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Last active May 15, 2020 22:41
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The base layer for my Ergodox
# This layers on top of Scan/Infinity_Ergodox/{left,right}Hand.kll
Name = "Louis Ergodox Left Hand";
Version = 0.3;
Author = "Louis Opter";
Date = "2020-04-05";
# Left Hand Top Row
U"Esc" : U"Minus";
U"5" : U"5";
U"4" : U"4";
U"3" : U"3";
U"2" : U"2";
U"1" : U"1";
U"Equals" : U"Escape";
# Left Hand Top-middle Row
U"Function1" : U"Equals";
U"T" : U"T";
U"R" : U"R";
U"E" : U"E";
U"W" : U"W";
U"Q" : U"Q";
U"Backslash" : U"TAB";
# Left Hand Middle Row
U"G" : U"G";
U"F" : U"F";
U"D" : U"D";
U"S" : U"S";
U"A" : U"A";
U"Tab" : U"LCtrl";
# Left Hand Top Thumb Cluster
U"LAlt" : U"End";
U"LCtrl" : U"Home";
# Left Hand Bottom-Middle Row
U"Function2" : U"LBracket";
U"B" : U"B";
U"V" : U"V";
U"C" : U"C";
U"X" : U"X";
U"Z" : U"Z";
U"Left Shift" : U"Left Shift";
# Left Hand Bottom Thumb Cluster
U"Home" : U"Insert";
U"End" : U"Delete";
U"Delete" : U"LGui";
U"Backspace" : U"Backspace";
# Left Hand Bottom Row
U"Function5" : U"Function1";
U"Function4" : U"Ralt";
U"Function3" : LayerLock[2];
U"Backtick" : LayerLock[1];
U"LGui" : U"LAlt";
# Sets all future Scan Code definitions to be applied to the first slave node
ConnectId = 1;
# Right Hand Top Row
U"Function6" : U"PrintScreen";
U"6" : U"6";
U"7" : U"7";
U"8" : U"8";
U"9" : U"9";
U"0" : U"0";
U"Minus" : U"Minus";
# Right Hand Top-Middle Row
U"Left Brace" : U"Backtick";
U"Y" : U"Y";
U"U" : U"U";
U"I" : U"I";
U"O" : U"O";
U"P" : U"P";
U"Right Brace" : U"Backslash";
# Right Hand Middle Row
U"H" : U"H";
U"J" : U"J";
U"K" : U"K";
U"L" : U"L";
U"Semicolon" : U"Semicolon";
U"Quote" : U"Quote";
# Right Hand Top Thumb Cluster
U"RAlt" : U"ScrollLock";
U"RCtrl" : U"Exec";
# Right Hand Bottom Middle Row
U"Function7" : U"Right Bracket";
U"N" : U"N";
U"M" : U"M";
U"Comma" : U"Comma";
U"Period" : U"Period";
U"Slash" : U"Slash";
U"RShift" : U"RShift";
# Right Hand Bottom Thumb Cluster
U"PageUp" : U"PageUp";
U"PageDown" : U"PageDown";
U"Enter" : U"Enter";
U"Space" : U"Space";
# Right Hand Bottom Row
U"Left" : U"RGui";
U"Down" : U"Left";
U"Up" : U"Down";
U"Right" : U"Up";
U"Rgui" : U"Right";
# vim: set ft=conf:
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