Add the sample code below to your child theme's functions.php file or in a site specific plugin.
Change replaceme in the example below to the slug that you would like to use. For example, if you wanted to change people to organizers, then you should change replaceme to organizers and then save changes to your file.
Then be sure to browse to Settings --> Permalinks afterwards within your WP Dashboard to refresh your permalinks.
//* Do NOT include the opening php tag
//* Change the default people slug to something else in Event Espresso 4
add_filter( 'FHEE__EE_Register_CPTs__register_CPT__rewrite', 'ee_custom_people_slug', 10, 2 );
function ee_custom_people_slug( $slug, $post_type ) {
if ( $post_type == 'espresso_people' ) {
$custom_slug = array( 'slug' => 'replaceme' );
return $custom_slug;
return $slug;