand this game. The mechanics don't make sense.",
"createdAt": 1568744769131
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Crazy idea for a game! I couldn't quite get the hang of it.",
"createdAt": 1568826079053
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Um... The music was pretty jarring. Maybe look into an ADSR.",
"createdAt": 1568838905267
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I wasn't able to figure out how to pull the toilet, so I couldn't really play the game.\n\nSounds were also very aggressive, which hurt my ears a lot.\n\nWhen pressing enter to start the game, it felt like nothing was happening, there was no feedback until a couple of seconds later. A sound or visual indication would have been nice.",
"createdAt": 1568857621110
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Crazy!",
"createdAt": 1569456143618
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "I couldnt work out how to eat. i thought the shit that was falling was actually shit and piss. I managed to sit on the shitter but it was difficult.\nI tried to catch the shit/bread in the bog and then sit on the shithole to take a dump but found it all too difficult. Perhaps the difficulty level was set too high there, hope that helps.\n\nLuckily you were up against angle which was marginally less shit and so my overall verdict:\n\nshit",
"createdAt": 1569263947481
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "I could not pull the toilet.",
"createdAt": 1569349532121
"login": "lopis",
"message": "What the heck, this game has super loud painful, monotonous sound!\nControls are often unresponsive.\nCute art, despite the vulgar theme.",
"createdAt": 1569418150052
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "The basic gameplay mechanics could be fun, but pulling the toilet just didn't work for me 9/10 times.\n\nThe constant sound is quite annoying. Would be better to have distinct sound effects when something happens: you eat, discharge, food hits the floor etc.\n\nThe mixture of different resolutions for text and game graphics looks odd. The character animation looks stiff (have a look at reference material - there's no shame in it!).",
"createdAt": 1569684143289
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Second game I see with the same idea of using shit for something. It's intriguing why this is happening :D",
"createdAt": 1570100903584
"data": {
"url": "/games/slimen-says/index.html",
"title": "Slime'n Says",
"author": "Zachary Chavez",
"description": "<p>Slimes will play a melody. Play it back correctly to make them happy.</p><p>If you have a MIDI device it is supported! Otherwise you can use your typing keyboard.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/slimen-says/__big.jpg",
"id": 80,
"login": "zpchavez",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 162,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 28
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 25
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "I love musical games, and this is a great extension of the old Simon mechanic!",
"createdAt": 1568742157397
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Very well executed! Everything runs smoothly. Nice sprites :)",
"createdAt": 1568754511279
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Found it very fun. There's not much of the theme though.",
"createdAt": 1568770020832
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Well maybe I don't want to play with those slimes either. A button to replay the melody, or playing it twice might help.",
"createdAt": 1568834772626
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "Great way of implementing music into a game. Notes are pitch perfect ;)\nI liked the use of the keyboard as a \"keyboard\" or piano. Graphics are minimal, but the game itself had maximum effort.",
"createdAt": 1568848413528
"login": "fawwaz",
"message": "Simple interaction very playful",
"createdAt": 1568903690944
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Nice spin on simon-says. Simple gay, well polished. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1568997289890
"login": "andy-mcgrath",
"message": "Would have loved to play this with a MIDI keyboard, think it would have been amazing.\nSimple but still very entertaining love the little happy/angry slimes",
"createdAt": 1568972781455
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Interesting concept, nicely implemented.\n- Good sounds.",
"createdAt": 1569178351085
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Fun and simple",
"createdAt": 1569490506888
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I liked the idea but I feel the gameplay was a bit underused - just a \"simon\" game but with a keyboard, which made it more difficult to remember (I replayed based on what I remember of the sound rather than seeing which keys to play).",
"createdAt": 1569837062545
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool. I Wish was able to use the mouse.",
"createdAt": 1569852141293
"login": "CodeChomper",
"message": "Who knew typing was so hard lol. Great Idea and fun to play!",
"createdAt": 1570029273027
"data": {
"url": "/games/infinite-missiles/index.html",
"title": "Infinite Missiles",
"author": "Matt McKenna",
"description": "<p>Flashback to the 1980s!</p><p>Nobody wins in this game, but see how long you can go without losing! They've got infinite missiles, and you've got the ability to tap or click on the screen to try and blow up as many of those missiles before they inevitably overwhelm and destroy you. It may not be uplifting, but it is mobile friendly!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/infinite-missiles/__big.jpg",
"id": 82,
"login": "mtmckenna",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 143,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 19
"name": "fun",
"score": 31
"name": "theme",
"score": 16
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 28
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Definitely a good flashback to the 80s! Very nicely done, love the chunky sound and the trippy explosions!",
"createdAt": 1568655712646
"login": "cedwards145",
"message": "Really nice looking entry and the sound effects are great too. I thought the difficulty increased a bit too fast, particularly trying to save the left and right buildings though. \n\nGood fun overall!",
"createdAt": 1568660150000
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Lovely graphics, well done work!",
"createdAt": 1568723902100
"login": "frenchfaso",
"message": "really fun and addictive!",
"createdAt": 1568753083771
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice effects like the ground shaking. Quite well polished. Looks nice. Frustrating that you can only have one interceptor missile in flight at a time.",
"createdAt": 1568843891626
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like this take on the classic game, though I think having three buttons and limited ammo makes the original much more satisfying to master (although a lot harder to pick up, so there's also that)\n\nGraphics are nice, I think a few more special effects could be nice, and sound effects do the job.",
"createdAt": 1568765154541
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like games with very simple mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1568804501425
"login": "ajbkr",
"message": "Reasonable interpretation of the theme. Played exceptionally well on desktop. Loved the sound effects and good use of gradients/alpha channels. I also really loved the launch sequence that precedes gameplay; really adds to the atmosphere of the game.",
"createdAt": 1568831953289
"login": "stasm",
"message": "Nice throwback! The game starts a bit slow, but it gets much more challenging after a few levels. Perhaps the difficulty of each subsequent wave should increase exponentially? I like the retro sound effects! I spent most of the time trying to trigger massive chain reactions :)",
"createdAt": 1568888919036
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Fun to play. When I though i got the hang of it, it turns out I didn't because the timing is always different. This game doesn't seem related to this year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1568968212498
"login": "jaller94",
"message": "The mechanic that you have to destroy missiles with the blast and therefore aim in front of them is brilliant.",
"createdAt": 1569138370052
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Pretty nice, though I have seen something like this on DOS...",
"createdAt": 1569336009711
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Great recreation of a classic genre!\nNot much else to say, well done!",
"createdAt": 1569336648537
"login": "kurazu",
"message": "I enjoyed the graphics, very neat.",
"createdAt": 1569565039411
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "Very nice graphics!! And it is easy to control.",
"createdAt": 1569879121336
"data": {
"url": "/games/entangled/index.html",
"title": "Entangled",
"author": "Japheth",
"description": "<p>There was once a pair of quantumly entangled particles that can only get close to each other but can never fuse together. No matter what they do, they are cosmically destined to stay away from each other. All the Quantum Universe's a stage, these two particles merely are players, and can only dance forever in unison.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis is a story about a particle, forever seeking a way back to its soulmate.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/entangled/__big.jpg",
"id": 83,
"login": "japhethbalane",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 229,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 47
"name": "fun",
"score": 30
"name": "theme",
"score": 27
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 37
"name": "graphics",
"score": 45
"name": "technical",
"score": 43
"comments": [
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Very hard! Looks very good",
"createdAt": 1568651461829
"login": "Ksoy",
"message": "amazing",
"createdAt": 1569899512104
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Pretty cool looking and it was fun to dodge the particles for a while but I didn't know what my goal was, even after reading the LONG instructions.",
"createdAt": 1568990790521
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I couldn't get it to work.",
"createdAt": 1568734321463
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Really nice art & execution, and well done creating a cohesive package. \n\nI would have liked some sort of pre-warning of the particles that were about to move.",
"createdAt": 1568682963974
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "The game looks and works amazing. Only the lack of sounds and the insane difficulty level makes me think that it could be better.",
"createdAt": 1568747753197
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Looks pretty but is a bit laggy at times and extremely difficult. Good idea for obstacle generation though. Could use some audio.",
"createdAt": 1568761481219
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "A nice idea, and quite addictive to play. And I love the look of this game.",
"createdAt": 1569055487000
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Interesting story, look, and gameplay.\n\nUnfortunately I didn't get to experience a lot of it, because my max score is 2 -- usually I was dead before I even made it to my particle. It seems like the game starts out in \"bullet hell\" mode, maybe there's a way to make it less difficult and build up from there?\n\nEither way, good job!",
"createdAt": 1569075028570
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Fun, mind-boggling gameplay! I don't know that the intro was necessary.",
"createdAt": 1569079820804
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "i avoided being hit by balls for a high score of 1",
"createdAt": 1569175270147
"login": "fawwaz",
"message": "verry difficult to master",
"createdAt": 1569212100599
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569249633864
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "A nice arcade style game, it reminds me of a bullet hell game with way less of an epilepsy warning.\n\nReally well done!",
"createdAt": 1569331241811
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Looks great.\n\nWhen I activated freeze, field has frozen seemingly forever. Was it intended?",
"createdAt": 1568653662203
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "This looks very well made and polished, not sure what I am doing though.",
"createdAt": 1569540417133
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, just a bit too hard for me.\n\nSome sound would be nice, perhaps a bit more life force too.",
"createdAt": 1569707354228
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Hard to play.",
"createdAt": 1569796992837
"data": {
"url": "/games/backspace/index.html",
"title": "BACKSPACE",
"author": "Pioctor Casot",
"description": "<p>Make \"BACK\"s in vertical, horizontal, or diagonal line. Use arrow keys to move the cursor. Use backspace to delete the character at the cursor.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backspace/__big.jpg",
"id": 85,
"login": "pioctor",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 139,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 42
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 19
"name": "graphics",
"score": 10
"name": "technical",
"score": 15
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I was able to get a fairly good score by randomly backspacing without actively trying to form any words... if you can win a puzzle game without trying there's something wrong with it. Positive the code works, it seems to work the way you were hoping.",
"createdAt": 1568658114565
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "A little hard to in the eyes. Quite simple but fun.",
"createdAt": 1568663429812
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Cool sound effects.",
"createdAt": 1568668625384
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This is much more entertaining that I expected it to be! \n\nIt was a difficult to figure out how the letters moved after one was deleted, and the matches were made so quickly it felt a little chaotic, but after getting the hang of the gameplay trying to pick out a strategy was fun.",
"createdAt": 1568682589369
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Interesting mashup of a match-4 and a word search.\n\nNot a lot of variation to gameplay / strategy since you are limited to removed a single letter at a time.\n\nGreat thinking outside the box!",
"createdAt": 1568991320175
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Very on theme. Much of the game seems random because it's hard to anticipate how the game is going to respond. Could be improved by tweaking up the colour palette so it's easier to spot where lines are about to form, and/or having some animations so the path the falling letters take is more obvious.",
"createdAt": 1568709852998
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "A little more kerning would be nice. Probably about the same as the space between the lines.",
"createdAt": 1568761810747
"login": "remvst",
"message": "This is clever, but I find it hard to really play, most of the points I got were out of luck.",
"createdAt": 1568862149313
"login": "curtastic",
"message": "Innovative match-4 game. Didn't plan most matches. Shouldn't allow diagonal. Was mostly luck.",
"createdAt": 1569138221541
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "ingenious. I scored 3996 somehow",
"createdAt": 1569241562393
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Interesting gameplay. I could see this as an abbreviation of games such as Candy King. It could also be implemented using a click/touch system instead, and then you could have it work on mobile as well, Clicking a character to delete it. \nAnyway, I thought the game was fun, and sometimes I was able to clear a lot of BACKs without even thinking of a combo.",
"createdAt": 1569306060978
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Well i needed some time to figour out how the game work...",
"createdAt": 1569592272427
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Interesting idea, but matching depends more on luck than skill. You can delete random letter and have 10+matches cascading. Needs more work.",
"createdAt": 1569772980667
"data": {
"url": "/games/regresso/index.html",
"title": "Regresso",
"author": "lopis",
"description": "<p>Your ship wrecked in an unkown land. Keep your crew well fed while you struggle your way through finding the resources to rebuild the caravel and get back to the sea. And may god have mercy on you.</p><p>-------</p><p>This is a clicker game with a few different actions. As the game progresses, you will find different actions become available to you. Some projects are pieces of the final goal, while others automate certain tasks. Try to reach the goal as fast as possible and with the least deaths for the best score.</p><p>Coil users have a headstart of food, as well as a little help from god.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/regresso/__big.jpg",
"id": 84,
"login": "lopis",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 218,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 34
"name": "fun",
"score": 42
"name": "theme",
"score": 40
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 43
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "I like the phase and the idle clicker and sid meiers colonization-mix feeling. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1568649180836
"login": "Harmades",
"message": "Easy to understand and looks good! Well done",
"createdAt": 1568669197445
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I don't know what I did wrong that everyone died, but otherwise an amazing game that doesn't feel constrained. Very polished.",
"createdAt": 1568731086854
"login": "jBlack87",
"message": "nice concept, i like the ship wrecked idea, and although it took me a minute to understand the UI, I eventually figured it out. I think more work on the UI with things like making it obvious when something is clickable vs not clickable, and some headings for the event stream tickers would help that a bit.",
"createdAt": 1568744831175
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Very good game, Great use of SVG and theme. Gameplay is enjoyable and everything is perfectly clear.",
"createdAt": 1568904078005
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Hunting could be unlocked a bit earlier. I was about to give up collecting enough food for caravela.",
"createdAt": 1568927753810
"login": "jaller94",
"message": "Very nice game, and I liked that it's a clicker but it has a short story and an end, therefore is not addicting.",
"createdAt": 1569138370051
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Really enjoyed this game! Played through to the end, completing in 31 days. Nice UI interface, all well put together. Could easiliy be make in to a larger game. Some music would have made it even better.",
"createdAt": 1568837705895
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Love a good idle game, so this was great. Clever use of emojis for free art!",
"createdAt": 1569184024053
"login": "junsikshim",
"message": "Cool game with very organized graphics! Would've been better if it were a turn-based game, but still love it!",
"createdAt": 1569237098961
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game! Amazing graphics and gameplay",
"createdAt": 1569418577435
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I really like this game, it's one of my favorites from the contest. You might want to fix the end so it says fin instead of fim.",
"createdAt": 1568680382052
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Fun little game! You can never go wrong with strategy games. I really enjoyed the simple graphics style. Great submission.",
"createdAt": 1569558035120
"login": "gheja",
"message": "Great use of emojis and great graphics and fun, one of the best games I've seen so far! A pause button would be useful.",
"createdAt": 1569702961794
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I always die from starvation :(.",
"createdAt": 1569848240587
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I enjoyed playing this.",
"createdAt": 1570028270996
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Good vector graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569952978251
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny. i love it's graphic design",
"createdAt": 1570106549233
"data": {
"url": "/games/grow-back/index.html",
"title": "Grow Back",
"author": "Dmitriy Kurovskiy",
"description": "<p>Use arrow keys to control the bee, and fly from flower to flower to transfer pollen and create new flowers.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tEach flower, while it exists, produces grass and protects from the sand.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe ultimate goal is to fill the whole game space with grass in minimum time. </p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/grow-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 86,
"login": "southerton81",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 156,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 33
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 23
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 16
"name": "technical",
"score": 25
"comments": [
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- I liked the animation of the bee and the flower growing.\n- The game felt incomplete. As in the mission isn't clear",
"createdAt": 1568657668193
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Lovely idea!",
"createdAt": 1568666550211
"login": "Harmades",
"message": "I found it hard, but the pollen mechanic is a good.",
"createdAt": 1568669197443
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "It seems to win this game the best method is to bounce off the walls in a decidedly non-honeybee style. Cute game.",
"createdAt": 1568679719514
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like the positive vibe in this game, so kudos for that.\n\nI noticed a few z-index issues (flowers being rendered on top of other even though they're being), and I think graphics could be improved greatly with just a few addition: add a shadow for the bee, shadows for the flowers, make the particles circles instead of squares, make the flowers shine, a bit less blocky...\n\nGameplay is fun after you get the hang of it, but the physics are a bit frustrating, especially since the game take a long time to complete. Maybe make it level based, with a very short timer for each level, and more dynamic physics?\n\nThe menu also looks good, with a nice pixelated font.",
"createdAt": 1568758948035
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "The controls feel a little unresponsive.",
"createdAt": 1568820673946
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "4 minutes 18 to beat it! Quite tough to control the bee but I was determined to beat it!",
"createdAt": 1568842487581
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice game mechanic, controls seems not very responsive",
"createdAt": 1568931017464
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "I'm not fan of inflating diffuculty by bad controls, but othwerise game is pretty interesting and original.\n\nGraphics is meh, though, except maybe bee itself.\n\nIt took me a while to realise that orange=not pollinated.",
"createdAt": 1568976005083
"login": "dunindunin",
"message": "Really interesting idea, and the weird movements make this game really fun.\nNever success to fill the whole screen in green. :(",
"createdAt": 1569006616943
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Beautiful game. Some sounds would be great.",
"createdAt": 1569429851058
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Very cute. I never could get the hang of that bee... too impatient.",
"createdAt": 1569260963630
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Simple and fun.\nThe bee is almost tooooo floaty, but overall a fun (and topical) game.\n\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569336957622
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Good concept, easy to learn, hard to master. Needs polish, especalliy the controls.",
"createdAt": 1569490175100
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Beautiful! I think real bees are more manoeuvrable though.",
"createdAt": 1569878750602
"login": "ItachiHyuga",
"message": "Somehow a satisfying experience to see the green spread.",
"createdAt": 1569988172251
"data": {
"url": "/games/watchyourback/index.html",
"title": "Watch_Your_Back",
"author": "Teerex studios",
"description": "<p>You are a spy and your goal is to escape the building you are trapped into.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse WASD to move the spy and Space to boost your speed.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tBeware of the traps or you might \"fall back\".<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDon't get caught and find the hidden exit.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/watchyourback/__big.jpg",
"id": 87,
"login": "devashish1099",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 103,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 12
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 16
"name": "graphics",
"score": 14
"name": "technical",
"score": 19
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "nice concept, a bit hard knowing what you have to do, but its fun once you realize it",
"createdAt": 1568656646837
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "A little frustrating to play. I think you could improve it by indicating where the next level exit is, and some way to predict where a trap could be (rather than totally unknown?).\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568651716442
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Interesting concept, however a mechanic to help identify the exit would probably serve this game well. \n\nWandering aimlessly in the dark checking for the exit in the most obvious places can get a bit tedious.\n\nGood effort, and not a bad idea.\nStealth games are difficult to get right, especially in the 13kb limit.",
"createdAt": 1568990037516
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Nice gameplay and interesting idea with the invisible traps and exits. It would be nice if I could continue from the same level or from the previous after falling in a trap.",
"createdAt": 1568669075222
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Restarting every time is harsh. The movement felt boring, adding some more polish would help make movement feel better.",
"createdAt": 1568683743119
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game has potential, but there are no hints of where the traps or the exits might be. The only skill involved is memorizing all the levels.",
"createdAt": 1568747850590
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play.",
"createdAt": 1568796924584
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "It is unclear where traps and exits are. Also, add some Mission Impossible music.",
"createdAt": 1568842246378
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I think the game was very difficult, and I think some sounds would have made the game better. Maybe create a sound depending on the proximity of traps as well as the goal. Also add some sounds when hitting a wall. Then, this game could be played by blind people as well, which is kind of cool.",
"createdAt": 1568876360694
"login": "ultcyber",
"message": "a bit annoying you can get trapped immediately after changing the rooms",
"createdAt": 1569334959157
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "The player could move faster",
"createdAt": 1569524081039
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "A classic game. Maybe, a more interesting way is to make guards look only in one direction. \nI find traps annoying, but that can be good.",
"createdAt": 1569613800097
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "According to the console some MP3 files cannot be loaded.\n\nHaving to start over because you walk into an invisible trap on your search for an invisible exit is not fun. There should be at least some visual clues.\n\nI liked the intro with the \"decline\" button and screen transitions.",
"createdAt": 1569686494087
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "good stuff, once i got the hand of it, I ended up having fun exploring through. nice ccs work :)",
"createdAt": 1569735920903
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Cool pulsating enemies! The spy moves quite slowly, and I could have used a clue to where the exit is.",
"createdAt": 1569876511910
"data": {
"url": "/games/time-runner/index.html",
"title": "Time Runner",
"author": "Marek Łabuz",
"description": "<p>Time Runner is a game where you have to use your agility to stay on the path. Different types of obstacles are there to stop you. Collect diamonds, because you are going to need them, trust me. Control your character with arrows keys. If you happen to make a mistake, there is always a way to turn back time...</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/time-runner/__big.jpg",
"id": 88,
"login": "MarekLabuz",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 200,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 32
"name": "graphics",
"score": 31
"name": "technical",
"score": 40
"comments": [
"login": "cytrowski",
"message": "I like the time freeze effect and the idea of going back in time. The controls are a bit hard but you can get use to it.",
"createdAt": 1568651631811
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Looks great, interesting mechanics related to the theme. Love the distance fogging look.",
"createdAt": 1568656161631
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "nice use of cubes and good work with the lighting. The time control mechanic is nice, I like the change in colors",
"createdAt": 1569028552759
"login": "mnsilva2",
"message": "Really cool concept and fits the theme really well.\nGreat job",
"createdAt": 1568667039043
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Very interesting mechanics",
"createdAt": 1568749920874
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I like the variety of course. It starts simple and gets harder with each new type of obstacle. Definitely needs music and sfx, and a high score would be good too.",
"createdAt": 1568757867768
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Making a 3d game in just 13k is always a technical miracle. You made one and... it's fun!\nI miss some sound effects or music.",
"createdAt": 1568825837943
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "This is a fun game, music would make it better, also I didn't understand the time freeze thing... do you need to collect a certain number of diamonds to use it?",
"createdAt": 1568985466581
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "The time rewind is neat, nice graphics and fun to play. Made it to about 2k points.",
"createdAt": 1569105889920
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "A highly accomplished game with great ideas, 3D plus time freezing and rewinding is technically challenging, but you do it really well, nice job !",
"createdAt": 1569127103468
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Really fun take on an infinite runner! Sometimes judging the jumping distance was difficult, but it's still quite fun!",
"createdAt": 1569183328883
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "fun, simple but challanging, maybe introduce time manipulations with a tutorial",
"createdAt": 1569409211076
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, good graphics.\n\nSometimes it's hard to gauge when to jump and it's easy to fall off.\n\nF and space didn't work well for me, if anything it made the game harder.\n\nSome sound or music would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569503442136
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Fun game!\nI didnt get, what does stopping time help you. \nBut a nice idea with turning time back. And finally a game, where theme is respected.\nBut its a little bit annoying aiming the platform in ordinate. I would dd only 3 different position on x axiss, and make a game all around getting to the right of the 3 positions.",
"createdAt": 1569567131964
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Good use of 3D, if a bit blocky. Jump and slow tiles are a bit too close in color. And what is F supposed to do ? I expected forward motion to stop, allowing you to move sideways. And the procedural generation causes the progression curve to be steep at times.\nOn the plus side, many innovations compared to the original Trailblazer.",
"createdAt": 1569763600182
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Awesome! Really really good. I just wish the main mechanic wasn't jumping around, but I love the time rewind. Very cool.",
"createdAt": 1569837780899
"data": {
"url": "/games/backflipped/index.html",
"title": "BackFlipped",
"author": "Tom Hermans (Auroriax)",
"description": "<p>Fall to bottom to flip to the back, then fall back up on the other side... How long can you keep switching between the back and front of the stage? Game by Tom Hermans (@Auroriax). Best played in Chrome or Firefox. </p><p>How to play (Arrow keys/WASD/ZQSD/Swipes):<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t🡸 🡺 Left/Right: Flying kick, 🡹 Up: Jump, 🡻 Down: Drop.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTouched platforms move to background and increase score.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tReach bottom of level to claim to the backside!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou lose when time runs out... </p><p>Coil subscribers get two exclusive color palettes: number 6, Beau Blueprint, and number 7, Dawnbreak! Or should I say... COILor palettes? Hah!</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/backflipped/__big.jpg",
"id": 89,
"login": "Auroriax",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 184,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 43
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 28
"name": "technical",
"score": 30
"comments": [
"login": "eguneys",
"message": "Nice graphics and color style, cute sounds, fun gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1568663538744
"login": "daviddurham",
"message": "Took me a while to understand what I was supposed to do, but when I did I enjoyed it. I quite liked the really twitchy controls. Works pretty well on mobile too!",
"createdAt": 1568670255052
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Wonderful, balanced entry. Every aspect of the game - gameplay, visuals, theme usage - was well implemented.",
"createdAt": 1568705257982
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Good game idea.",
"createdAt": 1568726968236
"login": "tulustul",
"message": "Very fun to play. Failed to beat the last level.",
"createdAt": 1568744238781
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Hard to understand\nFancy graphics",
"createdAt": 1568752367928
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "A simple and yet strangely addictive game.",
"createdAt": 1569054995986
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "I lose when time rans out, but when I win?",
"createdAt": 1568820176749
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "very good sounds and visuals, enjoyable gameplay",
"createdAt": 1568915504750
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nicely polished game for the size limitations!",
"createdAt": 1569402930548
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice. A bit hard to understand what is happening.",
"createdAt": 1569446886000
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Nice idea!",
"createdAt": 1569502406298
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Confusing at first, but it doesn't take long to understand. Interesting use of front and back side, although I had hoped for a more visual illustration of the backflip at the bottom.",
"createdAt": 1569677968632
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, good graphics and sound effects.\n\nI seemed to win easily be doing nothing - not sure if that was intentional.\n\nDidn't scale well to browser.",
"createdAt": 1569705576102
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Very cool!",
"createdAt": 1569839971951
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Looks very interesting. The gameplay is a bit confusing.",
"createdAt": 1570022553638
"data": {
"url": "/games/dawn-breaker/index.html",
"title": "Dawn Breaker",
"author": "Roger Qi",
"description": "<p>You are a wanderer in the dark, persued by unnamable hordes, use your arsenal of light to eliminate enemies and dawn the world.Controls: press [Z] to throw back flash bangs, press [X] to deploy flash mines.Each blast will draw the dawn nearer and when the dawn breaks you beat the game.Good luck !</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dawn-breaker/__big.jpg",
"id": 90,
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 175,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 33
"name": "theme",
"score": 33
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 32
"name": "graphics",
"score": 25
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I like the sound effects, and the visual flashes.",
"createdAt": 1568652086123
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "I like it! It's an original concept. It does seem a bit grindy at times once you figure out the sweet spot for your bangs. Otherwise, it's quite challenging and I think this could make a great app store game.",
"createdAt": 1568663937980
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "A bit unclear where you keep getting more weapons. A recharge meter might have been nice.",
"createdAt": 1568666882940
"login": "MatthewDiamant",
"message": "Awesome! Took me a few tries, but I beat it. I definitely got into it, and was yelling at the screen a lot. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1568705504917
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great relaxing game!",
"createdAt": 1568724333423
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very well done with such a simple palette, and nice touch with the upgrades! Very tough though, I made it pretty far a few times, but always got swarmed eventually.",
"createdAt": 1569016538582
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Fun gameplay, even if very shallow.",
"createdAt": 1568821028036
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Some more movement would have been nice. Good sounds and simple but affective graphics. The intro was well done.",
"createdAt": 1568836787498
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like the simple gameplay, but maybe it could have used a bit more depth. Maybe add smoke grenades to slow the enemies down?\n\nGraphics are simple but effective, I like the style. Maybe you could have given the enemies yellow jackets? :p",
"createdAt": 1568861341758
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice idea, gameplay to be improved, maybe adding some other elements into the game",
"createdAt": 1568906550428
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Clean & simple artstyle, simple timing based gameplay. \n\nThe collision of the flashbangs feel a like unclear / inconsistent at times. Enemies I swear I have hit sneak through sometimes.\n\nOverall I like the simple arcade-y nature of the game though!",
"createdAt": 1568986455027
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Nice! I survived :) Fun game, good job!",
"createdAt": 1569185101964
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fun game. Nice graphics and sound effects.\n\nRan out of ammo too quickly, the hoardes always seemed to catch up with me eventually.\n\nDidn't react to browser size changes, only scaling at startup.\n\nSome music would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569243297652
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "nice graphics, could use more game play elements",
"createdAt": 1569404927480
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Paired against a colorful game, dawn in a gray world hardly stands a chance. Even though the minimalist environment plays well its role. Definitely stressful, difficulty is well balanced, however the replay value is limited once you beat the game.",
"createdAt": 1569444969000
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "The abstract presentation works quite well. Could use some music to make it more atmospheric.\n\nGameplay is very basic and not challenging. Add some different kind of monsters with different capabilities and more ways to fight them. E.g. if some monsters could only be killed by mines, that would have made the gameplay more interesting already.",
"createdAt": 1569686122729
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "Tense, juicy, fun! Me likey.",
"createdAt": 1569725027922
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Fun. The light effects are cool.",
"createdAt": 1569843435513
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Despite being so simple, there was something cool about it. I liked it!",
"createdAt": 1570007407799
"login": "huijari",
"message": "It would be cool if there was a loading indicator for bangs/mines",
"createdAt": 1570157569551
"data": {
"url": "/games/super-backpacking-adventure/index.html",
"title": "Super Backpacking Adventure",
"author": "David Brad",
"description": "<p>Dust off those dice, and get ready to roll through a SUPER backpacking adventure!</p><p>This is a dice rolling, roguelite, backpacking rpg!</p><p>This game is heavily inspire by games like Elder Sign, Slay the Spire, and most recently Dicey Dungeons.</p><p>Fight your way through the dangerous woods, forage for food, collect items, and follow your compass to adventure!</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/super-backpacking-adventure/__big.jpg",
"id": 91,
"login": "dbrad",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 163,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 33
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 37
"name": "graphics",
"score": 29
"name": "technical",
"score": 22
"comments": [
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "I think this game has quite a bit of potential. It was a bit tricky to figure out what to do at first. I wasn't sure what to do with the dice, until I tried putting them in the card slots on the top-left side of the game. Overall great job though.",
"createdAt": 1568658360959
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice game concept, I liked to choose what to do with the dice",
"createdAt": 1568664088500
"login": "ldrummond",
"message": "Very fun game, nicely complicated and dice mechanic is great. Not sure about theme, and there could be more feedback on the result of combat / actions",
"createdAt": 1568668824233
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Great game, it will be cool if the food gathering boxes are different color (yellow?), as it is difficult to differentiate the Bandage / Forage texts.. the small description text is a bit hard to read. I'm not a fan of the custom cursor.",
"createdAt": 1568680447234
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Cute, complicated game - I played for a long while and enjoyed it.",
"createdAt": 1569049355368
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I like this! I like how the dice mechanic is a part of everything you do as a character. It makes the game easy to understand. The tips and descriptions are also concise and well worded so playing this through is a breeze, from the first time. The sounds also make it feel nice and reactive. If you are to develop this, I would love seeing more background elements and see more of the journey side of things! I also think the drag-and-drop creates a sort of uneven pace, but I feel like that was probably a convenient approach for the size constraint. This would be great for mobile.",
"createdAt": 1568742136796
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was super fun. Got to the end of my short adventure and wished i'd picked a longer one. \n\nI particularly liked the hints that came along with new rooms, mechanics, etc...",
"createdAt": 1568776095240
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Nice concept and good execution. Sometimes a little slow-paced.",
"createdAt": 1568818946708
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Theme is somewhat missing. Good fun though.",
"createdAt": 1568853421853
"login": "depp",
"message": "It took me a while to figure out how to allocate the dice, but after I figured things out, it was fun enough that I played it through three times! My only complaint is that it's annoying dragging the dice around.",
"createdAt": 1568906398870
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Good job. It was a little intensive on my processor, but it a well designed dice adventure.",
"createdAt": 1568986897374
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"message": "This is so cool, I really love the graphics and mechanics. The sound is sometimes a bit annoying, but it's a nice extra! Congratulations! :D",
"createdAt": 1569084671885
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Nice sound effects!",
"createdAt": 1569269486525
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Not my kind of game, but looks good.",
"createdAt": 1569197766012
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I really like the concept. I've never played DnD but it feels like it's heavily influenced by it.\n\nUnfortunately I wasn't able to beat the game, even on easy difficulty, but it might be because I'm just bad at it.\n\nThe UI was nice and polished, and the sound effects were fitting, although I would have appreciated some animations. For instance, it took me a while to notice the map at the bottom.\n\nYou could also add a quick animation to introduce an enemy, and maybe another one when they're defeated?",
"createdAt": 1569467125376
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Cool game!\nI didnt see a connection to this years theme.\nThe only problem i found was a little to high mouse sensitivity, otherwise everything is in place. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569567131962
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "Enjoyed my adventure! Fun concept.",
"createdAt": 1569706190227
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, a journey through the forest.\n\nThe options I wasn't allowed to drag the dice to shouldn't be shown, likewise when I have no option than to move forward, I think the game should take that option for me.\n\nDidn't scale well to browser window.",
"createdAt": 1569791874317
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Very very cool! Too bad I only encountered snakes - that make the game a bit boring :)",
"createdAt": 1569845458576
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I liked this game it seems reminiscent of a text based game, there weren't really many moving parts, a map would have made it more fun. There was good gameplay and strategy.",
"createdAt": 1569888422841
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Backionary",
"author": "Petah",
"description": "<p>Backionary word game where you try to guess the written word backwards.</p><p>The round starts with one person being selected as the drawer. They draw the given word like normal using their mouse (sorry no mobile support, I ran out of time). Then once done, everyone else races to guess the word as its slowly redrawing backwards. First to guess the word gets the points. Points are lost for incorrect guess or if everyone fails to guess the word. </p><p>NOTE: This game only really works when there are multiple players.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backionary/__big.jpg",
"id": 92,
"login": "Petah",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 168,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 37
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 37
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 27
"name": "graphics",
"score": 15
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Looks funny, unless I haven't met anyone there, but I'm sure it would be great game as a mobile application for parties.",
"createdAt": 1568649274987
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "'All I was doing was trying to get home from work'",
"createdAt": 1569064999925
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Could be quite fun in theory. No players were on so unfortunately I couldn't get into it much. :c",
"createdAt": 1568659456822
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Nice and fun idea for a party game! Wasn' really able to test it due the lack of friends :(",
"createdAt": 1568665250394
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice idea",
"createdAt": 1568813346791
"login": "dunindunin",
"message": "Funny idea, but why choice to ask to wrote the word? I think that drawing it (and see the backward drawing) would be funnier!",
"createdAt": 1569006090093
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "Should have a single player. The game sounds fun though... like a pictionary with words.",
"createdAt": 1568844008032
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Sadly was playing alone. Noticed a bug, if you draw after time and while its replaying your word it draws lines from where its drawing to where you are clicking",
"createdAt": 1568889047517
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "After not finishing a word in time (the allotted time is too short, if a timer is needed at all) and then completing the second one in time, it proceeds to draw the second word backwards, followed by what I had finished of the first word.",
"createdAt": 1568925105005
