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Last active March 8, 2024 09:00
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  • Save lorandszakacs/c9fa445a9bfe241df395a2c69a4def39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lorandszakacs/c9fa445a9bfe241df395a2c69a4def39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OUTDATED VERSION. Moved over to a repository:
#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli -S 3
//> using scala 3.4.0
//> using option -no-indent
//> using option -source-future
//> using option -new-syntax
//> using option -Wunused:all
//> using toolkit typelevel:0.1.23
//> using dep io.circe::circe-core:0.14.6
//> using dep io.circe::circe-parser:0.14.6
import cats.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.effect.*
import io.circe
import fs2.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
// script that copies $LIMIT number of issues and their comments from the $SOURCE to the $TARGET github repo.
// it will include a link to the original issue in the description of the copied issue
// it will include a link to the original comment at the end of the copied comment
// what this script assumes about the state of the terminal it's run from:
// - that you have installed github cli
// - that you did 'gh auth' and all that
// the script expects 2 required arguments + 1 optional:
//SOURCE = lorandszakacs/gh-issues-copy
//TARGET = lorandszakacs/test-target
//LIMIT = 10 -- optional, defaults to 50
//invoke script like:
// $ ./copy-git-comments.scala -- lorandszakacs/gh-issues-copy lorandszakacs/test-target 40
// we use 3 gh cli commands in the implementation of this script:
object Main extends IOApp {
// we could use a better rate limiter, tbh, but fs2.Stream.metered will have to do
private val waitingTime: FiniteDuration = 3.seconds
// prints out commands
val debugCommands: Boolean = false
// enables some debug. Different from debugCommands. Prints json from gh responses
val debug: Boolean = false
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
val program = for {
(source, target, limit) <- parseArgs(args)
_ <-
|Provided arguments:
| sourceRepo = $source
| targetRepo = $target
| nrOfIssues = $limit
_ <- ghListIssues(source, limit)
} yield ExitCode.Success
program.recoverWith(e => printer.error(e).as(ExitCode.Error))
private val nl = "\r\n"
private def parseArgs(args: List[String]): IO[(SourceRepo, TargetRepo, Limit)] = args match {
case s :: t :: l :: _ => (SourceRepo(s).pure[IO], TargetRepo(t).pure[IO], Limit(l)).tupled
case s :: t :: _ => (SourceRepo(s).pure[IO], TargetRepo(t).pure[IO], Limit(50)).tupled
case _ => badArgument("expected at least two params that should be 'OWNER/REPO' github repo paths").raiseError
private def ghListIssues(source: SourceRepo, limit: Limit): Stream[IO, Issue] = {
val command = NonEmptyList.of(
val parsed: IO[List[Issue]] =
printer.command(command) *> ProcessBuilder(command.head, command.tail).spawn[IO].use { p =>
.map((jsonBlob: String) => circe.parser.decode[List[Issue]](jsonBlob))
.flatTap(issues =>"Found: ${issues.size} issues on github", indent = 4))
Stream.evalSeq(parsed) // too lazy to bring in fs2-data-json-circe
private def ghCopyOverIssue(target: TargetRepo)(issue: Issue): IO[Unit] = {
val title = CommandArgString(issue.title)
val body = CommandArgString(
s"${issue.body}$nl$nl---$nl${nl}This issue was copied over from: [${issue.url}](${issue.url})"
val command = NonEmptyList.of(
for {
_ <- printer.debugJson("issueNoCommentsJson:", issue.copy(comments = List.empty))
_ <- printer.command(command)
newIssueURL <- ProcessBuilder(command.head, command.tail)
.use(p => (parseNewIssueURLFromStdout(p), printer.dumpStderr(p))
_ <-"created new issue @ $newIssueURL. starting to copy over comments...")
