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Last active January 1, 2024 00:22
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Proposed Agile/Scrum Adaptation

  1. Extended Initial Phase:

    • Purpose: Begin with a longer, more intensive phase focused on planning, design, and foundational work.
    • Activities: This phase includes deep planning, extensive design work, setting up the development environment, establishing architectural foundations, and creating high-level roadmaps.
    • Duration: Unlike typical Agile sprints, this initial phase is extended to allow thorough preparation and groundwork.
  2. Gradual Transition to Agile Iterations:

    • Shorter, Focused Iterations: After the initial phase, the project transitions into shorter iterations, each progressively reducing in duration compared to the previous one.
    • Adjustment of Sprint Lengths: Initially, these iterations may be longer than standard Agile sprints but gradually become shorter, aligning with typical sprint durations.
    • Incorporation of Agile Practices: As the project moves into these iterations, standard Agile ceremonies (like sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives) are gradually incorporated.
  3. Stabilization into Conventional Agile/Scrum:

    • Regular Sprint Durations: Over time, the sprint durations are stabilized to regular, predictable lengths as per conventional Scrum practices.
    • Focus on Incremental Delivery: The emphasis shifts to regular, incremental delivery of product features, aligning with Agile's principle of continuous delivery.
    • Continuous Improvement: The process also focuses on continuous improvement, both in the product and in the development processes.
  4. Benefits of This Approach:

    • Reduced Initial Overhead: By focusing on extensive planning and setup initially, the approach reduces the overhead of frequent sprint ceremonies and re-planning in the early stages of the project.
    • Smooth Transition for Teams: This approach provides a smoother transition for teams that might be new to Agile or for complex projects where substantial initial groundwork is crucial.
  5. Key Considerations:

    • Team Buy-In: Ensuring that the team understands and agrees with this phased approach is crucial for its success.
    • Stakeholder Communication: It's important to clearly communicate this plan and its rationale to stakeholders, especially how it initially differs from standard Agile methodologies.
    • Flexibility and Adaptation: The approach should be flexible, with readiness to adapt based on feedback, team dynamics, and the evolving needs of the project.

In summary, the proposed adaptation involves starting with an extended initial phase for in-depth planning and foundational work, followed by a gradual transition to shorter, more Agile-like iterations. This approach aims to combine the thoroughness of extensive initial planning with the flexibility and iterative nature of Agile/Scrum, eventually stabilizing into a conventional Agile process.

Team Setup

Cross-Functional Product Teams:

  • Each product has its own cross-functional team, which includes:
    • Product Owner (PO)
    • Designer
    • Developer
    • Deployment/Operations Specialist
    • Reporting and Analytics Specialist
  • Team members collaborate closely within their product team on specific product development efforts.
  • These teams focus on the development and maintenance of individual products, ensuring that each product has the necessary expertise across various domains.

Role-Based Teams (Larger, Overall Teams):

  • These teams are organized by roles, such as Product Owners Team, Designers Team, Developers Team, Deployment/Operations Specialists Team, and Reporting and Analytics Specialists Team.
  • Team members from different product teams who share the same role are part of these larger, role-based teams.
  • The role-based teams provide a forum for sharing best practices, knowledge, and experiences among colleagues with the same role but working on different products.
  • They encourage cross-pollination of ideas and expertise across the organization.
  • Members benefit from specialized focus within their product teams while also gaining insights and perspectives from others who share their role.

Domain-Level Application Team (Shell Team):

  • Responsibilities:
    • Developing and maintaining the microfrontend shell or infrastructure.
    • Creating and managing integration points for individual products (remotes).
    • Ensuring consistent user experience and navigation across products.
    • Handling cross-cutting concerns such as authentication, routing, and shared components.
    • Maintaining a central codebase for the shell.
    • Focusing on Developer Experience (DX) for both internal development teams and external teams integrating into the system.
    • Developing tools and utilities to facilitate developers in creating and maintaining remotes.
    • Providing documentation and guidance for integrating with the microfrontend architecture.
    • Offering support and assistance to development teams working on individual remotes.
    • Monitoring and optimizing the performance and stability of the microfrontend shell.
    • Staying up-to-date with industry best practices and emerging technologies to enhance the microfrontend architecture.

