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Last active August 6, 2020 20:52
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Create native admin list table in Wordpress dashboard
namespace App\Classes\Helpers;
* Create native admin list table
* @author Lorde Aleister <>
* @see
* @example
* new AdminListTable(
* $display_items, // Items or table name
* // WP_List_Table properties
* array(
* 'singular' => 'Singular',
* 'plural' => 'Plural',
* ),
* // WP_List_Table config
* array(
* 'columns' => $columnsData,
* 'orderby' => 'key', // Oderby field
* 'order' => 'desc', // 'asc' or 'desc'
* // Search fields. Empty to disable search
* 'search' => array(
* 'field_1',
* 'field_2',
* ),
* // Sortable fields. Empty enables sorting in all fields
* 'sortable' => array(
* 'key_1' => 'key_1',
* 'key_2' => 'key_2',
* ),
* 'per_page' => 40, // Items per page
* )
* );
* @endexample
class AdminListTable extends \WP_List_Table {
private $config;
private $table;
private $columns;
private $sortable;
* __construct Constructor, we override the parent to pass our own arguments.
* We usually focus on three parameters: singular and plural labels, as well as whether the class supports AJAX
* @param mixed $dataOrTable The data to display or table name
* @param mixed $properties The default labels and other WP_List_Table properties to override
* @param mixed $config The WP_List_Table configs
* @return void
function __construct($dataOrTable, $properties = array(), $config = array()) {
$properties = wp_parse_args($properties, array(
'singular'=> 'wp_list_text_link', // singular label
'plural' => 'wp_list_text_links', // plural label, also this well be one of the table css class
'ajax' => false // we won't support Ajax for this table
$this->config = wp_parse_args(
'top' => '',
'bottom' => '',
'columns' => array(), // display columns
'sortable' => array(), // sortable columns
'per_page' => 10, // how many per pagination
'search' => array(), // fields for search
$this->items = $dataOrTable;
else {
$this->table = $dataOrTable;
foreach($this->config['columns'] as $column => $value)
$this->columns .= " " . $column . ",";
$this->columns = substr($this->columns, 0, -1);
foreach(isset($this->config['sortable']) && !empty($this->config['sortable']) ? $this->config['sortable'] : $this->config['columns'] as $column => $value)
$this->sortable[$column] = array($column, false);
echo "<form method='GET'>";
if(!empty($this->config['search'])) {
echo "<input type='hidden' name='page' value='" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "'>";
$this->search_box('Buscar', 'search_id');
echo "</form>";
* extra_tablenav Add extra markup in the toolbars before or after the list
* @param string $which Helps you decide if you add the markup after (bottom) or before (top) the list
* @return void
function extra_tablenav($which) {
if($which == "top")
echo $this->config['top']; // the code that goes before the table is here
if($which == "bottom")
echo $this->config['bottom']; // the code that goes after the table is there
* get_columns Define the columns that are going to be used in the table
* @return array $columns, the array of columns to use with the table
function get_columns(): array {
return $this->config['columns'];
* get_sortable_columns Decide which columns to activate the sorting functionality on
* @return array $sortable, the array of columns that can be sorted by the user; given as $ui_column_name => $datasource_column_name
public function get_sortable_columns(): array {
return $this->sortable;
* prepare_items Prepare the table with different parameters, pagination, columns and table elements
* @return object Items to be displayed
function prepare_items() {
global $wpdb, $_wp_column_headers;
$screen = get_current_screen();
// parameters that are going to be used to order the result
$orderby = !empty($_GET["orderby"]) ? ($_GET["orderby"]) : $this->config['orderby'];
$order = !empty($_GET["order"]) ? ($_GET["order"]) : $this->config['order'];
// how many to display per page?
$perpage = $this->config['per_page'];
// which page is this?
$paged = $this->get_pagenum();
// page number
if(empty($paged) || !is_numeric($paged) || $paged <= 0)
$paged = 1;
// adjust the query to take pagination into account
if(!empty($paged) && !empty($perpage))
$offset = ($paged - 1) * $perpage;
$search = '';
$like = " LIKE '%" . esc_sql($wpdb->esc_like($_REQUEST['s'])) . "%'";
foreach($this->config['search'] as $index => $value)
$search .= $index == 0 ? "AND {$value} {$like}" : " OR {$value} {$like}";
$this->items = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT {$this->columns} FROM {$this->table} WHERE 1=1 {$search}" . $wpdb->prepare("ORDER BY {$orderby} {$order} LIMIT %d OFFSET %d;", $perpage, $offset));
$this->items = apply_filters('list_table_items', $this->items);
// register the Columns
$columns = $this->get_columns();
$_wp_column_headers[$screen->id] = $columns;
$hidden = array();
$sortable = $this->get_sortable_columns();
// number of elements in your table?
$totalitems = !empty($this->table) ? $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->table} WHERE 1 = 1 {$search};") : count($this->items);
// how many pages do we have in total?
$totalpages = ceil($totalitems / $perpage);
$this->_column_headers = array($columns, $hidden, $sortable);
// register the pagination -- */
$this->set_pagination_args( array(
'total_items' => $totalitems,
'total_pages' => $totalpages,
'per_page' => $perpage,
)); // the pagination links are automatically built according to those parameters
// paginate items
$this->items = array_slice($this->items, $offset, $perpage);
return $this; // chaining
* display_rows Display the rows of records in the table
* @return void echo the markup of the rows
function display_rows() {
$records = &$this->items; // get the records registered in the prepare_items method
list($columns, $hidden) = $this->get_column_info(); // get the columns registered in the get_columns and get_sortable_columns methods
if(!empty($records)): // loop for each record
foreach($records as $id => $rec):
echo "<tr id='record_" . esc_attr($id) . "'>"; // open the line
foreach($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name):
// style attributes for each col
$class = "class='$column_name column-$column_name'";
$style = "";
if(in_array($column_name, $hidden))
$style = ' style="display: none;"';
$attributes = $class . $style;
$value = is_array($rec) ? $rec[$column_name] : $rec->$column_name;
echo "<td {$attributes}>{$value}</td>";
echo "</tr>"; // close the line
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