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Forked from kkc/
Created February 10, 2017 02:24
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Elasticsearch performance tuning



System: set file descriptors to 32K or 64K

vim /etc/security/limit.conf

elasticsearch - nofile 65535
elasticsearch - memlock unlimited

use following command to check

curl localhost:9200/_nodes/process?pretty

"process" : {
     "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
     "id" : 2697,
     "max_file_descriptors" : 65535,
     "mlockall" : true

To set this value permanently, update the vm.max_map_count setting in /etc/sysctl.conf

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
#If you installed Elasticsearch using a package (.deb, .rpm) this setting 
#will be changed automatically. To verify, run sysctl vm.max_map_count.

Disable swap

vm.swappiness to 0

Disk Performance

For SSDs in r3, maybe it's better to mount with discard option since it supports TRIM:

vim /etc/fstab/

/dev/xvdb /mnt ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard 0 0

Use noop scheduler for SSD:

echo noop | sudo tee /sys/block/xvdc/queue/scheduler

ES Settings

vim /etc/default/elasticsearch

use half of machine memory for JVM or not excess 32g


vim /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yaml

never swaping

bootstrap.mlockall: true

indexing performance

"indices.memory.index_buffer_size": "30%",    #10%
"index.translog.flush_threshold_ops": 50000,  #1000
"index.refresh_interval": "5s",               #1s
#"": "mmapfs"

adjust thoughput from 20mb to 100mb

PUT /_cluster/settings
    "persistent" : {
        "" : "100mb"


  1. elasticsearch 會儲存原始檔案在 _source 欄位, 如果不需要可以關閉

  2. elasticsearch 會把所有欄位的資料處理好放在 _all 欄位, 如果不需要也可以關閉

      '_id': 1
      'title': 'this is first blog', 
      'author': 'kakashi', 
      'content': 'test 123'
      '_id': 1,
      '_all': 'this, is, first, blog, kakashi, test, 123',
      'title': 'this, is, first, blog',
      'author': 'kakashi',
      'content': 'test, 123',
      '_source': {
          'title': 'this is first blog', 
          'author': 'kakashi', 
          'content': 'test 123'
  3. 如果把 _source 關閉, 可以利用 _store 決定是否要儲存此field

       "tweet" : {
         "properties" : {
             "message" : {
                 "type" : "string",
                 "store" : true,
                 "index" : "analyzed",
  4. 使用 _source 和 _store 的最大差別, 用 _source 可以利用 update API 去更新值

  5. 在 analyze field 時, 如果不需要算出score (相關性), 可以把norms關閉, 會節省大量memory

  6. index_options 可以決定要不要存term frequencies 還有 positions

  7. 不需要index的欄位請使用no, 該欄位不需要切詞可以用not_analyzed


  1. 利用template

    PUT _template/blog-template
      "template": "db*",  <--- index(db) name
      "mappings": { 
         "blog": {        <---- type (table) name
            "properties": {
              "author": {
                "type": "string",
                "index": "not_analyzed"
              "content": {
                "type": "string"
  2. 取得mapping GET db/_mapping/

  3. 直接修改db的mapping PUT db/_mapping


  1. 利用Bulk indexing的方式, 最好控制在1MB~5MB間
  2. 重要性較低的資料可以用bulk UDP indexing (可以忍受掉資料)
  3. reindexing時可以將refresh_interval設成-1, Bulk indexing時手動做refresh
  4. 可以利用index warmer增加搜索速度 (

Sharding & Replica

  1. 增加Sharding & 機器 -> 增加indexing能力
  2. 增加Replica & 機器 -> 增加Read能力


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