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Last active June 15, 2018 16:49
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Save lordastley/38a5a8b612a44a442001 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mefiquote for the classic metafilter style
// ==UserScript==
// @name Mefiquote
// @namespace
// @description Adds "quote" links to Metafilter comments.
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://**
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// DONE 2011-02-23
// * Use MeFi's own jquery object (properly this time)
// * Use a content scope injector instead of unsafeWindow
// * Handle new ajax comments - big thanks to pb
// * Indicate when "quote" will quote the selection
// * Make it work with epiphany and opera
// * Ability to link to the original post on preview
// Content Scope
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ everything.toString() +')();'));
script.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript");
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
/* ======================================================================== */
function everything() {
var BUTTONTEXT = 'quote';
var QUOTEFORMAT = '<a href="%l">%n</a>: "<i>%q</i>"';
/* ======================================================================== */
function mq_quotethis(evt) {
var commenttextarea = $("#comment");
if (commenttextarea.length < 1) return;
var quotelink = $(this);
var metadata = quotelink.parent();
var comment = metadata.parent();
// Get all of the data to fill in placeholders
var quotebits = new Object;
quotebits['%'] = '%';
if (mq_selection_within_comment(comment)) {
quotebits.q = document.getSelection().toString();
} else {
quotebits.q = new String(comment.html());
quotebits.q = quotebits.q.replace(/<br>/ig, '');
// Remove the trailing metadata
if (quotebits.q.lastIndexOf('<span class="smallcopy">posted by') > -1)
quotebits.q = quotebits.q.slice(0,
quotebits.q.lastIndexOf('<span class="smallcopy">posted by'));
// Remove the player from music
if (quotebits.q.lastIndexOf('<object ') > -1)
quotebits.q = quotebits.q.slice(0,
quotebits.q.lastIndexOf('<object '));
// Remove the more inside junk
quotebits.q = quotebits.q.replace(/<\/?div[^>]*>/g, '');
quotebits.q = quotebits.q.replace(/^[ \t\n]*/, '');
quotebits.q = quotebits.q.replace(/[ \t\n]*$/, '');
// Default to top of the thread, just in case
quotebits.l = "" + location.protocol + "//" + + location.pathname;
// The rest of the data
metadata.children('a').each( function(i) {
var url = $(this).attr('href');
var path = url.replace(/https?:\/\/([^\/]*\.)?, '');
if (url == path && path.match('^/'))
url = "" + location.protocol + "//" + + path;
if (path.match(/^\/user\/(\d+)/)) {
quotebits.i = RegExp.$1;
quotebits.n = $(this).html();
quotebits.n = quotebits.n.replace(/<.*/, '');
quotebits.p = url;
} else if (path.match(/#\d+$/)) {
quotebits.l = url;
} );
// Replace all of the placeholders
var quoteregex = new RegExp('%(.)', 'g');
var quotehtml = new String();
var lastIndex = 0;
while ( quoteregex.exec(QUOTEFORMAT) ) {
var thisIndex = quoteregex.lastIndex;
quotehtml = quotehtml.concat( QUOTEFORMAT.substr(lastIndex, thisIndex-lastIndex-2) );
var val = quotebits[QUOTEFORMAT.substr(thisIndex-1, 1)];
if (val != undefined) {
quotehtml = quotehtml.concat( quotebits[QUOTEFORMAT.substr(thisIndex-1, 1)] );
} else {
quotehtml = quotehtml.concat( '%' + QUOTEFORMAT.substr(thisIndex-1, 1) );
lastIndex = thisIndex;
quotehtml = quotehtml.concat( QUOTEFORMAT.substr(lastIndex) );
// GM_log( quotehtml );
var commentval = commenttextarea.val() || "";
if (commentval != "" && !commentval.match(/\n\n$/)) {
commentval += "\n\n";
commentval += quotehtml + "\n\n";
/* ======================================================================== */
function mq_load_preferences() {
BUTTONTEXT = Cookie.get('mefiquote_buttontext') || BUTTONTEXT;
QUOTEFORMAT = Cookie.get('mefiquote_quoteformat') || QUOTEFORMAT;
function mq_save_preferences() {
var buttontext_el = $('#mq_buttontext');
var quoteformat_el = $('#mq_quoteformat');
Cookie.set('mefiquote_buttontext', (buttontext_el.val() || BUTTONTEXT),
24*365*10, '', '', false);
Cookie.set('mefiquote_quoteformat', (quoteformat_el.val() || QUOTEFORMAT),
24*365*10, '', '', false);
return true; /* So it actually submits, too */
/* ======================================================================== */
function mq_escape(str) {
return str.replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
/* ======================================================================== */
function mq_selection_within_comment(comment) {
var selection = window.getSelection();
// an empty selection doesn't count as being within the comment, otherwise
// the quote button tries to quote it and things behave counterintuitively
if (selection == null || selection.isCollapsed) {
return false;
// check to see if the selection is inside this comment
var rangeStart = selection.getRangeAt(0).startContainer;
var rangeEnd = selection.getRangeAt(0).endContainer;
if (rangeStart != null && rangeEnd != null) {
var start_found = false;
var end_found = false;
// TODO - Why doesn't parents().index() do the right thing?