_ <- Stream
} yield ()
private def ghCopyComment(newIssueURL: NewIssueURL)(comment: Comment): IO[Unit] = {
val body = CommandArgString(
s"${comment.body}$nl$nl---$nl${nl}This comment was copied over from: [${comment.url}](${comment.url})"
val command = NonEmptyList.of(
for {
_ <- printer.debugJson("commentJson:", comment)
_ <- printer.command(command)
_ <- ProcessBuilder(command.head, command.tail)
.use(p => (printer.dumpStdout(p), printer.dumpStderr(p)).parTupled.void)
} yield ()
// gh issue create --repo $TARGET --title "TITLE" --body-file "$FILE"
// yields output:
// Creating issue in $TARGET
// returns:$TARGET/issues/4
private def parseNewIssueURLFromStdout(p: Process[IO]): IO[NewIssueURL] =
.flatMap(_.liftTo[IO](Bug("Expected to have a github link as output. We somehow failed parsing.")))
object gh {}
object printer {
private lazy val seedling = "🌱"
private lazy val fire = "🔥"
private lazy val point = "👉"
private lazy val what = "🤨"
private lazy val space = " "
def info(s: String, indent: Int = 1): IO[Unit] = printlns(s, seedling, indent)
def error(s: String, indent: Int = 1): IO[Unit] = printlns(s, fire, indent)
def error(e: Throwable): IO[Unit] = error(
s = s"""
|Error: ${e.getClass.getName}
|Message: ${e.getMessage}
|Cause: ${Option(e.getCause).map(_.getMessage).getOrElse("none")}
indent = 1
def dumpStdout(p: Process[IO], indent: Int = 1): IO[Unit] =
printlns(p.stdout.through(fs2.text.utf8.decode), seedling, indent)
def dumpStderr(p: Process[IO], indent: Int = 1): IO[Unit] =
printlns(p.stderr.through(fs2.text.utf8.decode), fire, indent)
def command(c: NonEmptyList[String]): IO[Unit] =
if Main.debugCommands then printlns(s"running command: ${c.mkString_(" ")}", point, 1) else IO.unit
def debug(s: String, indent: Int = 1): IO[Unit] = if Main.debug then printlns(s, what, indent) else IO.unit
def debugJson[A](prefix: String, a: A, indent: Int = 4)(using enc: circe.Encoder[A]): IO[Unit] =
if Main.debug then printlns(s"$prefix: ${enc(a).printWith(circe.Printer.noSpaces)}", what, indent) else IO.unit
private def printlns(s: Stream[IO, String], padding: String, indent: Int): IO[Unit] =
lines(s, padding, indent).evalMap(IO.println).compile.drain
private def printlns(s: String, padding: String, indent: Int): IO[Unit] =
lines(s, padding, indent).evalMap(IO.println).compile.drain
private def lines(s: String, padding: String, indent: Int): Stream[IO, String] =
lines(Stream.emit(s), padding, indent)
private def lines(s: Stream[IO, String], padding: String, indent: Int): Stream[IO, String] =
if indent >= 0 then s.through(fs2.text.lines).map(line => s"$padding${space.repeat(indent)}$line")
else Stream.raiseError(bug(s"Indent should be >= 0 but was: $indent"))
case class Issue(
id: String,
title: String,
body: String,
url: String,
comments: List[Comment]
) derives circe.Decoder,
case class Comment(
id: String,
body: String,
url: String
) derives circe.Decoder,
opaque type SourceRepo <: String = String
object SourceRepo { def apply(s: String): SourceRepo = s }
opaque type TargetRepo <: String = String
object TargetRepo { def apply(s: String): TargetRepo = s }
opaque type NewIssueURL <: String = String
object NewIssueURL { def apply(s: String): NewIssueURL = s }
opaque type Limit <: Int = Int
object Limit {
def apply(l: Int): IO[Limit] = l.pure[IO].ensure(badArgument("limit has to be > 0"))(_ > 0)
def apply(s: String): IO[Limit] = IO(s.toInt).flatMap(this.apply)
opaque type CommandArgString <: String = String
object CommandArgString {
def apply(s: String): CommandArgString = {
val escapedSingleQuotes = s.replace("'", "\\'")
final class BadArgument(s: String) extends IllegalArgumentException(s) with scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
def badArgument(s: String): Throwable = new BadArgument(s)
final class Bug(s: String) extends IllegalArgumentException(s) with scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
def bug(s: String): Throwable = new Bug(s"This is a bug in the script. What: $s")
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