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"message": "I liked the idea and UI. I couldn't play against anyone :( but that's ok. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569084671883
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Kind of an interesting idea, but I couldn't find another player :(.",
"createdAt": 1569165341021
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Maybe this only works with multiple people, but it's definitely buggy with only 1 person. There should probably be an initial screen for joining lobbies. Also maybe add the option to hit space to say you're done writing a word instead of going to click it.",
"createdAt": 1569212691458
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Unplayable without enemy, but at least an intereting idea is visible.",
"createdAt": 1569352913936
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice idea. Hard to draw using touch pad.",
"createdAt": 1569460511127
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "I wasn't able to see anyone online when I got on to play, however it seems like a neat concept and creating a network game is quite an accomplisment.",
"createdAt": 1569526942663
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "There are some issues, where someone who guess, can draw",
"createdAt": 1569610793165
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I love this. Gotta test it out with my friends. Good job! Great game idea. Fun take on the year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1570017588770
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Very interesting mechanic - too bad there aren't players to play with :((",
"createdAt": 1570100903582
"data": {
"url": "/games/vicblitz/index.html",
"title": "VicBlitz",
"author": "Dave",
"description": "<p>Come with me, back to the early '80s - coming home from school to try and grab a few hours with my Vic20 before my Dad came home and I lost the TV. I'd like to help you experience what it was like back then as we play a remake of my favourite Vic20 game - AstroBlitz - combined with a classic 80's movie - Firefox.</p><p>I've attempted to stay within the original constraints of the Vic20, using just the 8 colour palette, limited screen size, rectangular pixels and sprites of max 3 colours and double-width pixels.</p><p>Controls are WASD or arrows, with Space to fire. There's five levels to clear to win the game. There's no sound as I thought silence would be preferable to my attempts in this area!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/vicblitz/__big.jpg",
"id": 93,
"login": "dp",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 165,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 15
"name": "fun",
"score": 38
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 30
"name": "technical",
"score": 31
"comments": [
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Great art. Controls are smooth and game is challenging. Didn't get what the end goal was.",
"createdAt": 1568650179885
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "I loved your retro themes. \nThe shatter effect when things die is great and the game play compelling and addictive (like the original).\n I too remember the vic'99 days and your game was very nostalgic. (I too did a homage to a early 80's video game for this contest)",
"createdAt": 1568659437259
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "Thank you. I loved this game on my neighbors Atari when I was a kid. Even less flashy graphics in that version. Nicely implemented and the load screen made me happy.",
"createdAt": 1568660160322
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "A really well done arcade game. I love the graphics style, the loading screen, the explosions (way too good for the early 80s!) — great job!",
"createdAt": 1568667974275
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "Instructions weren't super clear that you had to defeat all enemies to proceed.",
"createdAt": 1568695613031
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Being able to just hold space for rapid fire makes it relatively easy. Maybe enemy projectiles could be a little bigger.\n\nGood looking destroy animation.",
"createdAt": 1568744709173
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This is an amazing Defenders game. I wish the game had a bit more feel of defenders, with more drifting when turning around.",
"createdAt": 1569004086288
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "A nice playable version of a classic. The graphics are good in spite of the old school palette and low res.",
"createdAt": 1568843891628
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice music and graphics, but I was confused about scenes, they always change, I didn't know where to go, just going around without an objective",
"createdAt": 1569064525025
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "You nailed it! This feels very authentic to the Vic20's hardware limitations (Though obviously a bit smoother), and it was a fun play!",
"createdAt": 1568895355122
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Like the stylistic. And explosion animation.",
"createdAt": 1568926904820
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "A nice fun game with retro graphics.\n\nReminds me of defender.\n\nSome sound would be nice, plus the arrival of dad.",
"createdAt": 1569195488558
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Really awesome!\nI love every aspect of this game: game intro, smooth controls and scroll, desintegration animation, warp, ... everything is so colorful and nice!\n\nShame it lacks sound effects (you'd only had to use 1-2k to get them work): please check",
"createdAt": 1569258097632
"login": "4padrian",
"message": "I enjoyed playing through the levels. Would have loved it even more if it were possible to back up and shoot and not always face the direction you are going. Fun game!",
"createdAt": 1569354903274
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool explosion effects.",
"createdAt": 1569538104966
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "Very accurate trip to the 80s. The colors and graphics are very well chosen, up to the futuristic font used at that time.\n\nI can't think of anything I'd change to improve the game, it's perfect at it is.",
"createdAt": 1569698646225
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "I found really interesting take a really old-school style game and add particellar effect (when you destroy enemies).\n\nNice work!",
"createdAt": 1570030832459
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "nailed the aesthetic! would have loved some sound, but gameplay was fun",
"createdAt": 1570136501426
"data": {
"url": "/games/encoded-maze/index.html",
"title": "Encoded Maze",
"author": "liruenth",
"description": "<p>You tried to find some kids lost in a cave but ended up lost yourself.</p><p>Follow the instructions of the scrolls to get back home.</p><p>Collect all 3 treasures for a bonus.</p><p>Good luck!</p><p>F: Action / Swing Sword</p><p>D: Cancel</p><p>Arrow Keys: Move</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/encoded-maze/__big.jpg",
"id": 95,
"login": "liruenth",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 120,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 30
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 18
"name": "graphics",
"score": 14
"name": "technical",
"score": 19
"comments": [
"login": "fed135",
"message": "Clever use of emoticons and impressive dedication to the morse and braille implementations.\n\nThe game did not feel fun to me though. The menus and prompts could've been used to provide more context as to what is happening and what is the goal of the game.",
"createdAt": 1568662241562
"login": "daviddurham",
"message": "Nice idea and very mysterious feel. I assume I am supposed to use some external resource to decode the messages, but managed to get through a few levels through dumb luck. Would have like some way to restart when I died (other than refresh the page).",
"createdAt": 1568668622075
"login": "salc2",
"message": "it's well developed",
"createdAt": 1568721937998
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Kinda of annoying to play with a morse dictionary on your hand.",
"createdAt": 1568750357031
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "While using braille/morse is an interesting idea, it takes the fun out of it for players who cannot read it and have to either find a resource or guess. An improvement would be to directly have a braille/morse lookup table in the game.",
"createdAt": 1568836677961
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I think including a legend of some braille or morse code could really help your game. And a button to reset at the end.",
"createdAt": 1568983719233
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Simple.",
"createdAt": 1569592272426
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Creative use of emojis! Felt the game to be a little confusing at first, but eventually got the hang of it. I think that the combat mechanics could be improved by giving the user more direction of where the sword is swung. I just felt like every level I was running into a corner and then button mashing.",
"createdAt": 1569856692956
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice.",
"createdAt": 1570016059999
"data": {
"url": "/games/angle/index.html",
"title": "angle",
"author": "Bob Hwang",
"description": "<p>Eliminate weeds using missiles.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tMissiles can only fire backward.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tWeeds continue to grow.</p><p>Use three arrow keys.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tleft, right key: change an angle<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tup key: launch a missile</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/angle/__big.jpg",
"id": 94,
"login": "afrontend",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 119,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 31
"name": "fun",
"score": 16
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 7
"name": "technical",
"score": 17
"comments": [
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "Very abstract unique game.",
"createdAt": 1568651984827
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Kind of wanky implementation but pretty good concept.\nI feel like the turret should have been turning quicker and some game over screen would have been nice.",
"createdAt": 1568658108679
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Simple and easy to grasp. Could be improved with some input tweaks to make the game feel more responsive; currently holding down the keys and waiting for the repeat feels laggy/janky.",
"createdAt": 1568682770958
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting concept.",
"createdAt": 1568710039596
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Good attempt! A bit easy to cheese (Can just hold down spacebar and angle the missiles left and right), but I can see a game in this!",
"createdAt": 1568745403346
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "Very clever game design, and good use of the theme. I played for a while it was fun.",
"createdAt": 1568759859348
"login": "stasm",
"message": "What's that pink circle orbiting the larger circle?",
"createdAt": 1568827403042
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Player rotation is pretty jagged. It feels like your keydown event listener turns it a certain amount. I would suggest using keydown and keyup to set a boolean to true and then false respectively. Then when updating, if it is true, rotate the player a certain amount.",
"createdAt": 1568842246380
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "good idea",
"createdAt": 1568916047716
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "The flickering 'weeds' was a little painful to look at. Nice idea shame about the flickering.",
"createdAt": 1569106849313
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "Ideas are great but the game pace is kind of slow, I think it'd be better if the 'canon' can move and rotate faster and smoothier",
"createdAt": 1569127103469
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Interesting idea. I found one angle where I could stay pressing up forever to keep the weeds away.",
"createdAt": 1569183313387
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "I held the up button down for 2 minutes, so thanks!",
"createdAt": 1569263947484
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Neat game concept.\n\nCould benefit from a score system of some sort.\nLimiting the rate of fire / number of bullets on screen could make it more of a challenge.\nIncreasing the turn rate of the player as well could make the game a bit more reactive / frantic.\n\nOverall, well done!",
"createdAt": 1569334030352
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "By holding down the up arrow I can produce a steady stream of dots that will then bounce around endlessly so that I can win without trying, when you can win without trying that's a bug. You could fix this by either limiting the rate at which the balls come out or the number of times they can bounce before fading.",
"createdAt": 1568733766045
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "The game is very abstract, hard to grasp at first. Why does the launcher roll left and right ? Why can it shoot only upwards ? What is the point of the circle moving along its circonference ?\nOnce you understand, well, there is not much of a challenge. Fill the screen with bullet hell, raze the grass, move to next level. Oh, and people love feedback : information about levelling, shooting accuracy, pauses in between level, any text would be welcome.",
"createdAt": 1569359375410
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good start. More objectives will make your game more fun.",
"createdAt": 1569840382290
"data": {
"url": "/games/sing-song-ding-song/index.html",
"title": "sing-song ding-song",
"author": "Richard Munn",
"description": "<p>sing-song ding-dong<br>\n\t\t\t\t\ta js13games 2019 entry by richard munn</p><p>Turfed out of your home for your awful singing, you must explore the Mysterious Caves, defeat the Mysterious Monsters, retrieve the Mysterious Musical Notes and collect the Mysterious Gems so that your songs might become a bit less awful.</p><p>A 80s inspired arcade action platformer set over four worlds, with over forty stages of singing-at-beasties-and-jumping-on-their-heads action.</p><p>Game saving is enabled for Coil subscribers - the game should continue where you left off if you reload the page.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tKeyboard:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tCursor keys to move, Space to jump, Left Alt to sing.</p><p>Gamepad / touchscreen:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDPad to move, right button to jump, left button to sing.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/sing-song-ding-song/__big.jpg",
"id": 96,
"login": "benjymous",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 217,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 30
"name": "fun",
"score": 38
"name": "theme",
"score": 24
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 42
"name": "graphics",
"score": 46
"name": "technical",
"score": 37
"comments": [
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Pacing is a bit slow, love what you've done technically though. Puzzles, platforming, and a great atmosphere.\nGreat work overall!",
"createdAt": 1568987527177
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "I really like the visual style of your game, and the idea feels like an old Arcade platformer like Bubble Bobble or Snow Bros. That said, the controls are really finicky (Binding Alt and Space to your primary actions is a bad idea for tight platforming - it opens a context menu for the browser window on Windows), and the collision detection was really working against me (I kept on getting stuck on walls). I made it through the first two areas eventually, but had to cut it short. Very nicely done though for 13k!",
"createdAt": 1568655143033
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Great graphics, great gameplay!!\n- I loved the in-game help boards\n- A piece of cute music would have enhanced it much more\n- The jump sound was too high pitch and frequent jumping was causing that sound a lot.",
"createdAt": 1568659225394
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "Couldn't figure out how to do much other than switch levels :(",
"createdAt": 1568671221073
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Nice platformer. Movement is a bit finicky, sometimes you glitch a few pixels when hitting walls.",
"createdAt": 1568694602242
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great level design and graphics! It's nice to play your game!",
"createdAt": 1568724651946
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Nice monetisation idea, it feels like it makes sense. I really like the graphics, the character and the action, I feel like everything works well together. Love the randomized music",
"createdAt": 1569029368449
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Awesome job! High quality, well fleshed-out, good execution.",
"createdAt": 1568752638875
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "I liked the gameplay. The art style was too busy for my taste, but that's a personal opinion. \n\nI think the only technical issue I had was that the jumping/double jumping was tricky to get right.",
"createdAt": 1568776691761
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Nice visuals, but the gameplay was a little clumsy. Also, I cannot use Left Alt to do a thing on Opera, maybe preventDefault would have been needed for that one?",
"createdAt": 1568818946709
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Graphics is great, but you should never use Alt button in browser.\n\nAlso, I got stuck on level next to one where you have to sing first time. I have a stone? But how do I use it?",
"createdAt": 1568905592014
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice game, lovely graphics.\nto improve the wall jump, most of the times didn't work, also the backbutton thing for me goes to the prevuois page",
"createdAt": 1569145257101
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Unfortunately, left Alt is not a good choice as it opens the menu bar and takes away the focus from the game (could probably be fixed by calling .preventDefault() on the event).",
"createdAt": 1569231340173
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Nice idea. I enjoyed playing this and the levels are well designed. Some of the smaller brown platforms were hard to see, but a really enjoyable game on the whole.",
"createdAt": 1569495418286
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice graphics. Movements are a little clumsy.",
"createdAt": 1569539612645
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Controls seem to conflict with each other sometimes making it hard to move.",
"createdAt": 1569697536866
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Outstanding presentation! And the game is clearly playable. However the gameplay / \"physics\" / handling isn't perfect and that diminishes a bit the value (also the game itself doesn't have much to do with the theme - or at least I couldn't figure it out). Still, impressive graphics and sounds!",
"createdAt": 1569841588737
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Nice game! One suggestion I have is to change the color of the different platforms, otherwise all the terrain+platforms look very similar. The platform physics is tight, but nice. Overall, great job!",
"createdAt": 1569895514423
"login": "ItachiHyuga",
"message": "This was a really fun game!",
"createdAt": 1569989516869
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Excellent choice of gfx, a good revival of the platformers of the 80s. A mild annoyant is that you need fullscreen mode to play on a 768px screen. Information panels are really helpful to discover the game mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1570168330469
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-that-platform-i-was-on-before-jumping/index.html",
"title": "Back To That Platform I Was On Before Jumping",
"author": "Bruno Konrad",
"description": "<p>This is a game about returning one step to enable two or more.</p><p>Sometimes you will have to rewind your jump in order to create a temporary platform.</p><p>Game commands:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * w, arrow up or space: jump<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * a or arrow left: move left<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * d or arrow right: move right<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * shift: rewind<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t * enter: restart level</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-that-platform-i-was-on-before-jumping/__big.jpg",
"id": 97,
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 146,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 20
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 22
"name": "graphics",
"score": 11
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "bencoder",
"message": "Nice concept. I found the jump really tricky to time right and kept falling off platforms which frustrated me so I didn't get far through the game.",
"createdAt": 1568647824605
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "The idea is very interesting. Simple mechanics, but challenging gameplay.\n\nA few more levels, and perhaps some different elements in the game would have been a good addition. And also some more sophisticated graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569006790504
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Cool idea. Controls, especially jump, are a clunky and don't always trigger, when button is pressed (delay).",
"createdAt": 1568663040286
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Unexpected game mechanics, but still pretty cool!",
"createdAt": 1568666962435
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very nice mechanic for the theme. I felt the jumping didn't feel as well as in other platformers. Getting the feeling right is always the hardest part. You seem to fall too fast at the end of the jump, and too slow at first.",
"createdAt": 1568679807168
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Very nice mechanic. This mechanic really deserve a proper full fletch game.",
"createdAt": 1568706930077
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "I like the idea, but don't quite feel that I understand the rewind mechanic (or my reflexes just aren't up to reaching the temporary platforms)",
"createdAt": 1568749702946
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Interesting mechanics with the combination of rewind and platform.\nI think the controls did not feel that smooth. One trick to make jumping easier for the player is to have \"air frames\", that is the ability to jump even shortly after you walked of a platform. I had a lot of difficulty in this game jumping at the right moment leaving a platform.\nThis could also have been made easier by having the jumps be a little bit shorter/more forgiving.",
"createdAt": 1569070736768
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "Jumping is a bit too stiff.. Should give players a grace period after falling off a platform.",
"createdAt": 1569079173097
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Cool mechanic! Took me a few tries to figure out that I could only rewind during a jump instead of at any point. Nice job!",
"createdAt": 1569168593206
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "After I figured out the mechanic this was really cool! I think some in-game tutorial or example of how it worked would be helpful.\n\nAlso, it felt like the game though I was 'falling' before the graphics depicted that, so jumping while moving off the block was frustrating.",
"createdAt": 1569213354997
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Interesting concept!\n\nPS: I jumped out of the black frame once ;)",
"createdAt": 1569268502619
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Interesting mechanics, but more frustrating than fun.",
"createdAt": 1569336314528
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I like how you incorporated the theme into the mechanics and I really enjoyed the challenges. Nice difficulty tuning, I think you found a nice sweet spot there. Initially I thought the jump was a bit floaty but that impression fades away as you play. It's a little hard at first, maybe one way to make the game more easy to approach would be to have a visual cue when you reach the top of your jump? I don't think it's necessary but it could perhaps make the player feel like they have a bit more control. Simple is great when it's fun, and this is fun.",
"createdAt": 1568742136795
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Strange. But is fun. The position of enabled platforms are deterministic? Sometime is hard to understand what is happening.",
"createdAt": 1569839688463
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Good idea, quite difficult to master",
"createdAt": 1569878576979
"data": {
"url": "/games/rectangles/index.html",
"title": "Rectangles",
"author": "Locisvv",
"description": "<p>Just try to survive using left and right buttons. </p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/rectangles/__big.jpg",
"id": 98,
"login": "lociko",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 164,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 37
"name": "fun",
"score": 39
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 31
"name": "graphics",
"score": 18
"name": "technical",
"score": 19
"comments": [
"login": "jBlack87",
"message": "Really cool concept, while still being simple to pick up immediately. Only thing I noticed was that i was getting a bit dizzy / \"tetris\" effect where it felt like everything was moving down on my screen after playing, I think breaking up the orange environment may have helped reduce that. Solid concept, played really well.",
"createdAt": 1568649006084
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "Simple and effective. Could use an online highscore.",
"createdAt": 1568655428333
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"message": "Simple but fun. The control scheme really forced me to think ahead in order to not trap myself given that I couldn't move backwards.",
"createdAt": 1568659903086
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "It's really fun for its simplicity, I can easily imagine a mobile game based on this core mechanic.",
"createdAt": 1568665795669
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "best score:462\ninteresting. It pays to think ahead which i soon learned :)",
"createdAt": 1568704845014
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Good game. I think the rectangles make a pattern that is a bit too hard on the eyes. I also feel that the game is monotonous because the speed is constant. After I got the hang of it, there was no challenge any more. Doesn't seem to follow this year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1569003614691
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "rememinds me q-bert :)\ngood simple game mechanic",
"createdAt": 1568739494613
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Nice implementation and creative idea. I felt like some elements could have been added, or maybe it could have increasing difficulty.",
"createdAt": 1568752704026
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I got 502! It's an interesting and quite fun idea, but doesn't match the theme much, and could do with getting more exciting as you progress somewhow, maybe with different types of obstacles and/or speeding up :)",
"createdAt": 1568815431959
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "I really liked this game. It was simple to play but hard to master. I did feel a bit nauseous after a while of playing though I am not sure what you could have done about that.\n\nIf I was to improve it I would maybe have added backing music or sound effects.",
"createdAt": 1568835173834
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice idea and well made, adictive gameplay. Simple affective graphics.",
"createdAt": 1568890601917
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great work! It's pretty interesting to play",
"createdAt": 1568968229947
"login": "floriico",
"message": "Simple yet fun. May lack a connection with the theme.",
"createdAt": 1569174956194
"login": "EugeneTM",
"message": "Monotonous",
"createdAt": 1569314289163
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice simple game. A simple concept executed well.\n\nMusic or sound would be nice.\n\nPerhaps power-ups such as bridges or extra lives would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569190277014
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Surprisingly complex and fun for such a simple mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1569354711278
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "A personal idea, yet the execution is a little simplistic.",
"createdAt": 1569420358458
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Simple but good, solid core gameplay. Maybe add additional challenges.",
"createdAt": 1569491085119
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Simply innovative. The color does hurt the eyes a bit, but that could be just me. Fantastic game, simple, and creative too.",
"createdAt": 1569558369366
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "It's good when game is just simple to play. Some more variations as you play would make it more fun.",
"createdAt": 1569839688466
"login": "ItachiHyuga",
"message": "very neat! Like the three lives/ tile mechanic.",
"createdAt": 1569988172253
"data": {
"url": "/games/bounce-back/index.html",
"title": "Bounce Back",
"author": "Frank Force",
"description": "<p>When life gets you down,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tit's never too late to...</p><p>- B O U N C E B A C K -</p><p>WASD = Move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tMouse = Aim<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tClick = Throw<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSpace = Dash</p><p>Hints<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Boosting protects you from damage.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Buy items to help you survive.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- You don't lose money when you die!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- There are only 10 levels.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Lost boomerangs show up big on the map.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Enemies are slowed by sand.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Yellow boomerang can grab pickups.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Blue boomerang does double damage.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Win to unlock speed run mode.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/bounce-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 100,
"login": "KilledByAPixel",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 277,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 42
"name": "fun",
"score": 46
"name": "theme",
"score": 45
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 47
"name": "graphics",
"score": 51
"name": "technical",
"score": 46
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "nice level design and gameplay overall. not a big fan of different pixel art resolutions combined, but thats all just taste.",
"createdAt": 1568650184763
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Very nice zelda-like experience!",
"createdAt": 1568659892646
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Really interesting and cool game! I like graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568666359367
"login": "Harmades",
"message": "I like the music and the controls, but it slows down quite a bit in my browser.",
"createdAt": 1568751849054
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Really loved the graphics and the old-school feel of this one. Very impressive.",
"createdAt": 1568772921353
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Absolutely a great game, one of the best in the history of js13kGames.",
"createdAt": 1568837042700
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "This was very nostalgic for me and at the same time felt new. I had fun playing it. Money wasn't clear to me when I first started playing it. The donut things do not feel like money to me.",
"createdAt": 1568847027665
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Enemies could have a bit less hp, otherwise perfect.\nWell, also teleport graphics, while cool, clashes with the style of the rest of the game.",
"createdAt": 1568898469992
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Awesome! Love the zelda-esque style and gameplay and nice boomerang mechanic. Amazed that this fit in 13kb! Well done :)",
"createdAt": 1569098256520
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Neat pixel art, controls well. Was fun to play. Very good use of the bytes to get lots of content packed in. Great job.",
"createdAt": 1568928362922
"login": "southerton81",
"message": "Just great! Made it to level 6.",
"createdAt": 1569184203340
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play.",
"createdAt": 1569230413449
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "It is difficult to master the boomerang, and I think this is why this game is so fun~\nThat said, I still cannot beat the shielded enemy effectively...\nI love almost everything except... the logo. Sorry, I am just nitpicking.",
"createdAt": 1568810688743
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Excellent gfx (great use of shadows), good sfx, good job packing all that in 13k. Using the boomerang is intuitive and works pretty well. \nThe only major drawback is that the game slows down a lot once there are 6 or 7 sprites moving at the same time, up to the point it doesn't register keypresses, and you die as a sitting duck, unable to throw the boomerang and even to move. Happens on both Firefox and Chrome.",
"createdAt": 1569534437948
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "Really cool gfx, not too sure what to do with money.",
"createdAt": 1569694311905
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Amazing entry, really good Zelda style gameplay, graphics were nice, the sprites were maybe a bit too close to the originals, but the additional effects like trails and particles were great. \n\nI think I might have preferred pure keyboard controls, not sure if the mouse aim was any better (might just be too much time on Links Awakening this week!)",
"createdAt": 1569789155774
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "A js13k masterpiece. Sounds, graphics, physics.. Everything is perfect. Very Good job! Just to point something, music would make it uber, but I know it not fit with just 13k.",
"createdAt": 1569846722376
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "This is the best game I've played so far! Well done!!",
"createdAt": 1569953283641
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Oh uau, this game is amazing. The movements are maybe a little bit sluggish, but it's sooo polished. Great job.",
"createdAt": 1570021122250
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "This is right now my top 1 game: nice mechanics, great gameplay, cool graphics. Very well done!",
"createdAt": 1570106193946
"data": {
"url": "/games/bit-back-in-time/index.html",
"title": "BiT - Back in Time",
"author": "Frenchfaso",
"description": "<p>BiT (Back in Time)<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tA compact multithreaded (webworkers) raycasting recursive maze generator/game developed for JS13k 2019.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse WASD to move forward/backward and strafe left/right.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse your mouse to look around.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou have 60 seconds to find the exit.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/bit-back-in-time/__big.jpg",
"id": 99,
"login": "frenchfaso",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 172,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 16
"name": "theme",
"score": 28
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 21
"name": "graphics",
"score": 39
"name": "technical",
"score": 44
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Technically interesting but doesn't seem to be much gameplay here.",
"createdAt": 1568650691859
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "On a technical level, I think this game is great. Gameplay-wise the objective is quite simplistic, and I would've liked to have seen other game objects spice up the experience. Overall, I think this game has lots of potential.",
"createdAt": 1568658775986
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Nice. Good idea, impressive 3d effect. I seemed to get more lost if i tried using the mouse to look around, sticking to strafing seemed easier. Maybe some type of audio cue when time is running out would've made it more frantic. Found the easy way eventually :).",
"createdAt": 1568687449706
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Beautifully made; a little too easy. Maybe the camera should turn when you're rewinding at the start, just to spice it up a little.",
"createdAt": 1568762243193
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play.",
"createdAt": 1568799725940
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "These are pretty fun to complete, and they remind me of that very very old Windows screensaver :P. Also very cool that they're procedurally generated!",
"createdAt": 1568829300197
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Good work. Looks pretty. A little simple.",
"createdAt": 1568842660307
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Really like how a maze-solving game becomes a memory thing!",
"createdAt": 1568993876260
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Technically impressive, but as a game it's just another maze game.",
"createdAt": 1568880060319
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Nice graphics! Got lucky and made it with the first try :D",
"createdAt": 1569268113314
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Congratulation, you have combined both of overused mechanics of 2019 js13k: 3d and backtracking.",
"createdAt": 1569336314531
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice looking labyrinth, technical is well done, gameplay to be improved",
"createdAt": 1568734362381
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "a bit simple but fun",
"createdAt": 1569406822401
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Cool game!\nI liked what you did with this year's theme!",
"createdAt": 1569590251550
"login": "mracette",
"message": "There is a bug where you just start moving automatically at the beginning of the game, and the manual controls don't fully override the automatic movement. I was able to get out of the loop long enough to beat the game, but was a little frustrating.",
"createdAt": 1569857915597
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really impressive technically speaking.\nI don't understand why the camera is always moving backwards.",
"createdAt": 1570017588773
"data": {
"url": "/games/cindys-nightmare/index.html",
"title": "Cindy's Nightmare",
"author": "Rojen Maharjan",
"description": "<p>Cindy is forever stuck in her nightmare. Each time she reaches the end, she gets thrown back to the beginning. There’s no hope of getting out of it, so why not have fun killing the ghosts and getting a high score?<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tControls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPress [Space] to fire. Press [W] or [↑] to jump. Press [A] [D] or [←] [→] to move Left and Right. Use [Shift] to sprint.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/cindys-nightmare/__big.jpg",
"id": 101,
"login": "rojen11",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 145,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 19
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 31
"name": "graphics",
"score": 23
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Repetitive but functional. Biggest improvement could be some variation in gameplay beyond more enemies (obviously the game's theme leans into the repetition but variation would mean more incentive to keep playing).",
"createdAt": 1568682355103
"login": "madmarcel",
"message": "I like cindys and the ghosts sprites. The jumping is a bit too floaty and the animation doesn't always line up, especially when shooting.",
"createdAt": 1568714734349
"login": "Rayne",
"message": "Solid game play. I like it. The music is good but too silent.",
"createdAt": 1568734309803
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "For 13k you fit some decent pixel art, music and sfx in. It's a little repetitive, but that is kind of part of the theme. The jumps feel a little floaty. Otherwise, pretty good game.",
"createdAt": 1568760384845
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" setting in my browser to play the game.",
"createdAt": 1568795979338
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice platformer, needs more animations and to be polished",
"createdAt": 1568907580683
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Had a lot of fun chasing ghost and the slow progression in difficulty is nice - you get to feeling very skilled.",
"createdAt": 1569071712407
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "The art is good, it'd be better if there are more enemy types and weapon upgrades",
"createdAt": 1569128901630
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Payed well and the did get challenging when more ghosts appeared. The scale is a little off, tiny character with huge jumps, if it was all put into better proportian would have felt more enjoyable. Good sounds and a nice idea.",
"createdAt": 1568836331055
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool. Some platform variation would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569428883792
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Simple game. Nice Cindy sprite.",
"createdAt": 1569184227633
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The default speed should be a bit faster I spent way too much time holding down shift. You could make this funner to play by speeding up the default speed and just doing away with the sprint.",
"createdAt": 1568821529039
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Nice game. The movement is not super smooth which seemed to cause bullets to hit ghosts too soon, also me dying when it seems the ghost should have died. Sprinting made the game lag even more. But overall, good job.",
"createdAt": 1569497616072
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "nice take on the theme. what about if you could see cindy drop back to the beginning?",
"createdAt": 1569558410082
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice game.",
"createdAt": 1569847310667
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Simple game and decent implemention\n- I liked those sprites :)\n- Game was missing some fun. It make repeatitive after level 1",
"createdAt": 1570001194359
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I think the ghosts are cure. And I like that they are transparent",
"createdAt": 1570174293490
"data": {
"url": "/games/dr-scoliosis-md/index.html",
"title": "Dr. Scoliosis, M.D.",
"author": "Rohin Dasari",
"description": "<p>Defeat Dr. Scoliosis, M.D. by completing rhythm patterns. Complete a hard pattern to inflict more damage. Complete a easy pattern to inflict smaller damage. Watch out, you may become his next victim.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dr-scoliosis-md/__big.jpg",
"id": 102,
"login": "rohin-dasari",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 88,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 12
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 6
"name": "graphics",
"score": 7
"name": "technical",
"score": 16
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "This control scheme just does not work for me. Also, there is no sound, no actual rythm, no progression from easy to hard challenges, no obvious feedback when you do something right or wrong. Basically, no game.\n\nThough, I give you a point for innovation and theme. You could get something relatively original if you'd put more effort into it.",
"createdAt": 1568650779317
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "I couldn't understand exactly what was going on.",
"createdAt": 1568660680814
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice game concept, graphics and gameplay to improve",
"createdAt": 1568660858451
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "hmm",
"createdAt": 1568990164760
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I don't follow what's going on, and don't follow the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568682926253
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Funny idea, I expected sound though. Also when his health was gone nothing happened.",
"createdAt": 1568709308094
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The sound wasn't working.",
"createdAt": 1568821913105
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "The console says \"bye\", but the enemy's health bar just goes into the negative area and the game doesn't end?\n\nAlso red text on dark gray background is hard to read.",
"createdAt": 1569057340316
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Strange. I liked it. But found a bit confused.",
"createdAt": 1568840306653
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like the idea but the game is way to difficult for me, and the difficulty is just too high even on the first level.",
"createdAt": 1568860639179
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting but too many keys makes the game too hard. No relation to the theme?\nThe best score is to just play the hard level, mash all the keys, and accept the penalty. I got over 700 points and only 60 of penalty.",
"createdAt": 1568966738789
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "The easy attacks were really hard, lol, or maybe I'm just terrible at rhythm games. Not bad gameplay at all, but I think sound is pretty crucial to these types of games.",
"createdAt": 1569164450746
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Interesting idea. I found I could mash the keys and defeat the Dr on level D every time.",
"createdAt": 1569184227633
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "The rhythms were extremely hard! But maybe I'm just not that rhythmic haha. Anyway well done on this game.",
"createdAt": 1569399601562
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "The game only run once and then was unable to restart",
"createdAt": 1569461073931
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Nice rhythm based game. I'm not good at these type of games but was still able to have some fun with this one.",
"createdAt": 1569524433660
"data": {
"url": "/games/comeback/index.html",
"title": "Comeback",
"author": "Mracv",
"description": "<p>You want to be an Astronaut, but before you become an Astronaut you should train a lot. This summer, you have the opportunity to take part in an training program to improve your skills. You will have to visit different planets before you become an Astronaut. Do you will comeback to the Earth?</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/comeback/__big.jpg",
"id": 103,
"login": "acamara",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 141,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 12
"name": "fun",
"score": 27
"name": "theme",
"score": 24
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 29
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Very basic. Very short. Nothing original. And physics of movement is uncomfortable. \nStill, it's an actual playable game that can become an interesting platformer if you fix physics and add levels and something to make it apart from other platformers. So, you still get more points than your competitor :)",
"createdAt": 1568650779316
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "You know it's a bit short. I would like more challenging levels exploring the game mechanics. First I think that you need to reduce the gravity to make smoother and easier to control jumps.",
"createdAt": 1568663313913
"login": "Rayne",
"message": "Jump could take some longer resp. could be slower. Apart from that, I think the game is good. Unfortunately it is very short.",
"createdAt": 1568665260247
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "It is a good start on a platformer. You might cancel your jump when you stop pressing the jump button, like Mario. And you might come up with five coin sounds that are all really close, and then play a random one each time.\nPixel art is pretty good.",
"createdAt": 1568670686552
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I wish this had more levels. The jumping speed feels a bit strange. Initiately I thought running into a cactus would kill me, and avoided them. This would have added an extra challenge.",
"createdAt": 1568704176074
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Smooth moving. Bit too hard to jump to platforms, need to be too precise.",
"createdAt": 1568742521754
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Cute graphics. Crazy jumping. A pity there are only two levels.",
"createdAt": 1568756069055
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "This looks pretty good, the graphics and UI are well put together. The jumping is a bit crazy and the gravity also.",