The Shell Team's expanded responsibilities in handling DX and creating tools demonstrate their commitment to streamlining the development process and ensuring a smooth experience for both internal and external developers. This holistic approach helps in fostering collaboration, maintaining system stability, and improving the overall efficiency of your microfrontend architecture.

This structure optimizes collaboration and knowledge-sharing by combining the advantages of cross-functional product teams that focus on specific products with the benefits of role-based teams that foster expertise exchange and best practice sharing across the organization. It enables team members to excel in their roles within their product teams while also contributing to the overall success and growth of the organization as a whole.

Points of Focus

If you want a framework that can spin up disparate projects, including your micro-frontend and others, while providing a structured methodology for collaboration, you can create a comprehensive system that accommodates various project types. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Modular Framework:

    • Develop a modular framework that can be easily customized and extended to support different types of projects. Each module should encapsulate specific functionality or methodologies.
  2. Project Templates:

    • Create project templates that serve as starting points for different project types. These templates should include the necessary structure, configurations, and tools tailored to the project's needs.
  3. Methodology Selection:

    • Allow project teams to select the methodology that best suits their project's requirements. Your framework should support various methodologies, such as Agile, Scrum, Kanban, or your micro front-end methodology.
  4. Onboarding and Training:

    • Provide onboarding materials and training resources specific to each methodology and project template. Teams can access relevant documentation and guidance based on their chosen approach.
  5. Integration Standards:

    • Define integration standards that ensure interoperability between disparate projects and your micro-frontend system. This may include API standards, data formats, or communication protocols.
  6. Collaboration Tools:

    • Offer collaboration tools and platforms that align with the chosen methodology. This could include project management software, communication tools, version control systems, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
  7. Cross-Project Integration:

    • Implement mechanisms for cross-project integration. This allows disparate projects to share common components, services, or data as needed. Ensure that the integration process is well-documented and standardized.
  8. Governance and Oversight:

    • Establish governance and oversight processes to ensure that projects adhere to integration standards and methodology guidelines. This may involve periodic reviews and audits.
  9. Continuous Improvement:

    • Promote a culture of continuous improvement across all projects. Encourage teams to provide feedback and contribute to the enhancement of the framework and methodologies.
  10. Scalability:

    • Design the framework to be scalable so that it can handle the creation and management of multiple projects, including your micro front-end. Ensure that it can accommodate growth and changing project needs.
  11. Flexibility and Customization:

    • Allow teams to customize their project environments and methodologies within the framework's guidelines. This flexibility ensures that projects can adapt to their unique requirements.
  12. Centralized Knowledge Hub:

    • Maintain a centralized knowledge hub that includes documentation, best practices, and case studies for different project types and methodologies. Teams can access this repository for guidance.
  13. Cross-Team Collaboration:

    • Promote cross-team collaboration and knowledge sharing by facilitating forums, discussions, and community-building activities.

By creating such a flexible and extensible framework, you can empower teams to initiate and manage disparate projects while adhering to best practices and methodologies that align with their specific needs. This approach allows for consistency, efficiency, and adaptability across a diverse range of projects, including your micro front-end.

Transforming Project Management for Microfrontend Architecture: A Proposal for Director-level Consideration

In today's dynamic software development landscape, staying ahead of the curve is imperative. As we navigate the transition to a React-based microfrontend architecture, it's vital that we evaluate our project management approach to ensure it aligns with our objectives. This proposal outlines a transformative vision for project management within our organization, specifically designed to accommodate the unique demands of microfrontend architecture.

