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Created November 9, 2023 00:24
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#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Command } from 'commander';
import { log, info, success, warning, pbcopy } from '../lib/utils.mjs';
import { Octokit } from 'octokit';
import { cloneRepository, createApplication } from '../lib/functions.mjs';
import { enterpriseServer36 } from '@octokit/plugin-enterprise-server';
import auth from '../auth.json' assert { type: 'json' };
import shell from 'shelljs';
const { github: githubAuth } = auth;
const OctokitEnterprise36 = Octokit.plugin(enterpriseServer36);
export const octokit = new OctokitEnterprise36({
auth: githubAuth,
baseUrl: '',
const program = new Command();
export const projectsFolder = process.cwd();
const delay = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
program.description('CLI for Atlas applications').version('0.8.0');
.description('Initiate new project')
.argument('<appName>', 'Application Name')
.option('--verbose', 'Show all logging')
.option('--with <repos...>', 'Clones other repos. Options: lib gql')
.action(async (appName, options) => {
// console.log(options);
// process.exit(0);
log(info`Creating Atlas application ${warning(appName)} ...`);
info`Creating ${warning`${appName}`} from template ${warning`atlas-template`} ...`
const appInfo = await createApplication(appName);
success`Atlas repository created at ${warning`${}`}`
await delay(1000);
log(info`Cloning Atlas repository to the ${warning`${projectsFolder}`}`);
const cloneUrl =;
await cloneRepository(appName, cloneUrl);
success`Cloned ${warning`${appName}`} to ${warning`${projectsFolder}/${appName}`}!`
if (options.with && options.with.includes('lib')) {
await cloneRepository(
if (options.with && options.with.includes('gql')) {
const appInfo = await createApplication(
// pbcopy(appInfo);
success`Graphql server repository created at ${warning`${}`}`
await delay(1000);
log(info`Cloning Graphql server to ${warning`${projectsFolder}`}`);
const cloneUrl =;
await cloneRepository(`${appName}-graphql`, cloneUrl);
success`Cloned ${warning`${appName}-graphql`} to ${warning`${projectsFolder}/${appName}-graphql`}!`
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