"createdAt": 1568836331056
"login": "erwinandres",
"message": "There are only two levels and no enemies.",
"createdAt": 1568786844665
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Nice graphics! Jumping onto platforms is a little difficult since it's so fast. Wish there were more levels :)",
"createdAt": 1568814060851
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Solid beginning to a platformer, though the gravity feels a little too high. Great job on getting it done!",
"createdAt": 1569016538580
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics. I like the 2d platformer genre. The key and door mechanism is good.\n\nSound effects come out quite loud at default volume levels.\n\nDifficult to get jump right, almost like gravity is too strong.\n\nLevels are a bit simple so game finished a bit quickly.\n\nDoesn't scale to browser window.",
"createdAt": 1568899627689
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "best:16 seconds",
"createdAt": 1568925923232
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "It's nice, Too bad it's too short.",
"createdAt": 1569186703216
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Not much content\nJump height somehow depends on monitor refresh rate",
"createdAt": 1569519814246
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Loved the theme and the gameplay. Cool how gravity seemed extra strong (given the theme). \n\nToo short though! Would have played through many more levels if they existed.",
"createdAt": 1569857611476
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Nice,, but short",
"createdAt": 1569938267373
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Cute graphics. Your typical platformer.\nGot stuck on the second level. Am I missing something? I can't jump high enough.",
"createdAt": 1570017148232
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Way too short but I like it!",
"createdAt": 1570183395517
"data": {
"url": "/games/quick-wins/index.html",
"title": "Quick Wins",
"author": "Ryan Tyler",
"description": "<p>Run and jump through 22 levels collecting coins to open the portal to the next. Avoid enemies, melting blocks. climb ladders in a race against the clock. </p><p>Complete all the levels in 230 seconds or get teleported back to the strat! Repeat all the levels but with a nice speed boost, improve your times and once again head for that final portal.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/quick-wins/__big.jpg",
"id": 104,
"login": "tyler6699",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 183,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 25
"name": "fun",
"score": 35
"name": "theme",
"score": 23
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 40
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 25
"comments": [
"login": "dp",
"message": "Cool idea that works really well. Love the artwork and colours and the overall concept. \n\nControls are good and responsive, but I did have some issues around ladders and sometimes falling throught the edge of a platform near a ladder where I felt I shouldn't have.\n\nUnfortunately for scoring I've got you paired with an almost perfect game that I'm going to have to give most of the points to, but of the eight games I've reviewed so far this is easily in the top two. Awesome work, well done!",
"createdAt": 1568685028638
"login": "madmarcel",
"message": "lovely platforming action. Real shame the main character doesn't have a nicer sprite. Music, pixelart and sfx are great.",
"createdAt": 1568714734352
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Great use of music. Nice platformer, movement felt a bit basic, some polish here would help. Accelerate a bit, animate a bit. Make the main person more than a simple block.",
"createdAt": 1568731722377
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Music was cool. Gameplay itself was pretty basic. Enjoyable yet basic.",
"createdAt": 1568831001206
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Whoa, so many different platforming mechanics in a little space! Nice work!",
"createdAt": 1568993876258
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Really well polished little game, very Gameboy-esque. Not sure how it fitted the theme but had a good time playing it.",
"createdAt": 1568880057723
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "Thankfully the music is turn on and offable",
"createdAt": 1569058005397
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "If you have several levels, you should have saving.\n\nIt's annoying that you should be on dead centre of ladder to fir through floor how when climbing up.\n\nOn the other hand, I like how you have made good controls and handling with just three buttons. And levels are not bad, but nothing standing out either.",
"createdAt": 1568975548979
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Great graphics, great music. However, I'm wondering why a seemingly simple game has so much video lag (it struggled to reach 40FPS, and varied between 10 and 40 FPS). Mechanics are good, game play is good, apart from some rough physics in some parts. Great job overall!",
"createdAt": 1569178158068
"login": "jaburns",
"message": "Awesome music!",
"createdAt": 1569357796090
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Really enjoyed playing this. Loved the music and the levels are really well designed. I had to zoom in quite a bit to make it fill the screen.",
"createdAt": 1569493529597
"login": "depp",
"message": "Fantastic music and great concept, but physics is the enemy here. I got too frustrated on level 18, I think.",
"createdAt": 1569534003158
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "This game has a nice fast pace to it. I found it quite fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1569696026237
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "A really enjoyable polished game. I played it for a long time and found it the right level of challenging. The background music was also impressive.\n\nI did get stuck on tring to go up and down laders at times.",
"createdAt": 1569755308765
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Amazing soundtrack, and great graphics. Would have liked a player sprite though. Fun gameplay, nice menu system, and good variety of levels.",
"createdAt": 1569789155771
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "The game is cool. Returning to menu when level finish is a bit anti climax.",
"createdAt": 1569850045372
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "WOW THE MUSIC! Most probably the best from all the games I have played so far (80+). Great mini game! :)",
"createdAt": 1570025037733
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Fun to play and nice graphics. A tiny bit buggy on the jumps and collisions with ladders and ceilings.",
"createdAt": 1569952226469
"login": "hibbbb",
"message": "it a fun game and later levels becomes interesting but climbing letter is a bit hard.",
"createdAt": 1570110721493
"data": {
"url": "/games/backstabber-hero/index.html",
"title": "Backstabber Hero",
"author": "Niklas Berg",
"description": "<p>This is the story of the mysterious backstabber hero. Whilst most people carry on with their carefree lives and sleep safe at nights the backstabbing hero is taking care of worlds backstabbing chores.</p><p>Become the backstabber hero and play through 20 levels on desktop or mobile. Try to catch as many knifes as possible to impress your backstabbing rivals. With a Coil subscription able to customize your favourite backstabbing suit. </p><p>Once seen the game is over, hence the need to always backstab. Observe enemy patterns based on their suit colors to find strategies to beat all levels. You may crouch, walk above or hide in barrels to avoid attention. Even in a barrel you can't let anyone see you move though.</p><p>Controls<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDesktop: Use arrow keys or WASD to move, crouch and jump (with space as an alternative jump button). Use Z or Ctrl to stab. Mouse is needed for suit customization.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tMobile/touch: Use your finger.</p><p>Happy backstabbing! 🗡️</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/backstabber-hero/__big.jpg",
"id": 105,
"login": "nkholski",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 215,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 40
"name": "theme",
"score": 43
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 38
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 30
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "really nice concept. I enjoyed the level design a lot. would have loved for it to have a bit of sound for the stabbing :)",
"createdAt": 1568649056682
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Super fun action platformer!\n\nSimple, enjoyable gameplay loop.\nThe only thing I would change is restricting the distance you can be spotted at, as it feels a bit weird for someone to spot you across the screen.\n\nI feel like there is a possibility for even more complex puzzles / screens if you could work with that restriction.\n\nGreat work! Super fun and well executed!",
"createdAt": 1568990037516
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Great mechanics\nFunky sound effects and characters\nA lot of content",
"createdAt": 1568664467288
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "A fun and silly game, more puzzle than action, I did find it kind of facetious to place a murderous villain commiting villany as the \"Hero,\" but if you like black humor...",
"createdAt": 1568736731178
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "A good entry, the graphics are nice retro, it controlled well and had some good mechanics but the stabbing theme and basic \"Good Stabbing\" text was bad taste.",
"createdAt": 1568838034169
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Fun game, played through all the levels, tho didn't manage to catch all the knives. Good idea to have the knives for replayability. Liked the graphics too. It did feel a little weird stabbing people in the back or when they're sleeping :). Not sure why when so many games involve killing things. Came back later to play again, was nice to see it had saved my progress.",
"createdAt": 1568866221305
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Pretty fun",
"createdAt": 1568908982420
"login": "hemanth-hk",
"message": "Awesome game....",
"createdAt": 1569149642060
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Super fun! I like the artwork/style (reminds me of an old NES game) and had fun working through the levels - some of them definitely take some precise timing! Great job!",
"createdAt": 1569185720082
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "amazing game, stabbing was so fun.\nthere is a bug in the collision detection when falling probably",
"createdAt": 1569234949712
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Fun game. Graphics are pretty cool. The game gets very hard in the later levels, just like the games from the generation it tries to emulate.",
"createdAt": 1569418733039
"login": "rojen11",
"message": "Easy to understand and fun to play. I like how there are different levels.",
"createdAt": 1569472315787
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Cool game! I dont have any complains!",
"createdAt": 1569616012095
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "This is a great game, its fun to play - reminds me of hotline miami! Good quick casual gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1569694311905
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "Played the whole thing and enjoyed it thoroughly!",
"createdAt": 1569741921505
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Don't like the idea of \"backstabber hero\", but your game is nice.",
"createdAt": 1569848545796
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-the-80s/index.html",
"title": "Back to the 80s",
"author": "Ed Lynch",
"description": "<p>Move - WASD</p><p>Avoid the rocks and hit the blue orbs for a psychedelic bonus!</p><p>Keep the car a live in this back to the 80s game! How long can you out run the rocks?</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-the-80s/__big.jpg",
"id": 106,
"login": "EdLynch",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 130,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 15
"name": "fun",
"score": 12
"name": "theme",
"score": 26
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 11
"name": "graphics",
"score": 37
"name": "technical",
"score": 29
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "A basic arcade game, I like the retro graphics. Sound effects were good too.",
"createdAt": 1568652571025
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "I really like the potential this game has. One thing I found that could be improved is it's hard to perceive the depth of the spikes moving towards your car. It was also a bit strange when I moved toward the sides of the screen that the car kept facing forward. If the depth algorithm was improved, I could see this be a super fun game to play.",
"createdAt": 1568658360958
"login": "Rayne",
"message": "Great graphics style and good sound in one game. The controls are good. I think it's great that obstacles don't seem to approach linearly. The only thing I didn't like were the collision boxes.",
"createdAt": 1568662656798
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "I like the art style & the music, it's a very cohesive piece.\n\nThe gameplay is easy to figure out, but a little too simple to offer depth or replay-ability.\n\nI felt that the controls were a little too twitchy, and it was too easy to way overshoot either direction and run into a rock.",
"createdAt": 1568681143767
"login": "madmarcel",
"message": "Love the graphics and music!\nThe hit detection could use a bit of work, it's not very forgiving.",
"createdAt": 1568714093393
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Difficult game, entertaining for a few minutes. The theme connection is a bit weak. The car moves too fast. Movement felt a bit basic, some polish here would help. Accelerate a bit, animate a bit.",
"createdAt": 1568731722382
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "pity the movement is too jerky, a bit of inertia would have made this pretty neat",
"createdAt": 1568744640441
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice music. Cool 80s graphics! The car whizzes from side too quickly for me tho",
"createdAt": 1568756491019
"login": "Shubham7997",
"message": "Nice look",
"createdAt": 1568779021974
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Controls a bit too twitchy for my liking, but looks lovely",
"createdAt": 1568838485387
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Looks pretty cool. Your controls are way too sensitive though.",
"createdAt": 1568984683022
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Very pretty graphics - love the 80s theming. Controls a bit sensitive but I had fun driving into the 80s.",
"createdAt": 1569048998124
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice atmosphere. I enjoyed.",
"createdAt": 1569197437336
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Nice style, but controls are too's super hard to drive between close rocks.",
"createdAt": 1569248567223
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser (you should call .preventDefault() on the event).",
"createdAt": 1569396630887
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice game, the controls are a bit too quick to avoid the rocks accurately",
"createdAt": 1569461687054
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Very nice job with the graphics on this game, I'd be interested to review how you achieved the 3d look in this game. I do feel like this game is more of a graphical/technical achievement more so than a gameplay one. If you were to develop further, it'd be nice to see other gameplay mechanics and an overall objective.",
"createdAt": 1569523589823
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "The art was lovely! The music was wonderful. (Was in randomized or a fixed song?) The blue orb bonus was a treat. I kept combing back to play this again and again. Even after I lost. Even after I got frustrated. I kept coming back.\n\nI really, really, really wanted more precision in the controls. Maybe it's my keyboard, but keyboard to move just felt twitchy. I liked the mechanic where things moved slower the closer they go to the car, but the car just moved too quickly (too much distance covered by a key press?) for me to find a rhythm for dodging rocks.",
"createdAt": 1569720296424
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Nice! Loved the graphics and the 80's theme, as well as the music :)\n\nThe orbs were a nice treat as well.\n\nWish that the sideways movements of the car were easier to control though. Felt a little too choppy. Small movements were pretty much impossible. \n\nAlso sometimes I got in situations that were just impossible to get out of which was a little frustrating. I think that if the rocks came into view linearly - instead of whichever easing function is currently being used - it would greatly improve the gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1569857611474
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Really liked the psychedelic effect, nice job!",
"createdAt": 1570002950715
"data": {
"url": "/games/sopwith-back/index.html",
"title": "Sopwith Back",
"author": "elementalsystems",
"description": "<p>A homage to the 1984 game SOPWITH. A game exploring the video technology available between 1984 and today.</p><p>Use the arrow keys to fly the plane; [Space] to fire your guns. [B] to bomb. Text prompts in game will help you along.</p><p>Monetized Extras: Sopwith 2019 game mode - a new look on a brutal old-style game play.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/sopwith-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 107,
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 217,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 32
"name": "fun",
"score": 39
"name": "theme",
"score": 33
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 38
"name": "graphics",
"score": 36
"name": "technical",
"score": 39
"comments": [
"login": "ldrummond",
"message": "Really like the idea of changing the graphics rendering to match different times. Controls feel a bit difficult and steering can be hard on the edge of the screen",
"createdAt": 1568655634747
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "The mid-game graphic swaps are very cool, and the game is really fun to play too! The cadet mode is just about generous enough for me to finish it since the slightest obstacle will make you crash.",
"createdAt": 1568660340084
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting. I was not familiar with Sopwith. You probably ran out of space, but the original had some pretty easily replicable sounds. It would seem (from my untrained eyes) that that is all that is missing from this homage. Very nice.",
"createdAt": 1568664647902
"login": "ericdrowell",
"message": "What was great\n* gameplay was pretty fun\nimprovements\n* nice collision detection for land/plane. Since you are using mountains, I know that's a bit more work.\n* controls felt a little awkward. It was fairly hard to keep the plane from crashing\n* would have loved music and sound effects",
"createdAt": 1568671796770
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny",
"createdAt": 1569672717668
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing gameplay and how player flies! Nice game!",
"createdAt": 1568724333420
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice game, looks really like the classic one!",
"createdAt": 1568740423194
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like the graphics and colors. With some sounds If would be more fun.",
"createdAt": 1568804501446
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Performance issues in Firefox. Had to switch to Chromium to play it.\n\nLiked the idea to change visuals.",
"createdAt": 1568830331389
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "I'm a sucker for different kinds of dogfight games. Happy to see this. Nicely implemented and extra plus for the shifting era-themed graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568843253748
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Nice play with the colors and graphics between the different eras. Brought me some nostalgic feelings. I liked the read about the original game too, which I didn't know about yet.",
"createdAt": 1568925369578
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I'd have like to try out the \"modern\" graphics version - it's a shame that's the coil subscribers only gamemode! Overall it's pretty good, but veeerry difficult!",
"createdAt": 1569003049493
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "The graphics modes were really cleverly done! impressive to fit several different art styles in the 13k",
"createdAt": 1569184024056
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Reminds me a little of Triple Action, a game I loved on our Intellivision. :)",
"createdAt": 1569248083555
"login": "jwhyte88",
"message": "Clever, nice design, easy to play.",
"createdAt": 1569506935923
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Didn't know Sopwith, only the more recent Wings of Fury, that has a similar gameplay. Well done with the gfx for the different eras (although I believe SVGA could do better. Did you intentionally exclude regular VGA/MCGA ?). One detail, controls should have been inverted after flipping.",
"createdAt": 1569793339032
"login": "Ksoy",
"message": "hard to control",
"createdAt": 1569899150758
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Haha the coil brutal mode is...brutal!",
"createdAt": 1570148241392
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-life/index.html",
"title": "Back to life",
"author": "Serpent7776",
"description": "<p>Use arrows to move, space to attack.</p><p>assets:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</p><p>Story line:</p><p>Cold,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tA shard of ice hit your back,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tfeel the shivers going down your spine.</p><p>Hot,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tA burst of flames<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tComing from the same place</p><p>You're losing your strength,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou're losing your will.</p><p>Confused,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tyou fall on your knees.</p><p>You cough<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tand paint<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tthe green grass<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tturns into red.</p><p>The world<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tstarts spinning around.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe world<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tstarts fading away.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tIt moves faster and faster.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tAll the sounds<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tturns into noise.</p><p>Everything turns grey,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\teverything blurs away.</p><p>The world keeps spinning<br>\n\t\t\t\t\teven more,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tthen suddenly stops<br>\n\t\t\t\t\twhen you hit the ground.</p><p>Yet,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tyour spirit<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tis still so strong.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tRefuses to surrender,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tRefuses to die.</p><p>As you float above<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tyour dead body,<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tyou regain your strength<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tand only one thought<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tstayed in your mind:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\"I must come back\".</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-life/__big.jpg",
"id": 108,
"login": "serpent7776",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 100,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 12
"name": "fun",
"score": 15
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 18
"name": "graphics",
"score": 25
"name": "technical",
"score": 12
"comments": [
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "I liked the look - a bit hard to figure out what to do but I killed a few undead and had a bit of fun.",
"createdAt": 1568656751571
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Cool graphics, I like the attack animation, and the level background. The gameplay is nice, but could have some more elements and level progression.",
"createdAt": 1568669075222
"login": "dp",
"message": "I like the artwork and I really like the idea of using a gradually darkening world as sort of a soft fence to keep the player where you want without actually using a barrier - fantastic idea. \n\nI love your intro poem but unfortunately I didn't really understand how to play the game. I could fire ok, and it would send out a puff of smoke around me which would occasionally kill a skeleton, but most of the time it seemed to do nothing so I'm not sure if I'm missing something? Also unclear on what I needed to do in order to \"come back\". Did I need to survive for a certain time, kill a certain number of skeletons or make it to a certain location? \n\nIt feels like there's the beginnings of a good fun game here, but you perhaps ran out of time and weren't able to get done all you wanted. I like what you have done, it just needs a bit more work to finish it.",
"createdAt": 1568682680186
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "attack looks cool. controls are a little clunky.",
"createdAt": 1568712067800
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Tricky game. Giving the controls (especially to press space) would be helpful in the game itself. Nice walking animations. Adding some more game feel elements would help to make it feel more entertaining.",
"createdAt": 1568745437691
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Liked the lyrical deviation in the description. The game however at this point feels incomplete - a combo bonus counter would be nice as currently killing multiple enemies at once in the crowd is fun the most.",
"createdAt": 1568757213291
"login": "depp",
"message": "I got 59 points!",
"createdAt": 1568822452592
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "A timer or cue to let you know when your attack is reloaded would be nice. Maybe some music and other sfx too.",
"createdAt": 1568983719235
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "it's a pretty satisfying kill mechanic you have there, staying alive is real challenging too.",
"createdAt": 1569033254806
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "maybe add something to kill skulls",
"createdAt": 1569256271721
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Neat arcade-y game.\nHitboxes for being hit, and using the attack feel a bit wonky. (Get hit by a skeleton that looks far away, or the attack missing a skeleton that it looks like it should hit)\n\nOverall, a great effort!\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569334573802
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "It's fun to gather and kill lot of skeletons.",
"createdAt": 1569455733359
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "Can't understand how to attack. I hit space and get a cloud but it doesn't seem to effect the skeletons.",
"createdAt": 1569606852935
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "It would be better if we would see when your power is reloaded.",
"createdAt": 1569691333842
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "Interesting idea. Would have been cool to have an end screen or something.",
"createdAt": 1569780844294
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "The story reflects the theme, and I think it was fun to blow off some steam on the undead.",
"createdAt": 1569827491790
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice story",
"createdAt": 1569938267372
"data": {
"url": "/games/jet-back-gravity/index.html",
"title": "Jet Back Gravity",
"author": "Dmytro Kozhukhar",
"description": "<p>Controls : [Left] + [Right] + [Up] or [Space]. Or [Mouse] or [Touch] (it's even friendlier). Contol the ship inside the planet's gravity field by pointing it's propulsion engine. Destroy the approaching asteroids with the engine jet. Don't let the aseroids hit a Planet.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/jet-back-gravity/__big.jpg",
"id": 109,
"login": "dkozhukhar",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 133,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 19
"name": "theme",
"score": 30
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 13
"name": "technical",
"score": 22
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It would be great if the graphics were improved...",
"createdAt": 1568649971597
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Interesting physics engine. My biggest complaint is that everything was so tiny I had some problems seeing things.",
"createdAt": 1568705257981
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Good idea to have the propulsion also as the way of destroying the asteroids. Last level was pretty difficult to finish without dying.",
"createdAt": 1568728569430
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I love the mechanics with the gravitational field. take a while to get used to the pacing but it's a very nice game design you made. Nice interpretation of the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568756199203
"login": "jedulz",
"message": "I think the game is really great. really polished.",
"createdAt": 1568789010343
"login": "dp",
"message": "Game plays nicely and looks great, but doesn't ever seem to end. The planet seems able to take infinite damage and I have infinite lives. Not sure this was intentional? I do like the gravity though, makes a nice change to the standard Asteroids clone.\n\nOverall, it was fun and I liked the idea of combining thrust and bullets so you can only fire backbards. Good game, just needs finishing up.",
"createdAt": 1569034466573
"login": "ericdrowell",
"message": "clever implementation of the back theme. Wish there was music and sound effects.",
"createdAt": 1568959305642
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I always like asteroids game.",
"createdAt": 1569186374432
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice game concept",
"createdAt": 1569256982114
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Almost too easy\nUnsatisfying controls\nCould use some sound",
"createdAt": 1569520571329
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, the physics were nice.\n\nHard to control when feeling like you're going backwards and then having to spin at the last moment to hit stuff.",
"createdAt": 1569591642251
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "I liked it. The ship control was novel (and not intuitive), so it took some getting used to. I found it easy to get stuck on the edge of the screen. Something about velocity carrying me past where I was pointing, then my ship flipping around and flying back to the edge. Still, there was a feeling of satisfaction from warping around the screen edge and timing a flip to blast an asteroid.",
"createdAt": 1569720296426
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Neat idea! Though the ship was also shooting bullets\n- Some more feedback on ships getting destroyed or asteroid getting hit will make the game better",
"createdAt": 1570000881869
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I really liked the mechanics and feel!",
"createdAt": 1570183067079
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Godai is back",
"author": "LuisQuin",
"description": "<p>Godai is back</p><p>A two-player online game. You need a friend to play it on your PCs.</p><p>Who's the quickest and deadliest assassin?</p><p>A: moves left<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tD: moves right<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tW &amp; S: high and low attacks</p><p>Stand or retreat to defend.</p><p>Notes:</p><p>Tested on Chrome and Firefox.</p><p>Based on NikaidoRenji's game concept and sprite art (used with permission)<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/godai-is-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 110,
"login": "plissken2013es",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 142,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 22
"name": "theme",
"score": 15
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 31
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I have no friends... I can't play. I'm sure it was lovely.",
"createdAt": 1568653835678
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Pretty simplistic, but fun. Could've used some more variance. (maybe items?)",
"createdAt": 1568660883786
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "There is a bit of a bug where the other computer performs attacks an extra time or 2 but really solid work.",
"createdAt": 1568697191082
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "it was a nice and interesting game. Animation was good.",
"createdAt": 1568730570453
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Unfortunately I couldn't test your game alone :( I reloaded a bunch in case someone would join but no luck",
"createdAt": 1568755143090
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Art is awesome!\nI tried it alone (with 2 tabs open) and it seems impossible to damage the enemy (he always defend) maybe with a real player works well (I suggest to add a \"play VS bot\" feature)",
"createdAt": 1568834980195
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I wasn't able to find someone to play with unfortunately, however I really like the graphics, it reminded me of the first gameboy.\n\nGameplay seems to lack a bit of depth, with such a theme I think you could add more attacks. Being able to dash is pretty cool though.\n\nAlso I noticed that clients were not necessarily in sync (sometimes one client doesn't have the characters in the same spot as the other).\n\nSounds were good too.",
"createdAt": 1568861341758
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Super fun! Had a tense fight trying to time my attacks and get into the right position to land them. Would have loved a single player version against a bot so I didn't need to wait for an opponent, but was lots of fun going against a real human :) Great work!",
"createdAt": 1568907802417
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Unfortunately couldn't play against anyone ....",
"createdAt": 1568950756601
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Simple and funny game.",
"createdAt": 1568987078071
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Had to play myself so was not a lot of fun sadly but its ran well, looked and sounds good. Wasnt expecting to see the level flipped for the second player. Well put together and seemed in sync.",
"createdAt": 1569106210551
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "A good recreation of a GBJAM game.",
"createdAt": 1569248370924
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Fun game. I was only able to play against my self, so I am not sure how well it went, but I like the idea, and the game looks polished with nice graphics, sound and animation. Well done.",
"createdAt": 1569328072372
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "I loved this game. I feel lucky that I could've play with someone! Well done!",
"createdAt": 1569439785420
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Unfortunately I was not able to find an opponent.",
"createdAt": 1569853150248
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "You have to click every 3 seconds while waiting for an opponent ? A single player mode would have been appreciated.\nNice graphics, inspired by IK+ maybe ? \nThe life bar never goes down, even though sfx seem to indicate I hit. Bug ?",
"createdAt": 1569964555250
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "dont have a friend",
"createdAt": 1570044767774
"login": "silentvow",
"message": "Can't attack stand only enemy is a strange behavior.",
"createdAt": 1570126135323
"data": {
"url": "/games/palindrome/index.html",
"title": "Palindrome",
"author": "Daivan Trinh",
"description": "<p>Use the Arrow Keys.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour goal is to move to the green node, when you reach the green node, it will take all the steps, you've taken but in reverse and you need to reach the red node.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou lose if you touch an enemy.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThere is no music to the game.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThere are only 3 levels.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThis has been a great learning experiance, thanks for hosting this event!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tRegards Daivan Trinh and Håkan Einarsson</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/palindrome/__big.jpg",
"id": 111,
"login": "daivan",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 196,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 42
"name": "fun",
"score": 37
"name": "theme",
"score": 47
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 23
"name": "technical",
"score": 17
"comments": [
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Nice game concept - good tutorial level. I liked your presentation and visuals. I wish there were move levels!",
"createdAt": 1568659437261
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I really enjoyed your game. It made me think about pathing a little differently. Music and more levels, and it could be really great.",
"createdAt": 1568669477242
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Really tricky game. It took some getting used to, but I wish there were more levels. Great use of the theme.",
"createdAt": 1569003782138
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "One of the best use of the theme I have seen for now. Very good, but hard game.",
"createdAt": 1568748208267
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Your game is very fun! With some sounds, it would be more fun! Good job.",
"createdAt": 1568803996739
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "I liked the concept and the game worked well. You mention it has only 3 levels and no sound, I think these would have been great additions. Good work.",
"createdAt": 1568833587440
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "I completed it! Im amazed. Thought this looked too tough but turned out to be an interesting puzzler.",
"createdAt": 1568896111038
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Interesting concept, but more tedious than fun.",
"createdAt": 1568927753812
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Third levels was quite challenging, but it was fun!",
"createdAt": 1569105977477
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "It's a really nice puzzle game. Great concept.\nShame that you didn't find space for music/effects or more levels.\nKeep up the good work and never stop learning!",
"createdAt": 1569152067279
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I get the concept, but I think the enemies at least starting off should be on a stricter path, example, like sawblades that follow a straight line, so the player would have to plan movements based on the count of squares. Right now, the enemies movements are random or at least feel like it, so whether or not you make the next level is just luck",
"createdAt": 1569211663930
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Interesting puzzle, gets complex really fast, in level 3 you can hardly calculate what will happen at the end when switching to reverse motion (as the enemies are still going the same way). Good point for using arrow keys and not WASD. More levels with a gentler learning curve would me an improvement.",
"createdAt": 1569275174158
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice pixel graphics. Very interesting concept of having to plan a route forward and backwards simultaneously.\n\nDoesn't scale to browser.",
"createdAt": 1569415743768
"login": "phongduong",
"message": "You game is good but it's hard to control the player",
"createdAt": 1568683836726
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Interesting idea, nice graphics, well made.",
"createdAt": 1569461378985
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Interesting puzzle, I wish it had more levels!",
"createdAt": 1569599645727
"login": "vonloxx",
"message": "I had fun with the game. But quite difficult to plan the back route ;)",
"createdAt": 1569681556128
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was a fun puzzler. Felt just hard enough to still be fun.",
"createdAt": 1569721197634
"data": {
"url": "/games/ai-begone/index.html",
"title": "AI, Begone!",
"author": "Tatjam",
"description": "<p>Back the human revolution against an evil AI in this perma-death orbital-physics shoot-them-up!</p><p>You must destroy all AI cities. To do so you have to mine resources on abandoned planets, sell them on a target planet, and, once resources are high enough, attack a enemy city (red) to start a war.</p><p>- W/S: Forward/Backwards<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- A/D: Rotate<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Q/E: Strafe<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Space: Stop rotation<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- L: Lock camera<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- F: Focus vehicle<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- T: Planet info (hover planet)<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- ,/.: Timewarp (You can do it while mining!)<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- LMB: Fire guns<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- RMB: Reference frame<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- MMB: Camera focus<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Wheel: Change zoom<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- F2: Hide HUD<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- F3: Mute music</p><p>Your navigation tools are the orbit predictor (pink line) and the navcircle:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Yellow Strip: Prograde, your direction of motion<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Blue Strip: Normal<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Short Strips: Opposite to long strips</p><p>To move between planets set your reference frame to one, burn towards it until your orbit gets close, and timewarp until you have arrived. Make sure to slowdown!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/ai-begone/__big.jpg",
"id": 113,
"login": "tatjam",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 164,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 36
"name": "fun",
"score": 15
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 19
"name": "graphics",
"score": 33
"name": "technical",
"score": 43
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "I wasn't expecting to find a game like this among the submissions. I found it really hard at first to control things, but eventually got the hang of it. I ended up clipping into the second planet I landed on though, and couldn't take off again (Definitely wasn't a crash, still had hull integrity). I really like it though!",
"createdAt": 1568652895323
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"message": "This game looks really cool but I couldn't figure out how to operate it. A tutorial section really would've been helpful.",
"createdAt": 1568667363975
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "wasn't able to unpause the game. sounds quite complex to control",
"createdAt": 1568710434956
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Unable to play game in Firefox or Chrome, console error. Game remains paused, only music plays. \nSounds like an interesting concept, but unable to test it.",
"createdAt": 1568734425154
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game looks great but I don't understand what is going one. I tried to follow the instructions and managed to Timewarp once. I feel like I'm missing something. But good job on the orbital physics.",
"createdAt": 1568747850590
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Sorry, but I wasn't able to disable the \"pause\" mode.\nAnyway. the mouse scroll button works nice and I could see the entire system: really pretty.\nI wish I could played it :/",
"createdAt": 1568826897756
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Fun game, but really hard. Could barely get navigation to work to get anywhere interesting.",
"createdAt": 1568867184258
"login": "ericdrowell",
"message": "What is great:\nThis game has a lot of interesting mechanics\n\nRoom for improvement:\nit took me a really long time to figure out how to start playing the game. It is totally unclear that \"timewarp\" is how you start playing the game. I had to resort to pressing every key on the keyboard just to start moving.\n\nAlso, for a game jam, this game feels way too overly complex - you shouldn't expect a player to read a really long manual of controls. Try and simplify the controls more next time. You should aim for having users be able to understand the game objective and controls within a few seconds ideally.\n\nMusic is super repetitive and gets annoying fast.",
"createdAt": 1568958930969
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "Oh wow, very complex gameplay, nice feel and physics, it's not very intuitive we need to read the manual to start (I'm usually a `skip the tutorial, I'll figure it out' kind of gamer, so I thought it's all broken because I didn't realise I need to unpause).",
"createdAt": 1568986240267
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"message": "I'm sorry, but the game is not working for me. I use chrome 76.0.3809.132 and Windows 10. The only I can see is a static frame of the ship in the space with the background music, it says that is paused and that's all. I tried to use the controls, some of them are working and others are not. Maybe I'm not understanding something :/",
"createdAt": 1569083605291
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "It was not clear that 'paused' meant 'timewarp x0' so it took me several minutes to actually start the game.\n\nIt looks like a complex, indepth game but I got frustrated trying to figure out the controls and gameplay and gave up.",
"createdAt": 1569203051075
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Well, I really would have liked to play this one but it always says \"Paused\" no matter what keys I press :(",
"createdAt": 1569270974009
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "I really want to play the game so bad! Unfortunately I couldn't find how to unpause. :c From what I can see, the graphics look pretty darn fantastic. The technical and innovation side is nailed to.",
"createdAt": 1568660152430
"login": "remvst",
"message": "This looks like a good game but it took me forever to understand how to get it started, and even after that, moving the ship seemed so difficult that I wasn't able to do anything.\n\nI think you could improve the game a lot by showing the controls on screen, and maybe adding a quick tutorial.\n\nThe music is nice, and the sound effects is fitting.\n\nI really wish I could have gone further in the game :(",
"createdAt": 1569467125375
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Game boots into pause mode and I could never get unpause it unfortunately. I tried all of the buttons mentioned on the description. So I can only provide feedback on aesthetics - and they look pretty cool! I really like the gas cloud effect in the background. A couple things I noticed was that the zoom in/out should probably have a max/min distance, and the shadows cast by the planets look a little funky when you can see the shadow against the background of space.",
"createdAt": 1569521904463
"login": "zackurben",
"message": "Overly complicated, couldnt get the game to start after reading the rules.",
"createdAt": 1569691792790
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Found hard to get into, but eventually could fly between planets, mine them and then sell. Permadeath quite brutal after spending all that time mining, collecting money :).",
"createdAt": 1569741111353
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like you effort, but the game is not much intuitive. Was not able to play on my notebook.",
"createdAt": 1569780839464
"login": "mracette",
"message": "I'm sorry, I couldn't really figure out how to play this game. How do you even unpause it after starting? Looks cool (albeit a bit too complicated for my taste), but please make it simpler to play...",
"createdAt": 1569856116029
"data": {
"url": "/games/bubbas-back-room/index.html",
"title": "Bubba's Back Room",
"author": "Eric Rowell",
"description": "<p>You just started a new job at a creepy gas station. Your boss tells you to go to the back and meet his son, Bubba junior. But something doesn't quite seem right...</p><p>Experience this immersive FPS as you explore deeper and deeper underneath Bubba's gas station. Can you defeat Bubba junior and his army of the undead? Take your shotgun and Bubba Big Gulps - you're going to need them.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/bubbas-back-room/__big.jpg",
"id": 112,
"login": "ericdrowell",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 195,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 18
"name": "fun",
