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Last active May 23, 2022 18:36
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Save lordidiot/1580ddc3474d8f017f2f7972a69727d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GEF extension to handle tagged and compressed pointers in v8 better (WIP)
To use the extension, place the file somewhere and add
`source /path/to/extension`
in your ~/.gdbinit file
Use just as you would with `dereference` (
but s/deref/veref/g
Many missing features because I quickly whipped this up to solve a challenge.
1) Doesn't check for v8 version (Older versions don't use compressed pointers)
- There may be some flags / easy indications in memory that we can parse and detect
2) Currently uses a primitive check to differentiate between compressed pointers and
random values in memory that happen to hit the compressed pointer range
3) Doesn't even check if v8/d8 is running lel
4) Doesn't dereference tagged ptrs more than 1 level, although I don't see a purpose for this
def to_int32(v):
"""Cast a gdb.Value to int32"""
return int(v.cast(gdb.Value(2**32-1).type))
def lookup_symbol_hack(symbol):
"""Hacky way to lookup symbol's address, I've tried other options like parse_and_eval but they
throw errors like `No symbol "v8" in current context.`. I would like to replace this function
once I figure out the proper way.
return int(gdb.execute("info address {}".format(symbol), to_string=True).split(" is at ")[1].split(" ")[0], 16)
isolate_root = None
def get_isolate_root():
global isolate_root
if isolate_root:
return isolate_root
isolate_key_addr = lookup_symbol_hack("v8::internal::Isolate::isolate_key_")
isolate_key = to_int32(gdb.parse_and_eval("*(int *){}".format(isolate_key_addr)))
err("Failed to get value of v8::internal::Isolate::isolate_key_")
return None
getthreadlocal_addr = lookup_symbol_hack("v8::base::Thread::GetThreadLocal")
res = gdb.execute("call (void*){}({})".format(getthreadlocal_addr, isolate_key), to_string=True)
isolate_root = int(res.split("0x")[1], 16)
return isolate_root
def del_isolate_root(event):
global isolate_root
isolate_root = None
def format_compressed(addr):
heap_color = get_gef_setting("theme.address_heap")
return "{:s}{:s}".format(Color.colorify("0x{:08x}".format(addr>>32), "gray"),
Color.colorify("{:08x}".format(addr&0xffffffff), heap_color))
class V8DereferenceCommand(GenericCommand):
"""(v8) Dereference recursively from an address and display information. Handles v8 specific values like tagged and compressed pointers"""
_cmdline_ = "vereference"
_syntax_ = "{:s} [LOCATION] [l[NB]]".format(_cmdline_)
_aliases_ = ["v8"]
_example_ = "{:s} $sp l20".format(_cmdline_)
def __init__(self):
super(V8DereferenceCommand, self).__init__(complete=gdb.COMPLETE_LOCATION)
self.add_setting("max_recursion", 7, "Maximum level of pointer recursion")
def pprint_dereferenced(addr, off):
base_address_color = get_gef_setting("theme.dereference_base_address")
registers_color = get_gef_setting("theme.dereference_register_value")
regs = [(k, get_register(k)) for k in current_arch.all_registers]
sep = " {:s} ".format(RIGHT_ARROW)
memalign = current_arch.ptrsize
offset = off * memalign
current_address = align_address(addr + offset)
addrs = V8DereferenceCommand.dereference_from(current_address)
if addrs[1]:
l = ""
addr_l0 = format_address(int(addrs[0][0], 16))
l += "{:s}{:s}+{:#06x}: {:{ma}s}".format(Color.colorify(addr_l0, base_address_color),
sep.join(addrs[0][1:]), ma=(memalign*2 + 2))
addr_l1 = " "*len(addr_l0)
l += "\n"
l += "{:s}{:s}+{:#06x}: {:{ma}s}".format(Color.colorify(addr_l1, base_address_color),
VERTICAL_LINE, offset+4,
sep.join(addrs[1][1:]), ma=(memalign*2 + 2))
TODO: Get register hints working for this as well (but not super impt imo)
register_hints = []
for regname, regvalue in regs:
if current_address == regvalue:
if register_hints:
m = "\t{:s}{:s}".format(LEFT_ARROW, ", ".join(list(register_hints)))
l += Color.colorify(m, registers_color)
offset += memalign
l = ""
addr_l = format_address(int(addrs[0][0], 16))
