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Last active May 23, 2024 17:59
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Save lorddev/6f61ad57864ed5268cef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Classic ASP version of ASP.NET MVC AntiForgeryToken validator
' Use with a very short session (basically the page lifecycle, GET then POST)
Class AntiForgeryValidator
Private m_securityToken
Sub SetCookie()
m_securityToken = CreateWindowsGuid()
Response.Cookies("RequestVerificationToken") = m_securityToken
Response.Cookies("RequestVerificationToken").Secure = True
Response.AddHeader "X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"
End Sub
Function GetCookie()
GetCookie = Request.Cookies("RequestVerificationToken")
End Function
Function CreateWindowsGuid()
CreateWindowsGuid = CreateGuid(8) & "-" & _
CreateGuid(4) & "-" & _
CreateGuid(4) & "-" & _
CreateGuid(4) & "-" & _
End Function
Function CreateGuid(length)
' VbScript keywords, Randomize is a sub, and Timer is a function.
Randomize Timer
Dim counter
Dim guid
Const Valid = "0123456789ABCDEF"
For counter = 1 To length
guid = guid & Mid(Valid, Int(Rnd(1) * Len(Valid)) + 1, 1)
CreateGuid = guid
End Function
Function GetFormInputElement
GetFormInputElement = "<input name=""RequestVerificationToken"" type=""hidden"" " &_
" value=""" & m_securityToken & """ />"
End Function
Function Validate
Dim formValue
formValue = Request.Form("RequestVerificationToken")
Dim cookieValue
cookieValue = GetCookie()
Response.Write "cookieValue = " & cookieValue & vbCrLf
Response.Write "formValue = " & formValue & vbCrLf
Validate = (cookieValue = formValue and Len(cookieValue) > 0)
End Function
End Class
Dim vv
Set vv = new AntiForgeryValidator
Response.Write vv.GetCookie() & VbCrLf
Response.Write vv.GetFormInputElement() & vbCrLf
Response.Write vv.Validate() & vbCrLf
<form action="AntiForgery.asp" method="POST">
<%=vv.GetFormInputElement() %>
<input type="submit" value="click" />
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lorddev commented Jul 15, 2014

Fixed bug that allowed forged requests to break security by editing the token cookie.

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good day. i found this interesting and might help me with my website. can i ask how can i implement this to my website? this is my first time to implement anti-forgery to my website. thanks in advance.

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good day!

same here! found this interesting and seems to be the perfect fit for my need right now.

our asp classic app has penetration test findings (one of which is CSRF). Been finding for solutions here and there until boom, I made it here.

basically, how do i apply this on my asp classic website?

appreciate your prompt reply.

thank you in advance!

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swaggerloaf commented Aug 16, 2018

create above file in project, add this to the asp pages that need it at top <!-- #include file ="AntiForgeryTokenValidator.asp" -->
and start playing

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you can also set Secure to false in order to see cookie in browser tools for testing Response.Cookies("RequestVerificationToken").Secure = False

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Response.AddHeader "X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"

Is it necessary?

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Can I use it?

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Jswink1 commented May 23, 2024

In order to get this to work i had to call "#include virtual ="/App/AntiForgeryTokenValidator.asp"" at the top of the page. "include file" did not work for me.

also, to call "vv.SetCookie", i had to wrap it in an IF statement and check if the page is not a post. Or else the cookie in the users session would just refresh to something different that what was saved in the form. Like so:

If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") <> "POST" Then
End If

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