"score": 32
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 40
"name": "graphics",
"score": 47
"name": "technical",
"score": 41
"comments": [
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "Nicely made. Reminds me of quake with creepers.",
"createdAt": 1568651580283
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Very bizarre theme. I love it!\n\nTextures are a bit dull and some dynamic lights would have gone a long way. But there's a surprising amount of content here.\n\nTechnically very solid and good gameplay. Shooting is fun and the enemy AI, while very basic, works great for this theme. Had a Turok flashback at jumping section!\n\nThe boss fight felt a bit unfair, because I couldn't get back up again when I fell down. A checkpoint before the boss encounter would have mitigated this.",
"createdAt": 1568655898165
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Awesome game. Too spooky for my taste haha. FPSs are a bit on the low side",
"createdAt": 1569002677289
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Atmospheric exploration of a dark underground world. Great engine, well done for fitting all this into 13k.\n\nThe enemies are quite hard to kill or maybe I'm just no used to fps on a pc rather than a console.",
"createdAt": 1568669095441
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The maps are very nice. 3d graphics are impressive. For a FPS the shooting feels a bit weak. It would help to have death animations instead of just disappearing, and instead of hopping.",
"createdAt": 1568694602241
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "What an amazing game! This is my personal favorite for this year. Captures the feel of these games perfectly. You should probably publish this on Steam or something — great work!",
"createdAt": 1568715623756
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Amazing\nNice musics and sounds.\nWell working 3d",
"createdAt": 1568736186975
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Great shooter fit into 13k, pretty spooky ambience and atmosphere. Great job! I keep on falling into the lava during the boss fight (I think the collision on the pillars is a bit unforgiving), but will keep trying!",
"createdAt": 1568752357460
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Pretty impressive to get an FPS working in 13k but unfortunately frame rate was not high enough to really enjoy it. We never saw any enemies.",
"createdAt": 1568768632431
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "A bit difficult to control.",
"createdAt": 1568810688745
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Looks good! I like the music. Would have liked an invert-mouse option =)",
"createdAt": 1568843495263
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Nice Doom clone. The enemies had a little too much health for my taste, though.",
"createdAt": 1568881875338
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Great graphics and sounds, nice simple but effective UI. Controls work well. Jumping on platforms is a little tricky, dropping down onto the lava platforms I have died several times, once you are in the lava seems now way out. Also the screen overlay that occurs when you hit lava remains after you respawn so you have to reload the game.\n\nA save point before the boss would have been nice, its quite a bit of shooting to get back to that point.\n\nIts a good game but a little punishing when you die and have to start over.",
"createdAt": 1569104909907
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "The jumping was quite tricky, to get to that upper level! It is fun to shot at the zombies! Well done!",
"createdAt": 1569438319445
"login": "depp",
"message": "Impressive! But first-person jumping puzzles? I’m transported back to the 1990s! Also into some lava, I think.",
"createdAt": 1569616052623
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I'm sorry but you got compared to another game that beat you in all areas! I love doom-alike games but the platforming section killed me and the grey-brown-green color palette didn't win me. Sorry!",
"createdAt": 1569837780899
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool Quake like game. A bit hard.",
"createdAt": 1569852482782
"login": "gheja",
"message": "Squeezing this much features and content into 13 kilobytes is really impressive. The gameplay and the level are great too, this game rocks! You rock!",
"createdAt": 1570036733056
"login": "dazsim",
"message": "an excellent recreation of an old classic game engine. I just want to know if they implemented the original doom engine (2.5d) or if it's truely 3d :D",
"createdAt": 1570116407582
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-from-kooky-island/index.html",
"title": "Back from Kooky Island",
"author": "Alexander Curtis",
"description": "<p>While lost at sea you discover a mysterious island. Can you find a way to get back home? Use the Arrow Keys to move, Space to jump, and Enter to interact with objects.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-from-kooky-island/__big.jpg",
"id": 115,
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 167,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 14
"name": "fun",
"score": 31
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 39
"name": "technical",
"score": 32
"comments": [
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Game is very hard ad character movement is very slow. Looks cute though.",
"createdAt": 1568650179884
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "I really like the thought put into this game. The graphics are superb for the 13k size. The platforming physics is also great, I haven't found anything wrong with them. The game can be quite difficult at times, but that's what makes it fun. :)",
"createdAt": 1568657448059
"login": "dp",
"message": "First up, this game looks amazing! You've somehow managed to achieve an incredible amount of variety with the artwork given the 13k limit. Well done!\n\nGame plays really nice too - controlls are responsive and clear, but the game is hard! I was able to get the key and then get back to the gate, but not beyond that. I'm not so good at platformers though, but I'm sure other people would have been able to get much further.\n\nAmazing effort!",
"createdAt": 1569028691639
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nice looking platformer, though I couldn't get very far: The contact damage is a bit too much, and just clipping an enemy twice is game over.",
"createdAt": 1568742157395
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I thought this was a difficult game. I wish I could see more of my surroundings, making it a little less difficult. The graphics look nice, entities mach each other, and the sound effects match as well.",
"createdAt": 1568787118490
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "A bit clumsy controls, otherwise a nice little platformer.",
"createdAt": 1568820984161
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Enjoyable game, graphics are really neat. A good sized level. Controls feel good. A little punishing to touch an enemy! Got the first key and some HP but one slip up and its game over. I played about in the water a bit, if I could have lasted longer would have been better.",
"createdAt": 1568836787496
"login": "depp",
"message": "Amazing to fit this much in 13KiB. It is a bit brutal… it would be nice to have a split second of invulnerability after you get damaged.",
"createdAt": 1568849169578
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Good platformer, graphics looks nice, difficulty is ok",
"createdAt": 1568903725922
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "There is are a reason why usually in platformers you get invulnerability briefly after being hit. First bee can take most of your life.",
"createdAt": 1568976316186
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "I found this very hard, I couldn't get past the first cluster of three monsters! I liked the style though, it controlled well, had great sound and looks like it would open up into an interesting world if I could just get to it!",
"createdAt": 1569178701840
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "what a lovely game over sound.. Nice work on the graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568755509704
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I like the ground and per pixel collision. I like most of the texturing and pixel art. I don't very much like the main character. It is too simple. The enemies move around a bunch, but this flat white thing is always in the middle of the screen, just moving eyes. I feel like it could used a little more work. Also some knock-back when you collide with an enemy would be nice. I feel like whatever sound is playing when you hit them plays every frame as you pass through and quickly becomes a racket. I don't like that sound. Otherwise I like your game. I really like the bricks and ground, and may snoop your code to see how you did it.",
"createdAt": 1568667690737
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "A well-made game which is really fun to play. I found it challenging, but kept wanting to go back and try again. Some background music would have made it even better.",
"createdAt": 1569704234500
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool. Was not able to pass the catle.",
"createdAt": 1569850425608
"data": {
"url": "/games/jewelsback/index.html",
"title": "Jewelsback",
"author": "Erick Petrucelli",
"description": "<p>A match-3 inspired game created for the js13kGames competition, just click and drag jewels (or touch on mobile devices) and move to create horizontally or vertically matches of the same type. The game has 13 levels and the win is achieved when reaching score 13000.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/jewelsback/__big.jpg",
"id": 114,
"login": "ErickPetru",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 147,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 8
"name": "fun",
"score": 27
"name": "theme",
"score": 9
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 35
"name": "graphics",
"score": 36
"name": "technical",
"score": 32
"comments": [
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "Love the animated background.",
"createdAt": 1568651984827
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Nice presentation. I especially like the background graphics.\n\nThe game is fun to play and the controls feel great. A few sound effects would have made the game even more satisfying.\n\nIt's just nothing new.",
"createdAt": 1568655898167
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "It's a pretty fun game! I would have liked to have hear some sounds though. Sound effects add tons of feedback for these types of games. Otherwise, I think it's well done.",
"createdAt": 1568661518259
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I don't see anything original about this game... at least you could have changed the graphics so it wasn't just jewels.",
"createdAt": 1568678306394
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "good graphics. not very creative.",
"createdAt": 1568709308096
"login": "kurazu",
"message": "Cool graphics, especially the slightly moving background. Played on mobile and it was fun - but the game somehow locked on me after a while - it was not longer accepting touch inputs :(",
"createdAt": 1568785028647
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Compelling in the same way that all match-three games are; I spent a lot of time on this one. Some wrinkles that could be improved - gems don't convert into their upgraded versions if they fall into position, which means combos are harder to pull off. The blocks in the middle of the screen where gems can't fall to are more frustrating than interesting.",
"createdAt": 1568901434371
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "Very nicely done!\n\nThe falling block animation was very clean (I was double impressed when I peaked at the source and realized it was add DOM manipulation). And the holes in the grid added an interesting gameplay element.\n\nI got to level 4 and a score of 1367 and a rainbow jewel showed up in the middle! I think that means I won? But there was no \"You win!\" screen, so I tried again on a phone and got quite a bit further before getting stuck.\n\nThe one thing I found myself wanting was some progress indicator for how far along I was until the next level. The level ends felt a bit abrupt, but I'm sure there was some logic behind it (number of points?) I just wasn't seeing.\n\nI'm a fan of match-3 games, and this felt like the sort of thing that with a bit more polish, would make for a nice $0.99 mobile purchase.",
"createdAt": 1568932421238
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game is pretty nice but I can't help but think we have enough Bejeweled clones in the world already. The game also doesn't follow this year's team.",
"createdAt": 1568969584113
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very well made, I am not a fan of these types of games but did go through the tutorial and first two levels.\n\nWould have been nice when you tried to make a move that didnt score it still swapped and swapped back the gems to show you made a mistake.",
"createdAt": 1569107179938
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Simple match 3 game. \nNo real tie-in to the theme however. (Name aside)",
"createdAt": 1569249755766
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I think the developer has done a good job of creating a bejeweled copy. I wish the the theme was better incorporated though, and that there were some more originality to it, like a twist or something.",
"createdAt": 1569609550818
"login": "JamesS-M",
"message": "A mobile game copy",
"createdAt": 1569681585205
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice.",
"createdAt": 1569815501308
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Nice graphics and animations. I had some problems with this colorful jewel while playing. Whenever this jewel appeared the game would get stuck. I wouldn't be able to make any move anymore, and would have to reload the page and restart from the beginning.",
"createdAt": 1569774733570
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "A simple but well-executed Bejeweled clone",
"createdAt": 1570004335886
"data": {
"url": "/games/the-backlash/index.html",
"title": "The Backlash",
"author": "Karan Bhatt",
"description": "<p>After 200 years of tyrannical rule of the Empire, the people had borne enough. The White Capes emerged as a backlash to the injustice faced. Violence was inevitable; the revolution was unstoppable. Help the White Capes overthrow the King.</p><p>The Backlash is a card game where you have 8 cards in your hand, one of them being a legendary card. There are three types of cards, offensive, special and legendary. Special cards can be used to defend oncoming damage while offensive cards deal damage. Your goal is to have more health points than the enemy at the end of the round.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tClick on draw cards to start the game. Hover over any card to see the details of that card. Click any card to play it. You can click the enemy card as well to see it's details and so on.</p><p>Have Fun!</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/the-backlash/__big.jpg",
"id": 116,
"login": "ItachiHyuga",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 144,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 16
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 24
"name": "graphics",
"score": 36
"name": "technical",
"score": 26
"comments": [
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "Not really my sort of thing but I was getting into it the more i played. Good job with the graphics, some animation between card plays would make this really quite slick",
"createdAt": 1568659561955
"login": "fed135",
"message": "Amazing pixel art and lore, truly amazing that you were able to put this much love into such a small game.\n\nThe gameplay was a bit confusing to me though, one recommendation that I could give you would be to put more emphasis on the call-to-actions",
"createdAt": 1568660505578
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "The graphics is impressive!",
"createdAt": 1568668106606
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "The art is great, and I like the concept, but I can't figure out how to play. Seems like I'm just clicking at random on cards, since I don't know what he's going to play.",
"createdAt": 1568674613686
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Nice card designs! The game takes some getting used to but it's interesting and a nice interpretation of the theme. I like that you decided to create a card game.",
"createdAt": 1568697935993
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Nice graphics, music, and gameplay, lots of content in this game!\n\nSanding some rough edges would make it feel more game- like (you could use CSS to make sure hovering over text didn't change the cursor into a text selector, and modify the font-family to something other than Times). Also, adding some animations - having the cards \"move\" to their next position instead of jumping there - would add to the immersion.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568728563126
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice graphics and sound.",
"createdAt": 1568756069052
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Nice art, but barely any gameplay and very confusing UI. I won just by clicking all cards I have at random.\nAdd animations and some depth to gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1568820673323
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "There is a lot of content here, runs really well, thought has gone into the game. I am not a fan of card games but did have fun playing.",
"createdAt": 1568835972544
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice card game, needs some better feedbacks for the player when he do a move, maybe with animations",
"createdAt": 1568907580685
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "I love card games!\n\nThe music and icons where just lovely. I was impressed by how much was conveyed with so few pixels. The ability to icon matching was very well done.\n\nI never could figure out how to win. Even when I had more hit points than the AI at the last card played, it still said I lost? Maybe I need the AI to be down to 0 before my last card. Hmm... I'm going to have to try again.",
"createdAt": 1568933317157
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Nice graphics on the cards.",
"createdAt": 1569159835640
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "A card game in 13k ! Colorful with a music in theme, a bit too dependent on the draw (like every card game) but the AI is usually not much of a challenge. Some of the abbreviations in the text are difficult to catch (\"l\" is for legendary, right ?)",
"createdAt": 1569187576769
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, lovely pixel art graphics on the cards.\n\nSound effects were good, but could do with more of them.\n\nI didn't understand what was needed to win the game so kept loosing. The different card stats didn't make sense to determine which would leave you with more health.\n\nText didn't fit the screen unless browser size changed.",
"createdAt": 1569244436815
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I wish there was an indication of what happens once a card is played because I don't know what is going on really.",
"createdAt": 1569698048308
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Your game looks nice. But it's not my type of game.",
"createdAt": 1569849722031
"login": "lopis",
"message": "This game is really impressive. I'm really surprised you could fit all these graphics in the game limit, along with al the text.",
"createdAt": 1570022553635
"data": {
"url": "/games/playback/index.html",
"title": "Playback",
"author": "Adrian Lissot",
"description": "<p>Playback is an ordered platformer game.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tPress the playback button to see (and hear) how the level must be played, and play it back.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tKeyboard and gamepads are supported.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe freeplay mode lets you play some music with your keyboard. Some song examples (QWERTY) are included. Feel free to share your own !<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTips:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-Press Space, Triangle or Y for level playback<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-You can stick to walls</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/playback/__big.jpg",
"id": 117,
"login": "Harmades",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 185,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 43
"name": "fun",
"score": 30
"name": "theme",
"score": 33
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 21
"name": "graphics",
"score": 34
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "Visually nice, and smooth animation.",
"createdAt": 1568659543233
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Creative.",
"createdAt": 1569766350011
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very fun idea and nice artstyle! Always love seeing music-based games like this popping up during a compo.\n\nThe only trouble I had was that the wall clinging/jumping was a bit finicky, and I had to expand the browser window over onto my second monitor to fit some of the levels into the view.",
"createdAt": 1568663185645
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I twas reaaaally difficult, only just got past the first level with the vertical bits. Seemed to occasionally have collision issues. It looked and sounded reaaally nice :)",
"createdAt": 1568669103294
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The initial experience with layout was really frustrating - the game didn't load within the browser window unless I zoomed out to ~75%. But if I zoomed out too far past that then the hittesting was spotty.\n\nAfter I figured out how to actually make the game work it was awesome. The sounds is well done, and I like the small animation details. Especially liked the portal tune.",
"createdAt": 1568681143769
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "A personal combination of platforming and rhythm game.",
"createdAt": 1568729441470
"login": "remvst",
"message": "Now that's a clever take on Simon says! I don't know if it's inspired by another game but I really like it.\n\nThe game looks simple (in a good way), and the music notes are really soothing.\n\nWall jumping feels very difficult though, and a bit awkward. I think those could be tweaked quite a bit. Also physics could be more dynamic, but also a bit slower, because sometimes jumping got difficult even though the levels look simple\nI noticed physics were also a bit janky, sometimes my jump would get canceled (lost momentum), or I would go through a platform, or I would touch a platform that was several pixels away.\nThere was a leve\n\nAlso kudos for the sneaky game of thrones theme :p",
"createdAt": 1568760552331
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "I love it when music and sound get incorporated within a game. The graphics are super slick, I really enjoyed that part. The gameplay is a bit repetitive, because there are a lot of these kinds of games (remember the ... and repeat), but it was done great in this game. The way a new level would begin, by sliding level objects on screen, was amazing. Great job!",
"createdAt": 1568850095266
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Great idea, had fun with this one. Had some problems with some of the wall jumps making me go off the top of the screen, especially in the red level.",
"createdAt": 1568951528554
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I seem to fall through the platforms. Looks and sounds cute.",
"createdAt": 1569014838403
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"message": "Really cool, awesome graphics and nice gameplay! :) I got stuck on level 3 however, I didn't know how to jump that far. Well done!",
"createdAt": 1569085664972
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "It looks great, however I hate the controls. The controls to wall jump are just impossible for me cause i keep thinking holding up will stick me to the wall.",
"createdAt": 1569212318623
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Nice idea but I couldn't quite play it because my monitor isn't wide enough apparently :(",
"createdAt": 1569270974010
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I didn't understand how to jump from one wall to the other.",
"createdAt": 1569414392633
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice game. On my computer, because of the 1366x768 resolution, the game don't work if I don't zoom out.",
"createdAt": 1569455415858
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice sound effects and graphics in a simon says music platformer.\n\nThe game didn't show me the sequence until I pressed square on my DS3 controller.\n\nSome of the later levels are quite hard when you have to bounce off the walls.\n\nGame didn't scale well to browser window.",
"createdAt": 1569589358743
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "game didnt fit on the screen so couldnt beat level 1. Looks great though",
"createdAt": 1569802484033
"login": "mracette",
"message": "The right side of the game was cut off on my laptop, and I wasn't able to fix it with the browser zoom function. Also, I felt like I was playing back correctly but didn't seem to be progressing. Love the art style and graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569857207376
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Very cool sound and graphics - but I didn't fully understand the gameplay. Still a nice game!",
"createdAt": 1569918670141
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "love that levels are also real songs, it's like a mini-game-in-the game try to recognize them :)",
"createdAt": 1570128732387
"data": {
"url": "/games/scroll/index.html",
"title": "Scroll!",
"author": "Zeev Katz",
"description": "<p>Scroll! is a Face to Face fighting game for mobile that you can play in your browser.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTo win 🏆, scroll fast and hard as you can to raise your score by pushing your opponent up!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/scroll/__big.jpg",
"id": 120,
"login": "ZeevKatz",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 153,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 25
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 24
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 27
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Didn't have anybody on hand to test this with, but it'd make for a neat party game, especially if played on a tablet.",
"createdAt": 1568653227869
"login": "vonloxx",
"message": "Fun game! Loved the graphics/animations, or the smart use of the emojis and color scheme.",
"createdAt": 1568673370330
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's funny game.",
"createdAt": 1568707360796
"login": "remvst",
"message": "Animations are really nice, the whole game looks simple (in a good way) and smooth.\nThe confetti animation at the end is also a really nice touch.\n\nThe gameplay is a bit too simple for me, I don't think I would play it much unfortunately.",
"createdAt": 1568758948037
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Good idea for a simple two players game!",
"createdAt": 1568839684246
"login": "cedwards145",
"message": "Nice idea! Unfortunately I played this on a PC but I can see this being fun to play on a big tablet. The UI is really slick and well done.",
"createdAt": 1568915788663
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "i played myself and won everytime",
"createdAt": 1569174071792
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "fun concept and lovely graphics",
"createdAt": 1569347297365
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "Voting on the desktop kind of puts this game at a disadvantage, but I tried the mobile swipey swiping and it's pretty good. The graphics and animations are really nice!",
"createdAt": 1569501627223
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "refreshing change from all the pixel art! lovely crisp presentation, clever use of emojis. simple gameplay, but fun",
"createdAt": 1569794363698
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "cant play in browser..",
"createdAt": 1570044767776
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-oxygen/index.html",
"title": "Back to oxygen",
"author": "joorce",
"description": "<p>You control a nanorobot with the task to clean the clouds by breaking toxic molecules back to oxygen.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse UP to accelerate, DOWN to brake and LEFT and RIGHT to turn.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tCatch the blue (oxygen) molecules and avoid the rest.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-oxygen/__big.jpg",
"id": 119,
"login": "joorce",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 143,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 21
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 22
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 27
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "cytrowski",
"message": "I'm missing restart button. The controls make this game hard. Accelerating and slowing down feels odd.",
"createdAt": 1568652270689
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Cute bright graphics - I enjoyed the double mechanism of first shooting them and then chasing down the blues - fun.",
"createdAt": 1569048860874
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "a punishing game :D i enjoyed the sfx, soundtrack and retro style",
"createdAt": 1568698378639
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Unfortunately I can't really get the game to work. Sometimes I die almost instantly after spawning. Other times the screen turns black without an error message. When it works otherwise even running into blue molecules still gives me a game over.\nThe molecule sprites and the music are nice though.",
"createdAt": 1568657380936
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I love the retro graphics and cool soundtrack! The collision detection routine seems to hate me. An interesting idea.",
"createdAt": 1568668487150
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "pity there was no restart after a game over and some times the bubbles are virtually on top of you when you start.",
"createdAt": 1568724769098
"login": "remvst",
"message": "This is a nice little game, but it is very unforgiving. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get very far because I kept dying after 10-15 seconds. The idea is good though.\n\nI think the controls could be tweaked a bit to make the ship a bit more controllable. Why not make it slow down when you stop pressing up?\n\nThe music is good, the graphics are good, the sound effects are good.",
"createdAt": 1568859942946
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "A couple suggestions. Make everything wrap around, like you go off one edge and come back on the other. And make the thrust stop when you let go of the button. I feel like that would give better control. I love the pixel art.",
"createdAt": 1568985630222
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice sound, decent art work, a little tough to control the ships quick enough to dodge.",
"createdAt": 1569106849313
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "I collide with blue and the game tells me I lose...seems a bug? Anyway, the BGM is great!",
"createdAt": 1569127747364
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nicely put together little game!",
"createdAt": 1569182778484
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Too simple. And I personally is not a big fan of intentionally broken controls.",
"createdAt": 1568816874545
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Neat little arcade style shooter.\n\nThe ship feels a bit hard to control, and the background makes it a bit hard to see / focus.\n\nStill a good entry, with a solid concept and gameplay loop.\n\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569333603174
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game looks very nice but... as soon as I start playing the whole game scales to 50% of the size in the corner of the screen. It's really weird. But good game mechanics overall.",
"createdAt": 1569498464648
"login": "supereggbert",
"message": "Great game but I'm useless at it",
"createdAt": 1569764906707
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice music. The robot movement is a bit hard to handle.",
"createdAt": 1569841798370
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Interesting concept\n- Sometime the game ended instantly because molecule was no near me\n- I liked the controls of the ship\n- Missed some fun element in the game. Became repeatitive",
"createdAt": 1570001194361
"data": {
"url": "/games/saptcha/index.html",
"title": "Saptcha",
"author": "Konrad Linkowski",
"description": "<p>Saptcha - Slightly Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers Humans Apart</p><p>-- INTRO --<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tImagine that you are at the back of the Captcha system.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe programmers didn't have time to code a real artificial intelligence<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tso now you have to match the pictures with the given name<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tto help websites test if the user is a Human or a malicious Robot.</p><p>-- HOW TO PLAY --<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSelect all images that look like the animal given by the name and than click verify.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tFor each correct answer you earn 35 points<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tand you lose 25 points for each mistake.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tEarn points to unlock new types of animals.</p><p>-- WEB MONETIZATION --<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tWeb monetized users has access to the precisely crafted sound system that can be turned on and off.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/saptcha/__big.jpg",
"id": 121,
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 170,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 43
"name": "fun",
"score": 27
"name": "theme",
"score": 24
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 21
"name": "technical",
"score": 32
"comments": [
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's really great game! I guess children will love to play it on mobile devices! Great work!",
"createdAt": 1568987830208
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Interesting animal generator! I'll admit it didn't hold my attention for that long, one trick to hold the player's attention might be to increase tension by adding a timer bar (and making it so answering quicker gets more points), if the timer runs out, you lose?\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568664784671
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Nice job! Goofy but fun premise. I had some issues with the gameplay though. For one, I took issue with the scoring. I think me and the machine have different ideas of what a bear looks like haha. But regardless, there wasn't really enough variety to keep me engaged for long.",
"createdAt": 1568669429337
"login": "foumart",
"message": "I made 2000 points, was never given to pick frogs. Nice work on the installable and that it keeps game progress.",
"createdAt": 1568713504649
"login": "remvst",
"message": "This is a clever game. I like the idea, it's quite refreshing. \nI think using speech synthesis you could announce what needs to be clicked, which would make it more dynamic.\n\nUnfortunately it gets old a bit quickly and it doesn't seem like there is much variety.",
"createdAt": 1568762155580
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "interesting concept!",
"createdAt": 1569033254808
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "Really liked the idea of gamifying the Google Captcha interface, and visually this was really interesting but to be honest I wasn't completely sure what I was doing. Being able to install as an app was a nice addition. Didn't thinking paying to get audio would thrill me if I was actually forking out money.",
"createdAt": 1568880366128
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This didn't do anything for me, chrome on osx.",
"createdAt": 1569213354998
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Very trivial.",
"createdAt": 1569349532122
"login": "junsikshim",
"message": "It's pretty cool to see many different animals created with just a few shapes and colors. Also, unlocking new animals gave me good replay value.",
"createdAt": 1568685437450
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very innovative.",
"createdAt": 1569460511129
"login": "easwee",
"message": "Favorite till now - love the uncommon concept.",
"createdAt": 1569781570929
"data": {
"url": "/games/letchworth-village/index.html",
"title": "Letchworth Village",
"author": "Elliot Nelson",
"description": "<p>Send demons BACK TO HELL in this 2D top-down button masher. As an immortal demon hunter possessed by a cursed sword, you awaken in Letchworth Village, an abandoned mental hospital in the midst of an ongoing demon invasion. Drown your sword in demon blood and close the portal to hell for good!</p><p>HOW TO PLAY:</p><p>Kill demons. Avoid damage. When your sword glows yellow, use your super to finish your mission.</p><p>- Move using arrow keys or gamepad left stick<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- X / Square: Attack<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Z / Triangle: Deflect/Counter<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- C / Cross: Dash<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- SPACEBAR / Circle: Super/Finisher (only when fully charged)</p><p>- M: toggle mute</p><p>COMPATIBILITY:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Playable on desktop Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- :bug: Safari audio is questionable (be prepared to mute).<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- :bug: If using a gamepad on Firefox, face buttons may be swapped.</p><p>TIPS/TRICKS (SPOILERS!)</p><p>The difficulty level is set pretty high, if you want to beat the game and you're having trouble, follow the link to the game on GitHub and read the Tips &amp; Tricks section.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/letchworth-village/__big.jpg",
"id": 118,
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 181,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 32
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 39
"name": "graphics",
"score": 34
"name": "technical",
"score": 25
"comments": [
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I kept ending up going off the edge of the screen and getting lost - I think it'd help to put some hard boundaries on there.\n\nGreat AI - those demons moved in a scary way that I couldn't quite predict.\n\nMusic set the tone well, and the sound effects were good.",
"createdAt": 1568656745038
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"message": "Great graphics and decent controls. I'd say the difficulty was a bit too high for me. A difficulty slider would've been nice.",
"createdAt": 1568667363977
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Cool game. Music and sfx would make it a great game.",
"createdAt": 1568672359097
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "love the demon theme and graphical style. I like this filter you have going on. The BGM loop adds character too. Would be nice to see the demons move around a bit more! I can move offscreen which can feel slightly confusing.",
"createdAt": 1568694623823
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This was a favorite of mine. I think I was playing for 10 minutes before I figured out a strategy that would let me actually fill the sword.\n\nAdditional enemy types would be cool, and a lose condition would also be good. It didn't seem like i could die even just standing there.",
"createdAt": 1568773941229
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It is funny, and I like it's stylish movement",
"createdAt": 1568812267500
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice graphics and gameplay, I did not succeed to glows the sword to yellow, maybe it need some mid-game achievements",
"createdAt": 1568835889360
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "This game is a keyboard smasher. I was just spamming X and that was about it. The game was lacking a bit of variety. Graphics were fine. \nThe character can walk outside of the bounds of the screen, which is not great.",
"createdAt": 1568846335153
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Great fun! Couldn't quite get the sword full, because I kept losing about as much blood as I was gaining, but still very fun to play!",
"createdAt": 1569014130720
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like the Hotline Miami like style.",
"createdAt": 1568938909375
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very nice game, fun and very tough.",
"createdAt": 1569182980486
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "Great dark style graphic design perfectly fits the game background.",
"createdAt": 1569432926722
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play the game (you should call .preventDefault() on the event), and with a German keyboard this is hard to play, as the Z key is in a different place.",
"createdAt": 1569311088830
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "looks and plays ok, but no variety. Also, don't let player leave the screen.",
"createdAt": 1569354711283
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Really good animations. But it so hard to fill the sword to 100%.",
"createdAt": 1569503390252
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "The game crashed...\nI have a complaint about usinx zxc keys. What about the people +, who use qwertz keyboard?",
"createdAt": 1569564580566
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Makes a crackle sound then crashes the tab.\n\nFirefox 69.0.1",
"createdAt": 1569704959113
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "It was fun, but i must have been missing something, I couldn't work out how to get the sword to glow and do the super :(",
"createdAt": 1569791445844
"login": "silentvow",
"message": "Good graphics effect",
"createdAt": 1570125484384
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-home/index.html",
"title": "Back Home",
"author": "workshopcraft",
"description": "<p>Your goal is to make your way back home after a holiday with your family. Mouse to start the game(click on the menu entries) Controls are WASD. There are no settings in the settings menu. The game has a beginning, a middle and an end :).</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-home/__big.jpg",
"id": 122,
"login": "dazsim",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 140,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 27
"name": "fun",
"score": 21
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 23
"name": "technical",
"score": 31
"comments": [
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Looks pretty - kind of fun to drive for a bit - I really liked the dash board and working gauges.",
"createdAt": 1568661650215
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Sound would have been ideal. Sometimes the buildings on the horizon move when the road isn't turning, which didn't make perfect sense. Otherwise, well done.",
"createdAt": 1568668488806
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The red screen for you win makes it seem like I died.",
"createdAt": 1568681750965
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser, as the game wasn't playable otherwise.",
"createdAt": 1568707463089
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I especially like the vibrations when you go offroad - very nice touch. Not much of a challenge, though; some obstacles might be nice.",
"createdAt": 1568728101902
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "won the game, needs someting to be funnier",
"createdAt": 1568741165721
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I think you could greatly improve the game's looks by adding simple textures and gradients, and polishing the dashboard a little (it was a bit confusing to me at first that it took the whole width while not being a first person driving game)\n\nThe grass could be darker when it's further, and the background could be made of triangles to look like mountains. The road could also use a texture with a subtle random noise to simulate concrete and give a better illusion of movement. You could also take inspiration from outrun, in which the stripes on the world alternate between dark and light, giving the feeling of speed.\n\nIn terms of gameplay, you could read this amazing tutorial series on how to create an outrun clone, which would allow you to add hills, and improve the curves.",
"createdAt": 1568758311160
"login": "erwinandres",
"message": "The game needs more difficulty.",
"createdAt": 1568786844667
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Fun game but a bit short. Nice graphics.\n\nPerhaps more bounce would be better.\n\nDoesn't scale to browser.",
"createdAt": 1568847387781
"login": "fawwaz",
"message": "I wish I can get more feedback from my interaction, even for small typing indicator or blinking text.",
"createdAt": 1568904513201
"login": "depp",
"message": "This reminds me of those really old racing arcade systems that had lights inside but no electronics!\n\nI had to remap my keyboard to play this game - consider using KeyboardEvent.code",
"createdAt": 1568935999229
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game.",
"createdAt": 1568981221676
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "that was unexpected! creative solution to creating a 3d backdrop. You can actually get into it, although it's too bad I didn't really feel like I could see the turns coming much. nice one.",
"createdAt": 1569031089211
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- haha! Loved the attempt to create an illusion of a classic game!\n- The change in turns could have been a little more gradual instead of appearing suddenly.\n- The most important thing lacking was a way to show that the car was progressing on the road.\n- Nice attempt, but lacked gameplay.",
"createdAt": 1569177111662
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "This perfectly recreates the feeling of being back in 1978. Ive quite enjoyed these nostalga based games that try to emulate a game written way back in time before computer screens where invented.",
"createdAt": 1569241120990
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Your game is fun. Some sounds would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569428648758
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Good game. It would have been good to have some different levels, maybe adding obstacles to make it harder.",
"createdAt": 1569493529600
"data": {
"url": "/games/llama-adventure/index.html",
"title": "Llama Adventure",
"author": "Thiago Barcala",
"description": "<p>Help the Llama to collect its items and bring them back home.</p><p>- W or Up Arrow to jump<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- A or Left Arrow to move to the left<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- D or Right Arrow to move to the right<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Esc pauses the game</p><p>Levels are automatically generated, but can be selected by number, and also shared by URL.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/llama-adventure/__big.jpg",
"id": 123,
"login": "thiagorb",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 168,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 18
"name": "fun",
"score": 27
"name": "theme",
"score": 26
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 35
"name": "graphics",
"score": 31
"name": "technical",
"score": 31
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "Took a long time to load, sound is a little too high pitched. Llama's are cute, It needs monsters.",
"createdAt": 1568661967470
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Procedurally generated level are great... if that's interesting levels.\nLama dies not fit in 1-wide holes, even though it seem to should have.\nPicking up sound is annoying.\n\nOverall, pretty trivial and boring.\n\nBut lama is cute.",
"createdAt": 1568670995335
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Very nice concept! And the music is so kickin! I only ran into an issue at some point (after my superb streak :( )",
"createdAt": 1568704719355
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice llama, specially when he has the hat.\nGood level generation, maybe add some enemies to increase the difficulty and the fun!",
"createdAt": 1568729094808
"login": "jBlack87",
"message": "I like the llama, and the procedural level generation, really cool. I didn't really see the theme of the contest in the game, perhaps it was that I kept having to go back where I came? haha. The jump mechanic probably needed a bit more work, felt somewhere in between a single and double jump, not really achieving either.",
"createdAt": 1568742856457
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Big worlds, but ultimately not much to really do",
"createdAt": 1568750520883
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Standard platformer as far as I could tell, where's the theme? The jumping high felt kind of like floating or flying, why not double jump instead?",
