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Created December 30, 2015 04:50
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Convert videos to Chromebook-compatible format, if necessary
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import subprocess
import json
import os
# Supported by Chrome OS according to
ACCEPTABLE_VIDEO=('theora', 'vp8', 'vp9', 'h264', 'mpeg4')
ACCEPTABLE_AUDIO=('aac', 'mp3', 'vorbis', 'opus', 'pcm_mulaw', 'pcm_f32le',
'pcm_s16le', 'pcm_u8', 'flac', 'amr_nb', 'amr_wb')
def check_codec(filename):
video_ok = audio_ok = False
output =['ffprobe', '-i', filename,
'-of', 'json', '-show_streams'],
dat = json.loads(output.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
for stream in dat.get('streams', []):
if stream.get('codec_type', '') == 'video' and \
stream.get('codec_name', '') in ACCEPTABLE_VIDEO:
video_ok = True
if stream.get('codec_type', '') == 'audio' and \
stream.get('codec_name', '') in ACCEPTABLE_AUDIO:
audio_ok = True
return (video_ok, audio_ok)
for filename in sys.argv[1:]:
video_ok, audio_ok = check_codec(filename)
if (not video_ok) or (not audio_ok):
print(filename, 'needs reencoding')
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
acodec = 'copy' if audio_ok else 'libvo_aacenc'
if video_ok:
vparams = ['-codec:v', 'copy']
vparams = ['-codec:v', 'libx264',
'-preset', 'slower',
'-tune', 'film',
'-crf', '20',
'-profile:v', 'high', # TiVo compatibility
'-level', '4.1', # TiVo compatibility
'-movflags', '+faststart']
ext = '.m4v'
outfile = basename+'-fixed'+ext
#print(outfile, acodec, vparams)['ffmpeg', '-threads', '0', '-i', filename] +
vparams +
['-codec:a', acodec, '-b:a', '192k', '-y', outfile])
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