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Created August 24, 2015 11:29
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CLJS goog.math.Rect wrapper
(ns my-ns
(:refer-clojure :exclude [contains?])
(:require [goog.math.Rect :as grect])
(:import goog.math.Rect))
(defprotocol IRectangle
(bounding-rect [this other])
(ceil [this])
(contains? [this other])
(difference [this other])
(distance [this point])
(floor [this])
(get-bottom-right [this])
(get-center [this])
(get-size [this])
(get-top-left [this])
(intersection [this rect])
(intersects? [this rect])
(round [this])
(scale [this sx]
[this sx sy])
(squared-distance [this point])
(translate [this tx]
[this tx ty]))
(extend-type Rect
(-equiv [this other]
(grect/equals this other))
([this k]
(-lookup this k nil))
([this k not-found]
(case k
:w (.-width this)
:width (.-width this)
:h (.-height this)
:height (.-height this)
:x (.-left this)
:left (.-left this)
:y (.-top this)
:top (.-top this)
(bounding-rect [this other] (.boundingRect (.clone this) other))
(ceil [this] (.ceil (.clone this)))
(contains? [this other] (.contains this other))
(difference [this other] (.difference this other))
(distance [this point] (.distance this point))
(floor [this] (.floor (.clone this)))
(get-bottom-right [this] (.getBottomRight this))
(get-center [this] (.getCenter this))
(get-size [this] (.getSize this))
(get-top-left [this] (.getTopLeft this))
(intersection [this other] (.intersection (.clone this) other))
(intersects? [this other] (.intersects this other))
(round [this] (.round (.clone this)))
([this sx] (.scale (.clone this) sx))
([this sx sy] (.scale (.clone this) sx sy)))
(squared-distance [this point] (.squaredDistance this point))
([this tx] (.translate (.clone this) tx))
([this tx ty] (.translate (.clone this) tx ty))))
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