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Created November 22, 2017 19:05
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import requests, json, secrets, time, urllib, re
startTime = time.time()
# import secrets
ASbaseURL = secrets.ASbaseURL
ASuser = secrets.ASuser
ASpassword = secrets.ASpassword
DSbaseURL = secrets.DSbaseURL
# function to find key in nested dicts: see
def gen_dict_extract(key, var):
if hasattr(var,'iteritems'):
for k, v in var.iteritems():
if k == key:
yield v
if isinstance(v, dict):
for result in gen_dict_extract(key, v):
yield result
elif isinstance(v, list):
for d in v:
for result in gen_dict_extract(key, d):
yield result
# authenticate to ArchivesSpace
auth = + '/users/' + ASuser + '/login?password=' + ASpassword).json()
session = auth["session"]
headers = {'X-ArchivesSpace-Session':session}
# test for successful ArchivesSpace connection
def test_connection():
print 'Connected to ArchivesSpace!'
return True
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
print 'ArchivesSpace connection error. Please confirm ArchivesSpace is running. Trying again in 10 seconds.'
is_connected = test_connection()
while not is_connected:
is_connected = test_connection()
# Account for ranges in indicator_2s
def hyphen_range(s):
# Takes a range in form of "a-b" and generate a list of numbers between a and b inclusive.
# Also accepts comma separated ranges like "a-b,c-d,f" will build a list which will include
# Numbers from a to b, a to d and f
s="".join(s.split()) #removes white space
for x in s.split(','):
if len(t) not in [1,2]: raise SyntaxError("hash_range is given its arguement as "+s+" which seems not correctly formated.")
r.add(int(t[0])) if len(t)==1 else r.update(set(range(int(t[0]),int(t[1])+1)))
return l
# Get all AOs from the resource record
resourceID = '1045' # raw_input('Enter resource ID: ')
ASendpoint = '/repositories/3/resources/'+resourceID+'/tree'
output = requests.get(ASbaseURL + ASendpoint, headers=headers).json()
archivalObjects = []
for value in gen_dict_extract('record_uri', output):
if 'archival_objects' in value:
print 'Found ' + str(len(archivalObjects)-1) + ' archival objects attached to resource ' + resourceID +'.'
# Get Dspace item list
handle = '1774.2/41445'#raw_input('Enter handle: ')
DSendpoint = DSbaseURL + 'rest/handle/' + handle
if DSendpoint != '':
print 'Connected to DSpace!'
print 'DSpace connection error. Please confirm DSpace is running.'
collection = requests.get(DSendpoint).json()
collectionID = collection['id']
DSendpoint = DSbaseURL + 'rest/collections/' + str(collectionID)+ '/items?limit=20'
itemList = requests.get(DSendpoint).json()
print 'Found ' + str(len(itemList)) + ' DSpace items attached to collection.'
for item in itemList:
match = {}
DSitems = {}
itemHandle = item['handle']
itemID = str(item['link'])
bitstreams = requests.get(DSbaseURL+itemID+'/bitstreams').json()
for bitstream in bitstreams:
fileName = bitstream['name']
strippedFileName = fileName.replace('.pdf','')
DSitems['strippedFileName'] = strippedFileName
for archivalObject in archivalObjects:
output = requests.get(ASbaseURL + archivalObject, headers=headers).json()
for instance in output['instances']:
if match == {}:
indicator_1 = instance['container']['indicator_1']
if indicator_1.startswith('1-'):
indicator_2 = instance['container']['indicator_2']
if '-' in indicator_2:
indicator_2s = hyphen_range(indicator_2)
print indicator_2s
for i in range(len(indicator_2s)):
print i
print hyphen_range(indicator_2)[i]
print 'Constructing potential file name from archival object.'
indicator_2 = 'test'
indicator_1 = instance['container']['indicator_1']
indicator_1 = indicator_1.split('-')
indicator_1a = indicator_1[0]
indicator_1a = indicator_1a.rjust(2,'0')
indicator_1b = re.sub('[a-z]', '', indicator_1[1])
indicator_1b = indicator_1b.rjust(2,'0')
indicator_3 = instance['container']['indicator_3']
indicator_3 = '_' + indicator_3.rjust(2,'0')
indicator_3 = ''
potentialFilename = indicator_1a + '_' + indicator_1b + indicator_2 + indicator_3
print 'Comparing ' + potentialFilename + ' to ' + DSitems['strippedFileName']
if potentialFilename == DSitems['strippedFileName']:
print 'Creating JSON for match between ' + potentialFilename + ' and ' + strippedFileName + '.'
match['digital_object_id'] = DSbaseURL + itemHandle
match['title'] = output['title'] + '(digital copy)'
match['file_versions'] = [{'file_uri': DSbaseURL + itemHandle}]
print match
indicator_2 = instance['container']['indicator_2']
print 'Constructing potential file name from archival object.'
indicator_1 = indicator_1.split('-')
indicator_1a = indicator_1[0]
indicator_1a = indicator_1a.rjust(2,'0')
indicator_1b = re.sub('[a-z]', '', indicator_1[1])
indicator_1b = indicator_1b.rjust(2,'0')
indicator_2 = '_' + indicator_2.rjust(2,'0')
indicator_3 = instance['container']['indicator_3']
indicator_3 = '_' + indicator_3.rjust(2,'0')
indicator_3 = ''
potentialFilename = indicator_1a + '_' + indicator_1b + indicator_2 + indicator_3
print 'Comparing ' + potentialFilename + ' to ' + DSitems['strippedFileName']
if potentialFilename == DSitems['strippedFileName']:
print 'Creating JSON for match between ' + potentialFilename + ' and ' + strippedFileName + '.'
match['digital_object_id'] = DSbaseURL + itemHandle
match['title'] = output['title'] + '(digital copy)'
match['file_versions'] = [{'file_uri': DSbaseURL + itemHandle}]
print match
indicator_2 = ''
# show script runtime
elapsedTime = time.time() - startTime
m, s = divmod(elapsedTime, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
print 'Total script run time: ', '%d:%02d:%02d' % (h, m, s)
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