The Current Landscape

Our existing Java Springbook-based system, though robust, presents challenges such as extended loading times and missed deadlines. Furthermore, the management style applied to micro frontends, treating them as monolithic entities, has resulted in lengthy backlog wait times—a bottleneck in our development process.

The Proposed Solution

To address these challenges and foster innovation, we propose a comprehensive overhaul of our project management approach. This approach combines elements of Agile/Scrum with innovative practices tailored to the microfrontend architecture.

1. Microfrontend Architecture and Team Structure

Our transition to a React-based microfrontend architecture represents a strategic decision to enhance scalability, flexibility, and developer experience (DX). This shift will allow us to organize our teams into Cross-Functional Product Teams and Role-Based Teams.

2. Cross-Functional Product Teams

Each product will have a dedicated team comprising a Product Owner (PO), Designer, Developer, Deployment/Operations Specialist, and Reporting and Analytics Specialist. These teams will focus on individual product development while ensuring expertise across various domains.

3. Role-Based Teams

Larger, role-based teams, such as the Product Owners Team, Designers Team, Developers Team, Deployment/Operations Specialists Team, and Reporting and Analytics Specialists Team, will promote knowledge sharing and best practice exchange among colleagues with similar roles.

4. Domain-Level Application Team (Shell Team)

This specialized team will be responsible for developing and maintaining the microfrontend shell, creating integration points, ensuring consistent user experiences, handling cross-cutting concerns, and providing support to other teams.

5. Project Management Approach

Our project management approach will undergo a phased adaptation process:

Extended Initial Phase

  • Extensive planning and groundwork
  • Development environment setup
  • Architectural foundations establishment
  • High-level roadmap creation

Gradual Transition to Agile Iterations

  • Shorter, focused iterations
  • Sprint length adjustments
  • Incorporation of Agile ceremonies

Stabilization into Conventional Agile/Scrum

  • Regular sprint durations
  • Emphasis on incremental delivery
  • Focus on continuous improvement

6. Collaboration and Communication

A shift away from excessive meetings and formal ceremonies towards group chats and ad-hoc discussions will streamline processes, reduce overhead, and maintain task focus.

7. Progress Tracking and Oversight

The adoption of a JIRA ticket system will serve as a task-related asset repository, enabling transparent progress tracking without the need for frequent status meetings.

8. Autonomous Task Generation

Teams will be empowered to proactively generate and report tasks, promoting decision-making and reducing centralized task assignment.

9. Balanced Autonomy

Striking a balance between team autonomy and project goals set by the PO will be crucial for success.

10. Feedback Loop and Iteration

Our feedback loop will evolve from large, super-task-like efforts to smaller, iterative tweaks and changes, fostering continuous improvement.

11. Centralized Knowledge Hub

To provide a single source of truth, we will establish a Centralized Knowledge Hub containing documentation, personas, user stories, and all relevant project data.

12. Integration Standards and Flexibility

Integration standards will ensure interoperability, while teams will have the flexibility to customize their environments and methodologies within framework guidelines.

13. Governance and Oversight

Governance and oversight processes will ensure adherence to integration standards and methodology guidelines.

14. Continuous Improvement

A culture of continuous improvement will encourage teams to provide feedback and contribute to the enhancement of frameworks and methodologies.


In summary, this proposal outlines a transformative approach to project management tailored to the unique demands of microfrontend architecture. It addresses current challenges, enhances collaboration, and positions our organization for success in the competitive landscape.

While we anticipate challenges in this transition, we firmly believe that this approach will empower us to thrive. Unlike some of our competitors who have faced missed deadlines and management issues related to micro frontend projects, we are positioning ourselves as innovators in the field.

We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us as we redefine our project management approach to meet the demands of the future.

Transforming Project Management for Microfrontend Architecture

In the fast-paced world of software development, adapting to changing requirements and emerging technologies is paramount. Our current project management approach, heavily influenced by traditional Agile methodologies, may no longer serve us well, especially as we embark on a transformative journey towards a React-based microfrontend architecture.

