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Created September 8, 2015 17:41
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first play with Elm
module Wizard where
import Debug
import StartApp.Simple as StartApp
import Signal exposing (Address)
import Time
import Maybe
import Html
import Color exposing (..)
import Graphics.Element exposing (Element, image)
import Graphics.Collage exposing (..)
import Mouse
import Keyboard
import Window
-- Main
main : Signal Element
main =
actions =
Signal.mailbox Nothing
address =
Signal.forwardTo actions.address Just
everyTick =
Signal.sampleOn (Time.fps 60)
feeds =
[ WizardFace Mouse.position
, CanvasDimensions Window.dimensions
, WizardBlast Mouse.clicks
, WizardWalk (everyTick (Signal.merge Keyboard.arrows Keyboard.wasd))
--, BaddiesThink (everyTick )
model =
(\(Just action) model -> update action model)
(Signal.mergeMany (actions.signal :: ( ( Just) feeds)))
in (view address) model
-- Model
type alias Model =
{ settings: Settings
, wizardFacing: Float
, wizardX: Int
, wizardY: Int
, wizardBlasting: Bool
type alias Settings =
{ canvasWidth: Int
, canvasHeight: Int
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
Model (Settings 800 600) 120 100 100 False
-- Update
type alias Keys = { x:Int, y:Int }
type Action
= CanvasDimensions (Int, Int)
| WizardFace (Int, Int)
| WizardWalk Keys
| WizardBlast ()
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
WizardFace (x, y) ->
originX = (round ((toFloat model.settings.canvasWidth) / 2))
originY = (round ((toFloat model.settings.canvasHeight) / 2))
newFacing = (positionToRadians x y originX originY)
{ model | wizardFacing <- newFacing }
CanvasDimensions (width, height) ->
{ model | settings <- (Settings width height) }
WizardBlast (blasting) ->
{ model | wizardBlasting <- True }
WizardWalk {x, y} ->
{ model | wizardX <- model.wizardX + (x * 10)
, wizardY <- model.wizardY + (y * 10) }
positionToRadians : Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Float
positionToRadians x1 y1 x2 y2 =
-(radians (atan2
(toFloat (x1 - x2))
(toFloat (-y1 + y2))))
-- View
view : Address Action -> Model -> Element
view address model =
canvasWidth = model.settings.canvasWidth
canvasHeight = model.settings.canvasHeight
collage canvasWidth canvasHeight
[ (backgroundForm model)
|> move ((toFloat -model.wizardX), (toFloat -model.wizardY))
, (wizardForm model)
backgroundForm : Model -> Form
backgroundForm model =
rect 500.0 500.0
|> filled (rgba 200 80 80 1.0)
wizardForm : Model -> Form
wizardForm model =
wizardImage = if model.wizardBlasting then "/images/wizard_blasting.png" else "/images/wizard.png"
width = if model.wizardBlasting then 106 else 100
height = if model.wizardBlasting then 98 else 68
toForm (image width height (wizardImage))
|> rotate model.wizardFacing
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