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Created January 28, 2015 00:00
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A simple bit of code for comparing comparison count between different sorting algos
package main
import (
// Note - the sorting algos might mutate input slices. The func([]int)[]int sig
// is just to keep things consistent.
// Number of comparisons.
const (
n = 103
repeats = 200
var (
countCompares = true
compareCount = 0
var (
sortAlgo = qsort
//sortAlgo = msort
//sortAlgo = goSort
//sortAlgo = isort
func init() {
// Defaults to seed == 1 if you don't specify...!!
// Return -ve for n1 < n2, 0 for n1 == n2, +ve for n1 > n2
func compare(n1, n2 int) int {
if countCompares {
return n1 - n2
// Go Sort --------------------
type sortableInts []int
func (ns sortableInts) Swap(i, j int) {
ns[i], ns[j] = ns[j], ns[i]
func (ns sortableInts) Len() int {
return len(ns)
func (ns sortableInts) Less(i, j int) bool {
return compare(ns[i], ns[j]) <= 0
func goSort(ns []int) []int {
return ns
// Merge Sort --------------------
func merge(ns1, ns2 []int) []int {
len1, len2 := len(ns1), len(ns2)
total := len1 + len2
i, j := 0, 0
ret := make([]int, total)
for k := 0; k < total; k++ {
// One of the two inputs are exhausted.
if i >= len1 {
copy(ret[k:], ns2[j:])
} else if j >= len2 {
copy(ret[k:], ns1[i:])
diff := compare(ns1[i], ns2[j])
if diff <= 0 {
ret[k] = ns1[i]
} else {
ret[k] = ns2[j]
return ret
func msort(ns []int) []int {
if len(ns) <= 1 {
return ns
mid := len(ns) / 2
return merge(msort(ns[:mid]), msort(ns[mid:]))
// Insertion Sort --------------------
func isort(ns []int) []int {
for i := 1; i < len(ns); i++ {
key := ns[i]
j := i - 1
for ; j >= 0 && compare(ns[j], key) > 0; j-- {
ns[j+1] = ns[j]
ns[j+1] = key
return ns
// Quick Shit Sort --------------------
func getPivot(ns []int, from, to int) int {
// Calculate midpoint without overflow. This is a shit pivot.
return to - (to-from)/2
func swap(ns []int, i, j int) {
ns[i], ns[j] = ns[j], ns[i]
func partition(ns []int, from, to, pivot int) int {
pivotVal := ns[pivot]
// Pop the pivot at the end of the array...
swap(ns, pivot, to)
// ...Reset the pivot to the start...
pivot = from
for i := from; i < to; i++ {
if compare(ns[i], pivotVal) < 0 {
swap(ns, i, pivot)
// ...And pop it back again!
swap(ns, to, pivot)
return pivot
func qsort(ns []int) []int {
var qs func(from, to int)
qs = func(from, to int) {
if from >= to {
pivot := getPivot(ns, from, to)
pivot = partition(ns, from, to, pivot)
qs(from, pivot-1)
qs(pivot+1, to)
qs(0, len(ns)-1)
return ns
// Testing Code --------------------
func genRange() []int {
ret := make([]int, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
ret[i] = int(rand.Int31n(n))
return ret
func assertSorted(ns []int) {
currCountCompares := countCompares
countCompares = false
defer func() {
countCompares = currCountCompares
if len(ns) <= 1 {
for i := 0; i < len(ns)-1; i++ {
if compare(ns[i], ns[i+1]) > 0 {
panic("not sorted!")
func run() int {
defer func() {
compareCount = 0
// Generate range of (probably :) unsorted numbers and sort.
ns := genRange()
return compareCount
func estimate() float64 {
return float64(n) * math.Log2(float64(n))
func main() {
fmt.Printf("~ %0.0f\n", estimate())
min, max := int(^uint(0)>>1), -1
av := 0
for i := 0; i < repeats; i++ {
count := run()
if count < min {
min = count
if count > max {
max = count
// Ref:
av = (i*av + count) / (i + 1)
if i%10 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%d\t", count)
fmt.Printf("\n%d\t%d\t%d\n", min, av, max)
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