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Created February 19, 2021 08:14
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A Swift solver for the numbers game in Countdown
// This is a solver for the Numbers game in the long-running British TV show "Countdown".
// It tries to find all possible solutions, discarding uninteresting variations etc.
import ArgumentParser
struct Expr: Comparable, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
enum Kind: Int {
case value = 0
case add = 1
case mul = 2
var kind: Kind
var v: Int
var a: [Expr]
var b: [Expr]
init?(value: Int) {
guard value > 0 else { return nil }
self.kind = .value
self.v = value
self.a = []
self.b = []
init?(add x: Expr, _ y: Expr) {
self.kind = .add
self.v = x.v + y.v
switch (x.kind, y.kind) {
case (.add, .add):
self.a = (x.a + y.a).sorted()
self.b = (x.b + y.b).sorted()
case (.add, _):
self.a = (x.a + [y]).sorted()
self.b = x.b
case (_, .add):
self.a = ([x] + y.a).sorted()
self.b = y.b
self.a = [x, y].sorted()
self.b = []
init?(sub x: Expr, _ y: Expr) {
self.kind = .add
self.v = x.v - y.v
guard v > 0 else { return nil }
switch (x.kind, y.kind) {
case (.add, .add):
self.a = (x.a + y.b).sorted()
self.b = (y.a + x.b).sorted()
case (.add, _):
self.a = x.a
self.b = (x.b + [y]).sorted()
case (_, .add):
self.a = ([x] + y.b).sorted()
self.b = y.a
self.a = [x]
self.b = [y]
init?(mul x: Expr, _ y: Expr) {
self.kind = .mul
self.v = x.v * y.v
switch (x.kind, y.kind) {
case (.mul, .mul):
self.a = (x.a + y.a).sorted()
self.b = (x.b + y.b).sorted()
case (.mul, _):
self.a = (x.a + [y]).sorted()
self.b = x.b
case (_, .mul):
self.a = ([x] + y.a).sorted()
self.b = y.b
self.a = [x, y].sorted()
self.b = []
init?(div x: Expr, _ y: Expr) {
self.kind = .mul
if y.v == 0 || x.v % y.v != 0 { return nil }
self.v = x.v / y.v
guard v > 0 else { return nil }
switch (x.kind, y.kind) {
case (.mul, .mul):
self.a = (x.a + y.b).sorted()
self.b = (y.a + x.b).sorted()
case (.mul, _):
self.a = x.a
self.b = (x.b + [y]).sorted()
case (_, .mul):
self.a = ([x] + y.b).sorted()
self.b = y.a
self.a = [x]
self.b = [y]
static func == (left: Expr, right: Expr) -> Bool {
guard left.kind == right.kind else { return false }
guard left.v == right.v else { return false }
return left.a == right.a && left.b == right.b
static func < (left: Expr, right: Expr) -> Bool {
if left.kind.rawValue < right.kind.rawValue { return true }
guard left.kind == right.kind else { return false }
if left.kind == .value {
return left.v < right.v
if left.a.lexicographicallyPrecedes(right.a) {
return true
guard left.a == right.a else { return false }
return left.b.lexicographicallyPrecedes(right.b)
var description: String {
switch kind {
case .value:
return "\(v)"
case .add:
let s1 = { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: " + ")
let s2 = { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: " - ")
if b.isEmpty {
return "(\(s1))"
return "(\(s1) - \(s2))"
case .mul:
let s1 = { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: " * ")
let s2 = { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: " / ")
if b.isEmpty {
return "\(s1)"
return "\(s1) / \(s2)"
enum Op: String, CaseIterable {
case add
case sub
case mul
case div
func apply(_ a: Expr, _ b: Expr) -> Expr? {
switch self {
case .add:
return Expr(add: a, b)
case .sub:
return Expr(sub: a, b)
case .mul:
return Expr(mul: a, b)
case .div:
return Expr(div: a, b)
func countdown(input: [Int], target: Int, match: (Expr) -> Void) {
var input: [Expr?] = { Expr(value: $0) }
for i in input.indices {
if input[i]?.v == target {
match(Expr(value: target)!)
input[i] = nil
var count = input.count
_countdown(input: &input, count: &count, target: target, match: match)
func _countdown(
input: inout [Expr?],
count: inout Int,
target: Int,
match: (Expr) -> Void
) {
if count <= 1 { return }
for i in input.indices {
guard let a = input[i] else { continue }
input[i] = nil
count -= 1
defer { input[i] = a; count += 1 }
for j in input.indices {
guard let b = input[j] else { continue }
for op in Op.allCases {
if let c = op.apply(a, b) {
input[j] = nil
if c.v == target,
input.lazy.compactMap({ $0?.kind != .value ? $0 : nil }).isEmpty
input[j] = c
_countdown(input: &input, count: &count, target: target, match: match)
input[j] = b
struct CountdownSolver: ParsableCommand {
var target: Int
@Option(parsing: .remaining)
var input: [Int]
func run() {
var matches: Set<Expr> = []
countdown(input: input, target: target) { trace in
for match in matches.sorted() {
print("\(target) = \(match)")
print("Number of distinct solutions: \(matches.count)")
// swift-tools-version:5.3
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "countdown-solver",
products: [
.executable(name: "countdown-solver", targets: ["countdown-solver"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.3.0"),
targets: [
name: "countdown-solver",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser"),
path: "."),
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