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Last active January 9, 2024 19:18
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Cypress command to wait for iframes to load
* Will check if an iframe is ready for DOM manipulation. Just listening for the
* load event will only work if the iframe is not already loaded. If so, it is
* necessary to observe the readyState. The issue here is that Chrome initialises
* iframes with "about:blank" and sets their readyState to complete. So it is
* also necessary to check if it's the readyState of the correct target document.
* Some hints taken and adapted from:
* @param $iframe - The iframe element
const isIframeLoaded = $iframe => {
const contentWindow = $iframe.contentWindow;
const src = $iframe.attributes.src;
const href = contentWindow.location.href;
if (contentWindow.document.readyState === 'complete') {
return href !== 'about:blank' || src === 'about:blank' || src === '';
return false;
* Wait for iframe to load, and call callback
* Some hints taken and adapted from:
Cypress.Commands.add('iframe', { prevSubject: 'element' }, $iframes => new Cypress.Promise(resolve => {
const loaded = [];
$iframes.each((_, $iframe) => {
new Promise(subResolve => {
if (isIframeLoaded($iframe)) {
} else {
Cypress.$($iframe).on('load.appearHere', () => {
if (isIframeLoaded($iframe)) {
return Promise.all(loaded).then(resolve);
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