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Created May 23, 2017 12:00
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  • Save lordofthejars/9fb5f08e47775a185a9b1f80f4af7aff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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oc login --token=xxxxxxx
oc new-project villains
oc new-app lordofthejars/crimes:1.0 --name crimes
oc expose svc crimes --name=crimeswelcome
oc import-image crimes:1.1 --from=lordofthejars/crimes:1.1
oc patch dc/crimes -p '{"spec": { "triggers":[ {"type": "ConfigChange", "type": "ImageChange" , "imageChangeParams": {"automatic": true, "containerNames":["crimes"],"from": {"name":"crimes:1.1"}}}]}}'
oc rollout latest dc/crimes
oc describe dc crimes
oc rollback crimes-1
oc import-image crimes:1.2 --from=lordofthejars/crimes:1.2
oc patch dc/crimes -p '{"spec": { "triggers":[ {"type": "ConfigChange", "type": "ImageChange" , "imageChangeParams": {"automatic": true, "containerNames":["crimes"],"from": {"name":"crimes:1.2"}}}]}}'
oc rollout latest dc/crimes
oc delete all --all
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