"createdAt": 1568769700098
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "score:912",
"createdAt": 1568807044410
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice pixelated graphics, well done on the level generator.\n\nGot stuck few times and saw food I couldn't get to.",
"createdAt": 1568843683664
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nicely generated levels, has sounds. Jumping is a little space like. Well put together.",
"createdAt": 1568890601918
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Cute graphics, and man can that llama jump. But it got a little boring after a couple minutes of the same thing. I didn't quite run into any win or lose conditions.",
"createdAt": 1568926211934
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The llama was cute, but the levels felt too big and without any major challenge, drama, or hook to make it enjoyable to collect everything.",
"createdAt": 1569202640443
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Fun game! I like the humor!",
"createdAt": 1569268937320
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "The worlds are so overwhelmingly large, I felt quite lost.",
"createdAt": 1569397530237
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very charismatic llama! I liked the hat.",
"createdAt": 1569460086763
"login": "giioohbernini",
"message": "So good!!",
"createdAt": 1569609228281
"login": "Yngwarr",
"message": "Would benefit from some more polish. Pretty solid platforming experience for a 13k game. :)",
"createdAt": 1569823656068
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Good platformer, a bit light on the animation side. Sfx is OK. Good point for the tutorial (I initially skipped it and believed cactuses were traps). Just pay attention to the procedural levels, sometimes you have no way back.",
"createdAt": 1569875481068
"data": {
"url": "/games/infiltration/index.html",
"title": "Infiltration",
"author": "Siorki",
"description": "<p>- Master, here are the plans of the Death Cube. We can fire a torpedo into this exhaust vent, going straight to the reactor core. This is our only chance.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Padawan, this is 2019. Let's send an unmanned drone into the main entrance, cloak it so that the Cube's defences will ignore it, and remote control it until it reaches the reactor.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- But master, how can we avoid all the obstacles inside and still reach our destination ?<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Easy, easy. If anything goes wrong, use the Force to send the spacecraft back in time.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t- Back in time ? Is that even possible ?</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/infiltration/__big.jpg",
"id": 124,
"login": "Siorki",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 177,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 34
"name": "fun",
"score": 19
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 21
"name": "graphics",
"score": 40
"name": "technical",
"score": 46
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I like the drone idea, I couldn't tell how to do the back in time part. I would enjoy this game better if I had the option of shooting posts that were in my way.",
"createdAt": 1568649526763
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Nice use of the speech synthesis API! Had a bit of trouble making use of the fly-back mechanic, and the steering felt a bit oversensitive to me, but otherwise solid!",
"createdAt": 1568655712643
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Great job on this!\nMore level variety could of made things a bit more engaging\n'Back to main menu button' doesn't seem to work",
"createdAt": 1568668551787
"login": "madmarcel",
"message": "Love the graphics. The obstacles get a bit repetitive",
"createdAt": 1568716111150
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice game. The controls were a bit sensitive. Good graphics",
"createdAt": 1568758332082
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Checkpoints would be nice. If there is a rewind function as hinted at in the description, then I could not find it.",
"createdAt": 1569013216956
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Great graphics and game play. The voice over is quite amusing. I like the physical damage you can take!",
"createdAt": 1568837705893
"login": "remvst",
"message": "Nice 3D work! There is even some lighting.\n\nI wish there were more sound effects and indications on what to do. Also the controls could be more granular instead of moving between 9 spots, camera could rotate... all kinds of small things that make a game more juicy.\n\nUsing speech synthesis was a good idea.",
"createdAt": 1568862534550
"login": "curtastic",
"message": "Well done game. Was irritating trying to decide if my ship passed a bar all the way yet so I could move to where it was.",
"createdAt": 1569138221538
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Amazing technically! the 3d is great, the voice was a pleasant surprise, the game was fun, a brilliant entry",
"createdAt": 1569177533093
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "nice work with the 3d design. the intro image nicely reflects the cube narrative.",
"createdAt": 1569559334621
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "A fun game and I thought the use of the voice was something I had not seen in any off the other games and was quite innovative.",
"createdAt": 1569755308767
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, story and graphics were good.\n\nQuite hard with keyboard. When I tried mouse control, after death the screen went black. Holding accelerate took me (eventually) to the end with no hazards and said I'd completed it.\n\nGamepad support and music would be good.",
"createdAt": 1569791874319
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice graphics and voice effects. Some Ship sound effects would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569852482782
"login": "huijari",
"message": "I think you can explore generating the track in the future",
"createdAt": 1570157569549
"data": {
"url": "/games/sentetrox/index.html",
"title": "SenTetrox",
"author": "sirxemic",
"description": "<p>A variant on a famous classic where the tetrominoes are sentient! The tetrominoes will flee *back* up when they have figured out their purpose in the playing field (to die to make lines)!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tDepending on your playing style it might take a while before you see one leave the game.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tGood luck and thank you for playing!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/sentetrox/__big.jpg",
"id": 126,
"login": "sirxemic",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 226,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 49
"name": "theme",
"score": 29
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 44
"name": "graphics",
"score": 46
"name": "technical",
"score": 34
"comments": [
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "Although it took a while to load once loaded the quality of the music and graphics were good. \n\nA bit light on the theme and I found it I did not think it was not much of a deviation from just a remake of the well-loved game.\n\nThat said an enjoyable game.",
"createdAt": 1568654189265
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Simple, straight forward. This is a good game of Tetris, with some theme based shenanigans thrown in. Like the background. Love the eyes. Good game.",
"createdAt": 1568663837270
"login": "eguneys",
"message": "Fun idea, awesome music and graphics. When you rotate an item on the bottom you can lift up the piece and place somewhere else, it shouldn't go higher if it already fall when you rotate back to the same position.",
"createdAt": 1568664568510
"login": "gheja",
"message": "A classic game with some really fun and nice additions, I loved that you took time to refine the sounds, also the reactions of tetrominoes and the music are great details. I had much fun playing your game.",
"createdAt": 1568671708875
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Hmm. I like the idea, but it's still REALLY Tetris-y. I'd probably just keep on playing if I didn't have to get to work. :)",
"createdAt": 1568728101904
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Nice revision of a classic with a twist. Controls are extra smooth and forgive many errors. And the tetrominoes are so expressive you feel guilty for completing a line !",
"createdAt": 1568755793356
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Very well polished! Nice.",
"createdAt": 1569013541293
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "Lots of fun. Great job.",
"createdAt": 1568782288063
"login": "remvst",
"message": "Finally a game that has lots of effects! Good job on that. The music is also good, but it sounds like it is the same as the original game.\nSound effects do the job perfectly.\n\nUnfortunately it is still tetris, and the twist didn't make me want to give the game a second try (made it to level 8 or 9). It really didn't affect my playthrough, which is a shame because it could have been a good way to change tetris.",
"createdAt": 1568859942949
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "That was a lot of fun!\n\nThe expressions on the tetrominoes where delightful. The music didn't get obnoxious. The preview of both pieces and placement was very helpful. And the scared tetrominoe mechanic was very, very clever.\n\nHands down, the most fun I've had with a tetrominoe game since Dr. Mario on the NES.",
"createdAt": 1568934959906
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Haha, very cruel. Though blocks escape very rarely, though gameplay-wise it's pretty much just a tetris.",
"createdAt": 1568976316188
"login": "dp",
"message": "Here's some comments from my son:\n\nI think that this is a realy good version of tetris. This is more fun then the usual tetris becaues you have to think of where you place the blocks even more then when you just have to get a line so they don't escape. It made me feel bad watching them die.",
"createdAt": 1569116508734
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "I -love- this implementation of Tetris! The escaping pieces add a nice extra layer of strategy, and you can use them to your advantage if things are getting a little pressured. Great job on the music too!",
"createdAt": 1568902254681
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice gameplay and music. Great version, good job.",
"createdAt": 1569187050832
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "not sure why but I never saw tetrominoes flee",
"createdAt": 1569347297368
"login": "andy-mcgrath",
"message": "Love this game, took a while for the shapes to start fleeing back but once they did found it was a great twist on a classic game.\nPlay is smooth, graphics and sound are great could play this game all day (if only I had it on a gameboy)",
"createdAt": 1568741660703
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny, nice music",
"createdAt": 1569672412719
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game idea, sound and music well implemented.\n\nOnly saw one block leave the game.\n\nGame crashed when I tried to use a gamepad.\n\nTypeError: p.buttons[a] is undefined",
"createdAt": 1569708536239
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Really fun, interesting twist",
"createdAt": 1569793140835
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Very cool but I didn't understand much the \"back\" mechanic. The music was cool (although I didn't enjoy the new melody based on the original korobeiniki as much as the original, to be honest :) ). The background was terribly distracting, I stopped playing at 70+ lines because it was killing my eyes :)",
"createdAt": 1569842324858
"login": "Ksoy",
"message": "amazing!!",
"createdAt": 1569899150755
"data": {
"url": "/games/get-back-up/index.html",
"title": "Get Back Up",
"author": "David Durham",
"description": "<p>Help the egg get back up the tree.</p><p>Click/tap and hold or press and hold any key to charge up, then release to jump.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/get-back-up/__big.jpg",
"id": 128,
"login": "daviddurham",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 208,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 33
"name": "theme",
"score": 27
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 48
"name": "technical",
"score": 38
"comments": [
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "Beautiful game with interesting quasi-3d that resembles of Nebulus for the Amiga. I had some difficulties mastering the controls but that's me. Very well implemented.",
"createdAt": 1568658895934
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This is great. It's so simple but amazingly polished. Very difficult. Felt like QWOP at first but with one button. I had to keep playing until I at least got a bit far. Nice sounds. Music seems like it may have a bug where tracks overlap.",
"createdAt": 1568680608551
"login": "jBlack87",
"message": "This is a well polished game, animations, music and style all well done. The only thing I'd change if I could, would be the placement of the power meter, so that i didn't have to look in the bottom corner to see how much power i had, i'd prefer if the power meter was positioned to the egg's location. Overall, a very well done entry.",
"createdAt": 1568744831177
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "solid theme interpretation, very original. an egg that's not in its nest should be brought back indeed. Very tight graphics, and the colors make it so easy and enjoyable to play. Are those actual sound files I hear?? I considered doing that and even wrote code for it but it didn't fit my music so i made synths in the end. Impressed by how you used sampled sound and came up with a soundtrack that works well and is very nice to listen to.",
"createdAt": 1569030027037
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Really well done, great graphics, music, and gameplay.\n\nThere were some times when I was surprised it didn't give me a full-power jump, it felt like it was cutting off early.",
"createdAt": 1568774793170
"login": "stasm",
"message": "Great artwork and audio, but the game was too hard for me.",
"createdAt": 1568981454158
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Very polished! I like the jumping mechanic, but it might be a little better if the meter stayed full if you keep holding down the button (rather than reset back to zero). Well done!",
"createdAt": 1569117801684
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Good fun, works great on mobile. The music was fun, and the graphics were great.",
"createdAt": 1569177533096
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Interesting concept with nice graphics and music.\n\nTricky to get the egg jump power timed right as it loops between none and full rather than sticking at full.\n\nDouble jumps may also help. Perhaps some power ups.",
"createdAt": 1569243759126
"login": "mtmckenna",
"message": "Really enjoyed this game!",
"createdAt": 1569372359840
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "Great job on the raphics, colors, animations, music and fonts, they are very polished.\nGet Back Up is as difficulty and addictive as Flappy Bird!",
"createdAt": 1569632102121
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice for mobile. Good graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569850425606
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Very nice graphics! Addictive: One more try!",
"createdAt": 1569953343554
"data": {
"url": "/games/entombed/index.html",
"title": "Entombed",
"author": "Stuart Lee",
"description": "<p>You've been buried alive in the mad king's tomb! Can you find your way back to the surface?</p><p>Explore a procedurally generated tomb, fight the inhabitants, pillage the contents, find the key, get out!</p><p>Includes 6 achievements - can you get them all?</p><p>Controls:</p><p>ARROWS / WASD = move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tE = interact<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tleft mouse = shoot<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tright mouse = melee<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tM = show map<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tESC = pause<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t-/+ = adjust mouse sensitivity</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/entombed/__big.jpg",
"id": 125,
"login": "beeglebug",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 191,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 19
"name": "fun",
"score": 41
"name": "theme",
"score": 16
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 38
"name": "technical",
"score": 44
"comments": [
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "Technically, and visually the game was great! The spear-poking animation could have been a bit better, and there wasn't much variety in terms of enemies or challenges (\"not getting lost\" doesn't count lol), but yeah, overall very nice. I'm going to have to look at the source code to figure out if I should attempt a similar 3D-ish game next year :D",
"createdAt": 1568650150378
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very nice and hard game. I found it tricky to know where to go, and the limited mana was difficult. Movement felt a bit like gliding around.",
"createdAt": 1569007806243
"login": "gheja",
"message": "I like the style of your game and that I can use the wand as a melee weapon, although it is a bit too hard (or at least for me, I needed a few runs to even get the key) and would be great to get a visual feedback when got hit.",
"createdAt": 1568673851792
"login": "curtastic",
"message": "Well done",
"createdAt": 1568689547488
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" setting in my browser, as the game wasn't well playable otherwise.",
"createdAt": 1568714680203
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice gameplay and graphics, good procedural map generation.\nI'd like to have more mana ^^'",
"createdAt": 1568739494614
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Very well made and fun. I would add the option to shoot with Ctrl and turn with arrow keys.",
"createdAt": 1568772827176
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "I'm always impressed by Wolfenstein-style games, but what really set this apart for me was finding the secret room. WELL DONE SIR.",
"createdAt": 1568835561782
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "A really cool little game. The gameplay feels really smooth and I like the adjustable mouse sensitivity.\nFor the game to have more replay value I think the first thing to do would be to have one or two more enemy types, a shoot-through wall (like iron bars, or water/lava) and then combine these elements in interesting ways.",
"createdAt": 1568902231850
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "3D, audio and a procedurally generated world? All in 13K? Nice job!",
"createdAt": 1568925853426
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "It's funny",
"createdAt": 1569142425245
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The bats seemed to get stuck in the wall often if I was punching them to death.",
"createdAt": 1569201982341
"login": "nvignola",
"message": "Audio to create more atmosphere.",
"createdAt": 1569662363843
"login": "reece-bennett",
"message": "Fun game, nice graphics and colour pallet.",
"createdAt": 1569439825357
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569501957808
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Woow, cool! I liked how you cant look up and down. In many fps games on js13k, you can, but there is no action going on up and down. Its cool you realized that would be useless.\nAd i liked the cool enviroment.",
"createdAt": 1569567836452
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "fun, simple, nice",
"createdAt": 1570023292180
"data": {
"url": "/games/way-out/index.html",
"title": "Way Out",
"author": "SamirH",
"description": "<p>The door is locked. You'll have to explore a dangerous dungeon full of traps and monsters and find 4 lost gems to open the door and get your WAY OUT!</p><p>Way Out is a platformer game inspired by Pico8 engine and graphics.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT/RIGHT - move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUP - jump</p><p>Tested on the latest Chrome, Firefox, Safari.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/way-out/__big.jpg",
"id": 127,
"login": "SamirHodzic",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 209,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 19
"name": "fun",
"score": 45
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 44
"name": "graphics",
"score": 46
"name": "technical",
"score": 35
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "There doesn't seem to be any sound or music. I like the checkpoints and the endless lives. It would be nice if you could somehow defeat monsters, perhaps by jumping on them.",
"createdAt": 1568650474652
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Cool pixel art graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568654338585
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "Very nice looking and well built. I want this to be a huge metroidvania but I know it's only 13kb :-)",
"createdAt": 1568663313914
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "This seems like a super cute little platformer. Unfortunately I didn't get very far.\nI think the game really could have used some sound effects. I also found it a little bit hard after a few screens.\nThe visuals are really good though!",
"createdAt": 1568726265264
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "most interesting part of your game is the work you have done on the details of your game environment i.e You have many elements in your game that catches one's eye and the animations of some entities brings life to your game.",
"createdAt": 1569012066775
"login": "tulustul",
"message": "Great platformer. The physics is a little annoying and the savepoints are really nasty, should be more frequent imo. Audio will be more then welcomed.",
"createdAt": 1568745283140
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Super cool, great job!",
"createdAt": 1568855157357
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice platformer, great visuals, lacks of sounds and maybe needs a little bit more action",
"createdAt": 1568905001759
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Cool game. Could use some music and sfx. I would also suggest only allowing one jump per press of the button. Set a boolean to true when jumped, and false when the button is released.",
"createdAt": 1568984270555
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "This so great. Kudos on a fun game.",
"createdAt": 1569096223925
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "It's amazing that you've made this game just in 13k. Only lacks music or soud effects.\nCute and nice graphics and great level design.",
"createdAt": 1569152763610
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game looks amazing. While the physics are very forgiving when jumping around, I found myself very frustrated jumping over mobs and fire balls. Not sure it follows the year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1569184189479
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Pretty hard, very nice art style.",
"createdAt": 1569356017316
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "I love the graphics! Cute and with a lot of personality. I had a trouble with checkpoints, but it was my bad on falling down on one of the holes. It is fun and challenging.",
"createdAt": 1569439038928
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Lovely pixel graphics and plays pretty well.\n\nI liked exploring the dungeon, reminded me of some 8bit games.\n\nI felt your character dies too easily, maybe some health would be nice. At least there are the checkpoints so you don't have to start again from scratch\n\nMaybe some sound or music would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569503442135
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Very interesting adventure with good graphics. I wished for a separate key for the jump.",
"createdAt": 1569591046582
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "The fast respawn was very nice, since I died a lot. \"Press any key to respawn\" instead of just spacebar, would have made it a touch nicer. The levels where laid out well, and I enjoyed the maze feeling and multiple entry / exit points for each room. Reminded me a bit of a Metroidvania with very very smooth jumping mechanics. Nice job getting the feel of a platformer down without degrading into a pixel perfect jumping puzzles. I aways felt like death was my fault, not a consequence of the game design. A chiptune soundtrack was the only thing I found myself wanting. And maybe a touch of story.",
"createdAt": 1569703174417
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "The game is fun, and I want to explore more of the dungeon. The graphics are nice, and fit well together. Some sound and effects would be nice, but I don't subtract points because of that.",
"createdAt": 1569830478473
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice graphics. Sounds would make it better. Physics are a little strange sometimes.",
"createdAt": 1569850737507
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Love the sprites!",
"createdAt": 1570028270997
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Beautiful pixel art.",
"createdAt": 1569953689122
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-the-island/index.html",
"title": "Back to the Island",
"author": "Andrew J. Baker",
"description": "<p>Avoid the critters roaming the grasslands and make your way to the chequered flag to advance to the next island. Rinse and repeat.</p><p>Arrow keys, WASD, or ZQSD to move on desktop; virtual joystick to move on mobile/tablet.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-the-island/__big.jpg",
"id": 130,
"login": "ajbkr",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 140,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 15
"name": "fun",
"score": 27
"name": "theme",
"score": 17
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 19
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Very trivial. But at least it's playable.",
"createdAt": 1568652583777
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Fantastic game! Simple too. I thought there were quite a few super easy levels when the difficulty was supposed to ramp up. I found level 14 to be brutal. Perhaps you don't know what I'm talking about if enemies are randomly placed (not sure if they are, just saying.) Overall though, great execution all around.",
"createdAt": 1568660853511
"login": "Rayne",
"message": "I like the execution of this game. I dislike that you have to play more than 15 levels (which are repeated) to get a challenge.",
"createdAt": 1568662178455
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics, thankfully the enemies were not too taxing to avoid.\n\nPerhaps the inclusion of some music would improve the game.",
"createdAt": 1568671433882
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "Everything seems to work, maybe it would be better with a bigger score/title bar. I like that the characters have shadows.",
"createdAt": 1568682010673
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I wish there were more levels with increasing difficulty.",
"createdAt": 1568709228950
"login": "rojen11",
"message": "It was little difficult to understand the game.",
"createdAt": 1568728092830
"login": "andy-mcgrath",
"message": "Great game idea, love the retro feel however was simply not very difficult. I was on level 16 before having a challenge in completing the level and many levels had direct paths to the finish so no need to avoid the critters.",
"createdAt": 1568741660702
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Fun, simple game. Could be more innovative/original. Also could be more on theme.",
"createdAt": 1568751404293
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Very cute graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569032580594
"login": "slashman",
"message": "Simple but polished experience and graphics.",
"createdAt": 1568836308494
"login": "remvst",
"message": "Graphics are cute but they could use more polish and details.\nSound effects are good too.\n\nThe gameplay is good but it could have pushed further, with more enemy types (none of them move horizontally!).\n\nAlso do the levels just repeat themselves but get faster?",
"createdAt": 1568860327112
"login": "depp",
"message": "Very solid! Instead of manually mapping both WASD and ZQSD, you could just use KeyboardEvent.code -",
"createdAt": 1568933584325
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "It'd be better if there's a random level generator.",
"createdAt": 1569129425034
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "not greatly challenging if im honest but nicely done.",
"createdAt": 1568790845132
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "Played long enough to notice that the maps repeat in order. Pretty boring to be brutally honest. And the sound that is played when entering the checkered square is very harsh and unpleasant.",
"createdAt": 1569348242126
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice simple graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569458398506
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Nice concept. But repetitive. At lvl 15, i stopped playing.\nYou should add more mechanics, maybe enemies going in different directions. Ore ones following you.",
"createdAt": 1569590566538
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Nice staging.\ncute design",
"createdAt": 1569680528411
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I am not sure I understand the goal of this game. Are the islands procedural generated? It seems the levels don't get more difficult",
"createdAt": 1569825769400
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "I enjoyed this game. I like the levels, though a few more variations would have been great. I'm not sure about the sound that's played when you complete a level.",
"createdAt": 1569875283921
"login": "lopis",
"message": "This game is nice, but the gameplay lacks a bit. Because the mobs are random (or so it seems?) some levels are trivial with no difficulty, while others are straight out impossible. Butt the graphics are very nice - it's a great start.\nI don't understand the name of the game - when did I leave the island? Seems like a forced use of the year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1570016135694
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "The level progression was very confusing for me here.. Level 13 is WAY easier than 12, for instance.",
"createdAt": 1570097673040
"data": {
"url": "/games/deserter/index.html",
"title": "Deserter",
"author": "Urh Primožič",
"description": "<p>Game about the strugle of return and the sad ending of the journey back home. You play as an soilder, running from meaningles war. Dodge bombs and bullets using the recoil of your gun. Shoot bombs, if you dare. try not to get yourself killed. Use your mouse to aim and left mouse to shoot. On mobile, tap to shoot. Coil subscribers have acces to another game mode with cool techno vibes and can fly around with their automatic canon. Physic is for poor people.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/deserter/__big.jpg",
"id": 132,
"login": "urhprimozic",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 110,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 25
"name": "fun",
"score": 17
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 10
"name": "graphics",
"score": 22
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "I always got shot right away. It looked cool.",
"createdAt": 1568653277593
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Very challenging game. I think it could be a bit easier in the beginning, to give the player more time to learn the mechanics. \n\nAfter playing for around 20 minutes I was able to score only 262 points. Not sure if that is high? Probably not. The tanks are very hard to pass through, I think I didn't manage to pass more than 2. \n\nIt feels like you are not much in control, because there are too many things killing you, but this is probably how a war feels like.\n\nI liked the particles system, specially the blood from the player. The bombs' shrapnel killing me was a surprise. The color in the background was also a nice touch, cause it gave the impression that the war was happening somewhere far away from the game also.",
"createdAt": 1568653700977
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "The first sentry cannon would always kill me.",
"createdAt": 1568666196950
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I don't understand... How do I doge the bullets from the tank? Also, how to I dodge the debris from the falling bombs? I tried all keys and jumping doesn't seem to work.",
"createdAt": 1568709675415
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Interesting concept. The music is too loud at the lowest settings.",
"createdAt": 1568986897376
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Found the game quite difficult, good idea using recoil to move the player tho.",
"createdAt": 1569103761007
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "I couldn't figure out how to control my guy, he just ran and died over and over. I liked the music.",
"createdAt": 1569164450745
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I think the tank bullets blend too much with the background, i can't really see them.",
"createdAt": 1569214782226
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "I like the right to left concept. It always annoys me on mobile when I block my vision with my thumb.\nThe crosshair could be more contrasting.",
"createdAt": 1569273181210
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "You could at least bother to write about controls.",
"createdAt": 1569352913938
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics and music. I liked the particle effects of the explosions.\n\nSound way too loud compared to other games.\n\nCouldn't work out how to avoid canon.\n\nNot sure that my blood upon death should continue to move left.\n\nOnly scales to browser on refresh.",
"createdAt": 1569416611931
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I don't think I understand this game. I always die within seconds, and can't figure out how to move. The description seems to suggest that you can move using the recoil, but it didn't seem to do anything for me. Even when I shoot the bombs, they still seem to kill me.",
"createdAt": 1569467537228
"login": "depp",
"message": "Love the concept! I think it would benefit from being a lot easier at the start.",
"createdAt": 1569723820625
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Running blood! It's a strange bit cool game.",
"createdAt": 1569844082223
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "The volume of the sound effects almost killed me :) I like the way you explode when killed!",
"createdAt": 1570016974720
"data": {
"url": "/games/fight-back/index.html",
"title": "Fight back",
"author": "Floriico",
"description": "<p>A small roguelite, use arrow key to move and spacebar to rest and heal.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/fight-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 131,
"login": "floriico",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 132,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 21
"name": "fun",
"score": 24
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 20
"name": "technical",
"score": 18
"comments": [
"login": "lopis",
"message": "First impression is that the letters on the black background are a bit jarring to the eyes. But the arrow keys don't do anything.\n\nOh wait, it doesn't work on Firefox :/ That's disappointing....",
"createdAt": 1568648889334
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "While this game looks really impressive it runs really slowly on my PC! But it seems that all the basic roguelike functionality is in, and your map looks pretty.",
"createdAt": 1568660673671
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice",
"createdAt": 1570099558229
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great old school game!",
"createdAt": 1568708978222
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "game seems unresponsive, not sure why but when I press arrows nothing seems change",
"createdAt": 1568741165719
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like the graphics style and details. Would be nice if I can keep moving while I'm holding the button.",
"createdAt": 1568772089379
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "This was a little TOO retro for me. :) I'd rather have real graphics that are terrible than see the ASCII art.",
"createdAt": 1568836037622
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "I won! Cleared the whole level then went for the dragon. Nice text graphics, the grass areas looked really cool. Nice simple but fun RL.",
"createdAt": 1568847710434
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Classic elements of roguelikes are nicely represented. Possibly could have been improved by having more variation in the generation to make it more replayable.",
"createdAt": 1568900971249
"login": "dp",
"message": "This game looks great, but ... for me it's really slow. Like 2 seconds per move slow, which makes moving across the map really tedious. I was able to wander around the outside of the castle end encounter some orcs and goblins before being killed by a goblin. It's not clear to me how combat works - sometime's I'd get \"Hero hit goblin for 1 damage\", but mostly they'd hit me and I'd have to run away and heal. \n\nI feel there's a really fun game in here if you can optimise it so it runs a bit faster and make it a bit clearer how to fight.",
"createdAt": 1569028691637
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "I played this whole thing and beat the dragon. Pretty fun, if too simple. If the AI had tried to attack me it would have added some danger. As it was, I could always heal and avoid enemies. Also, I leveled past 5 at least twice but it always said level 5.",
"createdAt": 1569166314089
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "This was delightful!\n\nYou know that feeling in Pac-Mac, after you find a cherry, and you get to run around the board eating all the ghosts? This felt like that. I got so obsessed with fighting monsters, that I totally forgot to pay attention to my health, and I died. Twice! The third time through I followed a fight, rest, fight, rest pattern and was able to win.\n\nHaving the monster icons match the first letter of their name was clever. I also liked that the monsters didn't move until I moved. That made for a very relaxed roguelite.\n\nThe one thing I found myself wanting was sticky keys. Hold down a key to keep moving (or healing). But that was more because my fingers got tired than anything else.\n\nWith some more levels (and maybe an inventory system?) this is the sort of thing I could see myself buying on",
"createdAt": 1568932421238
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Neat little game. Would have liked a more on the map.",
"createdAt": 1569187377084
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "The game consumed quite a lot of resources, and nearly crashed my browser.",
"createdAt": 1569317064325
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Runs a bit slow on firefox. \n\nnice work overall",
"createdAt": 1569406384840
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Nice ASCII :)",
"createdAt": 1569521639693
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Unplayable in Firefox: CPU usages jumps to a 100% and the game barely reacts to input.\n\nI like the look.",
"createdAt": 1569609570226
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Lags. A lot. (I hope its only my browser)",
"createdAt": 1569692920870
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "I love it! \nIdeas for improvements: support keeping keys pressed so that the char moves automatically after a tiny delay.",
"createdAt": 1569781200988
"login": "Yngwarr",
"message": "Would be better if player wasn't forced to chase the enemies. Overall, the game is pretty fun and good looking. Great! :)",
"createdAt": 1569823656069
"data": {
"url": "/games/byte-rider/index.html",
"title": "Byte Rider",
"author": "Frank Mitchell",
"description": "<p>Byte Rider is a two player card game, you against an AI. On your turn you may take one action...</p><p>1. Draw a card and add it to your hand.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t2. Play a point card and score its value.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t3. Discard a point card to trigger an effect.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t4. Play a non-point card to trigger a permanent effect.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t5. Play a point card on an equal or lower value point card. Discard both cards.</p><p>...then it's the AI's turn. The first to reach 21 points wins.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/byte-rider/__big.jpg",
"id": 133,
"login": "onefrankguy",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 179,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 40
"name": "fun",
"score": 33
"name": "theme",
"score": 14
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 32
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 28
"comments": [
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- I liked the graphics and those symbols\n- But I couldn't understand the game even after reading the help.",
"createdAt": 1568658059261
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Excellent game design; AI plays well and you can learn from it. Good tidy presentation and interface. Nice project.",
"createdAt": 1568664167758
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Interesting concept, and the mechanics are well put together (particularly after multiple playthroughs once you get used to them). Could be improved with a smarter AI and an option to speed up animations.",
"createdAt": 1568682018820
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny.",
"createdAt": 1569680221592
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very nice to see a card game for the competition! Good card descriptions!",
"createdAt": 1568800569331
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Very interesting, even against AI. Play tends to drag, though, because of \"remove all\" cards.",
"createdAt": 1568994200838
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "I'm not sure if I understood the rules, but at least I won. At least it's a personal game concept, and technically good.",
"createdAt": 1568880425909
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice card game, pretty innovative",
"createdAt": 1569058778017
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "The rules are unclear and so are the controls.",
"createdAt": 1569215781545
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "That's a really great card game. I'd love if it would be 2 players.",
"createdAt": 1569273970703
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Well made graphics.\n\nQuite a lot of rules to follow, some of which I found hard to follow.\n\nSometimes multiple clicks are required for a single action which can be confusing.\n\nSome sound would be good.",
"createdAt": 1569414861272
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Great game!",
"createdAt": 1569812162814
"login": "gred0216",
"message": "Nice card game, controlling is a little bit confusing at the beginning",
"createdAt": 1569906941533
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-on-track/index.html",
"title": "Back on Track",
"author": "Fu & Fan",
"description": "<p>You are an air traffic controller working at Boston Logan Airport. Your job is to direct landing and get aircrafts back on track. You will be fired if crash happens or too many aircrafts get lost.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tClick on an aircraft to control it, press 'A'/'D' or arrow key 'left'/'right' to change direction.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-on-track/__big.jpg",
"id": 134,
"login": "bos13k",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 162,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 29
"name": "fun",
"score": 37
"name": "theme",
"score": 28
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 18
"name": "technical",
"score": 21
"comments": [
"login": "hemanth-hk",
"message": "It's really a good game...I just tried making 10, everything was good except that the planes are coming a little fast and it would have been good if the plane that we are controlling can be brought back cause I was pressing the keys and the plane has vanished (didn't notice the lost bad :( )",
"createdAt": 1568649511136
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "The gameplay is very interesting. The graphics are simple but nice. I couldn't get very far in the game though. My maximum score was 11.",
"createdAt": 1568663623322
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "It's a bit slow feeling when flying a plane, while others (mostly) helplessly fly of the edge. The plane sprites were cool, but the rest of the game could have looked better",
"createdAt": 1568666667142
"login": "madmarcel",
"message": "Very simple but effective graphics. The difficulty could use some work, maybe slow down some of the planes at the start.",
"createdAt": 1568714093390
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Pretty stressful game when the planes start piling up, but a really neat one!",
"createdAt": 1569016107960
"login": "Patton97",
"message": "I seemed to just get stuck",
"createdAt": 1568747174596
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Fun!",
"createdAt": 1568827115268
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice idea, very tough very quickly to keep the planes under control. Tab to change craft would be nice to be able to cope with higher numbers or maybe leave them circling.",
"createdAt": 1568842487583
"login": "ericdrowell",
"message": "took me a few seconds to figure out how to control the plane (I somehow sped read over the click plane part in the instructions). the game felt pretty unique and really fun to play.\n\nI wish there was music and sound effects. Also wish there were deterministic stages, and not just an endless stream of randomly placed planes. It gets repetitive pretty fast.",
"createdAt": 1568959305642
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Looks nice!",
"createdAt": 1568981221677
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "I liked the idea, but the actual game is too hard. Very soon you try to save two planes at once while two are about to crash and another one is getting lost.",
"createdAt": 1569160033364
"login": "carlini",
"message": "This is a fun and challenging game. Some audio and extra animations would really help to sell things. Let me know that the planes are turning when I move them. Play some animation when I get a new plane.",
"createdAt": 1568867530501
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "This game actually has a pretty interesting and unique concept. I would change the button to start the game to be space rather than enter, since you move with a & d. But it's a pretty fun game.",
"createdAt": 1569213488477
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Neat game concept.\nI found clicking on the airplanes didn't work most of the time, and the collision for landing wouldn't always work.\n\nOverall I love the oldschool, almost C64 style of simple gameplay.\n\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569335703616
"login": "tatjam",
"message": "Really difficult game, it's very fun to micro-manage the airplanes so that you can land them one by one. The rainbow planes are really cool because, while they are very fast, hence dangerous, they are very maneouverable, which means you can land them easy!",
"createdAt": 1569441684594
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "nice but insanely difficult, for me at least.",
"createdAt": 1569498094424
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Original. It's pretty fun! After a while, you can definitely feel it getting more challenging. Creative game, keep it up.",
"createdAt": 1569558369368
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "The same as the good old plane game from iOS but more complicated. It's not as gratifying as the original one but it's still a nice solid little game :D",
"createdAt": 1569837062542
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool idea. It's hard.",
"createdAt": 1569850045370
"login": "gagiopapinni",
"message": "What a great game! I really like the idea!",
"createdAt": 1570121693532
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-skull-island/index.html",
"title": "Back to Skull Island",
"author": "Amy and Steven Frieson",
"description": "<p>King Kong survived his fall off the Empire State Building and just wants to get home now.</p><p>Level 1 controls: arrows or WASD to navigate.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tLevel 2 controls: left and right or A and D to navigate. Spacebar or click to punch. Down arrow or S to block.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-skull-island/__big.jpg",
"id": 135,
"login": "amyyf",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 144,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 20
"name": "theme",
"score": 20
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 24