The Challenges We Face

Our existing Java Springbook-based system, while robust, is showing signs of strain. It takes an average of 2 minutes and 10 seconds to load, and two missed deadlines indicate a pressing need for change. As we delve into the realm of micro frontends, we must also confront a management style that treats them as monolithic entities. This approach has led to an approximate one-year wait time for backlog additions, a significant bottleneck in our development process.

The Proposed Solution

To overcome these challenges, we propose a comprehensive overhaul of our project management approach. This new approach combines elements of Agile/Scrum with innovative practices tailored to the unique demands of microfrontend architecture.

1. Microfrontend Architecture and Team Structure

Our transition to a React-based microfrontend architecture will provide the scalability, flexibility, and developer experience (DX) we need. This shift will allow us to organize our teams into Cross-Functional Product Teams and Role-Based Teams.

2. Cross-Functional Product Teams

Each product will have its dedicated team, including a Product Owner (PO), Designer, Developer, Deployment/Operations Specialist, and Reporting and Analytics Specialist. These teams will focus on individual product development while ensuring expertise across various domains.

3. Role-Based Teams

Larger, role-based teams, such as the Product Owners Team, Designers Team, Developers Team, Deployment/Operations Specialists Team, and Reporting and Analytics Specialists Team, will encourage knowledge sharing and best practice exchange among colleagues with similar roles.

4. Domain-Level Application Team (Shell Team)

This specialized team will take responsibility for developing and maintaining the microfrontend shell, creating integration points, ensuring consistent user experiences, handling cross-cutting concerns, and offering support to other teams.

5. Project Management Approach

Our project management approach will feature a phased adaptation process:

Extended Initial Phase

  • Extensive planning and groundwork
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Establishing architectural foundations
  • Creating high-level roadmaps

Gradual Transition to Agile Iterations

  • Shorter, focused iterations
  • Adjustment of sprint lengths
  • Incorporation of Agile ceremonies

Stabilization into Conventional Agile/Scrum

  • Regular sprint durations
  • Focus on incremental delivery
  • Continuous improvement

6. Collaboration and Communication

We propose a move away from excessive meetings and formal ceremonies in favor of group chats and ad-hoc discussions. This shift will reduce overhead and maintain focus on tasks.

7. Progress Tracking and Oversight

A JIRA ticket system will serve as a repository for task-related assets, enabling transparent progress tracking without the need for frequent status meetings.

8. Autonomous Task Generation

Teams will be empowered to generate and report on tasks proactively, promoting decision-making and reducing centralized task assignment.

9. Balanced Autonomy

Maintaining a balance between team autonomy and project goals set by the PO is crucial for success.

10. Feedback Loop and Iteration

Our feedback loop will evolve from large, super-task-like efforts to smaller, iterative tweaks and changes, fostering continuous improvement.

11. Centralized Knowledge Hub

To provide a single source of truth, we will establish a Centralized Knowledge Hub containing documentation, personas, user stories, and all relevant project data.

12. Integration Standards and Flexibility

Integration standards will ensure interoperability, while teams will have the flexibility to customize their environments and methodologies within framework guidelines.

13. Governance and Oversight

Governance and oversight processes will ensure adherence to integration standards and methodology guidelines.

14. Continuous Improvement

A culture of continuous improvement will encourage teams to provide feedback and contribute to the enhancement of frameworks and methodologies.


In summary, our proposal outlines a transformative approach to project management within our microfrontend architecture projects. This approach addresses current challenges, enhances collaboration, and ensures project success. It aligns with our organizational goals and can help us achieve excellence in our development processes.

The transition may not be without its challenges, but it positions us to thrive in a competitive landscape. Our competitors have faced their share of struggles, with missed deadlines and a management style that treats micro frontends as monoliths. Our innovative approach sets us apart and positions us for success.

We invite you to join us on this journey as we redefine our project management approach to meet the demands of the future.

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