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Created March 13, 2013 16:34
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Bob Jenkins' ISAAC implementation converted to Vimscript ( At least three orders of magnitude slower than the C version.
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" readable.c: My random number generator, ISAAC.
" (c) Bob Jenkins, March 1996, Public Domain
" You may use this code in any way you wish, and it is free. No warrantee.
" * May 2008 -- made it not depend on standard.h
" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" /* a ub4 is an unsigned 4-byte quantity */
" typedef uint32_t ub4
if 0x7fffffff <= 0 || 0x7fffffff+1 >= 0
throw '32 bits -- TODO 64 bits?'
" Shift 32 bit numbers left/right {{{
let s:pow2 = [
\ 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8,
\ 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
\ 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800,
\ 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000, 0x8000,
\ 0x10000, 0x20000, 0x40000, 0x80000,
\ 0x100000, 0x200000, 0x400000, 0x800000,
\ 0x1000000, 0x2000000, 0x4000000, 0x8000000,
\ 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000
\ ]
function! s:rightshift(x, n)
if a:n == 0
return a:x
if a:x < 0
" shift 1 manually ==> make positive
let y = or(0x40000000, and(a:x, 0x7fffffff) / 2)
return s:rightshift(y, a:n-1)
return a:x / s:pow2[a:n]
function! s:leftshift(x, n)
return a:x * s:pow2[a:n]
" }}}
" /* external results */
" ub4 randrsl[256], randcnt
let s:randrsl = repeat([0], 256) | let s:randcnt = 0
" /* internal state */
let s:mm = repeat([0], 256)
let s:aa = 0 | let s:bb = 0 | let s:cc = 0
function! s:isaac()
" register ub4 i, x, y
let s:cc += 1 " /* cc just gets incremented once per 256 results */
let s:bb += s:cc " /* then combined with bb */
for i in range(256)
let x = s:mm[i]
let i4 = i%4
if i4 == 0
let s:aa = xor(s:aa, s:leftshift(s:aa, 13))
elseif i4 == 1
let s:aa = xor(s:aa, s:rightshift(s:aa, 6))
elseif i4 == 2
let s:aa = xor(s:aa, s:leftshift(s:aa, 2))
let s:aa = xor(s:aa, s:rightshift(s:aa, 16))
let s:aa = s:mm[(i + 128) % 256] + s:aa
let y = s:mm[s:rightshift(x, 2) % 256] + s:aa + s:bb | let s:mm[i] = y
let s:bb = s:mm[s:rightshift(y, 10) % 256] + x | let s:randrsl[i] = s:bb
" /* Note that bits 2..9 are chosen from x but 10..17 are chosen
" from y. The only important thing here is that 2..9 and 10..17
" don't overlap. 2..9 and 10..17 were then chosen for speed in
" the optimized version (rand.c) */
" /* See
" for further explanations and analysis. */
" /* if (flag!=0), then use the contents of randrsl[] to initialize mm[]. */
" Vim: structs are faked with hashtables + syntactic sugar (sounds familiar);
" Vim: microbenchmark says structs are ~10% slower than variable name lookup.
" #define mix(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
function! s:mix(x)
let x = a:x
let x.a = xor(x.a, s:leftshift(x.b,11)) | let x.d+=x.a | let x.b+=x.c
let x.b = xor(x.b, s:rightshift(x.c,2)) | let x.e+=x.b | let x.c+=x.d
let x.c = xor(x.c, s:leftshift(x.d,8)) | let x.f+=x.c | let x.d+=x.e
let x.d = xor(x.d, s:rightshift(x.e,16)) | let x.g+=x.d | let x.e+=x.f
let x.e = xor(x.e, s:leftshift(x.f,10)) | let x.h+=x.e | let x.f+=x.g
let x.f = xor(x.f, s:rightshift(x.g,4)) | let x.a+=x.f | let x.g+=x.h
let x.g = xor(x.g, s:leftshift(x.h,8)) | let x.b+=x.g | let x.h+=x.a
let x.h = xor(x.h, s:rightshift(x.a,9)) | let x.c+=x.h | let x.a+=x.b
function! s:randinit(flag) " int flag -- in vim, 'y' evaluates to zero.
" ub4 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
let s:aa = 0 | let s:bb = 0 | let s:cc = 0
" a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = 0x9e3779b9; /* the golden ratio */
let x = {} " see s:mix()
for field in [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' ]
let x[field] = 0x9e3779b9 " /* the golden ratio */
for i in range(4) " /* scramble it */
" mix(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
call s:mix(x)
" Vim's range() is such a mess...
let i = 0
while i < 256
" for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 8) { /* fill in mm[] with messy stuff */
if a:flag " /* use all the information in the seed */
let x.a += s:randrsl[i]
let x.b += s:randrsl[i + 1]
let x.c += s:randrsl[i + 2]
let x.d += s:randrsl[i + 3]
let x.e += s:randrsl[i + 4]
let x.f += s:randrsl[i + 5]
let x.g += s:randrsl[i + 6]
let x.h += s:randrsl[i + 7]
call s:mix(x)
let s:mm[i] = x.a
let s:mm[i + 1] = x.b
let s:mm[i + 2] = x.c
let s:mm[i + 3] = x.d
let s:mm[i + 4] = x.e
let s:mm[i + 5] = x.f
let s:mm[i + 6] = x.g
let s:mm[i + 7] = x.h
let i += 8
if a:flag " /* do a second pass to make all of the seed affect all of mm */
let i = 0
while i < 256
let x.a += s:mm[i]
let x.b += s:mm[i + 1]
let x.c += s:mm[i + 2]
let x.d += s:mm[i + 3]
let x.e += s:mm[i + 4]
let x.f += s:mm[i + 5]
let x.g += s:mm[i + 6]
let x.h += s:mm[i + 7]
call s:mix(x) " (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
let s:mm[i] = x.a
let s:mm[i + 1] = x.b
let s:mm[i + 2] = x.c
let s:mm[i + 3] = x.d
let s:mm[i + 4] = x.e
let s:mm[i + 5] = x.f
let s:mm[i + 6] = x.g
let s:mm[i + 7] = x.h
let i += 8
call s:isaac() " /* fill in the first set of results */
let s:randcnt = 256 " /* prepare to use the first set of results */
" Pass an array with 256 ints, or no argument for default seed.
function! Randinit(...)
if a:0 > 1
throw 'Randinit(seed[256])'
if a:0 == 0
call s:randinit(0)
let a = a:1
if len(a) != 256
throw printf("seed[%d]", len(a))
for i in range(len(a))
let s:randrsl[i] = a[i]
call s:randinit(1)
" $ grep Hz /proc/cpuinfo
" cpu MHz : 1800.000
" 10k calls in just above 2 seconds.
function! RandIsaac()
" The original API is to expose randrsl and randcnt;
" I prefer returning single integers.
if s:randcnt == 0
call s:isaac()
let s:randcnt = 256
let s:randcnt -= 1
return s:randrsl[s:randcnt]
if len($DEBUG) > 0
" This must output the same string as readable.c -- ok.
let s:aa = 0 | let s:bb = 0 | let s:cc = 0
for i in range(256)
let s:mm[i] = 0
let s:randrsl[i] = 0
call s:randinit(1)
for i in range(2)
call s:isaac()
let h = ''
for j in range(256)
" let h .= printf("%.8lx", s:randrsl[j])
let h .= printf("%.8x", s:randrsl[j])
if and(j, 7) == 7
echomsg h
let h = ''
if len(h) > 0
throw 'bug!'
" Seed!
call s:randinit(0)
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