$(rangeStart).parents().andSelf().each( function() {
if (this == comment.get(0)) start_found = true;
$(rangeEnd).parents().andSelf().each( function() {
if (this == comment.get(0)) end_found = true;
return (start_found && end_found);
return false;
/* ======================================================================== */
function mq_init_preferences() {
var inputs = $('input');
var submit_button = $('input[type=submit]').filter( function() {
return $(this).val().match(/Save your Preferences/i);
} );
if (inputs.length < 1 || submit_button.length < 1) return;
// Create the fieldset
var mefiquote_fieldset = $('<fieldset>'
+ '<legend>MefiQuote preferences</legend>'
+ '<label for="mq_buttontext">Quote button text: </label>'
+ '<input type="text" id="mq_buttontext" name="mq_buttontext" value="'
+ mq_escape(BUTTONTEXT)
+ '" maxlength="200" size="30" onfocus="\'#ddd\';" onblur="\'#ccc\';" /><br />'
+ '<label for="mq_quoteformat">Quote format:<br />'
+ '<span class="smallcopy" style="text-align: left">%i - commenter\'s user id<br />%l - url of comment<br />%n - commenter\'s name<br />%p - url of commenter\'s profile<br />%q - comment text<br />%% - an actual percent ("%")</span></label>'
+ '<textarea name="mq_quoteformat" id="mq_quoteformat" cols="60" rows="8" wrap="VIRTUAL" style="width:400px;height:200px;" onfocus="\'#ddd\';" onblur="\'#ccc\';">'
+ mq_escape(QUOTEFORMAT)
+ '</textarea>'
+ '</fieldset>')
// Add javascript to the form
submit_button.parents('form').submit( mq_save_preferences );
function mq_init_thread() {
var commenttextarea = $("#comment");
if (commenttextarea.length < 1) return;
var n = 0;
$('span').each( function(i) {
var curr = $(this);
if (curr.hasClass('smallcopy') && curr.html().match(/^posted by/) &&
curr.parents('#prevDiv2, form').length == 0 &&
curr.find('.quotebutton').length == 0) {
// Skip the first (post) quote link on preview
if (location.pathname.match('^/contribute/post_comment_preview.mefi') && n++ == 0)
// Add the button
var quotebutton = $('<a href="#comment">' + BUTTONTEXT + '</a>')
.attr('target', '_self')
curr.append(' [').append( quotebutton ).append(']');
} );
function mq_init_newcomments() {
function() {
} );
* Modified from cookie-js 0.4 by Maxime Haineault (
* <>
Cookie = {
/** Get a cookie's value */
get: function(key) {
// Still not sure that "[a-zA-Z0-9.()=|%/_]+($|;)" match *all* allowed characters in cookies
tmp = document.cookie.match((new RegExp(key +'=[a-zA-Z0-9.()=|%/_]+($|;)','g')));
if(!tmp || !tmp[0]) return null;
else return unescape(tmp[0].substring(key.length+1,tmp[0].length).replace(';','')) || null;
/** Set a cookie */
set: function(key, value, ttl, path, domain, secure) {
cookie = [key+'='+ escape(value),
'path='+ ((!path || path=='') ? '/' : path),
'domain='+ ((!domain || domain=='')? : domain)];
if (ttl) cookie.push('expires=' + Cookie.hoursToExpireDate(ttl));
if (secure) cookie.push('secure');
return document.cookie = cookie.join('; ');
/** Unset a cookie */
unset: function(key, path, domain) {
path = (!path || typeof path != 'string') ? '' : path;
domain = (!domain || typeof domain != 'string') ? '' : domain;
if (Cookie.get(key)) Cookie.set(key, '', 'Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT', path, domain);
/** Return GTM date string of "now" + time to live */
hoursToExpireDate: function(ttl) {
if (parseInt(ttl) == 'NaN' ) return '';
else {
now = new Date();
now.setTime(now.getTime() + (parseInt(ttl) * 60 * 60 * 1000));
return now.toGMTString();
function mq_init() {
var url = location.pathname;
if (url.match(/^\/(\d+)/) || url.match('^/contribute/post_comment_preview.mefi')) {
// Attach a listener to clicks -- just once
$("#page").on("click", "a.quotebutton", mq_quotethis)
} else if (url.match('^/contribute/customize.cfm')) {
Copy link

Any chance you'd consider adding this to the mefiscripts repo? I can confirm as of writing this comment that it works in tampermonkey on chrome with the classic theme, where the quote script already in the mefiscripts repo does not (which is what drove me to seek this out)

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