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Entertaining and fun graphics. Took a very long time to find and eat all the food, possibly could have been improved by only requiring a portion (80-90%?) to be eaten.",
"createdAt": 1568648489164
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "The maze level is fun, the fighting the dinosaur not so much.",
"createdAt": 1568654461489
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice graphics, after compo you can add the ocean level :)",
"createdAt": 1569065666082
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "I really loved the musical theme!",
"createdAt": 1569008069650
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny",
"createdAt": 1569672717666
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The camera movement is somewhat jarring, and finding all of the pizzas is tricky, it would be nice if there were a few extra. It would seem natural to have the police cars move to chase you too.",
"createdAt": 1568669621428
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Music was interesting but a little jarring, maybe make the notes a little shorter so they don't bleed together as much? (Sound effects were good!)\n\nGameplay wise, I would suggest making the controls more cohesive -- make spacebar always punch, make arrow keys always move, and add one extra button for blocking. Then you could have had King Kong punch police cars and block police bullets in Level 1, and added crouch/jump in Level 2, and it would feel like a more cohesive game overall.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568736055532
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I made it back to skull island!\n\nAnyway I found it a bit unclear on my first playthrough that I was supposed to go to the pier after filling up my health bar. \n\nSmooth animations would also be a nice touch, along with all kinds of smaller details.\n\nI like the idea, though it is pretty ambitious for a 13kb game.",
"createdAt": 1568763388863
"login": "lociko",
"message": "Great idea with King Kong.",
"createdAt": 1568891831804
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The graphics were really cool in this, and I liked the t-rex battle!",
"createdAt": 1569212886008
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Nice graphics.\nI don't see any punching here.\nThe music is so sad.\nI collected all pizza and nothing happend (or have I missed one?).",
"createdAt": 1569272638329
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Looks cute, but very boring. Also, music is a horrible wailing.",
"createdAt": 1569354911588
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Interesting concept, nice graphics.\n\nNice to have music but too loud compared to other games.\n\nIt would be good if the police cars moved on level 1 and if you could jump on level 2.\n\nLevel 2 was tricky to know when to punch and when to block. Perhaps more animation as a cue to the t-rex's intent.",
"createdAt": 1569416255966
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Scary music, nice drawings, but a bit laggy movement. Using some smooth transitions would make the game better I think.",
"createdAt": 1570000151934
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Good idea having a second part to the game, although I suspect most players stayed in Manhattan. Kong looks like a lego character, especially in the final battle. A bit more animation in both maze and fight mode would have been appreciated. And characters react slowly in the fight mode, as the player you don't seem to control much.",
"createdAt": 1570169340697
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-life-adventure/index.html",
"title": "Back to Life Adventure",
"author": "Lance Ewing",
"description": "<p>A short graphic adventure game where you play the Reaper, travelling back in time to (ironically) bring everyone else back to life! The only problem is, you can't remember who you are, or where you are.</p><p>Classic point and click adventure interface that should be familiar to everyone.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-life-adventure/__big.jpg",
"id": 138,
"login": "lanceewing",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 190,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 31
"name": "fun",
"score": 28
"name": "theme",
"score": 36
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 38
"comments": [
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "lovely calssic graphic adventure, scenes are too much equals each other (I got lost so fast :)\nnice use of the theme",
"createdAt": 1568657031796
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Interesting concept, but I really couldn't find anything to do - I just ended up getting lost amongst the streets",
"createdAt": 1568749702949
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "I walked around for a long time, but I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be doing.",
"createdAt": 1568776691760
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Nice graphic.",
"createdAt": 1568812687592
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Reminds me of an old LucasArts point and click interface.\n\nAfter a lot of clicking and walking, got as far as finding black key and time machine but wasn't able to do anything with doors, mist or light beam.\n\nDidn't appreciate being forced to play full-screen. Especially since it scales to the browser so well.",
"createdAt": 1568846737106
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "I was pleasantly surprised to find a point-and-click adventure among the submissions! Very well done for the limits, though I had a few issues with bugs - first I managed to accidentally clip through the green door early, and when trying to move to another screen later on I clipped into a wall and couldn't move.",
"createdAt": 1568893257030
"login": "depp",
"message": "I explored for a while but I couldn't figure out what to do.",
"createdAt": 1568927729279
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics and gameplay!",
"createdAt": 1568979083597
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Very interesting look, really enjoyed the minimal creepiness and pathos of it all. Very elegant entry.",
"createdAt": 1569072754625
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Definitely looks like the point-and-click adventure games by Sierra in the second half of the 80s. Graphics are simple but well thought. Having the cursor wait after each action is a bit awkward. And there aren't many clues about how to progress in the game (got the key, opened the door, and then ... ?)",
"createdAt": 1569013975704
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "It's very easy to get lost, even with the street signs. Anyway, I liked it, though I couldn't reach the end.",
"createdAt": 1569230413447
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Not something I expected to see in js13k, largely due to the un-minifable nature of string values.\nOnly played for a bit, but a very nice entry from everything I saw.\n\nWell done!",
"createdAt": 1569333138145
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "The story is great. Very mysterious and intriguing and funny. The graphics are nice, and the animations too.\n\nI was a bit lost in the city so I decided to draw a map on a notepad. This helped me to understand the city, but unfortunately I finished the game right after finishing drawing the map.\n\nI am looking forward for the continuation post-competition.",
"createdAt": 1568669394915
"login": "lopis",
"message": "The game looks very interesting but I could really lost. I think there's too much empty space.",
"createdAt": 1569504279389
"login": "nvignola",
"message": "Adding the audio would have bring more atmosphere.",
"createdAt": 1569661810736
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Interesting, but I'm not good at adventures. Could not figure out how to advance. Only walked around ~6 locations and looked at stuff.",
"createdAt": 1569772661612
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I got lost!",
"createdAt": 1569796992839
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Great entry! I enjoyed playing it very much!",
"createdAt": 1570035632171
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Works well, wasnt sure what to do. I walked around the streets and checked the doors.",
"createdAt": 1569957248885
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Game of Backstabbers",
"author": "Michael Wolken-Möhlmann",
"description": "<p>The king is old and has no heir. He will give the hand of his daughter to the most powerful lord of one of three houses. You support your house by gathering resources and paying tribute to the king. The crown will be awarded to the first house to gain the king's favor.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tBut only the strongest lord of a house can become the next king. So better watch out for competitors of your own house.</p><p>Gameplay<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe level of your fields determine your overall strength and how much resources you gather each round. Click repeatedly on your fields to level them up<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tEach field type produces its own resource(towns: villagers, farms: food, mines: iron). Gold is collected through taxes<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSelect other players' areas in the menu on the right. Clicking on their fields levels them down<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tRecruit soldiers (corner menu) to attack players of other houses or to defend your own fields. Attacked fields won't produce resources until the soldiers are fought off</p><p>Coil users start off with 20% additional resources</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/game-of-backstabbers/__big.jpg",
"id": 136,
"login": "Michael-wm",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 143,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 27
"name": "fun",
"score": 19
"name": "theme",
"score": 22
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 21
"name": "graphics",
"score": 26
"name": "technical",
"score": 28
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Should at lest have bot play. Looks good, though.",
"createdAt": 1568652140686
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "The game was stuck on waiting to connect. :c I'll try back later, but I'm stuck in the vote unfortunately. It looks like an awesome game from the screenshot.",
"createdAt": 1568664507296
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Couldn't play, no one joined",
"createdAt": 1568684724178
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I did not find any players, unfortunately. The game looked fun from the description and the thumbnail though.",
"createdAt": 1568748318755
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "This game looks pretty, but is somewhat obtuse. Also difficult to test, when you need three different browsers/devices to play. Some gentle music would go well with the visuals.",
"createdAt": 1568762332590
"login": "stasm",
"message": "I like the idea of players grouping into houses, each with a banner and a motto. I didn't understand the tribute mechanic at first, nor how to effectively use soldiers. The graphical style was spot on; I like simple and elegant game like this one. There's a bit too much clicking to my taste; usually clickers eventually offer upgrades to automate clicking. Absent any such updates, I automated clicking via DOM APIs myself ;) That's cheating of course, so measures should be taken to prevent it—or institutionalize it! This could be a fun game about hacking and learning the DOM :)",
"createdAt": 1568885569920
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I wasn't able to judge this one as no players were online at the time.",
"createdAt": 1569059308769
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Unable to play the game.\nNever connects even if I open multiple browsers myself to add players.\n\nSounds like a fairly indepth game, and I understand not having time / room for bot players.",
"createdAt": 1568995070634
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "unfortunately, there seems only online mode and I don't get a match for a long time, the idea and game play looks cool enough, really hope there's an offline mode to play with AI",
"createdAt": 1569126506039
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "well...this is kind of hard to judge when there's nobody else playing it. Couldn't get past the lobby.",
"createdAt": 1569215190171
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Looks like a really cool concept! Unfortunately didn't have time or people to test it thoroughly. I like the clean graphic style too.",
"createdAt": 1569349721604
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "Waiting for Players...",
"createdAt": 1568713107984
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Great game! Only the \"Click repeatedly\" mechanic was not by my taste.",
"createdAt": 1569518009392
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Waiting for players....\nI decided to open 3 different tabs to try a game. It didnt work on one tab.\n.............\nIts a cool game! Really innovative concept for js13k!",
"createdAt": 1569591362839
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny",
"createdAt": 1569847690663
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "unfortunately, I was not able to play. \"Waiting for players\".",
"createdAt": 1569795509801
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "No players available, I couldn't play :( The graphic style seemed cool, though!",
"createdAt": 1570007407802
"data": {
"url": "/games/dont-shoot-back/index.html",
"title": "Don't Shoot Back",
"author": "David Damian (wisekrakr)",
"description": "<p>The Game is an asteroids homage. It is the Dark Souls of space games. Super hard to get to the end. Survive for 5 minutes while asteroids bump into you and enemies try to destroy you. Protect planets from falling asteroids and escort helpless travelers. Accumulate points by dodging lasers and making them hit asteroids. Make enemies follow you into a asteroid belt or meteor storm and let them destroy themselves. Do all this for 5 minutes and fight The Boss of Space! And then BACK to work.</p><p>W,A,D or Arrow keys to move.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tP to Pause.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tBackSpace to retry<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tShift to enter Dream State :P</p><p>I wanted to make a game for worker bees that need to get re-energized for the day. Something to get the blood pumping. Enjoy!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dont-shoot-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 137,
"login": "wisekrakr",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 169,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 20
"name": "fun",
"score": 31
"name": "theme",
"score": 27
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 28
"name": "technical",
"score": 34
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Straightforward and engaging core loop. Text was a bit buggy. Could have been improved with more responsive controls.",
"createdAt": 1568648489166
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "I like the initial concept. It does seem to feel slow after a while. A lot of the time is spent sitting around and waiting for objects to move towards you. Otherwise, if this was improved, I can see quite a bit of potential in this game.",
"createdAt": 1568657905621
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Lots of crazy fun - violent fast paced and exciting - pretty, minimal graphics and sounds. I like your dream mode idea too! Nice project",
"createdAt": 1568664167759
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "A novel take on a familiar theme. I like the idea of just surviving.",
"createdAt": 1568668487149
"login": "carlini",
"message": "There's a lot going on and I don't feel like I understood most of it. Some kind of introducing mechanics slowly would help.",
"createdAt": 1568680168579
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "it is a nice game but the only thing that we can do is just move our spaceship. it would have been better if we could shoot others things.",
"createdAt": 1568733374710
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "beautiful design(especially the fire at the engine).",
"createdAt": 1568813025486
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice looking game, maybe the \"dream\" thing can have an impact on the gameplay too",
"createdAt": 1568833194619
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Cool graphics!",
"createdAt": 1568984378048
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "Good ideas and fun gameplay, and really ... hard",
"createdAt": 1569128901630
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Cool art style, but I was slightly confused on how to protect the planet. The dream state was a nice effect, but not sure what gameplay effect it had, if any?",
"createdAt": 1569180179432
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "For a 5-minute break intended to relax you, it is quite stressful, and the sfx isn't helping (and probably alerting your coworkers too). \nThen a few bugs, ship changes size but the world does not scale accordingly. The text covers part of the play area. Endgame freezes Firefox.",
"createdAt": 1569446426800
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "I enjoyed playing. It would have been good to have a bit more connection to the theme.",
"createdAt": 1569495418286
"login": "depp",
"message": "Seems to suddenly stop after a planet appears?",
"createdAt": 1569722192862
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool graphics and sounds. The gams is hard. Good job.",
"createdAt": 1569842328716
"login": "britzl",
"message": "Interesting concept! It really becomes quite a bit more challenging when you can't shoot back! The color palette works but I'd like to see a monochrome version and a retro font more fitting with the game.",
"createdAt": 1570131632133
"data": {
"url": "/games/20461-dioretsa/index.html",
"title": "20461 Dioretsa",
"author": "burntcustard",
"description": "<p>Named after the damocloid, (and Asteroids... backwards) 20461 Dioretsa is a local multiplayer Asteroids-like.</p><p>Each of the 4 spaceships include a 'flash back' drive [down arrow, 'S', or left trigger], which lets you 'travel back in time' 2 seconds to your previous location and ammo count.</p><p>There's AI that will attack Player 1, so you can play singleplayer versus 1-3 of them. Supports one player with [WASD/QZSD, E, X], one with [ARROW KEYS, SPACE, ESC], and 1-4 gamepads. Joy-Cons and Xbox controllers have mapped keys (and even attempt to match colours when connected), but other controllers aren't guaranteed to work.</p><p>Includes advanced collision detection, realistic circle-based elastic physics, ZzFX sound effects, a custom Path2D-based font, and 'procedurally generated' asteroid shapes.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/20461-dioretsa/__big.jpg",
"id": 139,
"login": "burntcustard",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 213,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 33
"name": "fun",
"score": 40
"name": "theme",
"score": 36
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 43
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 29
"comments": [
"login": "cedwards145",
"message": "Nice entry and great to see local multiplayer games! Didn't have any gamepads lying around to test this with but props for supporting them, that's usually a nightmare.\n\nThe graphics were really good as well, nailed the vector look.",
"createdAt": 1568660149999
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice vector based asteroids with a multiplayer twist. The gamepad support worked well. Sound was good and I was glad you had a bit of health when it came to glancing against asteroids.\n\nThe AI players are very accurate with their shots. Also I didn't get much chance to collect power ups as the AI snapped them up.",
"createdAt": 1568670685791
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny, and nice simple graphics",
"createdAt": 1568736186973
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "That's an amazing piece of art.",
"createdAt": 1568749103369
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I had a hard time figuring out how to even start the game. I ended up mashing every button and eventually succeeded, but still don't know how. The movement felt very good with the acceleration, but more animations could help. The AI was good difficulty.",
"createdAt": 1568764310965
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like the beauty of minimalism of graphics and sounds. The AI is very hard!",
"createdAt": 1568803996732
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "Found the keyboard controls to hard to use. Worked better with a gamepad (DS4).\n\nLiked the art style.",
"createdAt": 1568830331387
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "The menu alone shows me the technical prowess of this developer. The gameplay is great, everything works smoothly. Graphics are retro, a bit kitsch, but I get it. I enjoyed the physics of an exploding ship, but I did not enjoy the respawning system: sometimes an enemy would respawn in front of me and shoot me immediately. Then again, I kept playing to kill that bastard, so great job!",
"createdAt": 1568848084377
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Cool game. Very enjoyable. It would fit well as an online multiplayer in the server category.",
"createdAt": 1568924264475
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "This game is absolutely well done, I see lot of fun if played with 3 friends.\nWould be nice to have the different ship statistics",
"createdAt": 1569064856263
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "Great game!",
"createdAt": 1569129770761
"login": "lopis",
"message": "This game was FUN. I though I sucked at it but i managed to win in the end. I like the power ups",
"createdAt": 1569180642866
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Pretty cool!",
"createdAt": 1569291609529
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Really great game!",
"createdAt": 1569423656014
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "loved the effect when you die",
"createdAt": 1569792450302
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "WOW! Physics, graphics, sounds... I love this little thing! If the handling was better, it would be",
"createdAt": 1569848508055
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Really great! Well done!",
"createdAt": 1570036194155
"data": {
"url": "/games/lost-robot/index.html",
"title": "LOST ROBOT",
"author": "Dennis Meckel",
"description": "<p>&gt; If I'd written the mapping module, it wouldn't be offline!</p><p>Well, Jörg didn't write the module and as a result we now have a robot that doesn't know the way back anymore because the mapping module is offline. Fortunately, the remote interface is working as expected.</p><p>Easy Controls: Arrow keys, T = Turbo, C = Camera</p><p>Differential Drive Controls: W/S = Left wheel, I/K = Right Wheel, SPACE = Turbo, C = Camera</p><p>The game requires a keyboard.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/lost-robot/__big.jpg",
"id": 141,
"login": "Rayne",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 181,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 42
"name": "fun",
"score": 27
"name": "theme",
"score": 23
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 34
"name": "graphics",
"score": 16
"name": "technical",
"score": 39
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Different, harder control scheme is interesting and made for a bigger challenge. Raycasting makes for interesting map design, reminiscent of Scanner Sombre.",
"createdAt": 1568650691860
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Fun and looks interesting, even if gameplay is pretty basic.",
"createdAt": 1568654017436
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "I liked the AI style \"feelers\" coming out of the car to hit the walls. Was cool to see the wall visuals forming as I drove around the track. Would have been nice to give the robot some inertia / speed to give it some more difficulty or skill controlling, but great job overall!",
"createdAt": 1568694588567
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Super cool! I find the hard more nicer and more challenging. Cool ray casting effect. But did you what about the theme? This fits the themes of the last 2 years, but not this years theme..",
"createdAt": 1568749078648
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Nice idea.",
"createdAt": 1569694249544
"login": "remvst",
"message": "That is a clever game that reminded me of my robotics class back at university. It's pretty satisfying to see the walls shape up as you progress through the maps.\n\nI think the game could be a little bit faster and a bit more dynamic (walls could push you back, speed could be increased, there could be other robots exploring the levels...)\n\nAlso maybe use a more sci-fi style, that could make the colors stand out a bit more. For instance the sensors could look like lasers. This could probably improve the \"fun\" aspect of the game.",
"createdAt": 1568764469977
"login": "lociko",
"message": "This is really cool! Thanks!",
"createdAt": 1568891831806
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "Graphic style is minimal but effective and interesting.\n\nIt's surprising how much your approach to walls makes slowly driving around a small level better than it sounds (and would be otherwise). I'm taking some mental notes here.\n\nGood work!",
"createdAt": 1569112633605
"login": "dp",
"message": "Here's some comments from my son:\n\nI think that this is a realy good game with the potential be better if it had more levels. I liked how it sees the walls how a robot would and that it is a puzzle game.",
"createdAt": 1569116508737
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Interesting game, although it seems like it matches last years theme as much as this years! (all the references to offline confused me)\nThe visibility projection is neat looking, and the car controls nicely, fun to explore!",
"createdAt": 1569176647814
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very creative use of raycasting!",
"createdAt": 1569353009402
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game and concept. I enjoyed exploring the levels with shapes switches and collectables.\n\nTouch/Click to move or gamepad support would be good.\n\nMusic would also be good.",
"createdAt": 1569417365415
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Nice idea. I enjoyed playing this. Having the 2 different types of controls works well.",
"createdAt": 1569533660672
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Nice idea and implementation. I kinda wish there was only differential drive controls :)",
"createdAt": 1569746252852
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Neat idea. Good fun too.",
"createdAt": 1569790974285
"login": "CodeChomper",
"message": "I really like the bot scanning the walls to make them appear. Felt like I was a romba cleaning a cave system. It was fun good work.",
"createdAt": 1570029273030
"login": "dazsim",
"message": "an awesome concept. love the idea. I hope you develop this into a finished game.",
"createdAt": 1570116407582
"data": {
"url": "/games/back/index.html",
"title": "BACK",
"author": "dos",
"description": "<p>you can only go back</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back/__big.jpg",
"id": 140,
"login": "dos1",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 86,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 23
"name": "fun",
"score": 8
"name": "theme",
"score": 33
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 7
"name": "graphics",
"score": 8
"name": "technical",
"score": 7
"comments": [
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "13 minutes. Wow. \n\nI laughed, but I couldn't do much.",
"createdAt": 1568657701049
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "You made me laugh! Some lateral thinking there with the use of the back button. And I love the musixx! Good work for 13 minutes. js13m games ftw!",
"createdAt": 1568668876011
"login": "carlini",
"message": "That music though.",
"createdAt": 1568680168577
"login": "Krol22",
"message": "Didn't work after I died, I needed to restart the game. \n\nMusic was cool xD",
"createdAt": 1568711950280
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "js13minutesGames next year :D\nhad to read the source code to understand I had to press the back button :P\nNice use of the theme!",
"createdAt": 1568733212045
"login": "remvst",
"message": "Instructions were a bit unclear, needed someone to tell me to press the back button.\n\nAnyway the game is too simple, I like the idea of pressing the back button but it could have been pushed further.",
"createdAt": 1568758311159
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "Doesn't seem playable. I could just get to the play screen. Nothing happens after that.",
"createdAt": 1568795215009
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I love that the only thing you can do is to go back. The idea is there, and I think you could have worked more on it in order to really create something cool.\n\nThat being said, if you only spent 15 minutes, you have make quite a lot in a short amount of time.",
"createdAt": 1568875938547
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "score 116",
"createdAt": 1568919442098
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Made me laugh, but I couldn't figure out how to play it - on Chrome none of my keyboard keys or mouse presses did anything.\n\nNice singing!",
"createdAt": 1569072755669
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "LOL, what? I don't know what is going on but I laughed.",
"createdAt": 1568991480837
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Didn't seem to work? I could just see some text and nothing did anything?",
"createdAt": 1569178948132
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Buggy, I lost cause I couldn't figure out the controls in time, then I couldn't restart the game. Interesting music",
"createdAt": 1569217014405
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "I couldn't solve the riddle to make this work for me. I was going to try navigating to the game from the entries page in case browser back button was required, but your entry title is a teensy hard to search for given the theme ;)",
"createdAt": 1569287099689
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Just wow",
"createdAt": 1569525160295
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Doesnt work :(",
"createdAt": 1569616012093
"login": "gheja",
"message": "It looks like I can't get through \"Go back to start.\", I tried Chrome, Firefox and Edge on Windows 10.",
"createdAt": 1569745505004
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Lmao. I have no words.\nKudos for taking the \"Back\" game name haha.",
"createdAt": 1570020249223
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-read/index.html",
"title": "Back Read",
"author": "Felladrin",
"description": "<p>Challenge your brain in this reverse-reading game!</p><p>You can play on Desktop and Mobile, just need to point and click/touch, to interact with the game.</p><p>Your objective is to reach the longest streak in a round, by reading the reverse-texts and deciphering them, before the time is up.</p><p>Answering correctly will grant you 5 seconds bonus. On the other hand, wrong answers take 1 second from your time.</p><p>Different kind of challenges appears while you reach longer streaks, including math challenges!</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-read/__big.jpg",
"id": 142,
"login": "felladrin",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 141,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 26
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 18
"name": "technical",
"score": 14
"comments": [
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Nice game. Challenging, but wasn't too hard. Never really missed any questions. Streak was 46, then I stopped :P Looks good too.",
"createdAt": 1568650712893
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Simple, but good idea.",
"createdAt": 1568661851352
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "Nice take on the theme!",
"createdAt": 1568666196951
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Is it me, or it's absolutely trivial to read backwards? It's so simple, it seems to be a joke to claim that it's a game.",
"createdAt": 1568673211720
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "I really like the idea and the questions. The game works very smoothly and inuitively. After many questions there was a \"TypeError: e[t] is undefined\", which unfortunately stopped the game from showing a new question.\nI personally also thought the game was to easy, I kept getting more time even after playing for a relatively long time.",
"createdAt": 1568723858968
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "Fantastic game. I loved it. Fun and creative concept. Fun gameplay. And the missing words and mathematics at the end added to the challenge!",
"createdAt": 1568790146818
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I cheated (transform: scale(1, 1) in dev tools and got 109 and then seemingly ran out of questions, but had the error: 'TypeError: e[t] is undefined', so I'm not sure if I had actually ran out of questions or if it just crashed. I didn't find it very fun, but I also hate wordsearches and that kind of thing so maybe it's just personal preference!",
"createdAt": 1569004148696
"login": "hemanth-hk",
"message": "Nice game.....",
"createdAt": 1568814616786
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "It started off simple and relatively easy. I then, however, the missing letters and maths. I think these were great additions and made it more of a challenge. \n\nThe addition of the music really helped the game. A very polished entry well done.",
"createdAt": 1568835173835
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Nice UI and loved the music, just not a fan of word games but I did play the game and it all worked well.",
"createdAt": 1568845589425
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Nice work mixing up the kind of challenges. The music is a nice touch.\n\nBy around Streak 33 I was starting to just get bored. One suggestion to keep the player hooked would be to have answers contribute to a bar and have \"Levels\" of increasing difficulty. If I had reached \"Level 2\" or \"Level 3\" by that point with harder words, it would feel like I was making progress.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568890405040
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Simple but fun, I liked the sprinkling of other types of challenges to break it up slightly. The interface is nicely thought out and works well on mobile.",
"createdAt": 1569176647813
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Interesting concept, with some variation of missing letters and number puzzles.\n\nNice reaction to browser size by showing or hiding the phone depending on resolution.\n\nSounds were a little basic, perhaps some variation or music would be good.",
"createdAt": 1569242820514
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "Fun little game, I was only able to play the tutorial, playing other levels generated an error in chrome:",
"createdAt": 1568704719352
"login": "gheja",
"message": "I really liked that the game has severeal type of challenges but after 46 I got no more just a blank screen.",
"createdAt": 1569685650526
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Music bit too much like in \"2nd reality\"",
"createdAt": 1569781046545
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "The math challenges were an awesome surprise - the missing letters were a bit weird, though. How could I be sure I was guessing the right word? Still, very compelling game, and great use of the theme. Fun music, too!",
"createdAt": 1569872641735
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice song.\nAnd it is funny game",
"createdAt": 1569939283325
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-the-stars/index.html",
"title": "Back To The Stars",
"author": "Marco Fernandes",
"description": "<p>Help our friend to get back to the stars by jumping into the falling bubbles.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tMove using the arrow keys and space to jump.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-the-stars/__big.jpg",
"id": 143,
"login": "vonloxx",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 167,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 12
"name": "fun",
"score": 35
"name": "theme",
"score": 24
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 26
"name": "graphics",
"score": 45
"name": "technical",
"score": 25
"comments": [
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "I found this far too difficult to play. The randomised bubbles are hard to hit while in midair and the game is not forgiving.",
"createdAt": 1568653093265
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"message": "Simple, sweet and satisfactory. I loved the introduction text, and the parallax background wasn't too shabby either.\n\nI felt the player moved up a little too fast but besides that a solid entry.",
"createdAt": 1568659903084
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I'm not sure what the original idea was that failed, but the pixel art sure is nice. As a quickly thrown together replacement, this is a very playable game. I found the randomness a little annoying sometimes, but still wanted to try over. I had to stop myself though, as there are many more games to play. Good game.",
"createdAt": 1568664647901
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Not bad, but nothing memorable either. You could add more to game, maybe some limited use abilities that you earn over playing, etc.",
"createdAt": 1568669453307
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Simple and addictive! It's especially satisfying to hit a string of bubbles in a row (almost feels like a super boost or something). I also like that the collision is forgiving and you can just *barely* hit the bottom of a bubble to jump on it - gives you a lot of \"close calls\". Nice job!",
"createdAt": 1568693186961
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "A classic game, well executed, nice gfx with dithering reminiscent of the 16-bit era (where is the sun from the snapshot ?). Sounds should have been a bit smoother.\nThe character relies too much on luck in its ascent - if it does not get bubbles at the right place, there is no way to prevent it from falling.",
"createdAt": 1569066840174
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "cute design.\nattictive.",
"createdAt": 1568811519938
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "Fun little jumper clone. Sound effects are decent, could use some simple background music.\n\nGameplay wise, you could spice it up by adding a double-jump with spacebar. (I couldn't tell if spacebar did anything or not once you were in the bubble field).\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568736055532
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Surprisingly difficult - I think I mostly scored by chance rather than by skill!",
"createdAt": 1568748923986
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very fun game. It would be nice if there was more feel adding to the jump animation. Some extra animation to make each pop really feel good.",
"createdAt": 1568764310963
"login": "ajbkr",
"message": "Really loved this lil' game. Plays well and very fluid. Super-simple controls. Yeah... there's very definitely an element of luck required in terms of bubble arrangement but that's part of the challenge, right?\n\nFelt a bit sluggish getting back into the game when it restarts after game over. \"I just wanna get back on those bubbles, yo!!\"\n\nCute character.",
"createdAt": 1568831953291
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "I liked this. I like the simplicity of it, but it is really well done. Great graphics and sound effects. The game gives me an incentive to play it again and get the high score!",
"createdAt": 1568846335151
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "High:13504",
"createdAt": 1568896111037
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Very addictive little game! The graphics are very pleasing, from the character to the animations, to the background color. Very nice work. The sound also adds a little touch.\n\nMy highest score was 174055!",
"createdAt": 1569006790504
"login": "lanceewing",
"message": "Simple yet very addictive game. I like how easy it is to understand how to play it, and is certainly fun to play.",
"createdAt": 1569072529515
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Nice concept, cute graphics and fun game mechanics. Lacks music and maybe powerups / variations.\nThe randomness affects playability in a negative way: it's generally hard to start (make the first two jumps) and then it gets a lot easier (unless you fail and then you have no oportunity to rectify: just look how your friend falls into the void).\nReally a nice idea.",
"createdAt": 1569153152454
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Great graphics, sounds and game play. Have made it to over 20k but not to the stars.",
"createdAt": 1569182363942
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "maybe add more bubbles at the beginning",
"createdAt": 1569234949710
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Fun, and simple pseudo-platformer.\nFeels a bit slidey / hard to control at times.\n\nOverall, well done!",
"createdAt": 1569333138147
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like simple and fun games like this one. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569448954335
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Classic mechanics, but cool design.",
"createdAt": 1569569990602
"login": "supereggbert",
"message": "reminds me of flappy birds, fantasically addictive yet I still get nowhere, grrr arghhh :-)",
"createdAt": 1569765994432
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "It took me a few tries but I finally found the way to play it and I enjoyed it!",
"createdAt": 1569845784223
"data": {
"url": "/games/we-fight-back/index.html",
"title": "We fight back!",
"author": "Christian Paul",
"description": "<p>Giant monsters are roaming through the world, threatening your town and family.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tIn this typing game, you're defending your city against a giant monster by typing the displayed story.</p><p>Select a level by pressing 1, 2 or 3.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tFrom now on type the highlighted words. Include spaces, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tFinish the texts before the monster reaches your base!</p><p>On the success and failure screen, press space to return to the main menu. Pressing H on the failure screen will give you insights in how close you got to the goal (spoiler alert).</p><p>The extras for monetized subscribers are a mode where the texts of the story got shuffled and the option to defend Berlin.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/we-fight-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 144,
"login": "jaller94",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 169,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 27
"name": "fun",
"score": 34
"name": "theme",
"score": 23
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 30
"name": "graphics",
"score": 31
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Good, Educational game.",
"createdAt": 1568649578079
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Graphics is pretty cool, but there is nothing else to go for this game.\n\nWould be better if some events related to words would unfold, other than same monster chasing - machine firing. Even cooler, if you'd get a choice by pressing one word or another.",
"createdAt": 1568654328634
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Nice take on a typing game. I enjoyed simple b&w graphics. Really nice monster moves animation!",
"createdAt": 1568661490269
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "The game really pushed me because I wanted to beat all levels. An improvement would be to visualize when space is entered so that you can see clearly what the next letter is if you do a mistake.",
"createdAt": 1568665820721
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The letters are hard to read, a better font would really help out. It would be nice to be able to click on the first level.",
"createdAt": 1568669621430
"login": "liruenth",
"message": "Great job.",
"createdAt": 1568696686824
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Very cool graphics and challenging gameplay. The sound effects are also pretty cool.\n\nI was getting confused in the sentence mode sometimes because at the end of the line the space should not be typed.",
"createdAt": 1568741014124
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Graphics scaling make the text blurry. Very good point, the inputs are really responsive, even when you start a new word as the game is still validating the former one. Level 1 seems more difficult than level 2.",
"createdAt": 1569016115286
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "I learned that I make a lot of mistakes while typing. Nice game.",
"createdAt": 1568819323710
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "While this is a solid entry I struggle with typing games being fun. Graphics are good and it all works well though.",
"createdAt": 1568838754119
"login": "remvst",
"message": "A nice take on a classic game. I like the graphics but the resolution could be much higher since this is a desktop only entry. Some details like the truck shooting at the monster would be nice too, or maybe add animations when typing out letters.\n\nSound effects were a bit aggressive but they did the job.",
"createdAt": 1568857621108
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "great looking game, feedbacks on typing are so good",
"createdAt": 1568905678076
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "That was an enormous amount of fun!\n\nI loved the progression of the story from words to pairs to sentences. The combination of monster animation on the bottom and distance ticking down on the top added a lovely element of tension. I ended up turning the sound off (I turn off the bell sound in my terminal too), but did enjoy that it was there.\n\nCan there be a sequel? Another monster story?",
"createdAt": 1568933317155
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Fun! \"Sentences\" was pretty tough! I would have beaten it, but it wouldn't recognize me pressing the comma on the second to last sentence so the monster got us :( Great work!",
"createdAt": 1569118348422
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Loved it! really enjoyed progressing through the difficulty levels and seeing the expanded story, graphics were great and evoked a great atmosphere.",
"createdAt": 1569178701838
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play the game.",
"createdAt": 1569228730882
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Nice setting for a typing game! The design is great. The dino makes me feel typing like hell. I like the narrative interpretation of the theme. Sounds are nice too.",
"createdAt": 1568778979603
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "The game concept is really cool. The game would be better without grammar mistakes ;) And if the sound would be a little bit quieter. And font is pixelized. But all the other things are 10/10",
"createdAt": 1568749802636
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569593474315
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Lovely pixel art; sadly all smushed with bilinear filtering. Add `image-rendering: crisp-edges;` to your canvas!\n\nThe feedback while typing is excellent and the approaching monster adds a sense of urgency.\n\nHowever, it feels a bit stiff when you realize that it's just a countdown running. Could be made more interesting if the words you typed had some actual effect. E.g. shooting at the monster to slow it down or making your own truck go faster.",
"createdAt": 1569687404609
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Nice, this felt like a well rounded game. I did expect a difference in lower-case/capital letters, which didn't seem to be the case.",
"createdAt": 1569721197631
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Not my type of game.",
"createdAt": 1569780499479
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Loved this game! Very creative premise. The choice of words/phrases/sentences really made the gameplay feel urgent. They were a great match with the frantic typing. And it was surprisingly fun to just type away. There were a couple misspellings, but otherwise felt like a flawless game :)",
"createdAt": 1569856692959
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I found a bug at the end: it didn't accept \",\" input - otherwise, very cool!",
"createdAt": 1570017292412
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "I would have loved a graphic effect every time a succesfully complete a word! The tiny bullet every time i type a letter correctly it's almost invisible",
"createdAt": 1570097117376
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-back-back-back-gone/index.html",
"title": "Back Back Back Back Gone!",
"author": "Jon Wiesman",
"description": "<p>Back Back Back Back Gone is a home run derby for mobile and desktop. Just tap on the screen where the ball crosses the plate to swing the bat. </p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-back-back-back-gone/__big.jpg",