l += "{:s}{:s}+{:#06x}: {:{ma}s}".format(Color.colorify(addr_l, base_address_color),
sep.join(addrs[0][1:]), ma=(memalign*2 + 2))
register_hints = []
for regname, regvalue in regs:
if current_address == regvalue:
if register_hints:
m = "\t{:s}{:s}".format(LEFT_ARROW, ", ".join(list(register_hints)))
l += Color.colorify(m, registers_color)
offset += memalign
return l
def do_invoke(self, argv):
target = "$sp"
nb = 10
for arg in argv:
if arg.isdigit():
nb = int(arg)
elif arg[0] in ("l", "L") and arg[1:].isdigit():
nb = int(arg[1:])
target = arg
addr = safe_parse_and_eval(target)
if addr is None:
err("Invalid address")
addr = int(addr)
# Remove tagging (tagged pointers)
addr = addr & (2**(8*current_arch.ptrsize)-2)
if process_lookup_address(addr) is None:
err("Unmapped address")
if get_gef_setting("context.grow_stack_down") is True:
from_insnum = nb * (self.repeat_count + 1) - 1
to_insnum = self.repeat_count * nb - 1
insnum_step = -1
from_insnum = 0 + self.repeat_count * nb
to_insnum = nb * (self.repeat_count + 1)
insnum_step = 1
start_address = align_address(addr)
for i in range(from_insnum, to_insnum, insnum_step):
gef_print(V8DereferenceCommand.pprint_dereferenced(start_address, i))
def dereference_from(addr):
if not is_alive():
return ([format_address(addr),], None)
code_color = get_gef_setting("theme.dereference_code")
string_color = get_gef_setting("theme.dereference_string")
max_recursion = get_gef_setting("dereference.max_recursion") or 10
addr = lookup_address(align_address(int(addr)))
msg = ([format_address(addr.value),], [])
seen_addrs = set()#tuple(set(), set())
# Is this address pointing to a normal pointer?
deref = addr.dereference()
if deref is None:
pass # Regular execution if so
# Is this address pointing to compressed pointers instead?
# Only for valid for 64-bit address space
if current_arch.ptrsize == 8:
isolate_root = get_isolate_root()
addr0 = lookup_address(align_address(isolate_root + (deref & 0xffffffff)))
addr1 = lookup_address(align_address(isolate_root + (deref >> 32)))
compressed = [False, False]
compressed[0] = addr0.dereference() and addr0.value > isolate_root + 0x0c000 and addr0.value & 1
compressed[1] = addr1.dereference() and addr1.value > isolate_root + 0x0c000 and addr1.value & 1
if True in compressed:
for i in range(2):
if compressed[i]:
msg[i].append(format_compressed(addr0.value if not i else addr1.value))
val = int(deref & 0xffffffff) if not i else int(deref >> 32)
if not (val & 1): # Maybe SMI
msg[i].append(" {:#0{ma}x} (SMI: {:#x})".format( val, val >> 1, ma=( 10 )) )
msg[i].append(" {:#0{ma}x}".format( val, ma=( 10 )) )
return msg
while addr.section and max_recursion:
if addr.value in seen_addrs:
msg[0].append("[loop detected]")
max_recursion -= 1
# Is this value a pointer or a value?
# -- If it's a pointer, dereference
deref = addr.dereference()
if deref is None:
# if here, dereferencing addr has triggered a MemoryError, no need to go further
new_addr = lookup_address(deref)
if new_addr.valid:
addr = new_addr
# -- Otherwise try to parse the value
if addr.section:
if addr.section.is_executable() and addr.is_in_text_segment() and not is_ascii_string(addr.value):
insn = gef_current_instruction(addr.value)
insn_str = "{} {} {}".format(insn.location, insn.mnemonic, ", ".join(insn.operands))
msg[0].append(Color.colorify(insn_str, code_color))
elif addr.section.permission.value & Permission.READ:
if is_ascii_string(addr.value):
s = read_cstring_from_memory(addr.value)
if len(s) < get_memory_alignment():
txt = '{:s} ("{:s}"?)'.format(format_address(deref), Color.colorify(s, string_color))
elif len(s) > 50:
txt = Color.colorify('"{:s}[...]"'.format(s[:50]), string_color)
txt = Color.colorify('"{:s}"'.format(s), string_color)
# if not able to parse cleanly, simply display and break
val = "{:#0{ma}x}".format(int(deref & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), ma=(current_arch.ptrsize * 2 + 2))
return msg
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hugsy commented Feb 15, 2021

This looks cool ! Would you mind sending a PR to ?

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