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Last active October 13, 2022 19:37
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Steganography tool that uses LSB technique with pseudo-random pixel selection
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import sys, argparse, random
EOF_MARKER = '$eof!'
confs = {'RGB':[0,3], 'RGBA':[1,4]}
def calculate_min_size(number_of_bits):
"""Calculates the minimum image size needed to contain number_of_bits"""
min_pxls = number_of_bits//3 # 1 pixel = 3 bits stored
return min_pxls
def get_num_rand(used_pixels, num_of_pixels):
n = random.randint(0, num_of_pixels)
while n in used_pixels:
n = random.randint(0, num_of_pixels)
return n
def hide_data(seed, input_data, output_file, carrier):
Takes a seed, some data, a filename for the output image and a carrier.
This function hides data inside the carrier using LSB technique
byte_written = 0
img =, 'r')
width, height = img.size
matrix = np.array(list(img.getdata()))
generator = random.seed(seed)
used_pixels = set()
# Get the configuration: is RGB or RGBA?
conf = confs[img.mode]
num_of_pixels = matrix.size//conf[1]
print("Hiding: ",input_data)
# Append a marker. When this marker is encountered, no more hidden data can be found next.
input_data += EOF_MARKER
binary_enc = "".join([format(ord(ch), "08b") for ch in input_data])
min_size = calculate_min_size(len(binary_enc))
print("Minimum size needed is {} pixels and the carrier has: {}".format(min_size, num_of_pixels))
if min_size >= num_of_pixels:
print("ERROR: The image is not big enough to carry the data with the specified passphrase")
start_pixel = get_num_rand(used_pixels, num_of_pixels)
while byte_written != len(input_data):
bit_i = 0
while bit_i != 8:
px = matrix[start_pixel]
# colors: Red, Green and Blue
for c in range(conf[0], conf[1]):
if bit_i == 8:
# Because of Least Significant Bit, we want to modify the last bit of every color
color = matrix[start_pixel][c]
lsb = color&1
# Here, we just use bit manipulation to modify the last bit of the color number
if lsb != int(binary_enc[(byte_written*8)+bit_i]):
color = color>>1 # erase last bit
color = color<<1 # zero last bit
if lsb == 0: # it means that byte[bit_i]=1, so I need to encode 1
color = color|1
matrix[start_pixel][c] = color
bit_i += 1
start_pixel = get_num_rand(used_pixels, num_of_pixels)
byte_written += 1
bit_i = 0
start_pixel = get_num_rand(used_pixels, num_of_pixels)
out_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(matrix.reshape(height, width, conf[1])), img.mode)
print("All done!")
def retrieve_data(seed, input_file):
Takes a passhprase and an image. Outputs the hidden data inside the image, if any.
img =, 'r')
width, height = img.size
matrix = np.array(list(img.getdata()))
# Get the configuration: is RGB or RGBA?
conf = confs[img.mode]
num_of_pixels = matrix.size//conf[1]
generator = random.seed(seed)
used_pixels = set()
start_pixel = get_num_rand(used_pixels, num_of_pixels)
bit_i = 7
byte = 0
message = ""
end = False
while (end == False):
while (bit_i >= 0):
px = matrix[start_pixel]
# colors: Red, Green and Blue
for c in range(conf[0], conf[1]):
if bit_i >= 0:
# We are getting the LSB of the pixel color, and then we shift it to the left accordingly
byte += (px[c]&1)<<bit_i
bit_i -= 1
start_pixel = get_num_rand(used_pixels, num_of_pixels)
if start_pixel>=num_of_pixels:
# decoded 1 byte
message += chr(byte)
# have I encountered the eof_marker? If yes, the decoding process is done
if message[-len(EOF_MARKER):] == EOF_MARKER:
end = True
byte = 0
bit_i = 7
start_pixel = get_num_rand(used_pixels, num_of_pixels)
if end == False:
print("Nothing found in this image")
print("All done!")
print("The hidden message is: ")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("mode", help="The mode in which you want to run the program: enc or dec")
parser.add_argument("seed", help="The seed used to encode/decode data.")
parser.add_argument("--input_data", help="The pathname of the data you want to hide. Must be ASCII.")
parser.add_argument("--input_image", help="The pathname of the image that contains hidden data")
parser.add_argument("--output", help="Output filename")
parser.add_argument("--carrier", help="The pathname of the image that will be used as carrier")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.mode == 'enc':
if args.input_data == None or args.output == None or args.carrier == None:
print("ERROR: Argument missing!")
hide_data(args.seed, args.input_data, args.output, args.carrier)
elif args.mode == 'dec':
if args.input_image == None:
print("ERROR: Argument missing!")
retrieve_data(args.seed, args.input_image)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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