"id": 145,
"login": "jonwiesman",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 156,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 16
"name": "fun",
"score": 31
"name": "theme",
"score": 31
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 21
"name": "technical",
"score": 28
"comments": [
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Nice job! Game was simple enough to play and enjoyable. Could have used a bit more variety, and the graphics personally didn't appeal to me that much. But I'm sure others would like this style.",
"createdAt": 1568668551788
"login": "carlini",
"message": "I couldn't get anything interesting to happen, and don't follow the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568682926255
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing graphics!",
"createdAt": 1569010837584
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "This game really surprised me in it's complexity. Different difficulties, curve balls, collisions with the walls of the stands. etc. I had a lot of fun with this one.\nI think the game would look a lot better if it was less blurry overall though. One way to do that would be to give it a pixelated artstyle.",
"createdAt": 1568728396628
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I liked the music.",
"createdAt": 1568772827177
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics. Catchy intro tune.\n\nI wasn't able to get a single home run in the time I had to play in despite clicking at various different times.\n\nNot sure what the plate is or when the ball crossed it.\n\nDoesn't respond to browser resizing.",
"createdAt": 1568845080827
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Well done for 13k! The small text was a bit blurry and indistinguishable on my screen, but the game is otherwise very solid!",
"createdAt": 1568894428582
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "unique graphics and interpretation of the theme",
"createdAt": 1569119596349
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Great game! Pretty awesome that you fit a full 3D home run derby simulator into 13kb! Love the \"Take me out to the ballgame\" intro music :) Controls are spot on and difficulty ramps up quick - Majors is sooo hard! Nice work on this game!",
"createdAt": 1569186476975
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Nice idea, cool graphics, interesting game play.",
"createdAt": 1569356017317
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Impressive! Though I must say, what's up with the shadow of the ball curving different directions, that's a bit strange, but there really isn't anything major to say about this other than it's fantastic. I suppose maybe the font sizes could be increased and anti-aliasing/image smoothing could have been disabled but that's about it. Well done.",
"createdAt": 1568662454620
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Cute. Is it even possible to do a home run in the Major league? Overall solid game. It wasn't clear to me if the place where I click is important or not. Also that \"loading bar\", does it do anything? And the red circle?",
"createdAt": 1569494204849
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "nice baseball game.\nwell made difficulty",
"createdAt": 1569844824486
"data": {
"url": "/games/bounceback/index.html",
"title": "BounceBack",
"author": "LNY",
"description": "<p>A simple shooting game.You have a shield on your back which can bounce back the bullets.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tYour character's direction is controlled by mouse pointer.X to move toward pointer,C to shoot bullets,P to pause/continue.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/bounceback/__big.jpg",
"id": 146,
"login": "liningyuan",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 164,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 28
"name": "theme",
"score": 39
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 18
"name": "graphics",
"score": 20
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Simple, but challenging. The controls are very smooth.",
"createdAt": 1568663623324
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Interesting concept, though a bullet hell game without fine controls basically requires figuring out how to cheese the AI into a lucky position because the difficulty curve is more like a cliff.",
"createdAt": 1568681228862
"login": "js636f",
"message": "Nice idea!",
"createdAt": 1568715327456
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "2nd stage was too difficult. it will be better if we can move freely without the need of mouse.",
"createdAt": 1568732070521
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "It's nice game! But the second level is super difficult! I suggest to make it more faster and more dynamic! Idea is great! Well done!",
"createdAt": 1568992325162
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to turn off the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play.",
"createdAt": 1568796615345
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice game mechanics, it's fun and challanging to play",
"createdAt": 1568831346337
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "That shield and bounce mechanic is really interesting, a simple arcade game become more like a puzzle! Nice job!",
"createdAt": 1568841143786
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "2nd level was rock hard.",
"createdAt": 1568877569174
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Too bad it's incomplete. It's very interesting and retro. Thank god The shield meter isn't working or I would be dead really fast. Back besides the name, i don't see a relation to the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568967485031
"login": "depp",
"message": "I like the concept, but this game would benefit from a bunch of parameter tweaks--the second level just completely fills with bullets, and you can't really aim and move at the same time so it gets very frustrating.",
"createdAt": 1569168608059
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice concept with interesting game play.\n\nEnemies seem to have a lot more life than you do.\n\nThere's a lot flying around on later levels making it hard to win.\n\nMusic would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569195488560
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Fun game. Need strategy to play.",
"createdAt": 1569460086765
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Very clear and easy to understand presentation. Sound provides good feedback too.\n\nGameplay could be improved by providing unidirectional movement (strafing, moving backwards). It feels a bit stiff the way it is now.",
"createdAt": 1569685041146
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This feels well designed, but it was too hard. Like level 2 felt impossible since it was fully covered in bullets.",
"createdAt": 1569720846392
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Illustrate efficiently the concept of artillery. I keep thinking that the idea is good, the tratment could have been better. Faster with more detailed gfx, maybe. The duels are really imbalanced as far as the shield size is concerned.",
"createdAt": 1569965700305
"data": {
"url": "/games/round-robin/index.html",
"title": "Round Robin",
"author": "ai Doge & Jack Oatley",
"description": "<p>Round robin, slide down and up the hills to jump, use arrow keys to boost mid air! and collect coins.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tCoil subscribers can get amazing color pallets by pressing Q.</p><p>Game is unfinished.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/round-robin/__big.jpg",
"id": 147,
"login": "JackOatley",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 171,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 32
"name": "fun",
"score": 31
"name": "theme",
"score": 16
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 26
"name": "graphics",
"score": 33
"name": "technical",
"score": 33
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "really nice graphics, and fun flying mechanic. would love to see this one finished.",
"createdAt": 1568650184762
"login": "Auroriax",
"message": "The default colors are very pretty! To bad you couldn't finish this game, I see some interesting ideas here that could have potential.",
"createdAt": 1568658849345
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "after sometime i wasn't seeing any gold coins",
"createdAt": 1568732070520
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Love the art and palette choice, good controls too!",
"createdAt": 1568751717586
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "Didn't quite understand the objective - maybe there isn't much of one just because it's unfinished?",
"createdAt": 1569004148695
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This is a great concept, i particularly liked that I could go backwards as well as forwards if I wanted.\n\nI don't think the Coil functionality was working.",
"createdAt": 1568773513508
"login": "sebadorn",
"message": "After the first level the color palette changed to dark pinkish + dark blue and it became really hard to see enemies.",
"createdAt": 1569063182497
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "Got sick in the first 3 seconds of the game. Camera movement is just insane. No thanks.",
"createdAt": 1568848413527
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Game is unfinished. But graphics is great.",
"createdAt": 1568905136343
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Very good use of a limited palette. The animation is excellent, the music a good match, unfortunately the game lacks a goal.",
"createdAt": 1568927036953
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Really great idea and nice implementation!",
"createdAt": 1568972191270
"login": "depp",
"message": "Pretty slick! Just needs some more gameplay :)",
"createdAt": 1569172029846
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I like the graphics, i think the energy bar recovery system is a little weird, but i think the idea of the game is pretty solid. Of course as the creator states, this isn't much of a game yet. there's nothing really to do but collect 10 coins.",
"createdAt": 1569216575932
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "Good music and nice graphics! It might not be finished and sure can use some polishing of the gameplay but it's really much fun already! Well done!",
"createdAt": 1569270550559
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "Although it was unfinished and had some buggy controls, it was MUCH more pleasant than the other game. This one has alot of potential.",
"createdAt": 1569348242130
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Beautiful game and nice music.",
"createdAt": 1569447414275
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Clearly unfinished but had good potential! I couldn't die or do anything interesting but otherwise quite solid. I like it.",
"createdAt": 1569842793906
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "A shame this is unfinished, as it looks like it has a lot of potential. (I'd like to travel beyond Nottingham!) The rapid zooming in and out made me feel a bit sick. Nice palette, even as a non coil user.",
"createdAt": 1569878228420
"data": {
"url": "/games/backto-where-we-left-off/index.html",
"title": " where we left off",
"author": "Adrian PETRE",
"description": "<p>Forced to sit in the shadows for an entire year after narrowly escaping being caught, the hacker returns behind the monitor in hope that this time he will find the answers to some peculiar questions the average human has.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/backto-where-we-left-off/__big.jpg",
"id": 149,
"login": "4padrian",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 144,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 39
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 27
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 13
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Third word of \"welcome to my game\" is \"my\", not \"game\". and what is 0th line 0th word means?\nUnplayable. I only could give you a point for innovation.",
"createdAt": 1568653662204
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Idea was interesting and I was curious to try it, but got stuck on first step - just didn't know what to do, instructions were not clear (what do I do with the word?)",
"createdAt": 1568665954524
"login": "ericdrowell",
"message": "I could see how this might be fun for IT folks, but it wasn't that fun for me. Some suggestions:\n\n* sounds effects would be nice. \n* Maybe there could be an antagonist, or protagonist, who is a hacker, who has a dialog with you (the player) throughout the game",
"createdAt": 1568671336352
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "This seems like an interesting game, but unfortunately I was not able to understand how it works. It took me a while to even get where I was supposed to type.\nThe instructions say \"23 = second row, third word = game\", but \"game\" is the 4th word in that line! And what am I supposed to do if the number is 00?\nThe first puzzle was \"116.635.891.00:/pacific ocean federal police main database\" so I typed \"database\", \":/database\", and both gave me an error.\nAt this point I have no idea what to do unfortunately, and the extra settings like Internal/External ip address seem extra confusing.",
"createdAt": 1568728396630
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "I literally have no idea what's happening in here.",
"createdAt": 1568744926487
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "The interface is very cool. The idea is nice, and the story is great.",
"createdAt": 1568753163215
"login": "dunindunin",
"message": "Simple but well done game.\nCrazy part is horrible but shows how good the idea of a line is for this game...",
"createdAt": 1568821557159
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "This game had a novel concept and a strong design. It was a little confusing about the IP toggles as I could not see them mentioned in the instructions but once I worked that out I was able to continue. Good effort.",
"createdAt": 1568837664583
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Did you know that sass could fly? :p\nNice easy hacking game. Perhaps make the input always focused and the cursor more visible with some padding, because I tried typing in the error console first..",
"createdAt": 1568848505883
"login": "fawwaz",
"message": "present a new way to play a driving car. like the graphics",
"createdAt": 1568904513201
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Unplayable. Cryptic instructions, that don't quite make sense. The sixth word of the first line is database. What is the zeroeth word of the zeroeth line?",
"createdAt": 1568925857205
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Looks like a programming / hacking style game, plays like a simple puzzle / pattern recognition game.\n\nLacks complexity needed for a more mature audience, but I love the concept.",
"createdAt": 1568986455029
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Over complicated",
"createdAt": 1569106546236
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I have to admit this game was a bit confusing. Is this a sequel? I felt really lost with the switches and so on. I only understood what I had to do by looking under the hood and reading the source code. The instructions page were not very clear either. Seems interesting but seems more like a chore than a game in the beginning.",
"createdAt": 1569179794995
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Confused at first as didn't realise I had to type \":/\" at the start of every response.\n\nNice idea, could do with a few more responses.\n\nWasn't sure what happened with the copied files or logs or if that was just for show.",
"createdAt": 1569242820514
"login": "ErikSom",
"message": "I took the challenge and manage to get in there. A quick tutorial would have been nice during gameplay. To guide a player to first set the server + ip and then find the words. But after getting it it was quite fun.",
"createdAt": 1569337215697
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Could use better repl... winning conditions unclear. \n\nBut neat puzzle",
"createdAt": 1569405868515
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Sorry, not my kind of game.",
"createdAt": 1569446886000
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Fun and neat little game!",
"createdAt": 1569593873840
"login": "sdepold",
"message": "🤔I think I would like the game but ... I don't understand what 00 means :(",
"createdAt": 1569780537233
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Recommended resolution 1920x1080 ? Sorry, my screen can't do that. And I don't get any echo of the commands I type. Probably a good puzzle adventure but I can't get far, some controls are probably off screen.",
"createdAt": 1570054385316
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-to-rescue/index.html",
"title": "back to rescue",
"author": "salc2",
"description": "<p>Back to Rescue.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tRescue as many hostages as you can.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tGo forward and carry them in your BACK and get BACK until the extraction area.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSPACE/ENTER - GUNFIRE<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tARROW UP - JUMP<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tARROWS LEFT/RIGHT - WALK<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tIt's so much buggy but I hope you enjoy. </p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-to-rescue/__big.jpg",
"id": 148,
"login": "salc2",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 158,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 23
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 27
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 27
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 21
"comments": [
"login": "japhethbalane",
"message": "Love the graphics and sound effects...\nControls could still be improved...",
"createdAt": 1568650024988
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "I had fun - shot a lot of bad guys; bounced around some. rescued someone and carried them slowly home (cute idea). Nice idea and pretty.",
"createdAt": 1568660378763
"login": "jaredyork",
"message": "Fantastic game, original, and also decent graphics! I love it. Despite the bugs, I think this game has tons of potential. I could totally see this on app stores.",
"createdAt": 1568660853511
"login": "vonloxx",
"message": "Fun game. Good graphics and sound effects.\nThere were some bugs but the most annoying thing probably was that it was toooooo slow to carry those \"lazy\" hostages :D",
"createdAt": 1568672918503
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I love the animations, and the characters, and the small recoil you get from firing is a nice touch. The sounds made my ears ring though, I wish the volume was lower, and that some softer sounds were used, especially when firing your weapon.\n\nBringing back the hostages is too difficult. I tried to drop one in order to fight the horde of robots, but my hostage disappeared. I guess this is one of the bugs you have, but if I were able to pick the hostage up again, the game would be little less difficult.\n\nI think the developer have spent an honorable amount of time especially in the animations, and that deserves an award in itself.",
"createdAt": 1568703413829
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game! It would be great to have more levels.",
"createdAt": 1569010566217
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Nice graphics,\nBut Why don't you use preventDefault() on keypress event?\nThe window is scrolled ...",
"createdAt": 1568720925067
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I think your game is very promising. Like the broforce style.",
"createdAt": 1568772468277
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "pity about the bugs but i quite like the visual style",
"createdAt": 1568807044412
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Very buggy, but great attempt!",
"createdAt": 1568902254680
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I like the pixel art, but the gameplay gets a little boring after a bit. Couldn't find any hostages, unless you mean the people I was shooting...",
"createdAt": 1568926553361
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "The game doesn't run:\n\nSyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified",
"createdAt": 1568970943456
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "A nice idea, pixel art is pretty decent as well. I kept jumping to make a little turn as I ran back and forth. A few bugs seemed to make the people I was carrying disappear when I needed to shoot.",
"createdAt": 1568845589424
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "I couldn't even get past the title screen. Hitting Space does nothing",
"createdAt": 1569213913989
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "This game scarred shit out of me.\nNice graphics and screen shake.",
"createdAt": 1569273181211
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Not working on Firefox.\nFirst 5 seconds, look and feel of game is pretty good, but the rest is boring and buggy.",
"createdAt": 1569349131552
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "Doesn't work on Firefox. Tries to open twitter share dialog on dying... bad move.....\n\nGraphics and gameplay feel good though",
"createdAt": 1569404619757
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Game didn't work for me on Firefox 69.0.1\n\nSyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified",
"createdAt": 1569706044194
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "\"SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified\" (Firefox 69)",
"createdAt": 1569772676402
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Very nice gameplay and mechanics\n- Loved the art!\n- Some music and lil particle effects would have made it better",
"createdAt": 1570000881871
"data": {
"url": "/games/dengar/index.html",
"title": "Dengar",
"author": "Andrew Patton",
"description": "<p>\"Anime fans across the world have succesfully raided Area 51, but poor Dengar here quite enjoyed his containment facility\"</p><p>'Endess' runner that's not quite endless...and it's in reverse. You play as Dengar, an alien trying to get BACK into Area 51.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tOn mobile, a virtual gamepad is provided to allow for touch input. On PC, you can either mouse-click the virtual gamepad, or use the keyboard</p><p>Left - A / Left-Arrow<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tRight - D / Right-Arrow<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tJump - Spacebar</p><p>Tested on: Chrome (PC/Android), Firefox (PC, Android), Ecosia (Android). Should also work on iOS and most alternate browsers.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/dengar/__big.jpg",
"id": 151,
"login": "Patton97",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 116,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 11
"name": "fun",
"score": 23
"name": "theme",
"score": 25
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 17
"name": "technical",
"score": 17
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Fun!. I like runner game.\nBut I cannot find anything special",
"createdAt": 1568647940306
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Nice little runner - I played it it a bit and died a lot. Cute green ball and I liked the bouncy-ness. thx.",
"createdAt": 1568657312151
"login": "brunoskonrad",
"message": "I couldn't finish the game. I didn't master the jump mechanics enough, but I was starting to get there. I loved that you thought about the virtual gamepad, for mobile devices!",
"createdAt": 1568667786562
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Liked there was a distance countdown, that kept me retrying until i made it back to Area 51. Would have liked more of an \n audio or visual indication I'd hit a cactus on the end of a jump, sometimes hadn't realised and then looked up at the hearts and saw only had one left. Eye closing on jump was good.",
"createdAt": 1568687449706
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Nice and funny game.",
"createdAt": 1568710959838
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Looks cute. Props for actually testing multiple browsers!",
"createdAt": 1568749472053
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I could only get to about 2000m remaining, this game is hard 😬",
"createdAt": 1568815431955
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Music and sfx would add a lot to this game.",
"createdAt": 1568837938947
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Really interesting take on the classic chrome dinosaur game!",
"createdAt": 1569072582303
"login": "dp",
"message": "Playing this on Firefox on OS X and it's unplayable as the entire play area is obscured by giant (as in almost 50% game height) buttons. Works ok in Safari though, with the buttons at the bottom of the screen. They're still pretty large though!\n\nGame runs well but I'm not very good at this type of game so couldn't get veey far.",
"createdAt": 1569233642230
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Sometimes all the floor is cacti.",
"createdAt": 1569351381073
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics and interesting concept.\n\nSome jumps I couldn't make without loosing health.\n\nSome sound would be good and perhaps a variation in things which need jumping.",
"createdAt": 1569414861272
"login": "Rayne",
"message": "The great plot convinced me to help poor Denga. Unfortunately the game is too hard for me, so Denga didn't make it back to Area 51. I hope that Denga will make it with the help of another player.",
"createdAt": 1568663490279
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I liked the charismatic alien!",
"createdAt": 1569461191805
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "For the few minutes I was like \"why the f am I moving left when I am not moving\" - there should be some animation or should I go to the left or something.",
"createdAt": 1569611238043
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Difficult to play on a laptop screen (768 px high), the first jump causes the page to scroll down and hide part of the play area. Remember to return false from your event handler to prevent that.\nThe game is a bit simple and would benefit from varied gfx and obstacles, multiple levels ...",
"createdAt": 1569701524437
"login": "Yngwarr",
"message": "It's not easy to control, but definitely is fun!",
"createdAt": 1569824039790
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Fun twist of going in the opposite direction of what we are used to in 2d platformers. I also like that you show us how far it is to the goal, it makes me want to finish the game.",
"createdAt": 1569868357354
"data": {
"url": "/games/big-fish/index.html",
"title": "Big Fish",
"author": "Mark Racette",
"description": "<p>Become the biggest fish in the pond. The rules are simple:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t1. Use the arrow keys to avoid larger fish<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t2. Eat smaller fish to grow in size<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t3. Beware of odd-sized fish<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t4. Tails do not count towards collisions<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t5. Collect bonus items to gain points and power-ups<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t6. Become the biggest fish in the pond to win</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/big-fish/__big.jpg",
"id": 150,
"login": "mracette",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 158,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 20
"name": "fun",
"score": 34
"name": "theme",
"score": 12
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 36
"name": "graphics",
"score": 33
"name": "technical",
"score": 23
"comments": [
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Very well implemented. The controls are very fluid, and the animations are smooth. Enjoyable and challenging game.\n\nThe blowfish was my favourite.",
"createdAt": 1568656148267
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Confusing controls\nPretty much impossible",
"createdAt": 1568664046934
"login": "curtastic",
"message": "Fun game, I had to beat it, but if I keep restarting without refreshing, it gets super hard where they are mostly all pufferfish. Refreshed by browser and it reset to easy and I won. There's nothing to eat at all for a long time at the beginning sometimes.",
"createdAt": 1568687315547
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I like this agario-style game but it's a bit too frustrating. Most of times there are no small fish in the beginning and I have to wait a long time. But overall, nice job. Doesn't seem to follow this year's theme.",
"createdAt": 1569003614692
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Really really really hard to control... I'd like the water to slow me down.",
"createdAt": 1568763192244
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "I am a fan of minimalistic graphics. The fish are cute! That rhombus thing... is a fish?\n\nPros:\nThe rule is clear and simple, but still challenging.\nI have seen similar games before, but I still think this game is executed well.\n\nCons:\nI have a hard time thinking... How is this related to the theme \"back\"?",
"createdAt": 1568813012381
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Had a lot of fun playing it!\nGame play is simple and enjoyable.\nThe difficulty is OK.\nTheme not found.\nVery well done!!!",
"createdAt": 1568834069728
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "This game looks really good, but is too hard in my opinion",
"createdAt": 1568844454282
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Hard to play for any length of time without losing. The loose control scheme (extremely rapid acceleration and very little deceleration) makes this game much harder than it needs to be. Could do with more precision in the controls so the player doesn't get quite so frustrated. Also indications as to which fish are edible would be helpful when trying to judge size differences.",
"createdAt": 1568901434370
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "good game, tricky but has that one more game thing.",
"createdAt": 1568925923233
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like the details and idea. The inertia is too much for me.",
"createdAt": 1569185252431
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Cool game. Liked the design",
"createdAt": 1569241838102
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Graphics is nice, and it's actually playable.\n\nToo much inertia on movement. \nSmall fishes are too rare.\nNo lives, if you make a mistake you get back no no-smaller-fishes start of level.",
"createdAt": 1568670290592
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game! A little bit hard to play as the fish is rotating, but it moves to that direction which key you pressed. I suggest to use left and right keys for rotating, up for accelerating and down for stopping.",
"createdAt": 1569577968477
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics, particularly liked the puffer-fish.\n\nVery hard to steer the fish, it seems to pick up a lot of momentum, which feels odd for being under water.\n\nSome sound or music would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569790209040
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very hard to control, nice idea. Would be good if the tank was less populated to start.",
"createdAt": 1569876450338
"data": {
"url": "/games/nano-wirebot/index.html",
"title": "nano-wirebot",
"author": "Mariano Lambir",
"description": "<p>A simple platformer where you play as a nanobot that needs to fix some wires.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUse the arrow keys for movement, and the browser back button (or backspace) to \"go back\"</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/nano-wirebot/__big.jpg",
"id": 153,
"login": "mlambir",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 246,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 46
"name": "fun",
"score": 45
"name": "theme",
"score": 43
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 44
"name": "graphics",
"score": 38
"name": "technical",
"score": 30
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Looks and plays neat, but I got stuck on the first level with three save points. I think I was supposed to respawn on last save point, but I keep respawning on next to last, making winning impossible (?)",
"createdAt": 1568650077823
"login": "vonloxx",
"message": "A well crafted game.\nIMO no need to add the browser back button because of the theme ;)",
"createdAt": 1568675754891
"login": "carlini",
"message": "The \"back\" mechanic doesn't work for me.",
"createdAt": 1568695119061
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Really cool platformer game, when you need to think a little bit for passing through levels. Great work!",
"createdAt": 1568724651946
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This is super well done. Played all the way to the end, don't think there's anything I could suggest to change or add.",
"createdAt": 1568774793167
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "wow, nice music.\nand I love it's idea about theme 'back'",
"createdAt": 1568811830926
"login": "vishwaspaikra007",
"message": "i would say a very work around the theme.\nTill now it's the best interpretation of the theme for me right now. Game play is easy and i was having fun.",
"createdAt": 1568836168683
"login": "wisekrakr",
"message": "The display was a bit too small. I liked the way I had to teleport to get to the level, although it did not work every time, some levels had some small mistakes.\nGameplay, graphics, sounds... all great. It really looks amazing. Although the gameplay is simple (just jumping and getting wires), it still is a challenge to finish a level. Great job!",
"createdAt": 1568849541731
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "At start seems another common platformer but... level are absolutely awesome!! Puzzles are great and the use of back button is a gem!\nAlso nice music and sounds.\nI'll play it a lot :D",
"createdAt": 1568905001758
"login": "depp",
"message": "Amazing fun, and catchy song too!",
"createdAt": 1568927729281
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Some good puzzles. A well polished game.",
"createdAt": 1569012950321
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "My favourite this far (and I played >50%). Great idea that should be developed more. An improved version should have alternative key for getting back besides backspace and history back, but the mappings fit the competition's theme well.",
"createdAt": 1569146305464
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Really enjoyed this, a surprising amount of mechanics crammed into the space, some nice pixel art and audio, and a clever central mechanic in the rewind",
"createdAt": 1569180964055
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "cute",
"createdAt": 1569326257279
"login": "reece-bennett",
"message": "Quite a hard game, reached the end eventually :)\n\nNice design, graphics overall was nice, particularly liked the changing backgrounds. Had just the right amount of SFX to add to the feel of the game without being overpowering.",
"createdAt": 1569439825342
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Clever idea and well made game. Sounds and graphics are all great. The game could have been more zoomed in. While the back button was a nice touch it was a little tricky to use on a laptop using a touchpad and I went back once to many times losing my game",
"createdAt": 1569540417134
"login": "sqlsherpa",
"message": "Very creative, great variety in the graphics and nice music. It was just challenging enough to keep me playing.",
"createdAt": 1569633108472
"login": "blueboxes",
"message": "I really enjoyed playing this game. The music and the way the levels were built was really clever.\n\nThe use of the back button was a little hard to use and I think another key to do the same action would have worked as well.",
"createdAt": 1569754351807
"login": "kurazu",
"message": "Appealing graphics, interesting levels. Cool game!",
"createdAt": 1569833344322
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool platform game. To me, the scene looks a bit small. The graphics and musc are cool by the way.",
"createdAt": 1569848900193
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "One of the best!",
"createdAt": 1569951778290
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Great concept and graphics, but the mechanics seem a bit too hard.",
"createdAt": 1570022216644
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-down-the-tower/index.html",
"title": "Back Down The Tower",
"author": "Quang & Kevin",
"description": "<p>In this game, you've most definitely defeated the boss, and you just need to go back down the tower to go home and buy groceries and walk your dog (groceries and dog not part of the game).</p><p>Unfortunately, you've used a cheat code to get to the boss and all of the enemies and traps are still there. Too bad the cheat code was a one-way ticket since it was bought from a shady cube.</p><p>Contorls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow keys to move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t[a] to attack<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t[z] to grab and move gray boxes<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t[esc] to restart</p><p>Goal: Go Down 7 floors</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/back-down-the-tower/__big.jpg",
"id": 152,
"login": "quangthuyhoang",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 161,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 26
"name": "fun",
"score": 34
"name": "theme",
"score": 31
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 33
"name": "graphics",
"score": 13
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Funny game.\nAnd very hard.\nIt would be great if graphics are improved",
"createdAt": 1568648311572
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Once you get over the non-existent graphics, the gameplay is surprisingly good. Collision, moving boxes and fighting work great, though I navigated myself into a dead end surrounded by boxes, a few times.\n\nMoving boxes is fun, but it was a bit tedious on 5th floor. Some smaller, more sokoban-esque puzzles would have been nice.\n\nFloor 3 and 2 don't leave you enough time to grasp what's going on before you're dead. It feels unfair in this regard. You should always give the player a safe space at the level start.",
"createdAt": 1568654504968
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "This looks like it could be a good game. I like the way the sprite outlines merge together. It feels playable too. Unfortunately for me it shows white text on a white background so I couldn't really tell what was happening.",
"createdAt": 1569059732298
"login": "foumart",
"message": "I like the mechanic with the moving blocks. Reached the level with the multiple exits - I had Sword attacks (at least according the UI) but could not attack any more, so got killed by the guards.",
"createdAt": 1568807273354
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Fun game.",
"createdAt": 1568843886301
"login": "stasm",
"message": "Wow, the first level is quite something! The enemies move really fast. I wish there was a way to better control the direction of the sword attacks. As it is right now, I needed to make an extra step in the direction I wanted to attack in, and that got me killed a few times.",
"createdAt": 1568888919034
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Something is wrong with this game. Some levels rendered things in the wrong positions.",
"createdAt": 1568968781936
"login": "SouthpawGoblin",
"message": "Fun gameplay, but the grabbing mechanism is kind of annoying since it will grab all boxes around the hero, which sometimes get stucked",
"createdAt": 1569128215952
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Interesting concept!\n- I liked the graphics\n- I think the game would have been more engaging if difficulty increased slowly. I found it off-putting because of difficulty level",
"createdAt": 1569177743284
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser (you should call .preventDefault() on the event).\nI like the different levels.",
"createdAt": 1569316757046
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Your game deserves better gfx than those colored cubes. Interesting puzzle with those boxes, although it gets difficult to line them up with openings in the wall.",
"createdAt": 1569360261155
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "Really enjoyed playing this. A good mix of puzzle and action. It would have been great if you could have put in some more detail - sprites instead of blocks.",
"createdAt": 1569436262587
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, with simple graphics.\n\nEasy to get trapped by blocks when passing which become sticky. I would be better if the grab only attached blocks at the point of pressing and not whilst it was still being held.",
"createdAt": 1569591192121
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "I liked the ability to move the boxes around. Very entertaining.\n\nI found the game a bit too difficult to play. Starting from the end of the game and going back is a nice twist, but it makes the first levels way too hard, because the player doesn't have the chance to get used to the game mechanics.",
"createdAt": 1569772906085
"login": "infernet89",
"message": "Very minimal graphic, but very complex gameplay! Really nice for an entry developed in so little time! \nNice work!",
"createdAt": 1570002950714
"data": {
"url": "/games/behind-the-scenery/index.html",
"title": "Behind the Scenery",
"author": "madmarcel",
"description": "<p>Totally unfinished very buggy puzzle platformer.</p><p>What goes on behind the scenery of a platformer?<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t(You can get behind the scenery, but there's not much to do there)</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tArrow keys = move<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tSpace = jump<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tUp = Enter door/jump over<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tz = throw/use item<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tx = select item<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tc = pickup item</p><p>m = mute music</p><p>Code and graphics my madmarcel<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tMusic and sfx by justinfunstain</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/behind-the-scenery/__big.jpg",
"id": 154,
"login": "madmarcel",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 158,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 27
"name": "fun",
"score": 18
"name": "theme",
"score": 23
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 15
"name": "graphics",
"score": 46
"name": "technical",
"score": 29
"comments": [
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "There are bug, when jumped on block.",
"createdAt": 1568650353285
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Graphics are nice. I couldn't really find out how to progress.",
"createdAt": 1568661851350
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very nice walking animation. I don't quite follow how to get past the first few levels and got stuck early on.",
"createdAt": 1568682103566
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I saw your teasers on twitter and was really impressed by your art. It's amazing, great job.\nThat said, the controls of the game are a bit flimsy. I'm always getting stuck jumping over the crates. Movement is a bit weird too - is the character snapping to a grid or something?\nI also couldn't understand what to do after getting the blue bomb.",
"createdAt": 1568710945065
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "I'm enjoying the sights while running around at least. dat beat. A bit hefty on the distortion but it's real bouncy. Controls feel a bit floaty but the animations and designs look great.",
"createdAt": 1568756803906
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Amazing vector's graphics! The game looks funny and interesting. Well done!",
"createdAt": 1568796187109
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "It's a shame the game is unfinished because its graphics are cute and nice and it behaves great. I love the \"entering door\" transition.\n\nKeep up the good work.",
"createdAt": 1568826330976
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Found the controls too slidey, and really wasn't sure what I was meant to be doing! Looks lovely, though!",
"createdAt": 1568837513051
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Very nice grapics and animations. Arrow keys up and down scroll the page which is a little off putting. Good mucis and sound effects.",
"createdAt": 1568848135035
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Looks great, bombs are cool, but handling is weird. Why does he accelerate randomly?",
"createdAt": 1568908982421
"login": "depp",
"message": "I’m very impressed by what is actually here. It reminds me of the old Wario games.\n\nI had to remap my keyboard to play; consider using KeyboardEvent.code -",
"createdAt": 1568937588317
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Great graphics!\n- The whole feel of the game environment was perfect.\n- I found the player controls a little irritating, just one key press eases the players too much making it difficult to place him with accuracy",
"createdAt": 1569178351093
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Great art style.\n\nVery unfinished as stated, seems like it could have been a great game idea.",
"createdAt": 1569249755764
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play the game (you should call .preventDefault() on the event).",
"createdAt": 1569311608684
"login": "Pabloitto",
"message": "Some buggy on the boxes",
"createdAt": 1569355352209
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice graphics. Too much inertia.",
"createdAt": 1569493107520
"login": "urhprimozic",
"message": "Cool design. You have clearly putten a lot of work into it.\nI think, there is not enough friction with the floor. Its very hard to place yourself where you wanna be.\nI get only to the blue bomb (i didn't know how to progress), but from my experience, i liked a game.\nI have a complaint about usinx zxc keys. What about the people +, who use qwertz keyboard?",
"createdAt": 1569564580578
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics and sound, the beginnings of a good game.\n\nCouldn't do much except explore. Couldn't find anything to pick up use. Only had seemingly infinite bombs.\n\nM key didn't work for me unless shift was pressed.\n\nPlayer kept walking long after I released key.\n\nDidn't scale well to browser size.\n\nGamepad support would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1569705576102
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "Great presentation, but I felt all the time I was walking on ice - I didn't like that, but overall a nice polished game!",
"createdAt": 1569918782518
"login": "markusfisch",
"message": "I really like those cute graphics! But _please_ do not use a fixed canvas size. It totally breaks the game for me as you also didn't disable scrolling of the browser (set `overflow: hidden` on your body element). See, if I press the arrow keys, the browser will scroll the page *and* the guy is moving.",
"createdAt": 1570008977819
"login": "huijari",
"message": "Movement is a little weird, especially when you start walking",
"createdAt": 1570158133866
"data": {
"url": "/games/tube-masters/index.html",
"title": "Tube Masters",
"author": "Zack Urben",
"description": "<p>In Tube Masters, you play daredevil who is tubing down the side of a mountain. Pay attention and avoid the obstacles, while trying to get the highest score<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tpossible!</p><p>Dodge the Red obstacles and pick up the green. The yellow pickups are speed boosts, which will give you 2x points and move you at 2x speed for 2x danger!</p><p>Use the `Right` and `Left` arrow keys to move around.</p><p>Read more, including the postmortem, here:</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/tube-masters/__big.jpg",
"id": 155,
"login": "zackurben",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 105,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 15
"name": "fun",
"score": 21
"name": "theme",
"score": 16
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 21
"name": "graphics",
"score": 12
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "could be funnier with some more elements and increasing difficulty",
"createdAt": 1568657435368
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Could use some \"game feel\". Give some rewarding sound when picking up the green cube, change the music when going faster, add \"juice\".",
"createdAt": 1568668951034
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "The music was well done but a little intense, I appreciated the mute button :)\n\nEntertaining gameplay, I like the yellow speed boosts. It would have been nice to get some faster side-side movement with the boost, too.",
"createdAt": 1568683325396
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Very nice and simple concept. The only thing that scares me out is that cube spawning in the horizon. Maybe rounded world like in Subway Surfers is a solution for that problem.",
"createdAt": 1568747753199
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Great job on getting this out in time, for your first try at 3D rendering!",
"createdAt": 1568800569331
"login": "tatjam",
"message": "The movement felt a little bit too slow, specially at the start\n\nThe way the sides of the road curves when you approached them looks cool, also, when a obstacle approaches you it can be quite surprising, got killed a few times by that!",
"createdAt": 1568829154891
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Neat, very smooth gameplay. One suggestion: I'm colorblind, so red-green is the worst combination of colors to have to differentiate between. Having the different sizes was GREAT, but I'd still prefer a more contrasting color, like blue or purple, or even white.",
"createdAt": 1568843099435
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Interesting. The music is cute but a little bit annoying",
"createdAt": 1568967862219
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "Havent got the patience for these type of games but nicely done",
"createdAt": 1569058005394
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "As a first experiment with 3D, it is quite successful. Next step is to have real models instead of those cubes, scenery, camera motions ... Oh, and ad polyphony to the soundtrack, and have it loop once it is finished.",
"createdAt": 1569085864201
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "More yellows! Good game though.",
"createdAt": 1569183313385
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Not bad, but you should have let player accelerate and brake.\nAlso, music is horrible.",
"createdAt": 1569354298004
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "Well designed but the graphic is not that attractive.",
"createdAt": 1569433307129
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice game, avoiding blocks and collecting power ups.\n\nHaving the play button in the middle of the screen to click then meant the mouse was in the middle of the screen which I then had to go back to move. Perhaps consider hiding mouse pointer whilst playing and show when needed.\n\nThe music was good but stopped quite abruptly, maybe a loop would be good.",
"createdAt": 1569589358741
"login": "zpchavez",
"message": "The difficulty seemed to top out really fast, like I could just play indefinitely.",
"createdAt": 1569716906492
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Fun. The music is a little bugy on my computer.",
"createdAt": 1569841409113
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I really liked this one! I wish it had something other to do rather than left/right, but still very cool :)",
"createdAt": 1570091289033
"data": {
"url": "/games/oh-flip/index.html",
"title": "oh, flip!",
"author": "Bryan Perfetto",
"description": "<p>oh, flip!<br>\n\t\t\t\t\ta game about backflips</p><p>You're a majestic square with one leg who loves to flip! Spend your afternoon bouncing as high as you can while crushing some sick spins.</p><p>----------<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTap or Click to flip<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tLand upright to gain height<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tComplete goals to fill yourself with happiness<br>\n\t\t\t\t\t----------</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/oh-flip/__big.jpg",
"id": 156,
"login": "regularkid",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 222,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 44
"name": "fun",
"score": 50
"name": "theme",
"score": 35
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 44
"name": "graphics",
"score": 27
"name": "technical",
"score": 22
"comments": [
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "A very simple and fun game. Had you made this when Flappy bird was all the rage you could have earned a lot of mobile dollars.",
"createdAt": 1568654482111
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "This is the next Flappy Bird. I'm not kidding. I think you should have a mini-window that stays on your character, so that you could get ridiculously high. Then add unlockable skins for your character, points for height, # of flips, achievements, etc, with double-points awarded if they watch an ad...\n\nI'm not kidding, man. This has just the sort of brainless ease that it could work. You need better graphics, but this was GREAT to play.",
"createdAt": 1568673348602
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "This game is fantastic. Completing goals DOES fill me with happiness.\n\nAdorable sound effects would have been fun.",
"createdAt": 1568684318567
"login": "Jorengarenar",
"message": "Little graphic enchantments and it's ready to conquer the mobile phones",
"createdAt": 1568734853211
"login": "sz1521",
"message": "Oh, fun!",
"createdAt": 1569694249540
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "I actually really like this. Simple yet quite addictive.",
"createdAt": 1568748271939
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Well, I cheated a bit. This is much easier with a keyboard emulated mouse.",
"createdAt": 1568800697845
"login": "southerton81",
"message": "Really cool game and mechanics, liked it.",
"createdAt": 1568828882924
"login": "nkholski",
"message": "One of my favorites. Proves that an good and easy to understand idea is the perfect foundation for a great game.",
"createdAt": 1568843253747
"login": "lopis",
"message": "OK, OK, I'll stop now. This game wins my Most Addictive Game of this competition. Such simple graphics but super polished gameplay. Would be awesome with some sounds.",
"createdAt": 1568999605934
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "This is just awesome.",
"createdAt": 1569083929594
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Great fun! Loved the simple characterful art style, quite addictive!",
"createdAt": 1569180179433
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "I am addicted to this game now",
"createdAt": 1569234460232
"login": "japhethbalane",
"message": "Love the mini-challenges...",
"createdAt": 1568649345791
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Fanny and addicted game! Great work!",
"createdAt": 1569418577433
"login": "jordanjwatkins",
"message": "Simple mechanic, tons of fun! Love it.",
"createdAt": 1569465904415
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "Nice one",
"createdAt": 1569525160298
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Addictive and fun. I like that it gets more and more difficult, the animations are nice, and it would be nice some sound effects as well. Here you can play with different sound effects and animations based on the height, the total number of flips. I could play this game all day. The other entry was also very nice, so this was a touch call.",
"createdAt": 1569829125253
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Cool. Don't have much objective, but is fun and smooth. Some sounds would make to more cool. Imagine the sound of a audience shouting when you do a quadruple backflip. Would be awesome.",
"createdAt": 1569847558428
"login": "remvst",
"message": "This is a really fun game. I'm sure you'll get lots of positive feedback from everyone so I'll give you a few negatives (even though I really like the game):\n- the graphics could be improved a lot: the character is too simple, it could be animated, its legs are disjointed when flipping (you can see the distinction between two lines), you cannot see the character past a certain height, there could be a parallax background, the resolution could be increased, the trampoline could be animated much more nicely (currently it's only moving up and down, it'd be nicer if it was a curve, maybe if you could see the waves when hitting it)...\n- the game doesn't scale really well. At some point I reached a height at which I could just not fail anymore. It became super easy to flip and then I had several seconds to adjust to make sure I landed perfectly\n- sound effects would be nice\n\nOverall a really good game, but more polish would have been nice, given that it probably doesn't use the whole 13kb",
"createdAt": 1569943495889
"login": "hibbbb",
"message": "wow it is actually fun for sure, bouncy touch of the jump bed is really satisfied!!!!!",
"createdAt": 1570111077150
"data": {
"url": "/games/yet-another-doom-clone/index.html",
"title": "Yet Another Doom Clone",
"author": "Nicholas Carlini",
"description": "<p>It's yet another doom clone.</p><p>Kill the enemies and get through all the levels. But be careful, don't forget the way back.</p><p>Controls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tMove: WASD<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tAim/Shoot: Mouse/Click</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/yet-another-doom-clone/__big.jpg",
"id": 157,
"login": "carlini",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 215,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 42
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 38
"name": "graphics",
"score": 44
"name": "technical",
"score": 51
"comments": [
"login": "MilanDonhowe",
"message": "Great graphics and game-play. Although I think the game could have gone with an additional twist or have tried to be less DOOM-like in some areas.",
"createdAt": 1568659269148
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game!",
"createdAt": 1568668106604
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "Wow dude! Great game. Really ups the bar for what is possible in 13k. I am just getting into webGL and I will definitely be delving into your code. As for the game, I found the kill sfx a little underwhelming, and I didn't like materializing in a room full of enemies already shooting at me. Everything else is freaking amazing. Except those stupid bats. I f-ing those stupid bats.",
"createdAt": 1568666156485
"login": "daviddurham",
"message": "Visually really impressive and great sound effects too. Nice moody feel to the whole thing. In my opinion, one of the best games in the contest.",
"createdAt": 1568671202222
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Of all 3d 13k games this year, this one is easily the best. Looks amazing and feels amazing. \n\nCould do with bit more colors, maybe. And a shotgun.\nAnd bats are a bit too op, because hard to notice.",
"createdAt": 1568991306927
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Really solid game\nAwesome sound effects and music\nNeeds some overflow: hidden;",
"createdAt": 1568751838083
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Impressive 3d graphics, fun gameplay of pure classic doom clone.",
"createdAt": 1568821962589
"login": "burntcustard",
"message": "I got back in 7m 29s. That was incredible. My laptop sounds like it's going to take off, the lighs went crazy at times, and there were horizontal and vertical scrollbars on the page. But the 3D-ness and lighting and physics were reaaaally impressive.",
"createdAt": 1569110872915
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "Very well done. about the slickest of these doom clones ive seen.",
"createdAt": 1568790845134
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "Absolutely amazing technical achievement!",
"createdAt": 1569181390163
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to play the game.",
"createdAt": 1569229947233
"login": "jonwiesman",
"message": "Frame rate was just too low to play. Never ever saw an enemy",
"createdAt": 1569291092578
"login": "lopis",
"message": "I really dig the graphics and the background music.",
"createdAt": 1569498068717
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Fantastic and engaging gameplay, good graphics, a 13k FPS done right. Only major comment is mouse sensitivity is way too high and there's a way to adjust it would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1568653093264
"login": "onefrankguy",
"message": "This was very technically impressive. I liked the music in the background. It was never overpowering or repetitive. The flashlight mechanic, with inverse lighting after picking up the green gem, was very well done. After the first level, I knew exactly what I had to do without any guessing. Health felt plentiful (was ammo infinite?) and I ended up suiciding just to see the death and respawn mechanics. Nice job with the rotation on death and respawn at level start. I was glad I didn't have to start over from the beginning. My one complaint was lag, but that's more a fault of my aging iMac than the game itself. Playable with choppy & laggy graphics is a technical achievement in and of itself.",
"createdAt": 1569703174416
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Wow.. It's amazing.\nIt has really fantastic effect and graphics",
"createdAt": 1569766350011
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "I'm afraid the game didn't work for me",
"createdAt": 1569794449654
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "As a Doom fan, I found your game very cool. It replicate the maps style very well. I'd like to be able to shoot using Ctrl key. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1569841409115
"data": {
"url": "/games/snake-it-back/index.html",
"title": "SNAKE IT BACK",
"author": "Ovilia",
"description": "<p>The died snakes become new obstacles. Earn your immortality!</p><p>A/D/W/S or LEFT/RIGHT/TOP/DOWN to turn around the snake.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tTry to eat food to get scores, and heart to get HP.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/snake-it-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 158,
"login": "Ovilia",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 165,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 35
"name": "fun",
"score": 29
"name": "theme",
"score": 33
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 28
"name": "graphics",
"score": 21
"name": "technical",
"score": 19
"comments": [
"login": "mlambir",
"message": "Really nice simple design, and nice concept. It gets too fast to play a bit too quick for my taste, but fun overall",
"createdAt": 1568649056681
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Nice gameplay idea\n- Music was too loud and repetitive\n- Controls are difficult. It's hard to turn in just the next line.",
"createdAt": 1568657668197
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "Minor thing to improve: Pressing the in the opposite direction should not count as hitting yourself (if going right, pressing left should just do nothing, or turn you around)\nOtherwise very well executed simple concept!",
"createdAt": 1568661791705
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "nice addition to the snake genre. Found it hard to hit the targets, kept missing by one square. nicely done.",
"createdAt": 1568704845012
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I love Snake, and this twist made it even more fun. The speed increase makes it extremely difficult though.",
"createdAt": 1568806796664
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Nice snake game! I liked the dead snakes mechanic.\nSuggestion: when the snake hits the wall it shouldn't instantly die, but shoul give the user some time tu turn (like in the old nokia snakes :P )",
"createdAt": 1568829423626
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "Very innovative concept, although sometimes I had no idea why did I die... I mean hit something.",
"createdAt": 1568881875335
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game!",
"createdAt": 1568967919634
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "I love this!",
"createdAt": 1569083929578
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "The old Snake is back, and so are its ghosts. They really increase the difficulty. Unfortunately, after feeding the snake 7 or 8 times, the game suddenly becomes way too fast. A progressive increase would be better. And if you want to maintain a retro feeling, a C64-style music would be more pleasing than a monophonic soundtrack.",
"createdAt": 1569158251073
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "It was nice to come back to the good old snake. Interesting twist in the gameplay.\n\nI experienced some issues with the controls. It feels like it is possible to make a 180 degrees turn, when you are going to the right, and then press very quickly arrow up and then arrow left. By doing this you end up crashing on yourself (apparently), even though the snake doesn't move.",
"createdAt": 1568920971681
"login": "ajcore",
"message": "Pretty solid game gameplay-wise, but it has it's bugs. For example, when food spawns on the very edge, i consistently die without hitting anything 1 square away from the edge.",
"createdAt": 1569216234015
"login": "KonradLinkowski",
"message": "That's a nice concept, but there are some technical issues.\nThe music is way to loud (I understand that it's audiocontext but my ears :c ).\nIf you make head-on collision with an other snake, there is a gap between the snakes and you die.\nClicking arrow in opposed direction kills you instantly, it's annoying.\nAnd the web monetization do nothing :/",
"createdAt": 1569272638331
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "You have some innovation, but I'm not sure it makes snake games substantially more fun. AI-controlled snakes would be more interesting.",
"createdAt": 1569347955898
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Nice concept, and great job fitting with theme. The main issue I experienced was the gameplay became slow and sluggish when there were more than one snake on the screen.",
"createdAt": 1569521904465
"login": "supereggbert",
"message": "That's really cleaver, awesome idea.",
"createdAt": 1569767271969
"login": "beeglebug",
"message": "interesting twist on snake!",
"createdAt": 1569793910748
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like the graphics.",
"createdAt": 1569840382288
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Nice snake game. Neat idea about the ghost snakes. It soon gets manically fast.",
"createdAt": 1570026970914
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Clever idea, well made with good sounds.",
"createdAt": 1569878576980
"login": "britzl",
"message": "This is a brilliant way of using player ghosts to add obstacles to the game! I really like it. The speed of the snake becomes very high very fast which makes it hard to play for a very long time, but I guess it would be unplayable the next time around if the player ghost became very long?",
"createdAt": 1570131632132
"data": {
"url": "/games/return-to-the-moon/index.html",
"title": "Return to the Moon",
"author": "Luke / Deathray",
"description": "<p>A very quick game that is a tribute to the moon landing and the lunar landing games that followed.</p><p>Use the keyboard arrows or WASD to rotate your ship and fire the engines (which are both invisible and silent).</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/return-to-the-moon/__big.jpg",
"id": 159,
"login": "deathraygames",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 167,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 25
"name": "fun",
"score": 32
"name": "theme",
"score": 27
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 30
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "nilsgawlik",
"message": "A good base for a game. The controls actually feel nice. Of course the game lacks some basic progression and challenge. A simple sound effect as well as some visual effects would have gone a long way in making this game feel finished.\nBasically after adding some visual polish, sounds and a few levels, this could be a good game! \nThen it would also be nice if the game introduced some spin or innovation on the basic mechanic, as of course this kind of game is nothing new.",
"createdAt": 1568655328410
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "funny, creative",
"createdAt": 1569072293863
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Very nostalgic of long hours spend player lunar lander style games in my childhood. Nice clean implementation and simple (if HARD) dynamics. I played few times and had fun.",
"createdAt": 1568661286336
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Engines are too invisible and silent.",
"createdAt": 1568670684245
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Definitely reminiscent of Lunar Lander! Always satisfying to come in for a super soft landing at the last second - nice work!",
"createdAt": 1568727451665
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Very hard. Couldn't ever succeed, gravity is too strong. Game could be improved with some feeling of responsiveness: make the engine sound like it's a rocket, add some particles.",
"createdAt": 1568744769131
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "You could really use a visual representation of the thrusters so I can see the change in velocity when the moon (tiny asteroid not even a km across) is not in the frame. Also some thrust and crash sfx, and music.",
"createdAt": 1568760912366
"login": "davidpanik",
"message": "With the use of SVGs, this really nice and sharp and smooth. I got the retro vibe but visually this felt too plain. Didn't manage to land at all, or get the feeling that I was getting closer to achieving this.",
"createdAt": 1568821516059
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like the minimalist graphics. Would be nice not having to refresh the page to play again.",
"createdAt": 1568840306645
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Fun game, but too short. The idea is there, and I think you could have worked more on it to make it even better.\n\nThis is only a one month competition, so I applaud you for creating an entry at all, good work.",
"createdAt": 1568876360694
"login": "depp",
"message": "Success! I couldn't use WASD without remapping... consider using KeyboardEvent.code",
"createdAt": 1568984194048
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "I never was much good at the Lunar Lander type games, but I managed to land in this one! Very nicely done!",
"createdAt": 1569016891870
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- Nice simple graphics\n- Lacked gameplay",
"createdAt": 1569178040167
"login": "dp",
"message": "I had a few problems with this initially with my spacecraft heading off into space and not realising the initial shape was the moon. Game is nice but feels a bit unfinished (things like no visible thrust and refresh page to restart)\nRuns well though and controls are responsive, just needs a bit of feedback as to what's happening.",
"createdAt": 1569232536297
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice simple graphics, the gravity and velocity simulation are good.\n\nTricky game to master.\n\nAfter landing you can still turn the ship, and it will then crash.\n\nSome sound would be good.",
"createdAt": 1569416255966
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Nice game! I love the design, the objects, ui and typography are all great. Short and sweet.",
"createdAt": 1568698378641
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Short, simple but works wel. Showing the thruster would have been nice. Well made though, landed the ship a few times.",
"createdAt": 1569461378984
"login": "vik-13",
"message": "Great game! I would suggest to improve graphics and make physics more complex. I think it's amazing idea!",
"createdAt": 1569593474313
"login": "blueskyson",
"message": "very very hard, i tried about 20 times finally succeeded.",
"createdAt": 1570089855228
"data": {
"url": "/games/awkward-turtle/index.html",
"title": "Awkward Turtle",
"author": "Diana and Andrew",
"description": "<p>Awkward Turtle is awkward. Help him avoid all social media interactions using the arrow keys to reach the winning score of 13k! </p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/awkward-turtle/__big.jpg",
"id": 161,
"login": "ajcore",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 116,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 13
"name": "fun",
"score": 25
"name": "theme",
"score": 16
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 22
"name": "technical",
"score": 17
"comments": [
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "nice design, I like the turtle character. would be even more cute if his limbs wobbled, like the birds?",
"createdAt": 1569028552757
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Cute. Controls are smooth. I didn't understand what was happening whenever instagram appeared. I lost? I passed a level?",
"createdAt": 1568709675414
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice turtle and birds",
"createdAt": 1568729094806
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "I love the blur effect at the start of the level, and the parallax stripes effect in the background. Quite fun to play. Would have liked some sound effects.",
"createdAt": 1568757105053
"login": "eschatonic",
"message": "Bright and visually interesting. Difficulty ramps up nicely (and gets very hard). Could have been improved with sound effects or abilities other than movement.",
"createdAt": 1568824793789
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "Cute.",
"createdAt": 1568841206610
"login": "js636f",
"message": "The turtle looks nice, but I can't find something like \"Score\" field. Also the game screen doesn't fit my screen, so UP and DOWN movements scroll the screen too.",
"createdAt": 1568969279412
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "Not really complex concept, and not really fun. Graphics are kind of nice, but don't get along together well.",
"createdAt": 1568986556573
"login": "Hambo3",
"message": "score:5912\ni managed to avoid the facebook and birds for a while. Like my work colleague james who also avoids facebook and birds, especially the couple of birds in admin.\nLike the metaphor about avoiding birds!",
"createdAt": 1569262823399
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Straight forward arcade-style \"dodge the things\" game.\n\nCute concept, I would've liked to see more depth or breath of features (power ups, more player interaction, etc).\n\nOverall, well done!",
"createdAt": 1569335147782
"login": "mark-a",
"message": "No animations, graphics very basic. Very basic concept.",
"createdAt": 1569404297843
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "well it's fine",
"createdAt": 1569508783556
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Ok, but too simple. Also, there is a reason why \"sustain damage while over enemy\" is never used in actual games.",
"createdAt": 1569772980668
"data": {
"url": "",
"title": "Beat Bricks",
"author": "KeithK",
"description": "<p>A rhythm based brick breaker with high scores for Coil subscribers. Move with your mouse or finger, and tap along with the 1's, 2's or 4's to power up your shots.</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/beat-bricks/__big.jpg",
"id": 160,
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 124,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 22
"name": "fun",
"score": 22
"name": "theme",
"score": 18
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 18
"name": "graphics",
"score": 24
"name": "technical",
"score": 20
"comments": [
"login": "chinchang",
"message": "- I liked the music\n- Liked the game idea\n- The ball speed felt a little slow, making me wait a lot at time",
"createdAt": 1568658507784
"login": "ericdrowell",
"message": "Things that are great\n* Music had a cool beat. \nImprovement\n* the sliding bar at the bottom felt super unresponsive. Not sure if that was by design, or if it is a performance problem, but it didn't feel great.\n* it didn't feel like, as a player, I had much ability to affect any part of the game, other than just making sure the ball keeps bouncing. So it didn't feel like there much was much strategy or skill involved.",
"createdAt": 1568671336351
"login": "foumart",
"message": "I liked the moving background, the visual effects and the presence of hi-score system, however the ball bouncing angle was often random and I could not influence it.",
"createdAt": 1568750866674
"login": "remvst",
"message": "I like the background, it's a simple but nice effects. Particles are also nice, sound effects too.\n\nOtherwise it felt a bit slow and could use a \"twist\".",
"createdAt": 1568765154540
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Great take on the classic Brick Breaker! The timing felt a little bit off sometimes, but it was very satisfying to build up a full-powered shot and taking out a huge chunk of bricks in one go.",
"createdAt": 1568895355120
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Innovative use of a breakout, took me a while to realize that I couldn't lose the ball. The pad lagging a bit behind the mouse is thus irrelevant. Good point for packing energy into the ball and destroying neighboring bricks, it nicely replaces the usual powerups. Great soundtrack too.",
"createdAt": 1569444968998
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Intriguing game.\nWhat do you mean \"tag along 1s 2s and 4s\"? This game looks very impressive and has great sounds, but I feel like I'm not playing a game as I have little influence in how the ball moves. In fact, i don't need to do anything because the ball won't ball if I don't catch it.",
"createdAt": 1569503390257
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "Nice idea to combine a brick breaker and a rhythm game. The background waves are a nice touch.\n\nI would work on the fonts, which don't feel consistent throughout the game (the Submit Your Name popup looks completely unstyled) and the color shading, which deserves the game by giving it an \"early 1990s\" feel.",
"createdAt": 1569548481158
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "The game is a little slow to me, as the ball moves mainly horizontally.",
"createdAt": 1569797307714
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "Fun Twist on the classic arkanoid game. I like that you put a musical element into it",
"createdAt": 1570174293488
"data": {
"url": "/games/librecraft/index.html",
"title": "LibreCraft",
"author": "darkenvy",
"description": "<p>LibreCraft is the liberation of the famous voxel game for all browsers. GPU is not required and plays on any machine. Settings exist to modify performance and a saving mechanism is included to save the games in the browser.</p><p>Instructions in the game as well. WASD to move, spacebar to jump, arrow keys to change selected blocks, E to toggle craftables and left/right click to build/break blocks.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/librecraft/__big.jpg",
"id": 162,
"login": "darkenvy",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 193,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 31
"name": "fun",
"score": 30
"name": "theme",
"score": 13
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 29
"name": "graphics",
"score": 41
"name": "technical",
"score": 49
"comments": [
"login": "DennisBengs",
"message": "Impressive software rendering! Looks like you're updating the pixels in a checkers pattern. Noise!",
"createdAt": 1568654482110
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Awesome job on this! Spent myself quite a bit of time building a little house and trying to find some clay. I've also got the source bookmarked for later perusal, I love software renderers!",
"createdAt": 1569015132023
"login": "ElementalSystems",
"message": "Great technical achievement in 13kb - well done.",
"createdAt": 1568662636658
"login": "mvasilkov",
"message": "Wow! Such Minecraft. Love the graphics hack, it adds a certain atmosphere. Right click wouldn't put blocks for me, but that's fine — amazing job overall.",
"createdAt": 1568665795667
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Impressive 3d graphics, nice game mechanics. Doesn't fit the theme though, adding a twist to make it fit the theme would help. Initial load animation is nice. Menu buttons had broken utf8.",
"createdAt": 1568669940106
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I love to see a mine craft copy, and to me it looks rather technical and difficult to make. I have not played Minecraft, so it is difficult for me to compare the two, but coming this far in one moth is impressive. As far as gameplay goes, this is only the beginning of a grand game, and I think the developers have learned a lot in this short amount of time.\n\nI did not play it long enough to know every possibility of what you can do, but I managed to harvest and craft, and I think this is as far as the game has come. \nCreating a mine craft copy for a monthly game jam is enthusiastic. I enjoyed the game, and I wish the developers good luck in further developing it.",
"createdAt": 1568701793293
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "wow!! it's amazing.\nbut I think, you should consider about theme 'back'",
"createdAt": 1568721231714
"login": "thiagorb",
"message": "Impressive. Very cool 3d graphics and as I understood, you wrote it using 2d API. The interaction is pretty smooth, and the map is huge. Awesome work.\n\nA goal would make it even better.",
"createdAt": 1568751309117
"login": "randytayler",
"message": "WOW! This is astonishing. Dunno what it has to do with \"back\", but it's very impressive technically.",
"createdAt": 1568763192242
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "I like exploring the terrain. And I found a cave!",
"createdAt": 1568804975626
"login": "depp",
"message": "Amazing technical achievement! I had to remap my keyboard, consider using KeyboardEvent.code:",
"createdAt": 1568847144947
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Technically impressive, but would be better if there were some goal.",
"createdAt": 1568901546462
"login": "amolinasalazar",
"message": "This is impressive, I have no idea how you managed to create this in only 13kb. This should take a lot of effort, so congratulations! The only thing is that I cannot see the relation of the game with the theme of this year.",
"createdAt": 1569083605292
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Awesome technical piece!\nBuilding blocks would not work for me.\n\nNot much else to say.\nWell done on the technical work here!",
"createdAt": 1569335703613
"login": "ZeyuKeithFu",
"message": "Kind of like a clone of Minecraft but I still got amazed that the work is done in 13kb.",
"createdAt": 1569433307123
"login": "ckylek",
"message": "Very technically impressive in being able to make a game like this for this competition - great job.",
"createdAt": 1569622089026
"login": "supereggbert",
"message": "Insane",
"createdAt": 1569764460917
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice idea, plays quite like minecraft.\n\nYou don't list needing to click the mouse on the browser to enable look functionality.\n\nThe icons at the top for options/save/e.t.c were a bit odd maybe they didn't render correctly.\n\nNot sure what the objective of the game was other than to play about with minecraft in a browser.",
"createdAt": 1569790871766
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I know it's \"just a clone\" of Minecraft... but still quite impressive anyways! Too bad it doesn't have anything to do with \"back\" ;)",
"createdAt": 1570025347173
"data": {
"url": "/games/ape-naps/index.html",
"title": "ape naps",
"author": "samuel pare-chouinard",
"description": "<p>in this game you play as mama ape carrying her three baby apes back home on her back and to some Bach, so she can finally nap.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tControls:<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tleft=a, right=d, space=jump, w=wiggle</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/ape-naps/__big.jpg",
"id": 163,
"login": "miwamiwa",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 175,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 24
"name": "fun",
"score": 26
"name": "theme",
"score": 38
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 25
"name": "graphics",
"score": 35
"name": "technical",
"score": 27
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Well, at least it looks original:) \n\nAnd I liked that enemy movement is complex.\n\nBut nearly impossibly difficult for me even in practice mode. Would be playable if little apes would stay in place after dropped.",
"createdAt": 1568651667688
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Awesome soundtrack\nCool font\nGood concept\nPretty much impossible",
"createdAt": 1568665559364
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Cute graphics, but I couldn't manage to jump back up the platforms",
"createdAt": 1568750119747
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "nice graphics and sprites, sometimes seems impossible to jump on top because animals block the way",
"createdAt": 1568931017467
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Crazy game! I like the music. I think less inertia would be greater.",
"createdAt": 1568804975627
"login": "nasearle",
"message": "Nice graphics, and well made! The only issue I could see was that the hits from the tigers would knock you back into them so that you would kind of get stuck in never ending tiger attacks. Would like better control of the character in the air.",
"createdAt": 1568829940146
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Crazy little game!",
"createdAt": 1568844449248
"login": "64Mega",
"message": "Quite a fun game, reminds me of some old DOS shareware titles I had as a kid (In a good way!)",
"createdAt": 1569017474975
"login": "picosonic",
"message": "Nice graphics and music. Good to see lots of characters within the game.\n\nDidn't manage to get any babies back, seemed the ape couldn't jump high enough. Doing a wiggle dropped the babies.\n\nOnly scales to browser window at startup and doesn't react to resizing.",
"createdAt": 1568899627694
"login": "foumart",
"message": "Awesome game! Liked the sprite animations - game feels very NES-like and complete. Good job!",
"createdAt": 1568982070467
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Awesome graphics man, I love the retro vibe. The game is nice and fun but jumping back up is maybe too hard?",
"createdAt": 1569186004727
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Wow! Really nice game. I liked graphics very much and specially how controls & dificulty are fine tuned.\nGreat work!",
"createdAt": 1569258097633
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to disable the \"search as you type\" option in my browser to be able to play the game (you should call .preventDefault() on the event).",
"createdAt": 1569311088829
"login": "KevinEtchells",
"message": "This was good fun to play. I liked the music and sounds, and the graphics looked great. I found it quite hard, but was improving near the end. An easier level to start off with would have been great.",
"createdAt": 1569436262589
"login": "herebefrogs",
"message": "Great platformer! I had a lot of fun pouncing on those tigers and pesky birds to get my babies back home. The pixelart has a nice 1980s vibe that served the theme well too, and I can tell a lot of work went into it.\n\nThe inertia of mama ape's movement put me off at first, I would suggest reducing it but I guess it is part of the game's challenge. It'd be nice to be able to drop from a platform to void the other animals.",
"createdAt": 1569547085392
"login": "huijari",
"message": "Turn rate of the character could be faster",
"createdAt": 1570156659957
"data": {
"url": "/games/bakpak/index.html",
"title": "bakpak",
"author": "nes + egghead",
"description": "<p>Find your way through the spoopy forest while defeating bosses and finding new extensions for your bakpak.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tControls: AD- move, W- jump Mouse- use bakpak item, 1/2- switch bakpak item<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tOnce you defeat the spider boss, you'll get the grapple which let's you grapple to hooks. You can switch between flashlight and grapple with 1 and 2.<br>\n\t\t\t\t\tThe game wasn't finished, so prepare for some weird transitions and bugs...</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/bakpak/__big.jpg",
"id": 164,
"login": "nesrak1",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 173,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 40
"name": "fun",
"score": 17
"name": "theme",
"score": 21
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 21
"name": "graphics",
"score": 39
"name": "technical",
"score": 35
"comments": [
"login": "tulustul",
"message": "Got to the wall after the grapples. I think that's the end?\nLove the concept but the game needs a lot of polishing.",
"createdAt": 1568651539325
"login": "dbrad",
"message": "Fun action platformer. \n\nControls are a little frustrating on desktop (pressing alt to sing causes the browser to focus the the titlebar menu of the browser)\n\nNo real tie-in to the theme, but a good platformer none the less.",
"createdAt": 1568987527179
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Got stuck on ravine.\n1/2 do nothing.\nI suspect it's related somehow.\nGraphics is pretty cool though.",
"createdAt": 1568673211721
"login": "miwamiwa",
"message": "Too bad you didn't finish! You have an interesting environment going. I also like the cool backpack gadgets idea. A great start for an interesting character.",
"createdAt": 1568694623823
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "I had to turn off the \"search as you type\" setting in my browser to properly move.",
"createdAt": 1568793086487
"login": "plissken2013es",
"message": "Making a 3d game in just 13k is always a technical miracle. Moreover, you manage to find enough space to create a map with caves, elevator puzzles and stuff. Really nice.\n\nI miss a music on/off button.",
"createdAt": 1568825837943
"login": "benjymous",
"message": "Graphically very nice, and puzzles look interesting, but I got stuck early",
"createdAt": 1568838485389
"login": "jaammees",
"message": "Pretty cool. Nice atmosphere. The bit with needing to switch between flashlight and grapple was good idea. I made it past the big yellow doors, but then wasn't sure what to do. Four elevators took me a few goes.",
"createdAt": 1568951528555
"login": "regularkid",
"message": "Neat flashlight mechanic!",
"createdAt": 1569104568662
"login": "BenjaminWFox",
"message": "Cool ambiance, would be interesting to see where it goes from here.",
"createdAt": 1569203051077
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Nice game with a lot of secrets! And bugs.. But very promising!",
"createdAt": 1569447414279
"login": "phoboslab",
"message": "Nice 3d graphics and quite a bit of content. Good music, but could use some sound effects.\n\nThe gameplay in the first part is boring. Waiting an pointing your flashlight is not much fun. The 2nd part with the puzzles is much better!\n\nThis game just needs a bit polish!",
"createdAt": 1569687404612
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "very well made, stuck on the lift area. Nice camera work, controls and looks interesting. Shame I couldnt get further.",
"createdAt": 1569778400247
"login": "yeonjuan",
"message": "Wow. it is really great puzzle game.\nNice design and graphics .",
"createdAt": 1569815805180
"login": "mracette",
"message": "Loved the 3D style and graphics! Gameplay was a little simple though.",
"createdAt": 1569856930398
"login": "michalbe",
"message": "All I see is gray screen :(",
"createdAt": 1569920182126
"login": "wololoa",
"message": "I love the atmosphere! The music becomes very tiresome after a while. I just wish the puzzles were a bit easier (the section with 4 elevators killed me :D ). Very nice overall.",
"createdAt": 1570008134645
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I like the graphics and the theme. The sound was too loud for my taste, but better than nothing I guess. I also find the gameplay interesting. Some extra animations on the spiders when they die would be nice.",
"createdAt": 1570174667648
"data": {
"url": "/games/back-scratching-salon/index.html",
"title": "Back Scratching Salon",
"author": "Jorengarenar",
"description": "<p>Simple, one-file IDLE game.</p><p>Earn money by scratching backs! Earn money using ridiculous equipment. Everything is about money? Back? Who cares! If it will bring you more money use kitchen blender, chainsaw or land mower!</p><p>Read the manual.</p><p>Have fun! Become filthy rich!</p><p>Monetized subscribers get a little bonus on start</p>",
"category": [
"web monetization"
"image": "/games/back-scratching-salon/__big.jpg",
"id": 165,
"login": "Jorengarenar",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 161,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 30
"name": "fun",
"score": 22
"name": "theme",
"score": 46
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 23
"name": "graphics",
"score": 16
"name": "technical",
"score": 24
"comments": [
"login": "baturinsky",
"message": "Very boring. If you make a clicker for a jam, at least make it fast and fun. You only get points because other one is also a clicker:)",
"createdAt": 1568652140685
"login": "FrederikP",
"message": "Fun idea for an idle game. Over pretty quick.",
"createdAt": 1568662412015
"login": "Vertfromage",
"message": "Amusing, but the gameplay is tiresome.",
"createdAt": 1568678848967
"login": "carlini",
"message": "Cute play on the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568744406618
"login": "jani-nykanen",
"message": "A good idler game. Nothing particularly original, but at least it's a interesting take on the theme.",
"createdAt": 1568831001210
"login": "alexandercurtis",
"message": "Insanely addictive! Nicely polished game. I'll play this one again.",
"createdAt": 1568842460755
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "I have to try this saloon",
"createdAt": 1568914573163
"login": "KeithKarnage",
"message": "I spent all my money and got bored. I guess I'm not really into idle games. It looks like you made a decent one I guess though, so good job.",
"createdAt": 1568985307475
"login": "erwinandres",
"message": "It is boring at the beginning but it gets better as you upgrade.\nAlso the pay day is really too long.",
"createdAt": 1568880609283
"login": "tyler6699",
"message": "Works well, played until payday to see if anything would happen! Made it to 10k after leveling up a lot! Would have been nice to see my total spend.",
"createdAt": 1569354956744
"login": "arturaugusto",
"message": "Funny idea.",
"createdAt": 1569413049555
"login": "remvst",
"message": "Well, you definitely nailed the theme with that one. I used to play a few of those idle games, so I spent a bit too much time on this one.\n\nThe only thing I think you could really improve (within the 13k limit) is the UI. The countdowns were a bit confusing at first, even though the game's mechanics are really simple.",
"createdAt": 1569468411811
"login": "tulustul",
"message": "Love the idea. The money quickly becomes infinite and progression stops so there's not much sense in playing longer then few minutes.",
"createdAt": 1569522630222
"login": "Siorki",
"message": "Good use of the theme for an infinite click game. It would deserve more options and a longer play time - you usually max out on options before the first pay or tax day. Gfx are simple yet good, although some customers have strange skin and hair color (but that's fine, we accept aliens customers too)",
"createdAt": 1569701524439
"login": "bartaz",
"message": "Funny use of the theme!",
"createdAt": 1569820847423
"login": "lopis",
"message": "Hahah, this is fantastic. Takes me back to cookie clicker. Amazing job. Quite the literal take to the year's theme hehe",
"createdAt": 1570015821738
"login": "johnedvard",
"message": "I like the idea, and I think considerable amount of time has been made in order to create this game. I played it on desktop, so I am not sure if there are special animations for scratching. Anyway, a good entry for js13kgames",
"createdAt": 1570084216822
"data": {
"url": "/games/fall-back/index.html",
"title": "Fall Back!",
"author": "Delish Games",
"description": "<p>After an experimental security drone goes haywire, there's only one thing the scientists in the lab can do, fall back! Escape through a maze-like lab in the pitch dark with a murderous robot hot on your heels.</p><p>WASD to move, E to lock/unlock doors, R to drop a flare.</p>",
"category": [
"image": "/games/fall-back/__big.jpg",
"id": 166,
"login": "cedwards145",
"round": 27,
"result": [
"score": 163,
"criteria": [
"name": "innovation",
"score": 31
"name": "fun",
"score": 19
"name": "theme",
"score": 29
"name": "gameplay",
"score": 20
"name": "graphics",
"score": 32
"name": "technical",
"score": 32
"comments": [
"login": "japhethbalane",
"message": "Thrilling...",
"createdAt": 1568649710933
"login": "elliot-nelson",
"message": "This game is actually quite a cool concept, but is a little frustrating to play. I'd suggest a few tweaks:\n\n- Enlarge the graphics (scale up) so it's easier to see.\n- Give the player more time to adjust to the controls -- for the first 10 seconds you can't move so you don't know if the game even works, then suddenly you have 3 seconds before you're dead.\n- Make the robot slightly slower, or add some kind of mapping hints to indicate the bot is \"looping around\" - it moves so fast that if you explore into it it's impossible to escape.\n\nGood job!",
"createdAt": 1568656348245
"login": "Schnark",
"message": "Couldn't play in Firefox. Error msg: IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount",
"createdAt": 1568704764370
"login": "salvan13",
"message": "Game is so hard, I start and die, can't understand what to do.\nIt is broken on Firefox\n\"IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount\" in drawUi function",
"createdAt": 1568730277227
"login": "gorgovic",
"message": "Not working in my Firefox\nInteresting concept\nNo way to skip intro?",
"createdAt": 1568752367926
"login": "cyw116",
"message": "It takes me a while to figure out the stage. I thought it was just background... Increasing its size would help.",
"createdAt": 1569029575608
"login": "miwamiwa",
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